Beispiel #1
    def get_document(self, args):
        """Gets a Datastore document.

Required Arguments:

* `query` - A query in JSON format to select the correct Document.

Optional Arguments:

* `collection` - a document collection.  'Default' if omitted.

Returns: A [Datastore Document Object](restapi/api-response-objects.html#DatastoreDocument){:target="_blank"}.
        # define the required parameters for this call
        required_params = ["query"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp

        collection = args["collection"] if "collection" in args else ""
        query = json.loads(args["query"])
        doc = datastore.Document(query, collection)

        if doc.ID:
            if args.get("output_format") == "json":
                return R(response=doc.AsJSON())
            elif args.get("output_format") == "text":
                return R(response=doc.AsText())
                return R(response=doc.AsXML())
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.GetError, err_detail="Unable to find Data Document using query %s." % args["query"])
Beispiel #2
    def get_account(self, args):
        """Gets a Cloud Account.

Required Arguments:

* `name` - a Cloud Account name or ID.

Returns: A [Cloud Account Object](restapi/api-response-objects.html#CloudAccount){:target="_blank"}.
        # this is a developer function
        if not api._DEVELOPER:
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="Only Developers or Administrators can perform this function.")
        required_params = ["name"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp

        name = args.get("name")

        obj = cloud.CloudAccount()

        if args.get("output_format") == "json":
            return R(response=obj.AsJSON())
        elif args.get("output_format") == "text":
            return R(response=obj.AsText(args.get("output_delimiter"), args.get("header")))
            return R(response=obj.AsXML())
Beispiel #3
    def delete_cloud_keypair(self, args):
        """Removes a Key Pair from a Cloud.

Required Arguments: 

* `cloud` - Name or ID of the Cloud.
* `name` - Name of the Key Pair to delete.
Returns: A list of [Cloud KeyPair Objects](restapi/api-response-objects.html#CloudKeyPair){:target="_blank"}.
        # this is a developer function
        if not api._DEVELOPER:
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="Only Developers or Administrators can perform this function.")
        required_params = ["cloud", "name"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp

        obj = cloud.Cloud()

        catocommon.write_delete_log(api._USER_ID, catocommon.CatoObjectTypes.CloudKeyPair, obj.ID, obj.Name, "KeyPair [%s] removed from Cloud via API." % args.get("name"))

        # so what do we return when we add a keypair?  How about a list of all the keypairs.
        if args.get("output_format") == "json":
            return R(response=obj.KeyPairsAsJSON())
        elif args.get("output_format") == "text":
            return R(response=obj.KeyPairsAsText(args.get("output_delimiter"), args.get("header")))
            return R(response=obj.KeyPairsAsXML())
Beispiel #4
    def get_task_plans(self, args):        
        """Gets a list of the queued execution plans for a Task.

Required Arguments: 

* `task` - Value can be either a Task ID or Name.

Optional Arguments:

* `version` - A specific version.  ('Default' if omitted.)
Returns: A list of [Execution Plan Objects](restapi/api-response-objects.html#ExecutionPlan){:target="_blank"}.
        # define the required parameters for this call
        required_params = ["task"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp

        ver = args["version"] if "version" in args else ""

        obj = task.Task()
        obj.FromNameVersion(args["task"], ver)
        if not api.is_object_allowed(obj.ID, catocommon.CatoObjectTypes.Task):
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="You do not have access to the details of this Task.")
        if args.get("output_format") == "json":
            return R(response=obj.PlansAsJSON())
        elif args.get("output_format") == "text":
            return R(response=obj.PlansAsText(args.get("output_delimiter"), args.get("header")))
            return R(response=obj.PlansAsXML())
Beispiel #5
    def add_object_tag(self, args):
        """Adds a security Tag to an object.

Required Arguments:

* `tag` - The name of the Tag.
* `object_id` - The ID of the object.
* `object_type` - The numeric type of the object.

Returns: Success message successful, error message on failure.

