Beispiel #1
    def test_nonsparse_zvariable_blocking(self):
        # Setup the test_file
        var_spec = {}
        var_spec['Variable'] = 'Variable1'
        var_spec['Data_Type'] = 8
        var_spec['Num_Elements'] = 1
        var_spec['Rec_Vary'] = True
        var_spec['Dim_Sizes'] = []
        var_spec['Block_Factor'] = 10000
        data = np.linspace(0, 999999, num=1000000)
        self.test_file.write_var(var_spec, var_data=data)

        # Close the file so we can read

        # Open the file to read
        self.test_file_reader = cdfread.CDF(os.path.dirname(__file__) +

        # Test CDF info
        var = self.test_file_reader.varget("Variable1")
        self.assertEqual(var[99999], 99999)

        # Close the reading file
Beispiel #2
    def test_sparse_zvariable_previous(self):
        # Setup the test_file
        var_spec = {}
        var_spec['Variable'] = 'Variable1'
        var_spec['Data_Type'] = 8
        var_spec['Num_Elements'] = 1
        var_spec['Rec_Vary'] = True
        var_spec['Dim_Sizes'] = []
        var_spec['Sparse'] = 'prev_sparse'
        data = [[200, 3000, 3100, 3500, 4000, 5000, 6000, 10000, 10001, 10002, 20000],
                np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])]
        self.test_file.write_var(var_spec, var_data=data)

        # Close the file so we can read

        # Open the file to read
        self.test_file_reader = cdfread.CDF(os.path.dirname(__file__) +

        # Test CDF info
        varinq = self.test_file_reader.varinq("Variable1")
        var = self.test_file_reader.varget("Variable1")
        pad_num = varinq['Pad'][0]
        self.assertEqual(var[100], pad_num)
        self.assertEqual(var[6001], var[6000])

        # Close the reading file
def cdf_to_ds(cdf_file, cdf_vars):
    Read variables from CDF files into an XArray DataSet

    cdf_file : str
        Name of the CDF file to read
    cdf_vars : str or list
        Names of the variables to read

    out : `xarray.DataSet`
        The data.
    if not isinstance(cdf_file, str):
        raise ValueError('cdf_file must be a string or path.')
    if isinstance(cdf_vars, str):
        cdf_vars = [cdf_vars]

    cdf = cdfread.CDF(cdf_file)
    ds = xr.Dataset()
    variables = []
    for varname in cdf_vars:
        ds = ds.assign({varname: cdf_load_var(cdf, varname)})

    return ds
Beispiel #4
def test_create_2d_rvariable_dimvary(cdf_create):
    # Setup the test_file
    var_spec = {}
    var_spec['Variable'] = 'Variable1'
    var_spec['Var_Type'] = 'rvariable'
    var_spec['Data_Type'] = 21
    var_spec['Num_Elements'] = 1
    var_spec['Rec_Vary'] = True
    var_spec['Dim_Sizes'] = []
    var_spec['Dim_Vary'] = [True, False]

    tfile = cdf_create(fnbasic, {'rDim_sizes': [2, 20]})

                    var_data=np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7], [8,


    # Open the file to read
    reader = cdfread.CDF(fnbasic)

    # Test CDF info
    varinfo = reader.varinq("Variable1")

    assert varinfo['Data_Type'] == 21
    var = reader.varget("Variable1")
    for x in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]:
        assert var[x][0] == 2 * x
        assert var[x][1] == 2 * x + 1
Beispiel #5
def test_checksum(cdf_create):
    # Setup the test_file
    tfile = cdf_create(fncsum, {'Checksum': True})

    var_spec = {}
    var_spec['Variable'] = 'Variable1'
    var_spec['Data_Type'] = 4
    var_spec['Num_Elements'] = 1
    var_spec['Rec_Vary'] = True
    var_spec['Dim_Sizes'] = []
    varatts = {}
    varatts['Attribute1'] = 1
    varatts['Attribute2'] = '500'

                    var_data=np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]))


