def add_segment(tixi_handle, name, fromUID, toUID, num):
    """ Internal function, add segments to CPACS file

    tixi_handle : tixi handle object
        A tixi handle to the cpacs file to be created
    name : str
        section name, used to generate a UID
    from_UID : str
        uid of element at start of section
    to_UID : str
        uid of element at end of segment
    num : int
        number corresponding to segment index

    tixi_handle : tixi handle object
    base_path = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/fuselages/fuselage/segments'
    tixi_handle.createElement(base_path, 'segment')
    base_path += f"/segment[{num}]"
    segment_name = f"{name}_segment{num}"
    add_uid(tixi_handle, base_path, segment_name + 'ID')
    tixi_handle.addTextElement(base_path, 'name', segment_name)
    tixi_handle.addTextElement(base_path, 'fromElementUID', fromUID)
    tixi_handle.addTextElement(base_path, 'toElementUID', toUID)
    return tixi_handle
Beispiel #2
def save_aeromap_from_df(tixi,
                         description='No decription'):
    """ Saves AeroMap DataFrame into a CPACS file.

    Function 'save_aeromap_from_df' will add all the required nodes for a new
    aeroPerformanceMap, no value will be stored but function like 'create_aeromap' and
    '???' could be used to fill it then.

        tixi (handles): TIXI Handle of the CPACS file
        aeromap_df (str): UID of the aeroPerformanceMap to create
        aeromap_uid (str): UID of the aeroPerformanceMap to create
        description (str): description of the aeroPerformanceMap to create

    if tixi.uIDCheckExists(aeromap_uid):
        log.warning('This UID already exits! The aeromap will be erase!')
        delete_aeromap(tixi, aeromap_uid)
    else: + ' aeroMap will be created.')

        # Add the /aeroMap node, or a new child is already exists
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, AEROPERFORMANCE_XPATH + '/aeroMap', True)
    am_count = tixi.getNamedChildrenCount(AEROPERFORMANCE_XPATH, 'aeroMap')
    aeromap_xpath = AEROPERFORMANCE_XPATH + '/aeroMap[' + str(am_count) + ']'

    # Add UID and sub nodes
    cpsf.add_uid(tixi, aeromap_xpath, aeromap_uid)
    tixi.addTextElement(aeromap_xpath, 'name', aeromap_uid)
    tixi.addTextElement(aeromap_xpath, 'description', description)
    apm_bc_xpath = aeromap_xpath + '/boundaryConditions'
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, apm_bc_xpath)
    tixi.addTextElement(apm_bc_xpath, 'atmosphericModel', 'ISA')

    # Add /AeroPerformanceMap and sub nodes
    apm_xpath = aeromap_xpath + '/aeroPerformanceMap'
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, apm_xpath)

    # Add states
    for state, xstate in zip(STATES, XSTATES):
        if not state in aeromap_df:
            raise ValueError('Missing {} value in the AeroMap!'.format(state))
        state_xpath = apm_xpath + '/' + xstate
        cpsf.create_branch(tixi, state_xpath)
        cpsf.add_float_vector(tixi, state_xpath, aeromap_df[state].tolist())

    # Add coefficients
    for coef in COEF_LIST:
        if coef in aeromap_df:
            coef_xpath = apm_xpath + '/' + coef
            cpsf.create_branch(tixi, coef_xpath)
            cpsf.add_float_vector(tixi, coef_xpath, aeromap_df[coef].tolist())
                'There is no {} coefficient in this AeroMap!'.format(coef))
Beispiel #3
def cpacs_engine_update(ui, ed, mw, out_xml):
    """ The function that update the cpacs file after the Weight_unc_main

        (class) mw          --Arg.: MassesWeihts class.
        (class) ui          --Arg.: UserInputs class.
        (class) ed          --Arg.: EngineData class.
        ##======= Class are defined in the Input_Classes folder =======##
        (char) out_xml      --Arg.: Path of the output file.

