Beispiel #1
    def DBUpdate(self):
            db = catocommon.new_conn()

            # if the password has not changed leave it as is.
            sPasswordUpdate = ""
            if self.Password and self.Password != "~!@@!~":
                sPasswordUpdate = ", password = '******'"

            #  same for privileged_password
            sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = ""
            if self.PrivilegedPassword != "~!@@!~":
                #  updated password
                #  priviledged password can be blank, so if it is, set it to null
                if self.PrivilegedPassword:
                    sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = ", privileged_password = null"
                    sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = ", privileged_password = '******'"

            sSQL = "update asset_credential " \
                "set username = '******'," \
                "domain = '" + self.Domain + "'," \
                "shared_or_local = '" + self.SharedOrLocal + "'," \
                "shared_cred_desc = '" + catocommon.tick_slash(self.Description) + "'" \
                + sPasswordUpdate + sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate + \
                "where credential_id = '" + self.ID + "'"
            if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL):
                return False, db.error

#                #  add security log
#                uiCommon.WriteObjectPropertyChangeLog(uiGlobals.CatoObjectTypes.Asset, sAssetID, sAssetName.strip().replace("'", "''") + "Changed credential", sOriginalUserName, sCredUsername)

            return True, None
        except Exception, ex:
            raise ex
Beispiel #2
    def DBCreateNew(self):
        db = catocommon.new_conn()
        if not self.Username and not self.PrivateKey:
            raise Exception("A Credential requires a User Name OR a Private Key.")

        sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = catocommon.cato_encrypt(self.PrivilegedPassword) if self.PrivilegedPassword else None

        # if it's a local credential, the credential_name is the asset_id.
        # if it's shared, there will be a name.
        if self.SharedOrLocal == "1":
            # whack and add - easiest way to avoid conflicts
            sSQL = "delete from asset_credential where credential_name = %s and shared_or_local = '1'"
            db.exec_db(sSQL, (self.Name))
        sSQL = """insert into asset_credential
            (credential_id, credential_name, username, password, domain, shared_or_local, shared_cred_desc, privileged_password, private_key)
            values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"""
        params = (self.ID, self.Name, self.Username, catocommon.cato_encrypt(self.Password), self.Domain, self.SharedOrLocal, self.Description, sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate, catocommon.cato_encrypt(self.PrivateKey))
        if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL, params):
            if db.error == "key_violation":
                raise Exception("A Credential with that name already exists.  Please select another name.")
                raise Exception(db.error)
        return True
Beispiel #3
 def DBUpdate(self):
     db = catocommon.new_conn()
     # if the password has not changed leave it as is.
     sPasswordUpdate = ""
     if self.Password and self.Password != "~!@@!~":
         sPasswordUpdate = ", password = '******'"
     #  same for privileged_password
     sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = ""
     if self.PrivilegedPassword != "~!@@!~":
         #  updated password
         #  priviledged password can be blank, so if it is, set it to null
         if self.PrivilegedPassword:
             sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = ", privileged_password = null"
             sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = ", privileged_password = '******'"
     # same for private key, but a different rule since it's a textarea
     sPKUpdate = ""
     if self.PrivateKey != "********":
         sPKUpdate = ", private_key = '" + catocommon.cato_encrypt(self.PrivateKey) + "'"
     sSQL = """update asset_credential set
         credential_name = %s,
         username = %s,
         domain = %s,
         shared_or_local = %s,
         shared_cred_desc = %s {0} {1} {2}
         where credential_id = %s""".format(sPasswordUpdate, sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate, sPKUpdate) 
     db.exec_db(sSQL, (self.Name, self.Username, self.Domain, self.SharedOrLocal, self.Description, self.ID))
     return True
Beispiel #4
    def DBCreateNew(sUsername, sFullName, sAuthType, sPassword, sGeneratePW, sForcePasswordChange, sUserRole, sEmail, sStatus, sGroupArray):
            # TODO: All the password testing, etc.
            db = catocommon.new_conn()

            sNewID = catocommon.new_guid()

            if sAuthType == "local":
                if sPassword:
                    if sPassword:
                        result, msg = User.ValidatePassword(None, sPassword)
                        if result:
                            sEncPW = "'%s'" % catocommon.cato_encrypt(sPassword)
                            return None, msg
                elif catocommon.is_true(sGeneratePW):
                    sEncPW = "'%s'" % catocommon.cato_encrypt(catocommon.generate_password())
                    return None, "A password must be provided, or check the box to generate one."
            elif sAuthType == "ldap":
                sEncPW = " null"
            sSQL = "insert into users" \
                " (user_id, username, full_name, authentication_type, force_change, email, status, user_role, user_password)" \
                " values ('" + sNewID + "'," \
                "'" + sUsername + "'," \
                "'" + sFullName + "'," \
                "'" + sAuthType + "'," \
                "'" + sForcePasswordChange + "'," \
                "'" + (sEmail if sEmail else "") + "'," \
                "'" + sStatus + "'," \
                "'" + sUserRole + "'," \
                "" + sEncPW + "" \
            if not db.tran_exec_noexcep(sSQL):
                if db.error == "key_violation":
                    return None, "A User with that Login ID already exists.  Please select another."
                    return None, db.error