    # %% Open the file to read
    reader = cdfread.CDF(fncsum, validate=True)
    # Test CDF info
    var = reader.varget("Variable1")
    assert (var == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]).all()
Beispiel #6
def test_create_zvariables_then_attributes(cdf_create):
    # Setup the test_file
    var_spec = {}
    var_spec['Variable'] = 'Variable1'
    var_spec['Data_Type'] = 8
    var_spec['Num_Elements'] = 1
    var_spec['Rec_Vary'] = True
    var_spec['Dim_Sizes'] = []

    tfile = cdf_create(fnbasic, {'rDim_sizes': [1]})
                    var_data=np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]))

    var_spec['Variable'] = 'Variable2'
                    var_data=np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]))

    varatts = {}
    varatts['Attribute1'] = {'Variable1': 1, 'Variable2': 2}
    varatts['Attribute2'] = {0: '500', 1: '1000'}


    # Open the file to read
    reader = cdfread.CDF(fnbasic)

    # Test CDF info
    att = reader.attget("Attribute1", entry=0)
    assert att['Data'] == [1]

    att = reader.attget("Attribute2", entry=1)
    att['Data'] == '1000'
Beispiel #7
def test_sparse_zvariable_blocking(cdf_create):
    # Setup the test_file
    var_spec = {}
    var_spec['Variable'] = 'Variable1'
    var_spec['Data_Type'] = 8
    var_spec['Num_Elements'] = 1
    var_spec['Rec_Vary'] = True
    var_spec['Dim_Sizes'] = []
    var_spec['Block_Factor'] = 10000
    var_spec['Sparse'] = 'pad_sparse'
    data = np.linspace(0, 99999, num=100000)
    physical_records1 = np.linspace(1, 10000, num=10000)
    physical_records2 = np.linspace(20001, 30000, num=10000)
    physical_records3 = np.linspace(50001, 60000, num=10000)
    physical_records4 = np.linspace(70001, 140000, num=70000)
    physical_records = np.concatenate(
        (physical_records1, physical_records2, physical_records3,
    sparse_data = [physical_records, data]

    tfile = cdf_create(fnbasic, {'rDim_sizes': [1]})
    tfile.write_var(var_spec, var_data=sparse_data)

    # Open the file to read
    reader = cdfread.CDF(fnbasic)

    # Test CDF infotfile = cdf_create(fnbasic, {'rDim_sizes': [1]})
    varinq = reader.varinq("Variable1")
    var = reader.varget("Variable1")
    pad_num = varinq['Pad'][0]

    assert var[30001] == pad_num
    assert var[70001] == 30000
Beispiel #8
def test_checksum_compressed(cdf_create):
    # Setup the test_file
    var_spec = {}
    var_spec['Variable'] = 'Variable1'
    var_spec['Data_Type'] = 2
    var_spec['Num_Elements'] = 1
    var_spec['Rec_Vary'] = True
    var_spec['Dim_Sizes'] = []
    varatts = {}
    varatts['Attribute1'] = 1
    varatts['Attribute2'] = '500'

    v = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])

    tfile = cdf_create(fncomp, {'Compressed': 6, 'Checksum': True})
    tfile.write_var(var_spec, var_attrs=varatts, var_data=v)

    # %% Open the file to read
    reader = cdfread.CDF(fncomp, validate=True)

    var = reader.varget("Variable1")
    assert (var == v).all()

    att = reader.attget("Attribute1", entry=0)
    assert att['Data'] == [1]

    att = reader.attget("Attribute2", entry=0)
    assert att['Data'] == '500'
Beispiel #9
    def test_globalattrs(self):
        # Setup the test_file
        globalAttrs = {}
        globalAttrs['Global1'] = {0: 'Global Value 1'}
        globalAttrs['Global2'] = {0: 'Global Value 2'}
        globalAttrs['Global3'] = {0: [12, 'cdf_int4']}
        globalAttrs['Global4'] = {0: [12.34, 'cdf_double']}
        globalAttrs['Global5'] = {0: [12.34, 21.43]}
        GA6 = {}
        GA6[0] = 'abcd'
        GA6[1] = [12, 'cdf_int2']
        GA6[2] = [12.5, 'cdf_float']
        GA6[3] = [[0, 1, 2], 'cdf_int8']
        globalAttrs['Global6'] = GA6

        # Close the file so we can read

        # Open the file to read
        self.test_file_reader = cdfread.CDF(os.path.dirname(__file__) +

        # Test CDF info
        attrib = self.test_file_reader.attinq('Global2')
        self.assertEqual(attrib['num_gr_entry'], 1)
        attrib = self.test_file_reader.attinq('Global6')
        self.assertEqual(attrib['num_gr_entry'], 4)
        entry = self.test_file_reader.attget('Global6', 3)
        self.assertEqual(entry['Data_Type'], 'CDF_INT8')
        for x in [0, 1, 2]:
            self.assertEqual(entry['Data'][x], x)

