def calc_Ctot_cs_building_scale_buildings(network_info):
    Caculates the space cooling cost of disconnected buildings.
    The calculation for partially disconnected buildings is done in calc_Ctot_cs_building_scale_loads.
    :param network_info: an object storing information of the current network
    ## Calculate disconnected heat load costs
    dis_opex = 0.0
    dis_capex = 0.0
    if len(network_info.disconnected_buildings_index) > 0:  # we have disconnected buildings
        # Make sure files to read in exist
        for building_index, building in enumerate(network_info.building_names):  # iterate through all buildings
            Opex_var_system = 0.0
            if building_index in network_info.disconnected_buildings_index:  # disconnected building
                # Read in demand of building
                building_demand = pd.read_csv(network_info.locator.get_demand_results_file(building))
                # sum up demand of all loads
                demand_hourly_kWh = building_demand['Qcs_sys_scu_kWh'].abs() + \
                                    building_demand['Qcs_sys_ahu_kWh'].abs() + \
                # calculate peak demand
                peak_demand_kW = demand_hourly_kWh.abs().max()
                print('Calculate cost of disconnected building production at building ', building)
                if network_info.yearly_cost_calculations:
                    demand_annual_kWh = demand_hourly_kWh.sum()
                    # calculate plant COP according to the cold water supply temperature in SG context
                    supplied_systems = find_supplied_systems_annual(network_info, building_demand,
                                                                    ['ahu', 'aru', 'scu'], dis_build=True)
                    COP_chiller_system, COP_chiller = VCCModel.calc_VCC_COP(network_info.weather_data, supplied_systems,
                    # calculate cost of producing cooling
                    Opex_var_system = demand_annual_kWh / COP_chiller_system * 1000 * network_info.prices.ELEC_PRICE
                    # calculate chiller heat rejection via CT
                    Q_peak_CT_kW = calc_CT_load_from_chiller_load(COP_chiller, peak_demand_kW)
                    Q_CT_kW = [0] * HOURS_IN_YEAR
                    for t in range(HOURS_IN_YEAR):
                        supplied_systems = find_supplied_systems_t(network_info, t, building_demand,
                                                                   ['ahu', 'aru', 'scu'], dis_build=True)
                        # calculate COP of plant operation in this hour based on supplied loads
                        # calculate plant COP according to the cold water supply temperature in SG context
                        COP_chiller_system, COP_chiller = VCCModel.calc_VCC_COP(network_info.weather_data, supplied_systems,
                        # calculate cost of producing cooling
                        Opex_var_system += abs(demand_hourly_kWh[
                                                  t]) / COP_chiller_system * 1000 * network_info.prices.ELEC_PRICE
                        # calculate chiller heat rejection via CT
                        Q_CT_kW[t] = calc_CT_load_from_chiller_load(COP_chiller, abs(demand_hourly_kWh[t]))
                    Q_peak_CT_kW = max(Q_CT_kW)

                # calculate cost of chiller and cooling tower at building level
                Capex_a_chiller_USD, Opex_fixed_chiller, _ = VCCModel.calc_Cinv_VCC(peak_demand_kW * 1000, network_info.locator, 'CH3')
                Capex_a_CT_USD, Opex_fixed_CT, _ = CTModel.calc_Cinv_CT(Q_peak_CT_kW * 1000, network_info.locator, 'CT1')
                # sum up costs
                dis_opex += Opex_var_system + Opex_fixed_chiller + Opex_fixed_CT
                dis_capex += Capex_a_chiller_USD + Capex_a_CT_USD

    dis_total = dis_opex + dis_capex
    return dis_total, dis_opex, dis_capex
Beispiel #2
def calc_Ctot_cs_building_scale_loads(network_info):
    Calculates the space cooling cost of disconnected loads at the building level.
    The calculation for entirely disconnected buildings is done in calc_Ctot_cs_building_scale_buildings.
    :param Thermal_Network network_info: an object storing information of the current network
    disconnected_systems = []
    dis_opex = 0
    dis_capex = 0
        for system in optimal_network.full_heating_systems:
            if system not in optimal_network.config.thermal_network.substation_heating_systems:
        # Make sure files to read in exist
        for system in disconnected_systems:
            for building in optimal_network.building_names:
                assert optimal_network.locator.get_optimization_building_scale_folder_building_result_heating(building), "Missing diconnected building files. Please run disconnected_buildings_heating first."
            # Read in disconnected cost of all buildings
                disconnected_cost = optimal_network.locator.get_optimization_building_scale_folder_building_result_heating(building)
    if network_info.network_type == 'DC':
        supplied_systems = []
        # iterate through all possible cooling systems
        for system in network_info.full_cooling_systems:

