class CBQuery(object):
    def __init__(self, url, token, ssl_verify):
        self.cb = CbApi(url, token=token, ssl_verify=ssl_verify)
        self.cb_url = url

    def report(self, hostname, result):
        # return the events associated with this process segment
        # this will include netconns, as well as modloads, filemods, etc.
        events = self.cb.process_events(result["id"], result["segment_id"])
        proc = events["process"]

        # for convenience, use locals for some process metadata fields
        process_name = result.get("process_name", "<unknown>")
        user_name = result.get("username", "<unknown>")
        process_md5 = result.get("process_md5", "<unknown>")

        # the search criteria (netconn_count:[1 to *]) should ensure that
        # all results have at least one netconn
        if proc.has_key("netconn_complete"):

            # examine each netconn in turn
            for netconn in proc["netconn_complete"]:

                # split the netconn event into component parts
                # note that the port is the remote port in the case of outbound
                # netconns, and local port in the case of inbound netconns
                ts, ip, port, proto, domain, dir = netconn.split("|")
                # get the dotted-quad string representation of the ip
                str_ip = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!i", int(ip)))
                # the underlying data model provides the protocol number
                # convert this to human-readable strings (tcp or udp)
                if "6" == proto:
                    proto = "tcp"
                elif "17" == proto:
                    proto = "udp"
                # the underlying data model provides a boolean indication as to
                # if this is an inbound or outbound network connection 
                if "true" == dir:
                    dir = "out"
                    dir = "in" 

                # pring the record, using pipes as a delimiter
                print "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s)" % (hostname, ts, process_name, user_name, process_md5, proto, str_ip, port, dir, domain)

    def check(self, hostname):

        # print a legend
        print "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s)" % ("hostname", "timestamp", "process name", "username", "process md5", "protocol", "ip", "port", "direction", "domain")

        # build the query string
        q = "netconn_count:[1 to *] AND hostname:%s" % (hostname)
        # begin with the first result - we'll perform the search in pages 
        # the default page size is 10 (10 reslts)
        start = 0

        # loop over the entire result set
        while True:

            # get the next page of results 
            procs = self.cb.process_search(q, start=start)
            # if there are no results, we are done paging 
            if len(procs["results"]) == 0:

            # examine each result individually
            # each result represents a single process segment
            for result in procs["results"]:
      , result)

            # move forward to the next page 
            start = start + 10
Beispiel #2
class CBQuery(object):
    def __init__(self, url, token, ssl_verify):
        self.cb = CbApi(url, token=token, ssl_verify=ssl_verify)
        self.cb_url = url

    def report(self, ioc, type, procs, detail=False):
        for result in procs["results"]:
            # print the results to stdout. you could do anything here - 
            # log to syslog, send a SMS, fire off a siren and strobe light, etc.
            print "Found %s IOC for %s in:" % (type, ioc)
            print "\tPath: %s"          % result["path"]
            print "\tHostname: %s"      % result["hostname"]
            print "\tStarted: %s"       % result["start"]
            print "\tLast Updated: %s"  % result["last_update"]
            print "\tDetails: %s/#analyze/%s/%s" % (self.cb_url, result["id"], result["segment_id"])

            if detail:
                self.report_detail(ioc, type, result)

    def report_detail(self, ioc, type, result):
        events = self.cb.process_events(result["id"], result["segment_id"])
        proc = events["process"]

        if type == "domain" and proc.has_key("netconn_complete"):
            for netconn in proc["netconn_complete"]:
                ts, ip, port, proto, domain, dir = netconn.split("|")
                if ioc in domain:
                    str_ip = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!i", int(ip)))
                    print "%s\t%s (%s:%s)" % (ts, domain, str_ip, port)

        elif type == "ipaddr" and proc.has_key("netconn_complete"):
            for netconn in proc["netconn_complete"]:
                ts, ip, port, proto, domain, direction = netconn.split("|")
                packed_ip = struct.unpack("!i", socket.inet_aton(ioc))[0]
                #import code; code.interact(local=locals())
                if packed_ip == int(ip):
                    str_ip = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!i", int(ip)))
                    print "%s\t%s (%s:%s)" % (ts, domain, str_ip, port)

        elif type == "md5" and proc.has_key("modload_complete"):
            for modload in proc["modload_complete"]:
                ts, md5, path = modload.split("|")
                if ioc in md5:
                    print "%s\t%s %s" % (ts, md5, path)