        # Close the reading file
Beispiel #10
    def test_create_zvariable(self):
        # Setup the test_file
        var_spec = {}
        var_spec['Variable'] = 'Variable1'
        var_spec['Data_Type'] = 1
        var_spec['Num_Elements'] = 1
        var_spec['Rec_Vary'] = True
        var_spec['Dim_Sizes'] = []
        var_spec['Dim_Vary'] = True

        self.test_file.write_var(var_spec, var_data=np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]))

        # Close the file so we can read

        # Open the file to read
        self.test_file_reader = cdfread.CDF(os.path.dirname(__file__) +

        # Test CDF info
        varinfo = self.test_file_reader.varinq("Variable1")
        self.assertEqual(varinfo['Data_Type'], 1)
        var = self.test_file_reader.varget("Variable1")
        for x in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]:
            self.assertEqual(var[x], x)

        # Close the reading file
Beispiel #11
def test_sparse_zvariable_previous(cdf_create):
    # Setup the test_file
    var_spec = {}
    var_spec['Variable'] = 'Variable1'
    var_spec['Data_Type'] = 8
    var_spec['Num_Elements'] = 1
    var_spec['Rec_Vary'] = True
    var_spec['Dim_Sizes'] = []
    var_spec['Sparse'] = 'prev_sparse'
    data = [[
        200, 3000, 3100, 3500, 4000, 5000, 6000, 10000, 10001, 10002, 20000
            np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])]

    tfile = cdf_create(fnbasic, {'rDim_sizes': [1]})
    tfile.write_var(var_spec, var_data=data)

    # Open the file to read
    reader = cdfread.CDF(fnbasic)

    # Test CDF info
    varinq = reader.varinq("Variable1")
    var = reader.varget("Variable1")
    pad_num = varinq['Pad'][0]

    assert var[100] == pad_num
    assert var[6001] == var[6000]
Beispiel #12
    def test_checksum_compressed(self):
        # Setup the test_file
        cdf_spec = {'Compressed': 6, 'Checksum': True}
        self.checksum_test_file = cdfwrite.CDF(os.path.dirname(__file__) +
        var_spec = {}
        var_spec['Variable'] = 'Variable1'
        var_spec['Data_Type'] = 8
        var_spec['Num_Elements'] = 1
        var_spec['Rec_Vary'] = True
        var_spec['Dim_Sizes'] = []
        varatts = {}
        varatts['Attribute1'] = 1
        varatts['Attribute2'] = '500'

        self.checksum_test_file.write_var(var_spec, var_attrs=varatts,
                                          var_data=np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]))

        # Close the file so we can read

        # Open the file to read
        self.test_file_reader = cdfread.CDF(os.path.dirname(__file__) +
        # Test CDF info
        var = self.test_file_reader.varget("Variable1")
        for x in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]:
            self.assertEqual(var[x], x)

        # Close the reading file
Beispiel #13
def test_create_rvariable(cdf_create):
    # Setup the test_file
    vs = {}
    vs['Variable'] = 'Variable1'
    vs['Var_Type'] = 'rvariable'
    vs['Data_Type'] = 12
    vs['Num_Elements'] = 1
    vs['Rec_Vary'] = True
    vs['Dim_Sizes'] = []
    vs['Dim_Vary'] = [True]

    tfile = cdf_create(fnbasic, {'rDim_sizes': [1]})
    tfile.write_var(vs, var_data=np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]))

    # Open the file to read
    reader = cdfread.CDF(fnbasic)

    # Test CDF info
    varinfo = reader.varinq("Variable1")
    assert varinfo['Data_Type'] == 12

    var = reader.varget("Variable1")
    for x in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]:
        assert var[x] == x
Beispiel #14
    def test_create_zvariables_then_attributes(self):
        # Setup the test_file
        var_spec = {}
        var_spec['Variable'] = 'Variable1'
        var_spec['Data_Type'] = 8
        var_spec['Num_Elements'] = 1
        var_spec['Rec_Vary'] = True
        var_spec['Dim_Sizes'] = []

        self.test_file.write_var(var_spec, var_data=np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]))

        var_spec['Variable'] = 'Variable2'
        self.test_file.write_var(var_spec, var_data=np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]))

        varatts = {}
        varatts['Attribute1'] = {'Variable1': 1, 'Variable2': 2}
        varatts['Attribute2'] = {0: '500', 1: '1000'}