            if system not in network_info.substation_cooling_systems:
                # add system to list of loads that are supplied at building level
        if len(disconnected_systems) > 0:
            # check if we have any disconnected systems
            system_string = find_cooling_systems_string(disconnected_systems)
            # iterate through all buildings
            for building_index, building in enumerate(
                Opex_var_system = 0.0
                if building_index not in network_info.disconnected_buildings_index:
                    # if this building is disconnected it will be calculated separately
                    # Read in building demand
                    building_demand = pd.read_csv(
                    if not system_string:
                        # this means there are no disconnected loads. Shouldn't happen but is a fail-safe
                        peak_demand_kW = 0.0
                        disconnected_demand_t_sum = 0.0
                        for system_index, system in enumerate(
                        ):  # iterate through all disconnected loads
                            # go through all systems and sum up demand values
                            if system_index == 0:
                                disconnected_demand_t = building_demand[system]
                                disconnected_demand_t = disconnected_demand_t + building_demand[
                        peak_demand_kW = disconnected_demand_t.abs().max(
                        )  # calculate peak demand of all disconnected systems
                        disconnected_demand_t_sum = disconnected_demand_t.abs(
                    print 'Calculate cost of disconnected loads in building ', building
                    if network_info.yearly_cost_calculations:
                        supplied_systems = find_supplied_systems_annual(
                            network_info, building_demand, supplied_systems)
                        COP_chiller_system, COP_chiller = VCCModel.calc_VCC_COP(
                        # calculate cost of producing cooling
                        Opex_var_system += disconnected_demand_t_sum / COP_chiller_system * 1000 * network_info.prices.ELEC_PRICE
                        # calculate chiller heat rejection via CT
                        Q_peak_CT_kW = calc_CT_load_from_chiller_load(
                            COP_chiller, peak_demand_kW)
                        Q_CT_kW = [0] * HOURS_IN_YEAR
                        for t in range(HOURS_IN_YEAR):
                            # calculate COP of chiller and CT operation in this hour based on supplied loads
                            # calculate chiller COP according to the cold water supply temperature in SG context
                            supplied_systems = find_supplied_systems_t(
                                network_info, t, building_demand,
                            if len(supplied_systems) > 0:
                                COP_chiller_system, COP_chiller = VCCModel.calc_VCC_COP(
                                # calculate cost of producing cooling
                                Opex_var_system += abs(
                                ) / COP_chiller_system * 1000 * network_info.prices.ELEC_PRICE
                                # calculate chiller heat rejection via CT
                                Q_CT_kW[t] = calc_CT_load_from_chiller_load(
                                    COP_chiller, abs(disconnected_demand_t[t]))
                        Q_peak_CT_kW = max(Q_CT_kW)

                    # calculate disconnected systems cost of disconnected loads. Assumes that all these loads are supplied by one chiller, unless this exceeds maximum chiller capacity of database
                    Capex_a_chiller_USD, Opex_fixed_chiller, _ = VCCModel.calc_Cinv_VCC(
                        peak_demand_kW * 1000, network_info.locator, 'CH3')
                    Capex_a_CT_USD, Opex_fixed_CT, _ = CTModel.calc_Cinv_CT(
                        Q_peak_CT_kW * 1000, network_info.locator, 'CT1')
                    # sum up costs
                    dis_opex += Opex_var_system + Opex_fixed_chiller + Opex_fixed_CT
                    dis_capex += Capex_a_chiller_USD + Capex_a_CT_USD

    dis_total = dis_opex + dis_capex
    return dis_total, dis_opex, dis_capex
Beispiel #3
def calc_Ctot_cooling_plants(network_info):
    Calculates costs of centralized cooling plants (chillers and cooling towers).