        (file) cpacs.xml --Out.: Updated cpacs file.
    tixi = cpf.open_tixi(out_xml)
    tigl = cpf.open_tigl(tixi)

    # Path creation ==========================================================
    EN_PATH = '/cpacs/vehicles/engines'
    if tixi.checkElement(EN_PATH):
    for e in range(0, ed.NE):
        EN_PATH = '/cpacs/vehicles/engines/engine' + str(e + 1)
        tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, EN_PATH, True)
        EN_UID = 'EngineuID_' + str(e + 1)
        tixi = cpf.add_uid(tixi, EN_PATH, EN_UID)
        tixi.createElement(EN_PATH, 'name')
        if not ed.EN_NAME[e]:
            EN_NAME = 'Engine_' + str(e + 1)
            tixi.updateTextElement(EN_PATH + '/name', EN_NAME)
            tixi.updateTextElement(EN_PATH + '/name', ed.EN_NAME[e])
        ENA_PATH = EN_PATH + '/analysis/mass'
        tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, ENA_PATH, False)
        tixi = cpf.add_uid(tixi, EN_PATH, EN_UID + '_mass')
        tixi.createElement(ENA_PATH, 'mass')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(ENA_PATH + '/mass', ed.en_mass, '%g')
        ENT_PATH = EN_PATH + '/analysis'
        tixi.createElement(ENT_PATH, 'thrust00')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(ENT_PATH + '/thrust00', ed.max_thrust, '%g')
    # Saving and closing the new cpacs file inside the ToolOutput folder -----
    cpf.close_tixi(tixi, out_xml)

    # Openign and closing again the cpacs file, formatting purpose -----------
    tixi = cpf.open_tixi(out_xml)
    tigl = cpf.open_tigl(tixi)
    cpf.close_tixi(tixi, out_xml)

    return ()
    def get_user_inputs(self, cpacs_path):
        """ Get user input from the CPACS file

        The function 'get_user_inputs' extracts from the CPACS file the required
        input data, the code will use the default value when they are missing.

            cpacs_path (str): Path to CPACS file


        tixi = open_tixi(cpacs_path)

        description = 'User geometry input'
        get_value_or_default(tixi, GEOM_XPATH + '/description', description)

        self.IS_DOUBLE_FLOOR = get_value_or_default(
            tixi, GEOM_XPATH + '/isDoubleFloor', 0)
        self.PILOT_NB = get_value_or_default(tixi, pilots_xpath + '/pilotNb',
        self.MASS_PILOT = get_value_or_default(tixi,
                                               pilots_xpath + '/pilotMass',
        self.MASS_CABIN_CREW = get_value_or_default(
            tixi, CC_XPATH + '/cabinCrewMemberMass', 68)
        self.MASS_PASS = get_value_or_default(tixi, PASS_XPATH + '/passMass',
        self.PASS_PER_TOILET = get_value_or_default(
            tixi, PASS_XPATH + '/passPerToilet', 50)

        description = 'Desired max fuel volume [m^3] and payload mass [kg]'
        get_value_or_default(tixi, ML_XPATH + '/description', description)

        self.MAX_PAYLOAD = get_value_or_default(tixi, ML_XPATH + '/maxPayload',
        self.MAX_FUEL_VOL = get_value_or_default(tixi,
                                                 ML_XPATH + '/maxFuelVol', 0)
        self.MASS_CARGO = get_value_or_default(tixi, MC_XPATH + '/mass', 0.0)
        self.FUEL_DENSITY = get_value_or_default(tixi, F_XPATH + '/density',
        self.TURBOPROP = get_value_or_default(tixi, PROP_XPATH + '/turboprop',
        self.RES_FUEL_PERC = get_value_or_default(tixi,
                                                  FUEL_XPATH + '/resFuelPerc',

        add_uid(tixi, F_XPATH, 'kerosene')

        close_tixi(tixi, cpacs_path)
def cpacs_engine_update(ui, ed, mw, cpacs_out_path):
    """ The function that update the cpacs file after the Weight_unc_main

        mw (class): MassesWeihts class.
        ui (class): UserInputs class.
        ed (class): EngineData class.
        cpacs_out_path (str): Path of the CPACS output file.


    tixi = cpsf.open_tixi(cpacs_out_path)
    tigl = cpsf.open_tigl(tixi)

    EN_XPATH = '/cpacs/vehicles/engines'

    if tixi.checkElement(EN_XPATH):
    for e in range(0,ed.NE):

        EN_XPATH = '/cpacs/vehicles/engines/engine' + str(e+1)
        cpsf.create_branch(tixi, EN_XPATH, True)

