def test_create_docker_image():
        """Tests for method docker_image"""
        client = CBWApi(API_URL, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY)

        info = {
            "image_name": "library/debian",
            "image_tag": "latest",
            "docker_registry_id": "1",
            "docker_engine_id": "4",
            "node_id": "1",

        with vcr.use_cassette(
            response = client.create_docker_image(info)

            assert str(
            ) == "cbw_object(id=6, image_name='library/debian', image_tag='latest', \
"""Add docker image"""

import os
from configparser import ConfigParser
from cbw_api_toolbox.cbw_api import CBWApi

CONF = ConfigParser()
    os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), '..', 'api.conf'))
CLIENT = CBWApi(CONF.get('cyberwatch', 'url'),
                CONF.get('cyberwatch', 'api_key'),
                CONF.get('cyberwatch', 'secret_key'))

INFO = {
    "image_name": "",  # Mandatory name of docker image on the registry
    "image_tag": "",  # Mandatory tag of docker image to analyze
    "",  # Mandatory credential ID of the Docker registry to pull from
    "",  # Mandatory Credential ID of the Docker engine to run analyzes on.
    "",  # ID of the Cyberwatch source that will connect to the Docker engine