            if sGroupArray:
                # if we can't create groups we don't actually fail...
                for tag in sGroupArray:
                    sql = "insert object_tags (object_type, object_id, tag_name) values (1, '%s','%s')" % (sNewID, tag)
                    if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sql):
                        print "Error creating Groups for new user %s." % sNewID
            # now it's inserted... lets get it back from the db as a complete object for confirmation.
            u = User()
            return u, None
        except Exception, ex:
            raise ex
Beispiel #5
    def AddKeyPair(self, name, private_key, passphrase):
        if not name:
            return "KeyPair Name is Required."

        pk_clause = "'%s'" % (catocommon.cato_encrypt(private_key)) if private_key else ""
        pp_clause = "'%s'" % (catocommon.cato_encrypt(passphrase)) if passphrase else " null"

        sql = """insert into clouds_keypair (keypair_id, cloud_id, keypair_name, private_key, passphrase)
            values (%s, %s, %s, {0}, {1})""".format(pk_clause, pp_clause)

        db = catocommon.new_conn()
        db.exec_db(sql, (catocommon.new_guid(), self.ID, name))
Beispiel #6
    def SaveKeyPair(self, kpid, name, private_key, passphrase):
        # multiple sqls, but clean and to the point.  Happens once in a blue moon so I don't care about performance.
        db = catocommon.new_conn()
        if name:
            sql = """update clouds_keypair set keypair_name = %s where keypair_id = %s"""
            db.exec_db(sql, (name, kpid))
        if private_key:
            sql = """update clouds_keypair set private_key = %s where keypair_id = %s"""
            db.exec_db(sql, (catocommon.cato_encrypt(private_key), kpid))
        if passphrase != "!2E4S6789O":
            sql = """update clouds_keypair set passphrase = %s where keypair_id = %s"""
            db.exec_db(sql, (catocommon.cato_encrypt(passphrase), kpid))

Beispiel #7
    def SetNodeText(self, xpath, value, encrypt):
            if self.xml_tree is None:
                return False, "Registry object has no xml document."
            # if the xpath is "registry" or "" ... can't delete the root element
            if xpath == "registry" or xpath == "":
                return False, "Cannot set text on the root registry element."
            x_to_set = self.xml_tree.find(xpath)
            if x_to_set is not None:
                # setting the text on an element clears any children
                # we don't allow mixed content
                # should we encrypt
                if catocommon.is_true(encrypt):
                    value = catocommon.cato_encrypt(value)
                    #encrypting also sets an attribute defining the data as such
                    x_to_set.set("encrypt", encrypt)
                x_to_set.text = (value.replace("\\","\\\\") if value is not None else "")

                # update the xml_text in case we intend to keep using this object
                self.xml_text = ET.tostring(self.xml_tree)
                result, msg = self.DBSave()
                if not result:
                    return False, msg
                return False, "Unable to update - path [%s] was not found in registry." % xpath
            return True, ""
        except Exception, ex:
            raise Exception(ex)
Beispiel #8
    def DBCreateNew(self):
            db = catocommon.new_conn()

            sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = ""
            if self.PrivilegedPassword:
                sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = "NULL"
                sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = "'" + catocommon.cato_encrypt(self.PrivilegedPassword) + "'"

            # if it's a local credential, the credential_name is the asset_id.
            # if it's shared, there will be a name.
            if self.SharedOrLocal == "1":
                # whack and add - easiest way to avoid conflicts
                sSQL = "delete from asset_credential where credential_name = '%s' and shared_or_local = '1'" % self.Name
                if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL):
                    return False, db.error
            sSQL = "insert into asset_credential " \
                "(credential_id, credential_name, username, password, domain, shared_or_local, shared_cred_desc, privileged_password) " \
                "values ('" + self.ID + "','" + self.Name + "','" + self.Username + "','" + catocommon.cato_encrypt(self.Password) + "','" \
                + self.Domain + "','" + self.SharedOrLocal + "','" + self.Description + "'," + sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate + ")"
            if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL):
                if db.error == "key_violation":
                    return False, "A Credential with that name already exists.  Please select another name."
                    return False, db.error
            #  add security log
            # need to move this function to catocommon
            # uiCommon.WriteObjectAddLog(uiGlobals.CatoObjectTypes.Credential, sCredentialID, sCredentialName, "")
            return True, None
        except Exception, ex:
            raise ex
Beispiel #9
        def DBSave(self):
                """ The messenger has some special considerations when updating!
                ^^^ can't even use that, it was messing up the templator - do something else
                sSQL = """update messenger_settings set mode_off_on='{0}', 
                    loop_delay_sec={1}, retry_delay_min={2}, retry_max_attempts={3}, 
                    smtp_server_addr='{4}', smtp_server_user='******', smtp_server_port={6}, 
                    from_email='{7}', from_name='{8}', admin_email='{9}'"""
                # only update password if it has been changed.
                sPasswordFiller = "~!@@!~"
                if self.SMTPUserPassword != sPasswordFiller:
                    sSQL += ",smtp_server_password='******'";