        EN_UID = 'EngineuID_' + str(e+1)
        cpsf.add_uid(tixi, EN_XPATH, EN_UID)
        tixi.createElement(EN_XPATH, 'name')

        if not ed.EN_NAME[e]:
            EN_NAME = 'Engine_' + str(e+1)
            tixi.updateTextElement(EN_XPATH + '/name', EN_NAME)
            tixi.updateTextElement(EN_XPATH + '/name', ed.EN_NAME[e])

        ENA_XPATH = EN_XPATH + '/analysis/mass'
        cpsf.create_branch(tixi, ENA_XPATH, False)
        cpsf.add_uid(tixi, EN_XPATH, EN_UID+'_mass')
        tixi.createElement(ENA_XPATH, 'mass')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(ENA_XPATH + '/mass', ed.en_mass, '%g')

        ENT_XPATH = EN_XPATH + '/analysis'
        tixi.createElement(ENT_XPATH, 'thrust00')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(ENT_XPATH + '/thrust00', ed.max_thrust, '%g')

    cpsf.close_tixi(tixi, cpacs_out_path)

Beispiel #6
def create_empty_aeromap(tixi, aeromap_uid, description = ''):
    """ Create an empty aeroPerformanceMap

    Function 'create_empty_apm' will add all the required nodes for a new
    aeroPerformanceMap, no value will be stored but function like 'create_aeromap' and
    '???' could be used to fill it then.

        tixi (handles): TIXI Handle of the CPACS file
        aeromap_uid (str): UID of the aeroPerformanceMap to create
        description (str): description of the aeroPerformanceMap to create

    if tixi.uIDCheckExists(aeromap_uid):
        log.warning('This UID already exits!')
        aeromap_uid = aeromap_uid + '_bis'
        log.warning(' The following UID will be used instead: ' + aeromap_uid )
    else: + ' aeroMap will be created.')

    # Add the /aeroMap node, or a new child is already exists
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi,AEROPERFORMANCE_XPATH + '/aeroMap',True)
    am_count = tixi.getNamedChildrenCount(AEROPERFORMANCE_XPATH, 'aeroMap')
    aeromap_xpath = AEROPERFORMANCE_XPATH + '/aeroMap[' + str(am_count) + ']'

    # Add UID and sub nodes
    cpsf.add_uid(tixi, aeromap_xpath, aeromap_uid)
    tixi.addTextElement(aeromap_xpath, 'name', aeromap_uid)
    tixi.addTextElement(aeromap_xpath, 'description', description)
    apm_bc_xpath = aeromap_xpath + '/boundaryConditions'
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, apm_bc_xpath)

    # Add /AeroPerformanceMap and sub nodes
    apm_xpath = aeromap_xpath + '/aeroPerformanceMap'
Beispiel #7
def test_add_uid():
    """Test the function 'add_uid'"""

    tixi = cpsf.open_tixi(CPACS_IN_PATH)

    # Update UID
    xpath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model'
    new_uid = 'New_aircrat_name'
    cpsf.add_uid(tixi, xpath, new_uid)
    updated_uid = tixi.getTextAttribute(xpath, 'uID')

    assert updated_uid == new_uid

    # Add UID
    xpath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/name'
    new_uid = 'nameUID'
    cpsf.add_uid(tixi, xpath, new_uid)
    added_uid = tixi.getTextAttribute(xpath, 'uID')

    assert added_uid == new_uid

    # Add existing UID (should add "1" at the end of the UID)
    xpath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/name'
    new_uid = 'SimpleFuselage'
    cpsf.add_uid(tixi, xpath, new_uid)
    added_uid = tixi.getTextAttribute(xpath, 'uID')

    assert added_uid == 'SimpleFuselage1'
def add_positioning(tixi_handle, name, length, to_section_uid,
                    from_section_uid, pos_num):
    """ Internal function, add positionings to CPACS file

    tixi_handle : tixi handle object
        A tixi handle to the cpacs file to be created
    name : str
        section name, used to generate a UID
    length : float
        length of segment
    to_section_uid : str
        uid of section at end of segment
    from_section_uid : str
        uid of section at start of section
    pos_num : int
        number corresponding to positioning index