Valid and currently implemented `object_type` values are:

* `User` = 1
* `Asset` = 2
* `Task` = 3
* `Canvas Item` = 50
* `Deployment` = 70
* `Application Template` = 71
        # this is a admin function
        if not api._ADMIN:
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="Only Administrators can perform this function.")
        # define the required parameters for this call
        required_params = ["tag", "object_id", "object_type"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp

        tag.ObjectTags.Add(args["tag"], args["object_id"], args["object_type"])

        catocommon.write_add_log(api._USER_ID, args["object_type"], args["object_id"], args["object_id"], "Tag [%s] added to object via API." % args["tag"])

        return R(response="Tag successfully added to object.")
Beispiel #6
    def delete_tag(self, args):
        """Deletes a security Tag.

Required Arguments:

* `name` - The name of the Tag.
Returns: Success message if successful, error message on failure.
        # this is a admin function, kick out 
        if not api._ADMIN:
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="Only Administrators can perform this function.")
        # define the required parameters for this call
        required_params = ["name"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp
        obj = tag.Tag(args["name"], None)

        catocommon.write_delete_log(api._USER_ID, catocommon.CatoObjectTypes.Tag, obj.Name, obj.Name, "Tag [%s] deleted via API." % obj.Name)

        return R(response="Delete operation successful.")
Beispiel #7
    def delete_credential(self, args):
        """Removes a Shared Credential.

Required Arguments:
* `credential` - Name or ID of the Credential to delete.
Returns: Success message if successful, error message on failure.
        # this is a developer function
        if not api._DEVELOPER:
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="Only Developers or Administrators can perform this function.")
        required_params = ["credential"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp

        obj = asset.Credential()

        catocommon.write_delete_log(api._USER_ID, catocommon.CatoObjectTypes.Credential, obj.ID, obj.Name, "Credential [%s] deleted via API." % obj.Name)

        return R(response="Delete operation successful.")
Beispiel #8
    def delete_asset(self, args):
        """Deletes an Asset.

Required Arguments:

* asset - Either the Asset ID or Name.

Returns: Nothing if successful, error messages on failure.
        # this is a admin function
        if not api._ADMIN:
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="Only Administrators can perform this function.")
        required_params = ["asset"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp

        obj = asset.Asset()

        if not api.is_object_allowed(obj.ID, catocommon.CatoObjectTypes.Asset):
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="You do not have access to the details of this Asset.")
        asset.Assets.Delete(["'%s'" % obj.ID])
        catocommon.write_delete_log(api._USER_ID, catocommon.CatoObjectTypes.Asset, obj.ID, obj.Name, "Deleted via API.")
        return R(response="[%s] successfully deleted." % obj.Name)
Beispiel #9
    def resubmit_task_instance(self, args):
        """Resubmits an Errored or Cancelled Task Instance.  Resubmit is *only* valid on Errored or Cancelled Task Instances.

Required Arguments:
* `instance` - The Task Instance identifier.

Returns: Returns: Nothing if successful, error messages on failure.
        # this is a developer function
        if not api._DEVELOPER:
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="Only Developers or Administrators can perform this function.")
        required_params = ["instance"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp

        obj = task.TaskInstance(args["instance"])
        if obj.Error:
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.GetError, err_detail=obj.Error)

#                if deployment_id and sequence_instance:
#                    msg = "Task [%s] Instance [%s] resubmitted by [%s]." % (ti.task_name_label, ti.task_instance, username)
#                    deployment.WriteDeploymentLog(msg, dep_id=deployment_id, seq_inst=sequence_instance)

        if not api.is_object_allowed(obj.task_id, catocommon.CatoObjectTypes.Task):
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="You do not have access to details of this Task.")
        result, err = obj.Resubmit(api._USER_ID)
        if result:
            return R(response="Instance [%s] successfully resubmitted." % args["instance"])
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.StartFailure, err_detail=err)
Beispiel #10
    def get_cloud(self, args):
        """Gets a Cloud object.

Required Arguments: 

* `name` - a Cloud name or ID.

Returns: A [Cloud Object](restapi/api-response-objects.html#Cloud){:target="_blank"}.
        required_params = ["name"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp

        name = args.get("name")

        obj = cloud.Cloud()

        if args.get("output_format") == "json":
            return R(response=obj.AsJSON())
        elif args.get("output_format") == "text":
            return R(response=obj.AsText(args.get("output_delimiter"), args.get("header")))
            return R(response=obj.AsXML())
Beispiel #11
    def remove_object_tag(self, args):
        """Removes a security Tag from an object.