        # Close the file so we can read

        # Open the file to read
        self.test_file_reader = cdfread.CDF(os.path.dirname(__file__) +

        # Test CDF info
        att = self.test_file_reader.attget("Attribute1", entry=0)
        self.assertEqual(att['Data'], [1])
        att = self.test_file_reader.attget("Attribute2", entry=1)
        self.assertEqual(att['Data'], '1000')

        # Close the reading file
Beispiel #15
def test_cdf_creation(cdf_create):
    cdf_create(fnbasic, {'rDim_sizes': [1]}).close()

    reader = cdfread.CDF(fnbasic)

    # Test CDF info
    info = reader.cdf_info()
    assert info['Majority'] == 'Column_major'
Beispiel #16
    def test_create_2d_r_and_z_variables(self):
        # Create a new test_file
        cdf_spec = {'rDim_sizes': [2, 20]}
        self.test_file = cdfwrite.CDF(os.path.dirname(__file__) +

        # Setup the test_file
        var_spec = {}
        var_spec['Variable'] = 'Variable1'
        var_spec['Var_Type'] = 'rvariable'
        var_spec['Data_Type'] = 22
        var_spec['Num_Elements'] = 1
        var_spec['Rec_Vary'] = True
        var_spec['Dim_Sizes'] = []
        var_spec['Dim_Vary'] = [True, False]

        self.test_file.write_var(var_spec, var_data=np.array([[0, 1],
                                                              [2, 3],
                                                              [4, 5],
                                                              [6, 7],
                                                              [8, 9]]))

        var_spec['Variable'] = 'Variable2'
        var_spec['Var_Type'] = 'zvariable'
        varatts = {}
        varatts['Attribute1'] = 2
        varatts['Attribute2'] = '1000'
        self.test_file.write_var(var_spec, var_attrs=varatts,
                                 var_data=np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]))

        # Close the file so we can read

        # Open the file to read
        self.test_file_reader = cdfread.CDF(os.path.dirname(__file__) +

        # Test CDF info
        varinfo = self.test_file_reader.varinq("Variable1")
        self.assertEqual(varinfo['Data_Type'], 22)
        var = self.test_file_reader.varget("Variable1")
        for x in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]:
            self.assertEqual(var[x][0], 2*x)
            self.assertEqual(var[x][1], 2*x+1)
        var = self.test_file_reader.varget("Variable2")
        for x in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]:
            self.assertEqual(var[x], x)

        att = self.test_file_reader.attget("Attribute1", entry='Variable2')
        self.assertEqual(att['Data'], [2])
        att = self.test_file_reader.attget("Attribute2", entry='Variable2')
        self.assertEqual(att['Data'], '1000')

        # Close the reading file
Beispiel #17
def cdf_to_ds(filename, variables=None, varformat=None, data_vars=True):
    Read variables from CDF files into an XArray DataSet
    filename : str
        Name of the CDF file to read
    variables : str or list
        Names of the variables to read or a pattern by which to match
        variable names. If not given, all variables will be read
    varformat : str or list
        Regular expression(s) used to match variable names. Mutually
        exclusive with `variables`.
    data_vars : bool
        Read only those variables with VAR_TYPE of "data". Ignored if
        `variables` is given.
    ds : `xarray.Dataset`
        The data.
    if not isinstance(filename, str):
        raise ValueError('cdf_file must be a string or path.')
    if isinstance(variables, str):
        variables = [variables]
    if isinstance(varformat, str):
        varformat = [varformat]
    # Open the CDF file
    cdf = cdfread.CDF(filename)
    # Match regular expression(s)
    if variables is not None:
        varnames = variables
    elif varformat is not None:
        all_variables = cdf_varnames(cdf, data_vars=data_vars)
        varnames = []
        for fmt in varformat:
            varnames =+ [v for v in all_variables if re.match(fmt, v)]
    # Select all (data) variables
        varnames = cdf_varnames(cdf, data_vars=data_vars)
    # Read the data
    ds = xr.Dataset()
    variables = []
    for varname in varnames:
        ds = ds.assign({varname: cdf_load_var(cdf, varname)})
    # Grab the global attributes from the data file
    ds.attrs['filename'] = filename
    return ds
Beispiel #18
def cdf_to_ds(filename, variables=None, varformat=None, data_vars=True):
    Read variables from CDF files into an XArray DataSet
    filename : str
        Name of the CDF file to read
    variables : str or list
        Names of the variables to read or a pattern by which to match
        variable names. If not given, all variables will be read
    varformat : str or list
        Regular expression(s) used to match variable names. Mutually
        exclusive with `variables`.
    data_vars : bool
        Read only those variables with VAR_TYPE of "data". Ignored if
        `variables` is given.
    ds : `xarray.Dataset`
        The data.
    global cdf_vars_read
    cdf_vars_read = {}