    tixi_handle : tixi handle object

    base_path = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/fuselages/fuselage/positionings'
    tixi_handle.createElement(base_path, 'positioning')
    base_path += f"/positioning[{pos_num}]"
    add_uid(tixi_handle, base_path, f"{name}_positioning{pos_num}ID")
    tixi_handle.addTextElement(base_path, 'name',
    tixi_handle.addDoubleElement(base_path, 'dihedralAngle', 0, '%g')
    tixi_handle.addDoubleElement(base_path, 'sweepAngle', 90, '%g')
    tixi_handle.addTextElement(base_path, 'toSectionUID', to_section_uid)
    tixi_handle.addDoubleElement(base_path, 'length', length, '%g')
    if from_section_uid:
        tixi_handle.addTextElement(base_path, 'fromSectionUID',
    return tixi_handle
def cpacs_update(mass_pass, out, mw, out_xml):
    """ The function updates the cpacs file after the range analysis.

        (float) mass_pass         --Arg.: Passenger mass, countig also the
                                          extra mass.
        (class) out               --Arg.: RangeOutput class.
        ##======== Class is defined in the InputClasses folder =======##

        (class) mw                --Arg.: MassesWeights class.
        ##======= Class is defined in the InputClasses folder =======##
        (char) out_xml             --Arg.: Path of the output file.

        (file) cpacs.xml --Out.: Updated cpacs file.
    tixi = open_tixi(out_xml)
    tigl = open_tigl(tixi)

    ### PATH CHECKS ==========================================================

    CEASIOM_PATH = '/cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy'
    # Ranges
    RANGE_PATH = CEASIOM_PATH + '/ranges'
    R_DES_MAXP_PATH = RANGE_PATH + '/rangeMaxP/rangeDescription'
    R_DES_MAXF_PATH = RANGE_PATH + '/rangeMaxF/rangeDescription'
    RANGE_MAXIMUM_PATH = RANGE_PATH + '/rangeMaximum'
    R_DES_MAXIMUM_PATH = RANGE_PATH + '/rangeMaximum/rangeDescription'

    create_branch(tixi, R_DES_MAXP_PATH + '/range', False)
    create_branch(tixi, R_DES_MAXP_PATH + '/payload', False)
    create_branch(tixi, R_DES_MAXF_PATH + '/range', False)
    create_branch(tixi, R_DES_MAXF_PATH + '/payload', False)
    create_branch(tixi, R_DES_MAXIMUM_PATH + '/range', False)
    create_branch(tixi, R_DES_MAXIMUM_PATH + '/payload', False)

    # Fuel consumption
    FCONS_PATH = '/cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/fuelConsumption'
    FDES_PATH = FCONS_PATH + '/description'
    FTO_PATH = FCONS_PATH + '/fuelForTakeOff'
    FC_PATH = FCONS_PATH + '/fuelForClimb'
    FCR_PATH = FCONS_PATH + '/fuelForCruise'
    FL_PATH = FCONS_PATH + '/fuelForLoiter'
    FLD_PATH = FCONS_PATH + '/fuelForLanding'
    FAL_PATH = FCONS_PATH + '/fuelRemained'

    create_branch(tixi, FDES_PATH, False)
    create_branch(tixi, FTO_PATH, False)
    create_branch(tixi, FC_PATH, False)
    create_branch(tixi, FCR_PATH, False)
    create_branch(tixi, FL_PATH, False)
    create_branch(tixi, FLD_PATH, False)
    create_branch(tixi, FAL_PATH, False)

    ### RANGES ===============================================================
    ### Max payload max range ------------------------------------------------
    add_uid(tixi, R_DES_MAXP_PATH, 'Maximum_range_[km]'\
                       + '_with_maximum_payload_[kg]')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(R_DES_MAXP_PATH + '/range', out.ranges[1], '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(R_DES_MAXP_PATH + '/payload',\
                             out.payloads[1], '%g')

    ### Max fuel range with some payload -------------------------------------
    add_uid(tixi, R_DES_MAXF_PATH, 'Range_[km]_with_'\
                       + 'maximum_fuel_and_some_payload_[kg]')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(R_DES_MAXF_PATH + '/range', out.ranges[2], '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(R_DES_MAXF_PATH + '/payload',\
                             out.payloads[2], '%g')