Required Arguments:

* `tag` - The name of the Tag.
* `object_id` - The ID of the object.
* `object_type` - The numeric type of the object.
Returns: Success message if successful, error message on failure.
        # this is a admin function
        if not api._ADMIN:
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="Only Administrators can perform this function.")
        # define the required parameters for this call
        required_params = ["tag", "object_id", "object_type"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp

        tag.ObjectTags.Remove(args["tag"], args["object_id"])

        catocommon.write_delete_log(api._USER_ID, args["object_type"], args["object_id"], args["object_id"], "Tag [%s] removed from object via API." % args["tag"])

        return R(response="Tag successfully removed from object.")
Beispiel #12
    def create_task_from_json(self, args):        
        """Create a new Task from a JSON Task backup document.

Required Arguments: 

* `json` - A properly formatted JSON representation of a Task.
Returns: A [Task Object](restapi/api-response-objects.html#Task){:target="_blank"}.
        # define the required parameters for this call
        required_params = ["json"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp

        t = task.Task()
        t.FromJSON(args["json"], args.get("on_conflict"))
        result, msg = t.DBSave()

        if result:
            catocommon.write_add_log(api._USER_ID, catocommon.CatoObjectTypes.Task, t.ID, t.Name, "Task created.")
            if args.get("output_format") == "json":
                return R(response=t.AsJSON())
            elif args.get("output_format") == "text":
                return R(response=t.AsText(args.get("output_delimiter"), args.get("header")))
                return R(response=t.AsXML())
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.CreateError, err_detail=msg)
Beispiel #13
    def delete_task(self, args):
        """Deletes all versions of a Task.

Required Arguments: 

* `task` - Either the Task ID or Name.

Optional Arguments:

* `force_delete` - Delete the Task, even if there are historical rows and references.  (Valid values: 1, yes, true)

Returns: Nothing if successful, error messages on failure.
        # this is a admin function
        if not api._ADMIN:
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="Only Administrators can perform this function.")
        required_params = ["task"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp

        force = catocommon.is_true(args.get("force_delete"))

        obj = task.Task()
        obj.FromNameVersion(name=args["task"], include_code=False)

        if not api.is_object_allowed(obj.ID, catocommon.CatoObjectTypes.Task):
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="You do not have access to the details of this Task.")
        task.Tasks.Delete(["'%s'" % obj.ID], force)
        catocommon.write_delete_log(api._USER_ID, catocommon.CatoObjectTypes.Task, obj.ID, obj.Name, "Deleted via API.")
        return R(response="[%s] successfully deleted." % obj.Name)
Beispiel #14
    def get_task(self, args):        
        """Gets a Task object.

Required Arguments: 

* `task` - Value can be either a Task ID or Name.

Optional Arguments:

* `version` - A specific version.  ('Default' if omitted.)
* `include_code` - Whether to include Codeblocks and Steps.  (Only included if 'output_format' is 'json' or 'xml'.  'False' if omitted.)
Returns: A [Task Object](restapi/api-response-objects.html#Task){:target="_blank"}.
        # define the required parameters for this call
        required_params = ["task"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp

        ver = args["version"] if "version" in args else ""
        ic = True if "include_code" in args else False

        obj = task.Task()
        obj.FromNameVersion(args["task"], ver)
        if not api.is_object_allowed(obj.ID, catocommon.CatoObjectTypes.Task):
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="You do not have access to the details of this Task.")
        if args.get("output_format") == "json":
            return R(response=obj.AsJSON(include_code=ic))
        elif args.get("output_format") == "text":
            return R(response=obj.AsText(args.get("output_delimiter"), args.get("header")))
            return R(response=obj.AsXML(include_code=ic))
Beispiel #15
    def create_task(self, args):        
        """Create a new Task.

Required Arguments: 

* `name` - a name for the new Task.
Optional Arguments:

* `code` - a Task code.
* `desc` - a Task description.