    if not isinstance(filename, str):
        raise ValueError('cdf_file must be a string or path.')
    if isinstance(variables, str):
        variables = [variables]
    if isinstance(varformat, str):
        varformat = [varformat]

    # Open the CDF file
    cdf = cdfread.CDF(filename)

    varnames = check_variables(cdf, variables, varformat, data_vars)

    # Read the data
    for varname in varnames:
        cdf_load_var(cdf, varname)

    # Create the dataset
    ds = xr.Dataset(cdf_vars_read)

    # Grab the global attributes from the data file
    ds.attrs['filename'] = filename

    return ds
Beispiel #19
    def test_cdf_creation(self):
        # Setup the test_file

        # Close the file so we can read

        # Open the file to read
        self.test_file_reader = cdfread.CDF(os.path.dirname(__file__) +

        # Test CDF info
        test_file_info = self.test_file_reader.cdf_info()
        self.assertEqual(test_file_info['Majority'], 'Column_major')

        # Close the reading file
Beispiel #20
def test_create_2d_r_and_z_variables(cdf_create):

    # Setup the test_file
    var_spec = {}
    var_spec['Variable'] = 'Variable1'
    var_spec['Var_Type'] = 'rvariable'
    var_spec['Data_Type'] = 22
    var_spec['Num_Elements'] = 1
    var_spec['Rec_Vary'] = True
    var_spec['Dim_Sizes'] = []
    var_spec['Dim_Vary'] = [True, False]

    tfile = cdf_create(fnbasic, {'rDim_sizes': [2, 20]})
                    var_data=np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7], [8,

    var_spec['Variable'] = 'Variable2'
    var_spec['Var_Type'] = 'zvariable'
    varatts = {}
    varatts['Attribute1'] = 2
    varatts['Attribute2'] = '1000'
                    var_data=np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]))

    # Open the file to read
    reader = cdfread.CDF(fnbasic)

    # Test CDF info
    varinfo = reader.varinq("Variable1")
    assert varinfo['Data_Type'] == 22

    var = reader.varget("Variable1")
    for x in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]:
        assert var[x][0] == 2 * x
        assert var[x][1] == 2 * x + 1

    var = reader.varget("Variable2")
    assert (var == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]).all()

    att = reader.attget("Attribute1", entry='Variable2')
    assert att['Data'] == [2]

    att = reader.attget("Attribute2", entry='Variable2')
    assert att['Data'] == '1000'
Beispiel #21
    def test_create_2d_rvariable(self):
        # Create a new test_file
        cdf_spec = {'rDim_sizes': [2, 2]}
        self.test_file = cdfwrite.CDF(os.path.dirname(__file__) +
                                      "/testfiles/testing.cdf", cdf_spec=cdf_spec)

        # Setup the test_file
        var_spec = {}
        var_spec['Variable'] = 'Variable1'
        var_spec['Var_Type'] = 'rvariable'
        var_spec['Data_Type'] = 14
        var_spec['Num_Elements'] = 1
        var_spec['Rec_Vary'] = True
        var_spec['Dim_Sizes'] = []
        var_spec['Dim_Vary'] = [True, True]

        self.test_file.write_var(var_spec, var_data=np.array([[[0, 1], [1, 2]],
                                                              [[2, 3], [3, 4]],
                                                              [[4, 5], [5, 6]],
                                                              [[6, 7], [7, 8]],
                                                              [[8, 9], [9, 10]]]))