            if result["process_md5"] == ioc:
                print "%s\t%s %s" % (result["start"], result["process_md5"], result["path"])

    def check(self, iocs, type, detail=False):
        # for each ioc, do a search for (type):(ioc)
        # e.g, 
        #   md5:ce7a81ceccfa03e5e0dfd0d9a7f41466
        # additionally, if a cron interval is specified, limit searches
        # to processes updated in the last CRON_INTERVAL period
        # note - this is a very inefficient way to do this, since you test only one
        # IOC per request - you could build a large OR clause together with a few hundred
        # to efficiently and quickly check 1000s of IOCs, at the cost of increased complexity
        # when you discover a hit.
        # note 2 - with a list of flat indicators, what you really want is a CB feed
        # see
        for ioc in iocs:
            if CRON_INTERVAL:
                q = "%s:%s and last_update:-%s" % (type, ioc, CRON_INTERVAL)
                q = "%s:%s" % (type, ioc)
            print q
            procs = self.cb.process_search(q)

            # if there are _any_ hits, give us the details.
            # then check the next ioc
            if len(procs["results"]) > 0:
      , type, procs, detail)
Beispiel #3
class CBQuery(object):
    def __init__(self, url, token, ssl_verify):
        self.cb = CbApi(url, token=token, ssl_verify=ssl_verify)
        self.cb_url = url

    def report(self, result, search_filename):
        # return the events associated with this process segment
        # this will include netconns, as well as modloads, filemods, etc.
        events = self.cb.process_events(result["id"], result["segment_id"])
        proc = events["process"]

        # for convenience, use locals for some process metadata fields
        host_name = result.get("hostname", "<unknown>")
        process_name = result.get("process_name", "<unknown>")
        user_name = result.get("username", "<unknown>")

        if proc.has_key("filemod_complete"):

            # examine each filemod in turn
            for filemod in proc["filemod_complete"]:

                # filemods are of the form:
                #   1|2014-06-19 15:40:05.446|c:\dir\filename||
                parts = filemod.split('|')
                action, ts, filename, filemd5, filetype = parts[:5]

                # the _document as a whole_ matched the query
                # that doesn't mean each _indvidual filemod_ within the document matched
                # the user-specified filename to search for
                # iterate over each filemod and determine if the path matches
                # what was specified
                # make sense?  hope so!
                if search_filename.lower() not in filename.lower():

                if "1" == action:
                    action = "creation"
                elif "2" == action or "8" == action:
                    action = "modification"
                elif "4" == action:
                    action = "deletion"

                print "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s" % (host_name, ts, filename, process_name, user_name, action) 

    def check(self, filename):

        # build the query string
        q = "filemod:%s" % (filename)
        # begin with the first result - we'll perform the search in pages 
        # the default page size is 10 (10 reslts)
        start = 0

        # loop over the entire result set
        while True:

            # get the next page of results
            procs = self.cb.process_search(q, start=start)
            # if there are no results, we are done paging 
            if len(procs["results"]) == 0:

            # examine each result individually
            # each result represents a single process segment
            for result in procs["results"]:
      , filename)

            # move forward to the next page
            start = start + 10
class CBQuery(object):
    def __init__(self, url, token, ssl_verify):
        self.cb = CbApi(url, token=token, ssl_verify=ssl_verify)
        self.cb_url = url

    def report(self, hostname, result):

        # return the events associated with this process segment
        # this will include netconns, as well as modloads, filemods, etc.
        events = self.cb.process_events(result["id"], result["segment_id"])

        proc = events["process"]

        # for convenience, use locals for some process metadata fields
        process_name = result.get("process_name", "<unknown>")
        user_name = result.get("username", "<unknown>")
        process_md5 = result.get("process_md5", "<unknown>")

        # the search criteria (netconn_count:[1 to *]) should ensure that
        # all results have at least one netconn
        if proc.has_key("netconn_complete"):

            # examine each netconn in turn
            for netconn in proc["netconn_complete"]:

                # split the netconn event into component parts
                # note that the port is the remote port in the case of outbound
                # netconns, and local port in the case of inbound netconns
                ts, ip, port, proto, domain, dir = netconn.split("|")

                # get the dotted-quad string representation of the ip
                str_ip = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!i", int(ip)))

                # the underlying data model provides the protocol number
                # convert this to human-readable strings (tcp or udp)
                if "6" == proto:
                    proto = "tcp"
                elif "17" == proto:
                    proto = "udp"