                sSQL = sSQL.format(("1" if catocommon.is_true(self.Enabled) else "0"), 
                       str(self.PollLoop), str(self.RetryDelay),
                        str(self.RetryMaxAttempts), self.SMTPServerAddress, self.SMTPUserAccount, 
                        str(self.SMTPServerPort), self.FromEmail, self.FromName, self.AdminEmail, 

                db = catocommon.new_conn()
                if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL):
                    return False, db.error
                return True, ""
            except Exception, ex:
                print ex.__str__()
                raise Exception(ex)
Beispiel #10
    def ValidatePassword(uid, pwd):
        Checks a password against the system settings for length, complexity, etc.
        s_set =

        # is this password long enough?  too long?
        if len(pwd) < s_set.PassMinLength or len(pwd) > s_set.PassMaxLength:
            return False, "Password must be between %d and %d characters in length." % (s_set.PassMinLength, s_set.PassMaxLength)
        # is it complex (if required to be)?
        if s_set.PassComplexity:
            if not"[A-Z~!@#$%^&?+=]", pwd):
                return False, "Password must contain at least one capital letter and at least one special character. (~!@#$%^&?+=)"
        # has it been used lately (if that's required)?
        # in which case we need to save the old one to history, and delete
        # any rows over this counter.
        # this test isn't necessary if no user_id was provided
        if uid and s_set.PasswordHistory:
            db = catocommon.new_conn()
            sql = """select password from user_password_history 
            where user_id = '%s'
            order by change_time desc
            limit %d""" % (uid, s_set.PasswordHistory)
            previous_pwds = db.select_csv(sql, False)
            if previous_pwds:
                if catocommon.cato_encrypt(pwd) in previous_pwds:
                    return False, "That password cannot yet be reused."
        return True, None
Beispiel #11
    def DBUpdate(self):
        db = catocommon.new_conn()

        #  only update the passwword if it has changed
        sNewPassword = ""
        if self.LoginPassword != "($%#d@x!&":
            sNewPassword = (", login_password = '******'" if self.LoginPassword else "")

        sSQL = "update cloud_account set" \
                " account_name = '" + self.Name + "'," \
                " account_number = '" + self.AccountNumber + "'," \
                " provider = '" + self.Provider.Name + "'," \
                " default_cloud_id = '" + self.DefaultCloud.ID + "'," \
                " is_default = '" + ("1" if self.IsDefault else "0") + "'," \
                " auto_manage_security = 0," \
                " login_id = '" + self.LoginID + "'" + \
                sNewPassword + \
                " where account_id = '" + self.ID + "'"

        if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL):
            if db.error == "key_violation":
                raise InfoException("A Cloud Account with that name already exists.  Please select another name.")
                raise Exception(db.error)

        # if "default" was selected, unset all the others
        if self.IsDefault:
            sSQL = "update cloud_account set is_default = 0 where account_id <> %s"
            # not worth failing... we'll just end up with two defaults.
            db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL, (self.ID))

        return True
Beispiel #12
    def GET(self):
        args = web.input()
        db = catocommon.new_conn()

        out = []
        out.append("Configuring Cato...\n\n")

        # should we create the Administrator account
        msg = "Administrator Account:"
        sql = "select count(*) from users where username = '******'"
        cnt = db.select_col_noexcep(sql)
        if not cnt:
            msg = "    Configuring Administrator account..."
            pw = catocommon.cato_encrypt("password")
            sql = """INSERT INTO users
                (user_id, username, full_name, status, authentication_type, failed_login_attempts, force_change, email, user_role, user_password)
                VALUES (
            db.exec_db_noexcep(sql, (pw))

            sql = """INSERT INTO user_password_history (user_id, change_time, password)
                VALUES ('0002bdaf-bfd5-4b9d-82d1-fd39c2947d19',now(),%s)"""
            db.exec_db_noexcep(sql, (pw))

            msg = "    ... done."

            msg = "    ... exists ... not changing."

        # should we create AWS clouds?
        if catocommon.is_true(args.get("createclouds")):
            from catocloud import cloud
            msg = "Checking Static Clouds..."
            success = cloud.create_static_clouds()
            if success:
                msg = "    ... done."
                msg = "    Errors occurred while creating Clouds.  Please check the REST API logfile for details."

        return "\n".join(out)
Beispiel #13
    def DBCreateNew(sAccountName, sAccountNumber, sProvider, sLoginID,
                    sLoginPassword, sIsDefault):
            db = catocommon.new_conn()

