Beispiel #1
def main():
    Displays a menu and lets user add, remove, display, checkout, return and find items in a library catalog.
    catalogue = Catalogue()

    # book1 = Book("title1", 22323, "author", 4)
    # dvd1 = Dvd("dvdt", 1111, "jurassic", 2, "sept 2", "japan")
    # catalogue.add_item(book1)
    # catalogue.add_item(dvd1)

    while True:
        print(""" ======LIBRARY MENU=======
            1. Add Item
            2. Remove item 
            3. Display all items
            4. Checkout item 
            5. Return item 
            6. Find item 
            7. Exit
        choice = int(input("Enter Choice:"))
        if choice == 1:
        elif choice == 2:
            user_input = int(input("enter call number: "))
        elif choice == 3:
        elif choice == 4:
            user_input = int(input("enter call number: "))
        elif choice == 5:
            user_input = int(input("enter call number: "))
        elif choice == 6:
            user_input = input("enter title to search: ").capitalize()
        if choice == 7:
Beispiel #2
class Library:
    Represent a library that has a collection of items.
    The library can create, search, check out and return items.
    def __init__(self):
        Creates a new library with an empty list of items
        self.myCatalogue = Catalogue()

    def add_item(self, kind):
        Adds a book to the library's collection if the collection
        doesn't already contain the book
        return self.myCatalogue.add_item(kind)

    def remove_item(self, call_number):
        Removes a book from the library's book collection
        :param call_number: A book's call number
        :return: Message telling user whether book was successfully
        return self.myCatalogue.remove_item(call_number)

    def check_out(self, call_number):
        Checks a book out from the library if it exists.
        Everytime a book is checked out, the number of copies available
        of the book is decremented by 1.
        :param call_number: A book's call number
        :return: Message telling user whether the check out was
        return self.myCatalogue.check_out(call_number)

    def return_item(self, call_number):
        Returns a book to the library's collection if the book exists
        in the collection. Once a book is returned, its number of copies
         available is incremented by 1
        :param call_number: a book's call number
        :return: Message telling user whether the return was successful
        return self.myCatalogue.return_item(call_number)

    def find_item(self, title):
        Search the library's list of items for a title. If the list
        contains the title, return the item
        :param title: title of a item
        :return: the item that matches title from parameter
        return self.myCatalogue.find_item(title)

    def get_available_items(self):
        Prints out the list of available items and their details
        return self.myCatalogue.item_list
Beispiel #3
class Library:
    The Library consists of a list of books and provides an
    interface for users to check out, return and find books.
    def __init__(self, catalogue):
        Initialize the library with a list of books.
        :param catalogue: a list of item objects to create catalogue from.
        self._catalogue = Catalogue(catalogue)

    def display_library_menu(self):
        Display the library menu allowing the user to either access the
        list of books, check out, return, find, add, remove a book.
        user_input = None
        while user_input != 7:
            print("\nWelcome to the Library!")
            print("1. Display all items")
            print("2. Check Out an item")
            print("3. Return an item")
            print("4. Find an item")
            print("5. Add an item")
            print("6. Remove an item")
            print("7. Quit")
            string_input = input("Please enter your choice (1-7)\n")

            # handle user pressing only enter in menu
            if string_input == '':

            user_input = int(string_input)

            if user_input == 1:
                user_input = input("Press Enter to continue\n")
            elif user_input == 2:
                call_number = input("Enter the call number of the book"
                                    " you wish to check out.\n")
            elif user_input == 3:
                call_number = input("Enter the call number of the book"
                                    " you wish to return.\n")
            elif user_input == 4:
                input_title = input("Enter the title of the book.\n")
                found_titles = self._catalogue.find_items(input_title)
                print("We found the following:")
                if len(found_titles) > 0:
                    print(*[title for title in found_titles], sep='\n')
                    print("Sorry! We found nothing with that title")

            elif user_input == 5:

            elif user_input == 6:
                call_number = input("Enter the call number of the book\n")

            elif user_input == 7:
                print("Could not process the input. Please enter a"
                      " number from 1 - 7.")

        print("Thank you for visiting the Library.")