Beispiel #1
def fio_gen_jobs(client_targets, fill=0):
        generate fio job files for '' then upload to clients
        return: jobdesc, fio_job_dir
            jobdesc: the string that summarize the fio job
            fio_job_dir: directory that contains fio job files on client servers
    jobdesc = None; jobfile_names = []
    # write fio job files for each client
    for t in client_targets:
        jobdesc, fio_filljob_content = fio_build_job_contents(t, fill)
        jobdesc, fio_jobfile_content = fio_build_job_contents(t)

        jobfile_name = "%s_%s.fio" % (jobdesc, t.address)
        f = open(jobfile_name, "w"); f.write(fio_jobfile_content); f.close()

        jobfile_name = "fill%d_%s_%s.fio" % (fill, jobdesc, t.address)
        f = open(jobfile_name, "w"); f.write(fio_filljob_content); f.close()
    # upload fio job files to all clients
    fio_job_dir = g_runtime_dir + "/fiorun/%s" % (jobdesc)
    for t in client_targets:
        t.exe( "mkdir -p %s" % (fio_job_dir) )
        for jobfile_name in jobfile_names:
            if not t.upload( jobfile_name, fio_job_dir ):
                return None, None
    for jobfile_name in jobfile_names:
        me.exe("rm -f %s" % (jobfile_name))
    return jobdesc, fio_job_dir
Beispiel #2
def get_iops(logpath):
    iops, iops_str = None, None
    rt, path_results, err = me.exe(
        "tail -100 {log} | grep 'log location' | awk '{{print $3}}'".format(
    rt, iops_str, err = me.exe(
        "tail -100 {log} | grep 'Total: IOPS:' | awk '{{print $3}}' ".format(
    iops = int(iops_str.split("@")[0]) if iops_str else None
    return iops, iops_str, path_results
Beispiel #3
def replace_rpm(federation_targets, build_server, force=True):
        build the latest uniio on build_server and replace rpms on federation nodes
    if not build_server:
        common.log("failed replace rpms. build server is None.", 1)
        return False
    if not federation_targets:
        common.log("failed replace rpms. uniio servers are None.", 1)
        return False
    cos_build = build(build_server, wait=False)
    if not cos_build:
        return False
    # reinitialize backend
    if not shutdown_cluster(federation_targets, force=True, wait=True):
        return False
    # wait for build job to end
    for co in cos_build:
        if not co.succ():
            common.log("failed when build.")
            return False

    # download from build server and upload rpm packages to federation nodes:
    me.exe("rm -rf /tmp/rpms && mkdir /tmp/rpms")
    if not"/tmp/rpms/", "%s/uniio/build/object-array-*.rpm" % (g_runtime_dir)):                    # download uniio rpms
        return False
    if not g_uioonly:
        if not"/tmp/rpms/", "%s/nasmgmt/build/object-array-nasmgmt-*.rpm" % (g_runtime_dir)):          # download nasmgmt rpms
            return False
        if not"/tmp/rpms/", "%s/sysmgmt/build/object-array-sysmgmt-*.rpm" % (g_runtime_dir)):          # download sysmgmt rpms
            return False
        if not"/tmp/rpms/", "%s/uniio-ui/build_debug/object-array-uniio-ui-*.rpm" % (g_runtime_dir)):  # download uniio-ui rpms
            return False

    for t in federation_targets:
        t.exe("rm -rf /tmp/rpms && mkdir -p /tmp/rpms")
        if not t.upload("/tmp/rpms/*.rpm", "/tmp/rpms/"):
            return False