            # if there are no rows yet, make this one the default even if the box isn't checked.
            if sIsDefault == "0":
                iExists = -1

                sSQL = "select count(*) as cnt from cloud_account"
                iExists = db.select_col_noexcep(sSQL)
                if iExists == None:
                    if db.error:
                        return None, "Unable to count Cloud Accounts: " + db.error

                if iExists == 0:
                    sIsDefault = "1"

            sNewID = catocommon.new_guid()
            sPW = (catocommon.cato_encrypt(sLoginPassword)
                   if sLoginPassword else "")

            sSQL = "insert into cloud_account" \
                " (account_id, account_name, account_number, provider, is_default, login_id, login_password, auto_manage_security)" \
                " values ('" + sNewID + "'," \
                "'" + sAccountName + "'," \
                "'" + sAccountNumber + "'," \
                "'" + sProvider + "'," \
                "'" + sIsDefault + "'," \
                "'" + sLoginID + "'," \
                "'" + sPW + "'," \

            if not db.tran_exec_noexcep(sSQL):
                if db.error == "key_violation":
                    sErr = "A Cloud Account with that name already exists.  Please select another name."
                    return None, sErr
                    return None, db.error

            # if "default" was selected, unset all the others
            if sIsDefault == "1":
                sSQL = "update cloud_account set is_default = 0 where account_id <> '" + sNewID + "'"
                if not db.tran_exec_noexcep(sSQL):
                    raise Exception(db.error)


            # now it's inserted... lets get it back from the db as a complete object for confirmation.
            ca = CloudAccount()

            # yay!
            return ca, None
        except Exception, ex:
            raise ex
Beispiel #14
    def DBCreateNew(sAccountName, sAccountNumber, sProvider, sLoginID, sLoginPassword, sIsDefault):
            db = catocommon.new_conn()

            # if there are no rows yet, make this one the default even if the box isn't checked.
            if sIsDefault == "0":
                iExists = -1
                sSQL = "select count(*) as cnt from cloud_account"
                iExists = db.select_col_noexcep(sSQL)
                if iExists == None:
                    if db.error:
                        return None, "Unable to count Cloud Accounts: " + db.error
                if iExists == 0:
                    sIsDefault = "1"

            sNewID = catocommon.new_guid()
            sPW = (catocommon.cato_encrypt(sLoginPassword) if sLoginPassword else "")
            sSQL = "insert into cloud_account" \
                " (account_id, account_name, account_number, provider, is_default, login_id, login_password, auto_manage_security)" \
                " values ('" + sNewID + "'," \
                "'" + sAccountName + "'," \
                "'" + sAccountNumber + "'," \
                "'" + sProvider + "'," \
                "'" + sIsDefault + "'," \
                "'" + sLoginID + "'," \
                "'" + sPW + "'," \
            if not db.tran_exec_noexcep(sSQL):
                if db.error == "key_violation":
                    sErr = "A Cloud Account with that name already exists.  Please select another name."
                    return None, sErr
                    return None, db.error
            # if "default" was selected, unset all the others
            if sIsDefault == "1":
                sSQL = "update cloud_account set is_default = 0 where account_id <> '" + sNewID + "'"
                if not db.tran_exec_noexcep(sSQL):
                    raise Exception(db.error)

            # now it's inserted... lets get it back from the db as a complete object for confirmation.
            ca = CloudAccount()

            # yay!
            return ca, None
        except Exception, ex:
            raise ex
Beispiel #15
    def DBCreateNew(sProvider, sAccountName, sLoginID, sLoginPassword, sAccountNumber, sDefaultCloud, sIsDefault="0"):
        db = catocommon.new_conn()

        # some sanity checks...
        # 1) is the provider valid?
        providers = CloudProviders(include_products=False, include_clouds=False)
        if sProvider not in providers.iterkeys():
            raise InfoException("The specified Provider [%s] is not a valid Cloud Provider." % sProvider)

        # 2) if given, does the 'default cloud' exist
        c = Cloud()
        if not c.ID:
            raise InfoException("The specified default Cloud [%s] is not defined." % sDefaultCloud)

        # if there are no rows yet, make this one the default even if the box isn't checked.
        if sIsDefault == "0":
            sSQL = "select count(*) as cnt from cloud_account"
            iExists = db.select_col(sSQL)
            if not iExists:
                sIsDefault = "1"

        sNewID = catocommon.new_guid()
        sPW = (catocommon.cato_encrypt(sLoginPassword) if sLoginPassword else "")

        sSQL = """insert into cloud_account
            (account_id, account_name, account_number, provider, is_default, 
            default_cloud_id, login_id, login_password, auto_manage_security)
            values ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s',0)""" % (sNewID, sAccountName, sAccountNumber, sProvider, sIsDefault,
                                                                     c.ID, sLoginID, sPW)

        if not db.tran_exec_noexcep(sSQL):
            if db.error == "key_violation":
                raise InfoException("A Cloud Account with that name already exists.  Please select another name.")
                raise Exception(db.error)

        # if "default" was selected, unset all the others
        if sIsDefault == "1":
            sSQL = "update cloud_account set is_default = 0 where account_id <> %s"
            db.tran_exec_noexcep(sSQL, (sNewID))