Returns: A [Task Object](restapi/api-response-objects.html#Task){:target="_blank"}.
        # define the required parameters for this call
        required_params = ["name"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp

        code = args["code"] if "code" in args else ""
        desc = args["desc"] if "desc" in args else ""

        t = task.Task().DBCreateNew(args["name"], code, desc)
        catocommon.write_add_log(api._USER_ID, catocommon.CatoObjectTypes.Task, t.ID, t.Name, "Task created.")
        if args.get("output_format") == "json":
            return R(response=t.AsJSON())
        elif args.get("output_format") == "text":
            return R(response=t.AsText(args.get("output_delimiter"), args.get("header")))
            return R(response=t.AsXML())
Beispiel #16
    def stop_task(self, args):
        """Stops a running Task Instance.

Required Arguments: 

* `instance` - The Task Instance identifier.

Returns: Nothing if successful, error messages on failure.
        # this is a developer function
        if not api._DEVELOPER:
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="Only Developers or Administrators can perform this function.")
        required_params = ["instance"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp

        ti = task.TaskInstance(args["instance"])

        if not api.is_object_allowed(ti.task_id, catocommon.CatoObjectTypes.Task):
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="You do not have access to the details of this Task.")
        return R(response="Instance [%s] successfully stopped." % args["instance"])
Beispiel #17
    def get_task_log(self, args):
        """Gets the run log for a Task Instance.

Required Arguments: 

* `instance` - The Task Instance identifier.

Returns: A [Task Log Object](restapi/api-response-objects.html#TaskLog){:target="_blank"}.
        required_params = ["instance"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp

        obj = task.TaskRunLog(args["instance"])

        if not api.is_object_allowed(obj.task_id, catocommon.CatoObjectTypes.Task):
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="You do not have access to the details of this Task.")
        if args.get("output_format") == "json":
            return R(response=obj.AsJSON())
        elif args.get("output_format") == "text":
            return R(response=obj.AsText(args.get("output_delimiter"), args.get("header")))
            return R(response=obj.AsXML())
Beispiel #18
    def create_tag(self, args):
        """Creates a new security Tag.

Required Arguments:

* `name` - The name of the new Tag.  (AlphaNumeric ONLY. Cannot contain spaces, punctuation or special characters.)

Optional Arguments:

* `description` - Describe the Tag.
Returns: The new [Tag Object](restapi/api-response-objects.html#Tag){:target="_blank"} if successful, error message on failure.
        # this is a admin function, kick out 
        if not api._ADMIN:
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="Only Administrators can perform this function.")
        # define the required parameters for this call
        required_params = ["name"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp
        obj = tag.Tag(args["name"], args.get("description"))
        catocommon.write_add_log(api._USER_ID, catocommon.CatoObjectTypes.Tag, obj.Name, obj.Name, "Tag created by API.")
        if args.get("output_format") == "json":
            return R(response=obj.AsJSON())
        elif args.get("output_format") == "text":
            return R(response=obj.AsText(args.get("output_delimiter"), args.get("header")))
            return R(response=obj.AsXML())
Beispiel #19
    def set_document_value(self, args):
        """Sets the value of a key in a Datastore document.

Required Arguments:

* `query` - A query in JSON format to select the correct Document.
* `lookupkey` - The section of the document to retrieve.

Optional Arguments:

* `collection` - a document collection.  'Default' if omitted.
* `value` - The value to set this item.  Item will be cleared if omitted.

Returns: A success message, or error messages on failure.
        # define the required parameters for this call
        required_params = ["query", "lookupkey"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp

        collection = args["collection"] if "collection" in args else ""
        value = args["value"] if "value" in args else ""
        query = json.loads(args["query"])
        doc = datastore.Document(query, collection)
        if doc.ID:
            # we have a document!  let's dig in to it.
            result = doc.Set(args["lookupkey"], value)
            if result:
                return R(response="Value successfully set.")
                return R(err_code=R.Codes.CreateError, err_detail="Value was not set, see logfile for details.")

            return R(err_code=R.Codes.GetError, err_detail="Unable to find Document using query [%s]." % args["query"])
Beispiel #20
    def create_credential(self, args):
        """Creates a new Shared Credential.

> Only a 'Developer' can create Credentials.

Required Arguments: 

* `name` - The full name of the user.
* `username` - A login name for the user.
* `password` - Password for the user. If password is not provided, a random password will be generated.