    ### Maximum range, no payload and max fuel -------------------------------
    add_uid(tixi, R_DES_MAXIMUM_PATH, 'Maximum_range_[km]_with_'\
                       + 'max_fuel_and_no_payload_[kg]')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(R_DES_MAXIMUM_PATH + '/range',\
                             out.ranges[3], '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(R_DES_MAXIMUM_PATH \
                             + '/payload', out.payloads[3], '%g')

    ### FUEL CONSUMPTION =====================================================
    add_uid(tixi, FDES_PATH, 'Fuel required for each flight phase '\
                       + '[kg], with maximum payload.')

    tixi.updateDoubleElement(FTO_PATH, mw.mf_for_to, '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(FC_PATH, mw.mf_for_climb, '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(FCR_PATH, mw.mf_for_cruise, '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(FL_PATH, mw.mf_for_loiter, '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(FLD_PATH, mw.mf_for_landing, '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(FAL_PATH, mw.mf_after_land, '%g')

    ### Saving and closing the new cpacs file inside the ToolOutput folder ---
    close_tixi(tixi, out_xml)

    ### Openign and closing again the cpacs file, formatting purpose ---------
    tixi = open_tixi(out_xml)
    tigl = open_tigl(tixi)
    close_tixi(tixi, out_xml)

    return (out_xml)
Beispiel #10
def get_user_inputs(ed, ui, adui, cpacs_in):
    """Function to extract from the xml file the required input data,
        the code will use the default value when they are missing.

    Function 'get_user_inputs' ...

        ed (int): EngineData class.
        ui (class): UserInputs class
        adui (str): AdvancedInputs class.
        cpacs_in (str): Path to the CPACS file

        ed (int): Updated ngineData class.
        ui (class): Updated UserInputs class
        adui (str): Updated AdvancedInputs class.

    """'Starting data extraction from CPACS file')

    tixi = cpsf.open_tixi(cpacs_in)

    # toolspecific
    CEASIOM_XPATH = '/cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy'
    GEOM_XPATH = CEASIOM_XPATH + '/geometry'
    PILOTS_PATH = CREW_XPATH + '/pilots'
    CAB_CREW_XPATH = CREW_XPATH + '/cabinCrewMembers'
    PASS_XPATH = WEIGHT_XPATH + '/passengers'
    ML_XPATH = WEIGHT_XPATH + '/massLimits'
    PROP_XPATH = CEASIOM_XPATH + '/propulsion'
    FUEL_XPATH = '/cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/fuels'

    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, FUEL_XPATH, False)
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, GEOM_XPATH, False)
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, RANGE_XPATH, False)
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, PILOTS_PATH, False)
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, CAB_CREW_XPATH, False)
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, PASS_XPATH, False)
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, ML_XPATH, False)
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, PROP_XPATH, False)

    # cpacs/vehicles
    MC_XPATH = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/massBreakdown/payload/mCargo/massDescription'
    F_XPATH = '/cpacs/vehicles/fuels/fuel'

    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, MC_XPATH, False)
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, F_XPATH, False)
    cpsf.add_uid(tixi, F_XPATH, 'kerosene')

    # Gathering data =========================================================
    # Geometry ===============================================================
    if not tixi.checkElement(GEOM_XPATH + '/description'):
        tixi.createElement(GEOM_XPATH, 'description')
        tixi.updateTextElement(GEOM_XPATH + '/description', 'User '\
                               + 'geometry input')

    ui.FLOORS_NB = cpsf.get_value_or_default(tixi,GEOM_XPATH + '/floorsNb', ui.FLOORS_NB)
    adui.VRT_THICK = cpsf.get_value_or_default(tixi,GEOM_XPATH + '/virtualThick', 0.00014263)
    adui.VRT_STR_DENSITY = cpsf.get_value_or_default(tixi,GEOM_XPATH + '/virtualDensity', 2700.0)
    ui.H_LIM_CABIN = cpsf.get_value_or_default(tixi,GEOM_XPATH + '/cabinHeight', 2.3)

    # People =================================================================
    # Pilots user input data

    adui.PILOT_NB = cpsf.get_value_or_default(tixi,PILOTS_PATH + '/pilotNb', 2)
    adui.MASS_PILOT = cpsf.get_value_or_default(tixi,PILOTS_PATH + '/pilotMass', 102.0)
    adui.MASS_CABIN_CREW = cpsf.get_value_or_default(tixi,CAB_CREW_XPATH + '/cabinCrewMemberMass', 68.0)
    adui.MASS_PASS = cpsf.get_value_or_default(tixi,PASS_XPATH + '/passMass', 105.0)
    adui.PASS_BASE_DENSITY = cpsf.get_value_or_default(tixi,PASS_XPATH + '/passDensity', 1.66)
    adui.PASS_PER_TOILET = cpsf.get_value_or_default(tixi,PASS_XPATH + '/passPerToilet', 50)