        # now it's inserted... lets get it back from the db as a complete object for confirmation.
        ca = CloudAccount()

        # yay!
        return ca
Beispiel #16
        def DBSave(self):
            The messenger has some special considerations when updating!
            self.Enabled = catocommon.is_true(self.Enabled)
            self.SMTPLegacySSL = catocommon.is_true(self.SMTPLegacySSL)

            self.PollLoop = int(self.PollLoop) if str(self.PollLoop).isdigit() else 30
            self.RetryDelay = int(self.RetryDelay) if str(self.RetryDelay).isdigit() else 5
            self.RetryMaxAttempts = int(self.RetryMaxAttempts) if str(self.RetryMaxAttempts).isdigit() else 3
            self.SMTPServerPort = int(self.SMTPServerPort) if str(self.SMTPServerPort).isdigit() else 25
            self.SMTPConnectionTimeout = int(self.SMTPConnectionTimeout) if str(self.SMTPConnectionTimeout).isdigit() else 30

            # only update password if it has been changed.  This "filler" is set in the gui to show stars so ignore it.
            if self.SMTPUserPassword and self.SMTPUserPassword != "~!@@!~":
                self.SMTPUserPassword = catocommon.cato_encrypt(self.SMTPUserPassword)

            # don't put these in the settings, they're utility
            del self.SMTPPasswordConfirm

            settings.set_application_section("messenger", json.dumps(self.__dict__))
            return True
Beispiel #17
 def ValidatePassword(uid, pwd):
     Checks a password against the system settings for length, complexity, etc.
         s_set =
         # is this password long enough?  too long?
         if len(pwd) < s_set.PassMinLength or len(pwd) > s_set.PassMaxLength:
             return False, "Password must be between %d and %d characters in length." % (s_set.PassMinLength, s_set.PassMaxLength)
         # is it complex (if required to be)?
         if s_set.PassComplexity:
             if not"[A-Z~!@#$%^&?+=]", pwd):
                 return False, "Password must contain at least one capital letter and at least one special character. (~!@#$%^&?+=)"
         # has it been used lately (if that's required)?
         # in which case we need to save the old one to history, and delete
         # any rows over this counter.
         # this test isn't necessary if no user_id was provided
         if uid and s_set.PasswordHistory:
             db = catocommon.new_conn()
             sql = """select password from user_password_history 
             where user_id = '%s'
             order by change_time desc
             limit %d""" % (uid, s_set.PasswordHistory)
             previous_pwds = db.select_csv(sql, False)
             if previous_pwds:
                 if catocommon.cato_encrypt(pwd) in previous_pwds:
                     return False, "That password cannot yet be reused."
         return True, None
     except Exception, ex:
         raise Exception(ex)
Beispiel #18
    def DBUpdate(self):
            db = catocommon.new_conn()

            #  only update the passwword if it has changed
            sNewPassword = ""
            if self.LoginPassword != "($%#d@x!&":
                sNewPassword = (", login_password = '******'" if self.LoginPassword else "")

            sSQL = "update cloud_account set" \
                    " account_name = '" + self.Name + "'," \
                    " account_number = '" + self.AccountNumber + "'," \
                    " provider = '" + self.Provider.Name + "'," \
                    " is_default = '" + ("1" if self.IsDefault else "0") + "'," \
                    " auto_manage_security = 0," \
                    " login_id = '" + self.LoginID + "'" + \
                    sNewPassword + \
                    " where account_id = '" + self.ID + "'"

            if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL):
                if db.error == "key_violation":
                    sErr = "A Cloud Account with that name already exists.  Please select another name."
                    return False, sErr
                    return False, db.error

            # if "default" was selected, unset all the others
            if self.IsDefault:
                sSQL = "update cloud_account set is_default = 0 where account_id <> '" + self.ID + "'"
                # not worth failing... we'll just end up with two defaults.

            return True, None
        except Exception, ex:
            raise ex
Beispiel #19
def CatoEncrypt(s):
    return catocommon.cato_encrypt(s)
Beispiel #20
    def wmSaveKeyPair(self):
            sKeypairID = uiCommon.getAjaxArg("sKeypairID")
            sAccountID = uiCommon.getAjaxArg("sAccountID")
            sName = uiCommon.getAjaxArg("sName")
            sPK = uiCommon.getAjaxArg("sPK")
            sPP = uiCommon.getAjaxArg("sPP")

            if not sName:
                return "KeyPair Name is Required."
            sPK = uiCommon.unpackJSON(sPK)
            bUpdatePK = False
            if sPK:
                bUpdatePK = True
            bUpdatePP = False
            if sPP and sPP != "!2E4S6789O":
                bUpdatePP = True
            if not sKeypairID:
                # empty id, it's a new one.
                sPKClause = ""
                if bUpdatePK:
                    sPKClause = "'" + catocommon.cato_encrypt(sPK) + "'"

                sPPClause = "null"
                if bUpdatePP:
                    sPPClause = "'" + catocommon.cato_encrypt(sPP) + "'"