        # Close the file so we can read

        # Open the file to read
        self.test_file_reader = cdfread.CDF(os.path.dirname(__file__) +

        # Test CDF info
        varinfo = self.test_file_reader.varinq("Variable1")
        self.assertEqual(varinfo['Data_Type'], 14)
        var = self.test_file_reader.varget("Variable1")
        for x in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]:
            self.assertEqual(var[x][0][0], 2*x)
            self.assertEqual(var[x][0][1], 2*x+1)
            self.assertEqual(var[x][1][0], 2*x+1)
            self.assertEqual(var[x][1][1], 2*x+2)

        # Close the reading file
Beispiel #22
def test_nonsparse_zvariable_blocking(cdf_create):
    # Setup the test_file
    var_spec = {}
    var_spec['Variable'] = 'Variable1'
    var_spec['Data_Type'] = 8
    var_spec['Num_Elements'] = 1
    var_spec['Rec_Vary'] = True
    var_spec['Dim_Sizes'] = []
    var_spec['Block_Factor'] = 10000
    data = np.linspace(0, 999999, num=1000000)

    tfile = cdf_create(fnbasic, {'rDim_sizes': [1]})
    tfile.write_var(var_spec, var_data=data)

    # Open the file to read
    reader = cdfread.CDF(fnbasic)

    # Test CDF info
    var = reader.varget("Variable1")
    assert var[99999] == 99999
Beispiel #23
    def test_sparse_virtual_zvariable_blocking(self):
        # Setup the test_file
        var_spec = {}
        var_spec['Variable'] = 'Variable1'
        var_spec['Data_Type'] = 8
        var_spec['Num_Elements'] = 1
        var_spec['Rec_Vary'] = True
        var_spec['Dim_Sizes'] = []
        var_spec['Block_Factor'] = 10000
        var_spec['Sparse'] = 'pad_sparse'
        data = np.linspace(0, 140000, num=140001)
        physical_records1 = np.linspace(1, 10000, num=10000)
        physical_records2 = np.linspace(20001, 30000, num=10000)
        physical_records3 = np.linspace(50001, 60000, num=10000)
        physical_records4 = np.linspace(70001, 140000, num=70000)
        physical_records = np.concatenate((physical_records1,
        sparse_data = [physical_records, data]
        self.test_file.write_var(var_spec, var_data=sparse_data)

        # Close the file so we can read

        # Open the file to read
        self.test_file_reader = cdfread.CDF(os.path.dirname(__file__) +

        # Test CDF info
        varinq = self.test_file_reader.varinq("Variable1")
        var = self.test_file_reader.varget("Variable1")
        pad_num = varinq['Pad'][0]
        self.assertEqual(var[30001], pad_num)
        self.assertEqual(var[70001], 70001)

        # Close the reading file
Beispiel #24
def test_create_zvariable_no_recvory(cdf_create):
    # Setup the test_file
    var_spec = {}
    var_spec['Variable'] = 'Variable1'
    var_spec['Data_Type'] = 8
    var_spec['Num_Elements'] = 1
    var_spec['Rec_Vary'] = False
    var_spec['Dim_Sizes'] = []
    var_spec['Dim_Vary'] = True

    tfile = cdf_create(fnbasic, {'rDim_sizes': [1]})
    tfile.write_var(var_spec, var_data=np.array([2]))

    # Open the file to read
    reader = cdfread.CDF(fnbasic)

    # Test CDF info
    varinfo = reader.varinq("Variable1")
    assert varinfo['Data_Type'] == 8

    var = reader.varget("Variable1")
    assert var == 2
Beispiel #25
def test_create_zvariable(cdf_create):
    # Setup the test_file
    vs = {}
    vs['Variable'] = 'Variable1'
    vs['Data_Type'] = 1
    vs['Num_Elements'] = 1
    vs['Rec_Vary'] = True
    vs['Dim_Sizes'] = []
    vs['Dim_Vary'] = True

    tfile = cdf_create(fncsum, {'Checksum': True})
    tfile.write_var(vs, var_data=np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]))

    # %% Open the file to read
    reader = cdfread.CDF(fncsum)

    # Test CDF info
    varinfo = reader.varinq("Variable1")
    assert varinfo['Data_Type'] == 1

    var = reader.varget("Variable1")
    assert (var == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]).all()
Beispiel #26
def test_file_compression():
    # Setup the test_file

    var_spec = {}
    var_spec['Variable'] = 'Variable1'
    var_spec['Data_Type'] = 2
    var_spec['Num_Elements'] = 1
    var_spec['Rec_Vary'] = True
    var_spec['Dim_Sizes'] = []
    varatts = {}
    varatts['Attribute1'] = 1
    varatts['Attribute2'] = '500'

    v = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])

    tfile = cdf_create(fncomp, {'Compressed': 6, 'Checksum': True})
    tfile.write_var(var_spec, var_attrs=varatts, var_data=v)