Optional Arguments:

* `description` - Description of the Credential.
* `privileged` = Additional password required to put certain devices into 'privileged' mode.
* `domain` - A domain for the Credential.

Returns: A [Credential Object](restapi/api-response-objects.html#Credential){:target="_blank"}.

        # this is a admin function, kick out 
        if not api._DEVELOPER:
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="Only Developers or Administrators can perform this function.")

        # define the required parameters for this call
        required_params = ["name", "username", "password"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp
        # a little different than the others ... credential objects must be instantiated before calling DBCreateNew
        obj = asset.Credential()
        obj.FromArgs(args["name"], args.get("description"), args["username"], args["password"],
                 0, args.get("domain"), args.get("privileged"), None)
        result = obj.DBCreateNew()
        if not result:
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.CreateError, err_detail="Unable to create Credential.")

        catocommon.write_add_log(api._USER_ID, catocommon.CatoObjectTypes.Credential, obj.ID, obj.Name, "Credential created by API.")

        if args.get("output_format") == "json":
            return R(response=obj.AsJSON())
        elif args.get("output_format") == "text":
            return R(response=obj.AsText(args.get("output_delimiter"), args.get("header")))
            return R(response=obj.AsXML())
Beispiel #21
    def create_account(self, args):
Creates a Cloud Account.

Required Arguments:
* `name` - a name for the new Account.
* `provider` - one of the valid cloud providers.
* `login` - the login id (access key) for this Account.
* `password` - a password (secret key) for this Account.
* `default_cloud` - the name of a default Cloud for this Account.

Optional Arguments: 

* `account_number` - an Account number.

Returns: The new [Cloud Account Object](restapi/api-response-objects.html#CloudAccount){:target="_blank"}.
        # this is a developer function
        if not api._DEVELOPER:
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="Only Developers or Administrators can perform this function.")
        required_params = ["name", "provider", "login", "password", "default_cloud"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp

        name = args.get("name")
        provider = args.get("provider")
        login = args.get("login")
        pw = args.get("password")
        default_cloud = args.get("default_cloud")
        acct_number = args.get("account_number", "")
        obj = cloud.CloudAccount.DBCreateNew(provider, name, login, pw, acct_number, default_cloud)
        catocommon.write_add_log(api._USER_ID, catocommon.CatoObjectTypes.CloudAccount, obj.ID, obj.Name, "Account created via API.")

        if args.get("output_format") == "json":
            return R(response=obj.AsJSON())
        elif args.get("output_format") == "text":
            return R(response=obj.AsText(args.get("output_delimiter"), args.get("header")))
            return R(response=obj.AsXML())
Beispiel #22
    def get_document_value(self, args):
        """Gets the value of a key in a Datastore document.

> Datastore queries always return a list of document matches, even if the result set happens to only return data from one document.

Required Arguments:

* `query` - A query in JSON format to select the correct Document.
* `lookupkey` - The section of the Document to retrieve.  Returns the entire document if omitted.

Optional Arguments:

* `collection` - a document collection.  'Default' if omitted.

Returns: A text value.
        # define the required parameters for this call
        required_params = ["query", "lookupkey"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp

        collection = args["collection"] if "collection" in args else ""
        query = json.loads(args["query"])
        doc = datastore.Document(query, collection)
        if doc.ID:
            # we have a document!  let's dig in to it.
            result = doc.Lookup(args["lookupkey"])
            if result:
                return R(response=catocommon.ObjectOutput.IterableAsJSON(result))
#                    # now, the section we obtained might be a document itself...
#                    # so let's serialize it.
#                    if args.get("output_format") == "json":
#                        return R(response=doc.AsJSON())
#                    elif args.get("output_format") == "text":
#                        return R(response=doc.AsText())
#                    else:
#                        return R(response=doc.AsXML())
                return R(response="Lookup found no match.")

            return R(err_code=R.Codes.GetError, err_detail="Unable to find Document for Object ID [%s]." % args["doc_id"])
Beispiel #23
    def set_document_values(self, args):
        """Sets multiple values in a Datastore document.

