def create_climo_file(fp_in, fp_out, t_start, t_end, variable):
    Generates climatological files from an input file and a selected time range

        f_in: input file path
        f_out: output file path
        t_start (datetime.datetime): start date of climo period
        t_end (datetime.datetime): end date of climo period
        variable (str): name of the variable which is being processed

    Requested date range MUST exist in the input file

    supported_vars = {
        'cddETCCDI', 'csdiETCCDI', 'cwdETCCDI', 'dtrETCCDI', 'fdETCCDI',
        'gslETCCDI', 'idETCCDI', 'prcptotETCCDI', 'r10mmETCCDI', 'r1mmETCCDI',
        'r20mmETCCDI', 'r95pETCCDI', 'r99pETCCDI', 'rx1dayETCCDI',
        'rx5dayETCCDI', 'sdiiETCCDI', 'suETCCDI', 'thresholds', 'tn10pETCCDI',
        'tn90pETCCDI', 'tnnETCCDI', 'tnxETCCDI', 'trETCCDI', 'tx10pETCCDI',
        'tx90pETCCDI', 'txnETCCDI', 'txxETCCDI', 'wsdiETCCDI', 'tasmin',
        'tasmax', 'pr'

    if variable not in supported_vars:
        raise Exception("Unsupported variable: cant't yet process {}".format(variable))

    # Allow different ops by variable? # op = 'sum' if variable == 'pr' else 'mean'
    op = 'mean'

    cdo = Cdo()
    date_range = '{},{}'.format(d2s(t_start), d2s(t_end))

    if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(fp_out)):

    with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.nc') as tempf:
        cdo.seldate(date_range, input=fp_in,

        # Add extra postprocessing for specific variables.
        vt = var_trans(variable)

        if 'yr' in fp_in:
            cdo_cmd = '{vt} -tim{op} {fname}'.format(, op=op, vt=vt)
            cdo_cmd = '{vt} -ymon{op} {fname} {vt} -yseas{op} {fname} {vt} -tim{op} {fname}'\
                .format(, op=op, vt=vt)

        cdo.copy(input=cdo_cmd, output=fp_out)