    # what to to with this input
    if tixi.checkElement(PASS_XPATH + '/passNb'):
        temp = tixi.getIntegerElement(PASS_XPATH+ '/passNb')
        if temp != ui.MAX_PASS and temp > 0:
            ui.MAX_PASS = temp

    # Fuel ===================================================================
    adui.FUEL_DENSITY = cpsf.get_value_or_default(tixi,F_XPATH + '/density', 800)
    adui.RES_FUEL_PERC = cpsf.get_value_or_default(tixi,F_XPATH + '/resFuelPerc', 0.06)

    # Weight =================================================================
    # Mass limits data
    if not tixi.checkElement(ML_XPATH + '/description'):
        tixi.createElement(ML_XPATH, 'description')
        tixi.updateTextElement(ML_XPATH + '/description', 'Desired max fuel '\
                               + 'volume [m^3] and payload mass [kg]')

    ui.MAX_PAYLOAD = cpsf.get_value_or_default(tixi,ML_XPATH + '/maxPayload', 0.0)
    ui.MAX_FUEL_VOL = cpsf.get_value_or_default(tixi,ML_XPATH + '/maxFuelVol', 0.0)
    ui.MASS_CARGO = cpsf.get_value_or_default(tixi,MC_XPATH + '/massCargo', 0.0)
    # If the cargo mass is defined in the UserInputs class will be added
    # in the CPACS file after the analysis.

    # Flight =================================================================

    ed.TSFC_CRUISE = cpsf.get_value_or_default(tixi,PROP_XPATH + '/tSFC', 0.5)

    # TODO: These data should be taken from aeroMaps...
    if not tixi.checkElement(RANGE_XPATH + '/lDRatio'):
        tixi.createElement(RANGE_XPATH, 'lDRatio')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(RANGE_XPATH + '/lDRatio',\
                                  ui.LD, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getIntegerElement(RANGE_XPATH + '/lDRatio')
        if temp != ui.LD and temp > 0:
            ui.LD = temp

    if not tixi.checkElement(RANGE_XPATH + '/cruiseSpeed'):
        tixi.createElement(RANGE_XPATH, 'cruiseSpeed')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(RANGE_XPATH + '/cruiseSpeed',\
                                 ui.CRUISE_SPEED, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getIntegerElement(RANGE_XPATH + '/cruiseSpeed')
        if temp != ui.CRUISE_SPEED and temp > 0:
            ui.CRUISE_SPEED = temp

    # TODO: see how to enter input for Engines
    if not tixi.checkElement(PROP_XPATH + '/userEngineOption'):
        tixi.createElement(PROP_XPATH, 'userEngineOption')
        if ui.USER_ENGINES:
            tixi.updateTextElement(PROP_XPATH + '/userEngineOption', 'True')
            tixi.updateTextElement(PROP_XPATH + '/userEngineOption', 'False')
        temp = tixi.getTextElement(PROP_XPATH + '/userEngineOption')
        if temp == 'False':
            ui.USER_ENGINES = False
            ui.USER_ENGINES = True

    if not tixi.checkElement(PROP_XPATH + '/singleHydraulics'):
        tixi.createElement(PROP_XPATH, 'singleHydraulics')
        if adui.SINGLE_HYDRAULICS:
            tixi.updateTextElement(PROP_XPATH + '/singleHydraulics', 'True')
            tixi.updateTextElement(PROP_XPATH + '/singleHydraulics', 'False')
        temp = tixi.getTextElement(PROP_XPATH + '/singleHydraulics')
        if temp == 'False':
            adui.SINGLE_HYDRAULICS = False
            adui.SINGLE_HYDRAULICS = True'Data from CPACS file succesfully extracted')

    cpsf.close_tixi(tixi, cpacs_in)

    return(ed, ui, adui)
Beispiel #11
def get_data(mw, ri, cpacs_in):
    """ The function extracts from the xml file the required input data,
        the code will use the default value when they are missing.