                # the underlying data model provides a boolean indication as to
                # if this is an inbound or outbound network connection
                if "true" == dir:
                    dir = "out"
                    dir = "in"

                # pring the record, using pipes as a delimiter
                print "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s)" % (
                    hostname, ts, process_name, user_name, process_md5, proto,
                    str_ip, port, dir, domain)

    def check(self, hostname):

        # print a legend
        print "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s)" % (
            "hostname", "timestamp", "process name", "username", "process md5",
            "protocol", "ip", "port", "direction", "domain")

        # build the query string
        q = "netconn_count:[1 to *] AND hostname:%s" % (hostname)

        # begin with the first result - we'll perform the search in pages
        # the default page size is 10 (10 reslts)
        start = 0

        # loop over the entire result set
        while True:

            # get the next page of results
            procs = self.cb.process_search(q, start=start)

            # if there are no results, we are done paging
            if len(procs["results"]) == 0:

            # examine each result individually
            # each result represents a single process segment
            for result in procs["results"]:
      , result)

            # move forward to the next page
            start = start + 10
class CBQuery(object):
    def __init__(self, url, token, ssl_verify):
        self.cb = CbApi(url, token=token, ssl_verify=ssl_verify)
        self.cb_url = url

        # set up some stat tracking
        self.stats = {}
        self.stats['total_processes'] = 0
        self.stats['total_netconns'] = 0
        self.stats['matching_netconns'] = 0
        self.stats['output_errors'] = 0
        self.stats['process_errors'] = 0

    def getStats(self):
        return the current statistics
        return self.stats

    def outputNetConn(self, proc, netconn):
        output a single netconn event from a process document
        the caller is responsible for ensuring that the document
        meets start time and subnet criteria

        # for convenience, use locals for some process metadata fields
        hostname = proc.get("hostname", "<unknown>")
        process_name = proc.get("process_name", "<unknown>")
        user_name = proc.get("username", "<unknown>")
        process_md5 = proc.get("process_md5", "<unknown>")
        cmdline = proc.get("cmdline", "<unknown>")
        path = proc.get("path", "<unknown>")
        procstarttime = proc.get("start", "<unknown>")
        proclastupdate = proc.get("last_update", "<unknown>")

        # split the netconn into component parts
        ts, ip, port, proto, domain, dir = netconn.split("|")

        # get the dotted-quad string representation of the ip
        str_ip = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!i", int(ip)))
        # the underlying data model provides the protocol number
        # convert this to human-readable strings (tcp or udp)
        if "6" == proto:
            proto = "tcp"
        elif "17" == proto:
            proto = "udp"
        # the underlying data model provides a boolean indication as to
        # if this is an inbound or outbound network connection 
        if "true" == dir:
            dir = "out"
           dir = "in" 

        # print the record, using pipes as a delimiter
        print "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|" % (procstarttime,proclastupdate,hostname, user_name, proto, str_ip, port, dir, domain, process_name, process_md5, path, cmdline)

    def addressInNetwork(self, ip, cidr):

        # the ip can be the emtpy string ('') in cases where the connection
        # is made via a web proxy.  in these cases the sensor cannot report
        # the true remote IP as DNS resolution happens on the web proxy (and
        # not the endpoint)
        if '' == ip:
            return False

            net = cidr.split('/')[0]
            bits = cidr.split('/')[1]

            if int(ip) > 0: 
                ipaddr = struct.unpack('<L', socket.inet_aton(ip))[0]
                ipaddr = struct.unpack('<L', socket.inet_aton(".".join(map(lambda n: str(int(ip)>>n & 0xFF), [24,16,8,0]))))[0]
            netaddr = struct.unpack('<L', socket.inet_aton(net))[0]
            netmask = ((1L << int(bits)) - 1)
            return ipaddr & netmask == netaddr & netmask

            return False

    def report(self, result, subnet):

        # return the events associated with this process segment
        # this will include netconns, as well as modloads, filemods, etc.
        events = self.cb.process_events(result["id"], result["segment_id"])
        proc = events["process"]

        # the search criteria (netconn_count:[1 to *]) should ensure that
        # all results have at least one netconn
        if proc.has_key("netconn_complete"):