Required Arguments:

* `query` - A query in JSON format to select the correct Document.
* `updatedoc` - A document representing path:value pairs to be updated.

Optional Arguments:

* `collection` - a document collection.  'Default' if omitted.

Multiple keys are updated in a looping manner.  Unsuccessful updates will return an error,
but will not stop subsequent updates from occuring.

Returns: A success message, or error messages on failure.
        # define the required parameters for this call
        required_params = ["query", "updatedoc"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp

        collection = args["collection"] if "collection" in args else ""
        query = json.loads(args["query"])
        updatedoc = json.loads(args["updatedoc"])
        targetdoc = datastore.Document(query, collection)
        if targetdoc.ID:
            # loop each key in the updatedoc, and call doc.Set
            # collect all errors into a single response, key:error format
            failed = []
            for path, value in updatedoc.iteritems():
                result = targetdoc.Set(path, value)
                if not result:
            if not failed:
                return R(response="All values successfully set.")
                return R(err_code=R.Codes.UpdateError, err_detail="Failed to update the following keys: %s" % (catocommon.ObjectOutput.AsJSON(failed)))

            return R(err_code=R.Codes.GetError, err_detail="Unable to find Document using query [%s]." % query)
Beispiel #24
    def create_cloud(self, args):
        """Creates a Cloud.

Required Arguments: 

* `name` - a name for the new Cloud.
* `provider` - one of the valid cloud providers.
* `apiurl` - URL of the Cloud API endpoint.
* `apiprotocol` - Cloud API endpoint protocol.

Optional Arguments:
* `default_account` - the name of a default Account for this Cloud.

Returns: The new [Cloud Object](restapi/api-response-objects.html#Cloud){:target="_blank"}.
        # this is a developer function
        if not api._DEVELOPER:
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="Only Developers or Administrators can perform this function.")
        required_params = ["name", "provider", "apiurl", "apiprotocol"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp

        name = args.get("name")
        provider = args.get("provider")
        apiurl = args.get("apiurl")
        apiprotocol = args.get("apiprotocol")
        default_account = args.get("default_account")
        obj = cloud.Cloud.DBCreateNew(name, provider, apiurl, apiprotocol, "", default_account)

        catocommon.write_add_log(api._USER_ID, catocommon.CatoObjectTypes.Cloud, obj.ID, obj.Name, "Cloud created via API.")

        if args.get("output_format") == "json":
            return R(response=obj.AsJSON())
        elif args.get("output_format") == "text":
            return R(response=obj.AsText(args.get("output_delimiter"), args.get("header")))
            return R(response=obj.AsXML())
Beispiel #25
    def export_task(self, args):
        """Create a backup file for a single Task.

> The behavior of this command is different depending on the output_format.

* If 'json', it will return a JSON LIST of individual Task XML documents.
* If 'xml' (default) OR 'text', it will return a single XML document of Tasks.

Required Arguments: 

* `task` - Value can be either a Task ID, Code or Name.

Optional Arguments:

* `version`` - A specific version.  ('Default' if omitted.)
* `include_refs`` - If true, will analyze each task and include any referenced Tasks.
Returns: A collection of Task backup objects.
        # define the required parameters for this call
        required_params = ["task"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp

        obj = task.Task()
        obj.FromNameVersion(args["task"], args.get("version"))

        if not api.is_object_allowed(obj.ID, catocommon.CatoObjectTypes.Task):
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="You do not have access to the details of this Task.")
        tids = [obj.ID]
        docs = task.Tasks.Export(tids, args.get("include_refs"), args.get("output_format"))

        if args.get("output_format") == "json":
            return R(response="[%s]" % "".join(docs))
            return R(response="<tasks>%s</tasks>" % "".join(docs))
Beispiel #26
    def list_cloud_keypairs(self, args):
        """Lists all the Key Pairs defined on a Cloud.

Required Arguments:

* `cloud` - Name or ID of a Cloud.

Returns: A list of [Cloud KeyPair Objects](restapi/api-response-objects.html#CloudKeyPair){:target="_blank"}.

        required_params = ["cloud"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp

        obj = cloud.Cloud()
        if args.get("output_format") == "json":
            return R(response=obj.KeyPairsAsJSON())
        elif args.get("output_format") == "text":
            return R(response=obj.KeyPairsAsText(args.get("output_delimiter"), args.get("header")))
            return R(response=obj.KeyPairsAsXML())
Beispiel #27
    def get_asset(self, args):
        """Gets an Asset.