    # Open the file to read
    reader = cdfread.CDF(fncomp)
    # Test CDF info
    var = reader.varget("Variable1")
    assert (var == v).all()
Beispiel #27
def test_globalattrs(cdf_create):
    # Setup the test_file
    globalAttrs = {}
    globalAttrs['Global1'] = {0: 'Global Value 1'}
    globalAttrs['Global2'] = {0: 'Global Value 2'}
    globalAttrs['Global3'] = {0: [12, 'cdf_int4']}
    globalAttrs['Global4'] = {0: [12.34, 'cdf_double']}
    globalAttrs['Global5'] = {0: [12.34, 21.43]}

    GA6 = {}
    GA6[0] = 'abcd'
    GA6[1] = [12, 'cdf_int2']
    GA6[2] = [12.5, 'cdf_float']
    GA6[3] = [[0, 1, 2], 'cdf_int8']

    globalAttrs['Global6'] = GA6

    tfile = cdf_create(fncsum, {'Checksum': True})

    # %% Open the file to read
    reader = cdfread.CDF(fncsum)

    # Test CDF info
    attrib = reader.attinq('Global2')
    assert attrib['num_gr_entry'] == 1

    attrib = reader.attinq('Global6')
    assert attrib['num_gr_entry'] == 4

    entry = reader.attget('Global6', 3)
    assert entry['Data_Type'] == 'CDF_INT8'

    for x in [0, 1, 2]:
        assert entry['Data'][x] == x
Beispiel #28
def cdf_read(fn: Path, validate: bool = False):
    return cdfread.CDF(fn, validate=validate)
Beispiel #29
def cdf_read(fn: Path, validate: bool = False):
    # str(fn) is a Python==3.5 workaround
    return cdfread.CDF(str(fn), validate=validate)
def cdf_to_df(cdf_files, cdf_vars, epoch='Epoch'):
    Read variables from CDF files into a dataframe

    cdf_files : str or list
        CDF files to be read
    cdf_vars : str or list
        Names of the variables to be read
    epoch : str
        Name of the time variable that serves as the data frame index

    out : `pandas.DataFrame`
        The data. If a variable is 2D, "_#" is appended, where "#"
        increases from 0 to var.shape[1]-1.
    tepoch = epochs.CDFepoch()
    if isinstance(cdf_files, str):
        cdf_files = [cdf_files]
    if isinstance(cdf_vars, str):
        cdf_vars = [cdf_vars]
    if epoch not in cdf_vars:

    out = []
    for file in cdf_files:
        file_df = pd.DataFrame()
        cdf = cdfread.CDF(file)

        for var_name in cdf_vars:
            # Read the variable data
            data = cdf.varget(var_name)
            if var_name == epoch:
                data = tepoch.to_datetime(data, to_np=True)

            # Store as column in data frame
            if data.ndim == 1:
                file_df[var_name] = data

            # 2D variables get "_#" appended to name for each column
            elif data.ndim == 2:
                for idx in range(data.shape[1]):
                    file_df['{0}_{1}'.format(var_name, idx)] = data[:, idx]

            # 3D variables gets reshaped to 2D and treated as 2D
            # This includes variables like the pressure and temperature tensors
            elif data.ndim == 3:
                dims = data.shape
                data = data.reshape(dims[0], dims[1] * dims[2])
                for idx in range(data.shape[1]):
                    file_df['{0}_{1}'.format(var_name, idx)] = data[:, idx]
                print('cdf_var.ndims > 3. Skipping. {0}'.format(var_name))

        # Close the file

        # Set the epoch variable as the index
        file_df.set_index(epoch, inplace=True)

    # Concatenate all of the file data
    out = pd.concat(out)

    # Check that the index is unique
    # Some contiguous low-level data files have data overlap at the edges of the files (e.g., AFG)
    if not out.index.is_unique:
        out['index'] = out.index
        out.drop_duplicates(subset='index', inplace=True, keep='first')
        out.drop(columns='index', inplace=True)

    # File names are not always given in order, so sort the data
    return out