            # examine each netconn in turn
            for netconn in proc["netconn_complete"]:
                # update the count of total netconns
                self.stats['total_netconns'] = self.stats['total_netconns'] + 1
                # split the netconn event into component parts
                # note that the port is the remote port in the case of outbound
                # netconns, and local port in the case of inbound netconns
                # for the purpose of this example script, eat any errors
                ts, ip, port, proto, domain, dir = netconn.split("|")
                if self.addressInNetwork(ip, subnet): 
                        self.stats['matching_netconns'] = self.stats['matching_netconns'] + 1
                        self.outputNetConn(proc, netconn)
                        self.stats['output_errors'] = self.stats['output_errors'] + 1

    def strip_to_int(ip):
        convert a dotted-quad string IP to the corresponding int32
        return struct.unpack('<L', socket.inet_aton(ip))[0]

    def check(self, subnet, datetype, begin, end):

        # print a legend
        print "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|" % ("ProcStartTime", "ProcUpdateTime","hostname", "username", "protocol", "ip", "port", "direction", "domain",  "process name",  "process md5", "process path", "cmdline")

        # build the query string
        if not end and not begin:
            q = "ipaddr:%s" % (subnet,) 
            if not end: end = "*"
            if not begin: begin = "*"
            q = "ipaddr:%s %s:[%s TO %s]" % (subnet, datetype, begin, end)

        # begin with the first result - we'll perform the search in pages 
        # the default page size is 10 (10 results)
        start = 0

        # loop over the entire result set, paging as required
        while True:

            # get the next page of results 
            procs = self.cb.process_search(q, start=start)
            # track the total number of matching results
            self.stats['total_processes'] = procs['total_results']

            # if there are no results, we are done paging 
            if len(procs["results"]) == 0:

            # examine each result individually
            # each result represents a single segment of a single process
            # for the purposes of this example script, eat any errors
            for result in procs["results"]:
          , subnet)
                except Exception, e:
                    self.stats['process_errors'] = self.stats['process_errors'] + 1

            # move forward to the next page 
            start = start + 10
Beispiel #6
class CBQuery(object):
    def __init__(self, url, token, ssl_verify):
        self.cb = CbApi(url, token=token, ssl_verify=ssl_verify)
        self.cb_url = url

    def report(self, result, search_filename):

        # return the events associated with this process segment
        # this will include netconns, as well as modloads, filemods, etc.
        events = self.cb.process_events(result["id"], result["segment_id"])

        proc = events["process"]

        # for convenience, use locals for some process metadata fields
        host_name = result.get("hostname", "<unknown>")
        process_name = result.get("process_name", "<unknown>")
        user_name = result.get("username", "<unknown>")

        if proc.has_key("filemod_complete"):

            # examine each filemod in turn
            for filemod in proc["filemod_complete"]:

                # filemods are of the form:
                #   1|2014-06-19 15:40:05.446|c:\dir\filename||
                action, ts, filename, filemd5, filetype = filemod.split('|')

                # the _document as a whole_ matched the query
                # that doesn't mean each _indvidual filemod_ within the document matched
                # the user-specified filename to search for
                # iterate over each filemod and determine if the path matches
                # what was specified
                # make sense?  hope so!
                if search_filename.lower() not in filename.lower():

                if "1" == action:
                    action = "creation"
                elif "2" == action or "8" == action:
                    action = "modification"
                elif "4" == action:
                    action = "deletion"

                print "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s" % (host_name, ts, filename,
                                             process_name, user_name, action)

    def check(self, filename):

        # build the query string
        q = "filemod:%s" % (filename)

        # begin with the first result - we'll perform the search in pages
        # the default page size is 10 (10 reslts)
        start = 0

        # loop over the entire result set
        while True:

            # get the next page of results
            procs = self.cb.process_search(q, start=start)

            # if there are no results, we are done paging
            if len(procs["results"]) == 0:

            # examine each result individually
            # each result represents a single process segment
            for result in procs["results"]:
      , filename)

            # move forward to the next page
            start = start + 10
class CBQuery(object):
    def __init__(self, url, token, ssl_verify):
        self.cb = CbApi(url, token=token, ssl_verify=ssl_verify)
        self.cb_url = url

        # set up some stat tracking
        self.stats = {}
        self.stats['total_processes'] = 0
        self.stats['total_netconns'] = 0
        self.stats['matching_netconns'] = 0
        self.stats['output_errors'] = 0
        self.stats['process_errors'] = 0

    def getStats(self):
        return the current statistics
        return self.stats

    def outputNetConn(self, proc, netconn):
        output a single netconn event from a process document
        the caller is responsible for ensuring that the document
        meets start time and subnet criteria

