Beispiel #1
 def email_new_user_summary(self, frequency_of_timed_task="days=1"):
     query for all users in last <timedelta> and email 
     frequency_of_timed_task = timedelta_from_str(frequency_of_timed_task)
     from civicboom.model import Member
     members = Session.query(Member) \
                 .with_polymorphic('*') \
                 .filter(Member.join_date>=normalize_datetime(now()) - frequency_of_timed_task) \
     if not members:
         log.debug('Report not generated: no new members in %s' % frequency_of_timed_task)
         return response_completed_ok
     from civicboom.lib.communication.email_lib import send_email
         subject      ='new user registration summary',
         content_html = render(
                         extra_vars = {
                             "members"   : members                 ,
                             "timedelta" : frequency_of_timed_task ,
     return response_completed_ok
Beispiel #2
 def assignment_near_expire(self, frequency_of_timed_task="days=1"):
     Users who have accepted assigments but have not posted response
     question should be reminded via a notification that the assingment
     has not long left
     from civicboom.model.content     import AssignmentContent
     from civicboom.lib.communication import messages
     def get_assignments_by_date(date_start, date_end):
         return Session.query(AssignmentContent).filter(and_(AssignmentContent.due_date >= date_start, AssignmentContent.due_date <= date_end)).all()
     def get_responded(assignment):
         return [response.creator_id for response in assignment.responses]
     frequency_of_timed_task = timedelta_from_str(frequency_of_timed_task)
     date_7days_time = normalize_datetime(now() + datetime.timedelta(days=7))
     date_1days_time = normalize_datetime(now() + datetime.timedelta(days=1))
     for assignment in get_assignments_by_date(date_start=date_7days_time, date_end=date_7days_time + frequency_of_timed_task): # Get all assignments due in 7 days
         responded_member_ids = get_responded(assignment)                                                              #   Get a list of all the members that have responded to this assignment
         for member in [member for member in assignment.accepted_by if not in responded_member_ids]:         #   For all members accepted this assignment #     Check if they have responded with an article
             member.send_notification( messages.assignment_due_7days(you=member, assignment=assignment) )              #     if not send a reminder notification
     for assignment in get_assignments_by_date(date_start=date_1days_time, date_end=date_1days_time + frequency_of_timed_task): #Same as above but on day before
         responded_member_ids = get_responded(assignment)
         for member in [member for member in assignment.accepted_by if not in responded_member_ids]:
             member.send_notification( messages.assignment_due_1day (you=member, assignment=assignment) )
     return response_completed_ok
Beispiel #3
 def _to_python(self, value, state):
     timedelta_kwargs = validators.UnicodeString._to_python(
         self, value, state)
         value = timedelta_from_str(timedelta_kwargs)
     except Exception as e:
         raise formencode.Invalid(self.message("invalid_format", state),
                                  value, state)
     return value
Beispiel #4
 def remind_pending_users(self, remind_after="hours=24", frequency_of_timed_task="hours=1"):
     Users who try to sign up but don't complete the registration within one day get a reminder email
     to be run once every 24 hours
     from civicboom.model.member import User
     from civicboom.lib.accounts import validation_url
     frequency_of_timed_task = timedelta_from_str(frequency_of_timed_task)
     remind_after            = timedelta_from_str(remind_after           )
     reminder_start = normalize_datetime(now()          - remind_after           )
     reminder_end   = normalize_datetime(reminder_start + frequency_of_timed_task)
     users_to_remind = Session.query(User).filter(User.status=='pending').filter(and_(User.join_date <= reminder_end, User.join_date >= reminder_start)).all() #.filter(~User.login_details.any()).
     for user in users_to_remind:'Reminding pending user %s - %s' % (user.username, user.email_normalized))
         register_url = validation_url(user, controller='register', action='new_user')
         user.send_email(subject=_('_site_name: reminder'), content_html=render('/email/user_pending_reminder.mako', extra_vars={'register_url':register_url}))
     return response_completed_ok
Beispiel #5
 def summary_notification_email(self, frequency_of_timed_task="hours=1"):
     users that have flag themselfs as requesting summary emails can have 24 hours of notifications summerised
     TODO: In future this could take into account utc offset
     TODO: don't change the frequencey from 1 hour as this break interval_anchor
     from civicboom.model import User, Message
     from sqlalchemy      import null
     frequency_of_timed_task = timedelta_from_str(frequency_of_timed_task)
     datetime_now            = normalize_datetime(now())
     def summary_notification_email_user(user):
         All users passed to this methdod have been selected using a query to ensure they have the field 'summary_email_interval'
         # Normalize the interval and ancor to the previous hour to assess if we are on a interval boundary
         if user.summary_email_start:
             interval_ancor = datetime_now - normalize_datetime(user.summary_email_start, accuracy='hour') # todo ... this really should be linked the frequncy of timed task
             interval_ancor = datetime_now - normalize_datetime(datetime_now            , accuracy='week')
         interval_ancor = interval_ancor.total_seconds()
         interval       = user.summary_email_interval.total_seconds()
         # If on interval boundary
         if (interval_ancor % interval) == 0:
             # Select all messages from since the previous interval
             messages = Session.query(Message).filter(or_(, >= (datetime_now-user.summary_email_interval)).order_by(Message.timestamp).all()
             # No need to send email summary if no messages have been generated in the last interval
             if messages:
                 content_html = render('/email/notifications/summary.mako', extra_vars={'messages':messages, 'user':user})
                     subject      = _('_site_name: Summary'),
                     content_html = content_html,
                 # Test output - used to debug email layout
                 #import os
                 #file = open(os.path.expanduser("~/Temp/out.html"), 'w')
         Session.query(User).filter(User.summary_email_interval!=null()), #and_(User.summary_email_start, 
     return response_completed_ok
Beispiel #6
 def remove_pending_users(self, delete_older_than="days=7"):
     Users who do not complete the signup process by entering an email
     address that is incorrect or a bots or cant use email should be
     removed if they have still not signed up after 7 Days
     from civicboom.model.member import User
     ghost_expire = normalize_datetime(now() - timedelta_from_str(delete_older_than))
     for user in Session.query(User).filter(User.status=='pending').filter(User.join_date <= ghost_expire).all(): # .filter(~User.login_details.any()).
         Session.delete(user)'Deleting pending user %s - %s' % (user.username, user.email_normalized))
         # It may be nice to log numbers here to aid future business desctions
     # AllanC - the method above could be inefficent. could just do it at the DB side?
     return response_completed_ok
Beispiel #7
 def publish_scheduled_content(self, frequency_of_timed_task="hours=1"):
     query for all users in last <timedelta> and email 
     frequency_of_timed_task = timedelta_from_str(frequency_of_timed_task)
     datetime_now            = normalize_datetime(now())
     from civicboom.model.content        import DraftContent
     from civicboom.controllers.contents import ContentsController
     content_publish = ContentsController().update
     def get_content_to_publish(date_start, date_end):
         return Session.query(DraftContent).filter(and_(DraftContent.auto_publish_trigger_datetime >= date_start, DraftContent.auto_publish_trigger_datetime <= date_end)).all()
     # AllanC - calls will be made to this will trigger the normal decorators, we need to ensure that these dont prohibit the update call's we are about to make
     c.authenticated_form = True     # AllanC - Fake the authenticated status so that the auth decorator does not tigger
     c.format             = 'python'
     for content in get_content_to_publish(datetime_now, datetime_now + frequency_of_timed_task):'Auto publishing content #%s - %s' % (, content.title))
         # By calling the content:update method with no param with the content as a draft, it automatically pubishs the content
         content_publish(content, submit_publish=True)
     return response_completed_ok