                sSQL = "insert into cloud_account_keypair (keypair_id, account_id, keypair_name, private_key, passphrase)" \
                    " values ('" + catocommon.new_guid() + "'," \
                    "'" + sAccountID + "'," \
                    "'" + sName.replace("'", "''") + "'," \
                    + sPKClause + "," \
                    + sPPClause + \
                sPKClause = ""
                if bUpdatePK:
                    sPKClause = ", private_key = '" + catocommon.cato_encrypt(sPK) + "'"

                sPPClause = ""
                if bUpdatePP:
                    sPPClause = ", passphrase = '" + catocommon.cato_encrypt(sPP) + "'"

                sSQL = "update cloud_account_keypair set" \
                    " keypair_name = '" + sName.replace("'", "''") + "'" \
                    + sPKClause + sPPClause + \
                    " where keypair_id = '" + sKeypairID + "'"

            if not self.db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL):
                return self.db.error

            return ""
        except Exception:
            uiCommon.log_nouser(traceback.format_exc(), 0)
            return traceback.format_exc()
Beispiel #21
    def DBCreateNew(username, fullname, role, password, generatepw, authtype="local", forcechange=1, email=None, status=1, expires=None, groups=None):
        # TODO: All the password testing, etc.
        db = catocommon.new_conn()

        # all sorts of validation
        if re.match("^[\a-zA-Z0-9_.-@]+$", username) is None:
            raise Exception("Usernames cannot contain spaces or any characters other than letters, numbers or these chars [_.@-].")

        newid = catocommon.new_guid()
        authtype = authtype if authtype else "local"
        forcechange = 0 if forcechange == 0 or forcechange == "0" else 1
        email = email if email else ""
        encpw = None
        if authtype == "local":
            if password:
                result, msg = User.ValidatePassword(None, password)
                if result:
                    encpw = catocommon.cato_encrypt(password)
                    raise Exception(msg)
            elif catocommon.is_true(generatepw):
                encpw = catocommon.cato_encrypt(catocommon.generate_password())
                raise Exception("A password must be provided, or check the box to generate one.")

        if role not in ("Administrator", "Developer", "User"):
            raise Exception("Role must be 'Administrator', 'Developer', or 'User'.")
        pw2insert = "'%s'" % encpw if encpw else " null"
        ex2insert = ("str_to_date('{0}', '%%m/%%d/%%Y')".format(expires) if expires else " null")
        sql = """insert into users
            (user_id, username, full_name, authentication_type, force_change, email, status, user_role, user_password, expiration_dt)
            values ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %s, '%s', '%s', '%s', %s, %s)""" % (newid, username, fullname, authtype, forcechange,
                email, status, role, pw2insert, ex2insert)

        if not db.tran_exec_noexcep(sql):
            if db.error == "key_violation":
                raise Exception("A User with that Login ID already exists.  Please select another.")
                raise Exception(db.error)

        if groups:
            # if we can't create groups we don't actually fail...
            sql = "select group_concat(tag_name order by tag_name separator ',') as tags from tags"
            alltags = db.select_col_noexcep(sql)
            if alltags:
                alltags = alltags.split(",")
                for tag in groups:
                    if tag in alltags:
                        sql = "insert object_tags (object_type, object_id, tag_name) values (1, '%s','%s')" % (newid, tag)
                        if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sql):
                            logger.error("Error creating Groups for new user %s." % newid)
        # now it's inserted... lets get it back from the db as a complete object for confirmation.
        u = User()
        return u
Beispiel #22
    def Authenticate(self, login_id, password, client_ip, change_password=None, answer=None):
        # Some of the failure to authenticate return values pass back a token.
        # this is so we can know how to prompt the user.
        # but, to make hacking a little more difficult, we don't return too much detail about 
        # usernames or passwords.
        if not login_id:
            return False, "id required"
        if not password and not answer:
            return False, "Password required."
        self.ClientIP = client_ip
        # alrighty, lets check the password
        # we do this by encrypting the form submission and comparing, 
        # NOT by decrypting it here.
        db = catocommon.new_conn()
        sset =

        # These checks happen BEFORE we verify the password
        # Check for "locked" or "disabled" status
        if self.Status < 1:
            return False, "disabled"