    cos = []
    for t in federation_targets:
        cmd  = "%s/uio_scripts/server/ %s --replace=/tmp/rpms" % (g_runtime_dir, '-f' if force else "")
        cos.append(t.exe(cmd, wait=False))
    for co in cos:
        if not co.succ():
            common.log("failed when replacing uniio packages.")
            return False
    return True
Beispiel #4
def showfio(path):
    if not path: return False
    uiodir = "{0}/..".format(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
    path_showfio = "{0}/client/".format(uiodir)
    cmd = "{showfio} $(ls {path}/fio_output/[^fill]*)".format(showfio=path_showfio, path=path)
    rt, out, err = me.exe(cmd)
    print ("\n%s\n" % (out))
    return True
Beispiel #5
def perf_test(client_targets, federation_targets, fill=0):
        run performance test.
        start fio workload from clients,
        collect counter logs at the same time,
        fill: fill the luns first, for a given time
        return when all jobs are done.
    # print threadtable.ini contents on all federation servers
    for t in federation_targets:
        t.exe("cat /etc/objblk/threadtable.ini")

    status_str = ""
    jobdesc, fio_job_dir, fio_cos, fio_driver = fio_run(client_targets, fill)
    if not fio_cos:
        return False
    counter_log_dir, counter_log_path, counter_cos = counter_log(jobdesc, federation_targets)

    # wait for jobs to end
    fio_fail = None
    for fio_co in fio_cos:
        if not fio_co.succ():
            fio_fail = fio_co
    if fio_fail: status_str += ".FIO_FAIL_on_%s" % (fio_driver.address)
    counter_fail = None
    for co in counter_cos:
        if not co.succ():
            counter_fail = co
    if counter_fail: status_str += ".COUNTER_FAIL_on_%s" % (

    # download fio logs from fio driver node
    localtime = time.localtime()
    date_str = "%d-%02d-%02d" % (localtime.tm_year, localtime.tm_mon, localtime.tm_mday)
    time_str = "%02d.%02d.%02d" % (localtime.tm_hour, localtime.tm_min, localtime.tm_sec)
    logdir = "perflogs/%s/%s.%s_%s%s" % (date_str, jobdesc, date_str, time_str, status_str)
    me.exe("rm -rf %s" % (logdir))
    me.exe("mkdir -p %s" % (logdir))
    if not, "%s/*" % (fio_job_dir)):
        return False

    # download counter logs and cpu data svg files from federation nodes
    for t in federation_targets:
        counterdir = "%s/counter_%s" % (logdir, t.address)
        svgdir = "%s/cpudata_%s" % (logdir, t.address)
        me.exe("mkdir -p %s" % (counterdir))
        if g_cpudata: me.exe("mkdir -p %s" % (svgdir))
        if not, counter_log_path):
            return False
        if g_cpudata and not, counter_log_dir+"/*%s*.svg" % (jobdesc)):
            return False
    json.dump(g_conf, open("%s/settings.json" % (logdir), 'w'), indent=2)  # dump a copy of config file to the logdir
    common.log("DONE EEPERFTEST.\n%s\nlog location: %s" % ("-"*60, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), logdir)))
    showfio (logdir)
    return True
Beispiel #6
def run_commit(commit):
    """run a single perf test on the given hash

        commit (str): a git commit: [hash, committer date, author name, desc]
    path_perfauto = "{0}/".format(
    hash = commit[0]
    logpath = "{0}.{1}.out".format(hash, str(uuid.uuid1()))

    print("-" * 80)
    sys.stdout.write("testing {0} log: {1}\n".format("|".join(commit),

    cmd = "{0} -c {1} -u --ref={2} -p --fill 600 --fullmap --uioonly > {3} ".format(
        path_perfauto, g_conf_file, hash, logpath)
    iops = None
    path = None
    start = time.time()
    succ = me.succ(cmd)
    dur = time.time() - start
    if not succ:  # execution fail
            "FAIL!! {0} log: {1}\nREALTIME: {2:.0f} seconds.\n".format(
                "|".join(commit), logpath, dur))
        iops, iops_str, path = get_iops(logpath)
            "IOPS: {2} ref: {0} log: {1}\nREALTIME: {3:.0f} seconds.\n".format(
                "|".join(commit), logpath, iops_str, dur))
    if path and os.path.exists(path):
        me.exe("mv {0} {1}/".format(logpath, path))
    if iops:
        result = [hash, iops]
    else:  # can't get iops for this round, retry with the closest commits
        result = [hash, 0]
    print("-" * 80)

    return result