        # for convenience, use locals for some process metadata fields
        hostname = proc.get("hostname", "<unknown>")
        process_name = proc.get("process_name", "<unknown>")
        user_name = proc.get("username", "<unknown>")
        process_md5 = proc.get("process_md5", "<unknown>")
        cmdline = proc.get("cmdline", "<unknown>")
        path = proc.get("path", "<unknown>")
        procstarttime = proc.get("start", "<unknown>")
        proclastupdate = proc.get("last_update", "<unknown>")

        # split the netconn into component parts
        ts, ip, port, proto, domain, dir = netconn.split("|")

        # get the dotted-quad string representation of the ip
        str_ip = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!i", int(ip)))

        # the underlying data model provides the protocol number
        # convert this to human-readable strings (tcp or udp)
        if "6" == proto:
            proto = "tcp"
        elif "17" == proto:
            proto = "udp"

        # the underlying data model provides a boolean indication as to
        # if this is an inbound or outbound network connection
        if "true" == dir:
            dir = "out"
            dir = "in"

        # print the record, using pipes as a delimiter
        print "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|" % (
            procstarttime, proclastupdate, hostname, user_name, proto, str_ip,
            port, dir, domain, process_name, process_md5, path, cmdline)

    def addressInNetwork(self, ip, cidr):

        # the ip can be the emtpy string ('') in cases where the connection
        # is made via a web proxy.  in these cases the sensor cannot report
        # the true remote IP as DNS resolution happens on the web proxy (and
        # not the endpoint)
        if '' == ip:
            return False

            net = cidr.split('/')[0]
            bits = cidr.split('/')[1]

            if int(ip) > 0:
                ipaddr = struct.unpack('<L', socket.inet_aton(ip))[0]
                ipaddr = struct.unpack(
                        map(lambda n: str(int(ip) >> n & 0xFF),
                            [24, 16, 8, 0]))))[0]
            netaddr = struct.unpack('<L', socket.inet_aton(net))[0]
            netmask = ((1L << int(bits)) - 1)

            return ipaddr & netmask == netaddr & netmask

            return False

    def report(self, result, subnet):

        # return the events associated with this process segment
        # this will include netconns, as well as modloads, filemods, etc.
        events = self.cb.process_events(result["id"], result["segment_id"])

        proc = events["process"]

        # the search criteria (netconn_count:[1 to *]) should ensure that
        # all results have at least one netconn
        if proc.has_key("netconn_complete"):

            # examine each netconn in turn
            for netconn in proc["netconn_complete"]:

                # update the count of total netconns
                self.stats['total_netconns'] = self.stats['total_netconns'] + 1

                # split the netconn event into component parts
                # note that the port is the remote port in the case of outbound
                # netconns, and local port in the case of inbound netconns
                # for the purpose of this example script, eat any errors
                ts, ip, port, proto, domain, dir = netconn.split("|")
                if self.addressInNetwork(ip, subnet):
                        self.stats['matching_netconns'] = self.stats[
                            'matching_netconns'] + 1
                        self.outputNetConn(proc, netconn)
                            'output_errors'] = self.stats['output_errors'] + 1

    def strip_to_int(ip):
        convert a dotted-quad string IP to the corresponding int32
        return struct.unpack('<L', socket.inet_aton(ip))[0]

    def check(self, subnet, datetype, begin, end):

        # print a legend
        print "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|" % (
            "ProcStartTime", "ProcUpdateTime", "hostname", "username",
            "protocol", "ip", "port", "direction", "domain", "process name",
            "process md5", "process path", "cmdline")

        # build the query string
        if not end and not begin:
            q = "ipaddr:%s" % (subnet, )
            if not end: end = "*"
            if not begin: begin = "*"
            q = "ipaddr:%s %s:[%s TO %s]" % (subnet, datetype, begin, end)

        # begin with the first result - we'll perform the search in pages
        # the default page size is 10 (10 results)
        start = 0

        # loop over the entire result set, paging as required
        while True:

            # get the next page of results
            procs = self.cb.process_search(q, start=start)

            # track the total number of matching results
            self.stats['total_processes'] = procs['total_results']

            # if there are no results, we are done paging
            if len(procs["results"]) == 0:

            # examine each result individually
            # each result represents a single segment of a single process
            # for the purposes of this example script, eat any errors
            for result in procs["results"]:
          , subnet)
                except Exception, e:
                        'process_errors'] = self.stats['process_errors'] + 1

            # move forward to the next page
            start = start + 10