    :param NetworkInfo network_info: an object storing information of the current network

    # read in plant heat requirement
    plant_heat_hourly_kWh = pd.read_csv(
            network_info.network_type, network_info.network_names))
    # read in number of plants
    number_of_plants = len(plant_heat_hourly_kWh.columns)

    plant_heat_original_kWh = plant_heat_hourly_kWh.copy()
    plant_heat_peak_kW_list = plant_heat_hourly_kWh.abs().max(
        axis=0).values  # calculate peak demand
    plant_heat_sum_kWh_list = plant_heat_hourly_kWh.abs().sum(
    ).values  # calculate aggregated demand

    Opex_var_plant = 0.0
    Opex_fixed_plant = 0.0
    Capex_a_chiller = 0.0
    Capex_a_CT = 0.0

    # calculate cost of chiller heat production and chiller capex and opex
    for plant_number in range(number_of_plants):  # iterate through all plants
        if number_of_plants > 1:
            plant_heat_peak_kW = plant_heat_peak_kW_list[plant_number]
            plant_heat_peak_kW = plant_heat_peak_kW_list[0]
        plant_heat_yearly_kWh = plant_heat_sum_kWh_list[plant_number]
        print 'Annual plant heat production:', round(plant_heat_yearly_kWh,
                                                     0), '[kWh]'

        # Read in building demand
        building_demand = {}
        for building in network_info.building_names:
            building_demand[building] = pd.read_csv(

        Capex_a_chiller_USD = 0.0
        Opex_fixed_chiller = 0.0
        Capex_a_CT_USD = 0.0
        Opex_fixed_CT = 0.0

        if plant_heat_peak_kW > 0:  # we have non 0 demand
            peak_demand_W = plant_heat_peak_kW * 1000  # convert to W
            print 'Calculating cost of heat production at plant number: ', (
                plant_number + 1)
            if network_info.config.thermal_network_optimization.yearly_cost_calculations:
                # calculates operation costs with yearly approximation

                # check which systems are supplied by cooling plants, this is either defined by the optimization
                # or given as a user input from config.
                supplied_systems = find_supplied_systems_annual(
                    network_info, building_demand,

                # calculate the COP based on the actually supplied demands.
                COP_plant, COP_chiller = VCCModel.calc_VCC_COP(
                Opex_var_plant += abs(
                ) / COP_plant * 1000 * network_info.prices.ELEC_PRICE
                # calculates operation costs with hourly simulation
                for t in range(HOURS_IN_YEAR):
                    #     calculate COP of plant operation in this hour based on supplied loads
                    #     Depending on the demand of that hour, the COP will change.
                    #     E.g. supplied systems = ahu, aru:
                    #     t = 10 we have demand for ahu and aru, so the COP is calculated using ahu and aru
                    #     t = 11 we only have ahu demand, so COP is calculated using ahu only
                    #     t = 12 we only have aru demand, so COP is calculated using aru only
                    #     ... etc.
                    supplied_systems = find_supplied_systems_t(
                        network_info, t, building_demand,
                    COP_plant, COP_chiller = VCCModel.calc_VCC_COP(
                    # calculate cost of producing cooling
                    column_name = plant_heat_original_kWh.columns[plant_number]
                    Opex_var_plant += abs(
                    ) / COP_plant * 1000 * network_info.prices.ELEC_PRICE

            # calculate equipment cost of chiller and cooling tower

            Capex_a_chiller_USD, Opex_fixed_chiller, _ = VCCModel.calc_Cinv_VCC(
                peak_demand_W, network_info.locator, 'CH1')
            Capex_a_CT_USD, Opex_fixed_CT, _ = CTModel.calc_Cinv_CT(
                peak_demand_W, network_info.locator, 'CT1')
        # sum over all plants
        Capex_a_chiller += Capex_a_chiller_USD
        Capex_a_CT += Capex_a_CT_USD
        Opex_fixed_plant += Opex_fixed_chiller + Opex_fixed_CT

    return Opex_fixed_plant, Opex_var_plant, Capex_a_chiller, Capex_a_CT