        # Check failed login attempts against the security policy
        if self.FailedLoginAttempts and sset.PassMaxAttempts:
            if self.FailedLoginAttempts >= sset.PassMaxAttempts:
                logger.warning("User.Authenticate : Invalid login attempt - excessive failures.")
                return False, "failures"
        # TODO - check if the account is expired 
        # once you've gotten your account locked due to failed attempts, you can no longer
        # use the forgot password feature. 
        # that's why this happens after that.
        # forgot password
        # if an 'answer' was provided, it can serve as an alternate authentication
        # but it will force a password change.
        if answer:
            sql = "select security_answer from users where username='******'" % login_id
            db_ans = db.select_col_noexcep(sql)
            encans = catocommon.cato_encrypt(answer)
            if db_ans == encans:
                self.ForceChange = True
                sql = "update users set force_change=1 where user_id='%s'" % self.ID
                sql = "update users set failed_login_attempts=failed_login_attempts+1 where user_id='%s'" % self.ID

                logger.warning("User.Authenticate : Invalid login attempt - [%s] wrong security question answer." % (login_id))
                return False, "Incorrect security answer."
        # try the password if it was provided
        if password:
            sql = "select user_password from users where username='******'" % login_id
            db_pwd = db.select_col_noexcep(sql)
            encpwd = catocommon.cato_encrypt(password)
            if db_pwd != encpwd:
                sql = "update users set failed_login_attempts=failed_login_attempts+1 where user_id='%s'" % self.ID

                logger.warning("User.Authenticate : Invalid login attempt - [%s] bad password." % (login_id))
                return False, ""

        # TODO:
        # Check Expiration coming up - for a warning
        # force change
        # the user authenticated, but they are required to change their password
        if self.ForceChange:
            if change_password:
                # a new password was provided
                result, msg = User.ValidatePassword(self.ID, change_password)
                if not result:
                    return False, msg

                # put it in the history
                # and update with the new one
                sql = "update users set force_change=0, user_password=%s where user_id=%s"
                db.exec_db(sql, (catocommon.cato_encrypt(change_password), self.ID))
                return False, "change"
        return True, ""
Beispiel #23
    def ChangePassword(self, new_password=None, generate=False, force_change=True):
        Updating a user password is a different function with extra rules, 
            so it's kept separate from the DBUpdate function.
        You cannot explicitly change a password, AND do the Generate function,
            so if a password is set it'll use it and continue, otherwise it'll generate.
        if not new_password and not self.Email:
            raise InfoException("Unable to generate a random password - User [%s] does not have an email address defined." % (self.FullName))
        if not new_password and not generate:
            raise InfoException("Unable to reset password - New password is required or random generation option must be specified.")
            return False

        # TODO: maybe have a setting for the application url in the email?
        # TODO: should have the ability to use a configurable "company" name in the email
        db = catocommon.new_conn()

        # only do the password if _NewPassword exists on the object.
        # NOTE: no function that inits a user will set a password property, so it must've been set explicitly
        if new_password:
  "Updating password for User [%s]" % (self.FullName))
            result, msg = User.ValidatePassword(self.ID, new_password)
            if result:
                sql = "update users set user_password = %s where user_id = %s"
                db.exec_db(sql, (catocommon.cato_encrypt(new_password), self.ID))
                # this flag can be reset from the calling function at it's discretion.  
                # for example, if the user making the request IS the user being changed,
                #     which we don't know at this point.
                if not force_change:
                    sql = "update users set force_change = 0 where user_id = %s"
                    db.exec_db(sql, (self.ID))
                body = """%s - your password has been reset by an Administrator.""" % (self.FullName)
                if self.Email:
                    catocommon.send_email_via_messenger(self.Email, "Cloud Sidekick - Account Information", body)
                    logger.warning("Attempt to send a password message failed - User [%s] has no email defined." % (self.FullName))
                raise InfoException(msg)

        # Here's something special...
        # If the arg "_NewRandomPassword" was provided and is true...
        # Generate a new password and send out an email.
        # IF for some reason this AND a password were provided, it means someone is hacking
        # (We don't do both of them at the same time.)
        # so the provided one takes precedence.
        if generate:
  "Generating a new password for User [%s]" % (self.FullName))
            sNewPassword = catocommon.generate_password()
            sql = "update users set force_change = 1, user_password = %s where user_id = %s"
            db.exec_db(sql, (catocommon.cato_encrypt(sNewPassword), self.ID))
            s_set =
            body = s_set.NewUserMessage
            if not body:
                body = """%s - your password has been reset by an Administrator.\n\n
                Your temporary password is: %s.""" % (self.FullName, sNewPassword)

            # replace our special tokens with the values
            body = body.replace("##FULLNAME##", self.FullName).replace("##USERNAME##", self.LoginID).replace("##PASSWORD##", sNewPassword)

            if self.Email:
                catocommon.send_email_via_messenger(self.Email, "Cloud Sidekick - Account Information", body)
                logger.warning("Attempt to send a password message failed - User [%s] has no email defined." % (self.FullName))
            # f !uiCommon.SendEmailMessage(sEmail.strip(), ag.APP_COMPANYNAME + " Account Management", "Account Action in " + ag.APP_NAME, sBody, 0000BYREF_ARG0000sErr:

        return True
Beispiel #24
    def wmSaveKeyPair(self):
            sKeypairID = uiCommon.getAjaxArg("sKeypairID")
            sAccountID = uiCommon.getAjaxArg("sAccountID")
            sName = uiCommon.getAjaxArg("sName")
            sPK = uiCommon.getAjaxArg("sPK")
            sPP = uiCommon.getAjaxArg("sPP")

            if not sName:
                return "KeyPair Name is Required."