Required Arguments: 

* `asset` - an Asset Name or ID.

Returns: An [Asset Object](restapi/api-response-objects.html#Asset){:target="_blank"}.
        required_params = ["asset"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp

        obj = asset.Asset()

        if args.get("output_format") == "json":
            return R(response=obj.AsJSON())
        elif args.get("output_format") == "text":
            return R(response=obj.AsText(args.get("output_delimiter"), args.get("header")))
            return R(response=obj.AsXML())
Beispiel #28
    def delete_plan(self, args):
        """Deletes a specific queued execution Plan.

Required Arguments: 

* `plan_id` - The integer ID of the Plan to delete.

Returns: Nothing if successful, error messages on failure.
        # this is a admin function
        if not api._ADMIN:
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="Only Administrators can perform this function.")
        required_params = ["plan_id"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp


        catocommon.write_delete_log(api._USER_ID, catocommon.CatoObjectTypes.Task, "", "", "Plan [%s] deleted via API." % (args["plan_id"]))
        return R(response="Plan [%s] successfully deleted." % args["plan_id"])
Beispiel #29
    def get_task_instance_status(self, args):
        """Gets just the Status of a Task Instance.

Required Arguments: 

* `instance` - The Task Instance identifier.

Returns: The 'Status' from a [Task Instance Object](restapi/api-response-objects.html#TaskInstance){:target="_blank"}.
        required_params = ["instance"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp

        obj = task.TaskInstance(args["instance"])
        if obj.Error:
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.GetError, err_detail=obj.Error)

        if args.get("output_format") == "json":
            return R(response={"task_status": obj.task_status})
        elif args.get("output_format") == "xml":
            return R(response='<task_status>%s</task_status>' % obj.task_status)
            return R(response=obj.task_status)
Beispiel #30
    def create_asset(self, args):
        """Creates an Asset.

Required Arguments: 

* name - a name for the new Asset.
Optional Arguments: 

* `status` - either 'Active' or 'Inactive'. ('Active' if omitted.)
* `db_name` - a Database name.
* `address` - the network address of the Asset.
* `port` - a service port for the Address.
* `conn_string` - some Assets make their connections via an explicit connection string.
* `user` - a User ID to associate with this Asset.
* `password` - a Password to associate with this Asset.
* `shared_credential` - the name of a Shared Credential to use.

**Regarding Credentials:**

Credentials are optional on an Asset, however if provided there are rules.
Explicit details can be associated with *only this Asset*, or a Shared Credential can be specified.

The minimum required to create a LOCAL set of credentials on this Asset are:

* `user` - a User ID for the Credential
* `password` - a Password for the Credential
To specify a Shared Credential, provide the `shared_credential` argument, which is the name of an existing Credential.

Returns: An [Asset Object](restapi/api-response-objects.html#Asset){:target="_blank"}.
        # this is a developer function
        if not api._DEVELOPER:
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="Only Developers or Administrators can perform this function.")
        required_params = ["name"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp

        # build a dictionary suitable for creating an asset
        _a = {
            "Name": args.get("name"),
            "Status": args.get("status"),
            "DBName": args.get("db_name"),
            "Port": args.get("port"),
            "Address": args.get("address"),
            "ConnString": args.get("conn_string"),
            "Credential": {
                "SharedOrLocal": 0 if args.get("shared_credential") else 1,
                "Username": args.get("user"),
                "Password": args.get("password"),
                "Name": args.get("shared_credential")

        obj, err = asset.Asset.DBCreateNew(_a)
        if err:
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.CreateError, err_detail=err)

        catocommon.write_add_log(api._USER_ID, catocommon.CatoObjectTypes.Asset, obj.ID, obj.Name, "Asset created via API.")

        if args.get("output_format") == "json":
            return R(response=obj.AsJSON())
        elif args.get("output_format") == "text":
            return R(response=obj.AsText(args.get("output_delimiter"), args.get("header")))
            return R(response=obj.AsXML())