            sPK = uiCommon.unpackJSON(sPK)

            bUpdatePK = False
            if sPK:
                bUpdatePK = True

            bUpdatePP = False
            if sPP and sPP != "!2E4S6789O":
                bUpdatePP = True

            if not sKeypairID:
                # empty id, it's a new one.
                sPKClause = ""
                if bUpdatePK:
                    sPKClause = "'" + catocommon.cato_encrypt(sPK) + "'"

                sPPClause = "null"
                if bUpdatePP:
                    sPPClause = "'" + catocommon.cato_encrypt(sPP) + "'"

                sSQL = "insert into cloud_account_keypair (keypair_id, account_id, keypair_name, private_key, passphrase)" \
                    " values ('" + catocommon.new_guid() + "'," \
                    "'" + sAccountID + "'," \
                    "'" + sName.replace("'", "''") + "'," \
                    + sPKClause + "," \
                    + sPPClause + \
                sPKClause = ""
                if bUpdatePK:
                    sPKClause = ", private_key = '" + catocommon.cato_encrypt(
                        sPK) + "'"

                sPPClause = ""
                if bUpdatePP:
                    sPPClause = ", passphrase = '" + catocommon.cato_encrypt(
                        sPP) + "'"

                sSQL = "update cloud_account_keypair set" \
                    " keypair_name = '" + sName.replace("'", "''") + "'" \
                    + sPKClause + sPPClause + \
                    " where keypair_id = '" + sKeypairID + "'"

            if not self.db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL):
                return self.db.error

            return ""

        except Exception:
            uiCommon.log_nouser(traceback.format_exc(), 0)
            return traceback.format_exc()
Beispiel #25
    def Authenticate(self, login_id, password, change_password=None, answer=None):
            # Some of the failure to authenticate return values pass back a token.
            # this is so we can know how to prompt the user.
            # but, to make hacking a little more difficult, we don't return too much detail about 
            # usernames or passwords.
            # alrighty, lets check the password
            # we do this by encrypting the form submission and comparing, 
            # NOT by decrypting it here.
            db = catocommon.new_conn()
            sset =

            if not self.ID:
                print "User.Authenticate : Unable to find user record for [%s]." % login_id
                return False, ""
            # These checks happen BEFORE we verify the password
            # Check for "locked" or "disabled" status
            if self.Status < 1:
                return False, "disabled"

            # Check failed login attempts against the security policy
            if self.FailedLoginAttempts and sset.PassMaxAttempts:
                if self.FailedLoginAttempts >= sset.PassMaxAttempts:
                    print "User.Authenticate : Invalid login attempt - excessive failures."
                    return False, "failures"
            # TODO - check if the account is expired 
            # once you've gotten your account locked due to failed attempts, you can no longer
            # use the forgot password feature. 
            # that's why this happens after that.
            db = catocommon.new_conn()

            # forgot password
            # if an 'answer' was provided, it can serve as an alternate authentication
            # but it will force a password change.
            if answer:
                sql = "select security_answer from users where username='******'" % login_id
                db_ans = db.select_col_noexcep(sql)
                encans = catocommon.cato_encrypt(answer)
                if db_ans == encans:
                    self.ForceChange = True
                    sql = "update users set force_change=1 where user_id='%s'" % self.ID
                    if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sql):
                        print db.error
                    sql = "update users set failed_login_attempts=failed_login_attempts+1 where user_id='%s'" % self.ID
                    if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sql):
                        print db.error
                    print "User.Authenticate : Invalid login attempt - [%s] wrong security question answer." % (login_id)
                    return False, "Incorrect security answer."
            # try the password if it was provided
            if password:
                sql = "select user_password from users where username='******'" % login_id
                db_pwd = db.select_col_noexcep(sql)
                encpwd = catocommon.cato_encrypt(password)
                if db_pwd != encpwd:
                    sql = "update users set failed_login_attempts=failed_login_attempts+1 where user_id='%s'" % self.ID
                    if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sql):
                        print db.error
                    print "User.Authenticate : Invalid login attempt - [%s] bad password." % (login_id)
                    return False, ""

            # TODO:
            # Check Expiration coming up - for a warning
            # force change
            # the user authenticated, but they are required to change their password
            change_clause = ""
            if self.ForceChange:
                if change_password:
                    # a new password was provided
                    result, msg = User.ValidatePassword(self.ID, change_password)
                    if not result:
                        return False, msg

                    # put it in the history
                    # and update with the new one
                    change_clause = ",force_change=0, user_password='******'" % catocommon.cato_encrypt(change_password)
                    return False, "change"
            # ALL GOOD!

            # reset the user counters and last_login
            sql = "update users set failed_login_attempts=0, last_login_dt=now() %s where user_id='%s'" % (change_clause, self.ID)
            if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sql):
                print db.error
            return True, ""
        except Exception, ex:
            print ex.__str__()
            return False, ex.__str__()
Beispiel #26
def CatoEncrypt(s):
    return catocommon.cato_encrypt(s)