        (class) mw       --Arg.: MassesWeight class updated
        (class) ri       --Arg.: RangeInput class updated
        ##======= Classes are defined in the Input_classes folder =======##

        (char) opt       --Arg.: Cpacs or input option
        (char) cpacs_in  --Arg.: Relative location of the xml file in the
                                 ToolInput folder (cpacs option) or
                                 relative location of the temp. xml file in
                                 the ToolOutput folder (input option).

        (class) mw       --Out.: MassesWeight class updated.
        (class) ri       --Out.: RangeInput class updated.
        (file) cpacs_in  --Out.: Updated cpasc file.
    """'CPACS file path check')

    # path definition ========================================================
    # Opening CPACS file
    tixi = open_tixi(cpacs_in)

    TSPEC_PATH = '/cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy'
    W_PATH = TSPEC_PATH + '/weight'
    C_PATH = W_PATH + '/crew'
    P_PATH = C_PATH + '/pilots'
    CC_PATH = C_PATH + '/cabinCrewMembers'
    PASS_PATH = W_PATH + '/passengers'
    FMP_PATH = PASS_PATH + '/fuelMassMaxpass/mass'
    PROP_PATH = TSPEC_PATH + '/propulsion'
    RANGE_PATH = TSPEC_PATH + '/ranges'

    MASS_PATH = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/massBreakdown'
    DM_PATH = MASS_PATH + '/designMasses'
    MTOM_PATH = DM_PATH + '/mTOM/mass'
    F_PATH = MASS_PATH + '/fuel/massDescription/mass'
    OEM_PATH = MASS_PATH + '/mOEM/massDescription/mass'
    PAY_PATH = MASS_PATH + '/payload/massDescription/mass'

    F1_PATH = '/cpacs/vehicles/fuels/fuel'
    F2_PATH = TSPEC_PATH + '/fuels'

    create_branch(tixi, TSFC_PATH, False)
    create_branch(tixi, RANGE_PATH, False)
    create_branch(tixi, P_PATH, False)
    create_branch(tixi, F1_PATH, False)
    create_branch(tixi, F2_PATH, False)
    add_uid(tixi, F1_PATH, 'kerosene')

    # Compulsory path checks =================================================

    if not tixi.checkElement(TSPEC_PATH):
        raise Exception('Missing required toolspecific path. Run '\
                        + ', in the 1Weight_module folder.')
    elif not tixi.checkElement(CC_PATH + '/cabinCrewMemberNb'):
        raise Exception('Missing required cabinCrewMemberNb path. Run '\
                        + ', in the 1Weight_module folder.')
    elif not tixi.checkElement(MASS_PATH):
        raise Exception('Missing required massBreakdown path. Run '\
                        + ', in the 1Weight_module folder.')
    elif not tixi.checkElement(DM_PATH):
        raise Exception('Missing required designMasses path. Run '\
                        + ', in the 1Weight_module folder.')
    elif not tixi.checkElement(MTOM_PATH):
        raise Exception('Missing required mTOM/mass path. Run '\
                        + ', in the 1Weight_module folder.')
    elif not tixi.checkElement(F_PATH):
        raise Exception('Missing required fuel/massDescription/mass '\
                        + 'path. Run '\
                        + ', in the 1Weight_module folder.')
    elif not tixi.checkElement(FMP_PATH):
        raise Exception('Missing required fuelMassMaxpass/mass path. Run '\
                        + ', in the 1Weight_module folder.')
    elif not tixi.checkElement(OEM_PATH):
        raise Exception('Missing required mOEM/massDescription/mass '\
                        + 'path. Run '\
                        + ', in the 1Weight_module folder.')
    elif not tixi.checkElement(PAY_PATH):
        raise Exception('Missing required payload/massDescription/mass '\
                        + 'path. Run '\
                        + ', in the 1Weight_module folder.')
    else:'All path correctly defined in the toolinput.xml file, '\
                 + 'beginning data extracction.')

    # Gathering data =========================================================
    ## TOOLSPECIFIC ----------------------------------------------------------
    if not tixi.checkElement(RANGE_PATH + '/lDRatio'):
        tixi.createElement(RANGE_PATH, 'lDRatio')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(RANGE_PATH + '/lDRatio',\
                                  ri.LD, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getIntegerElement(RANGE_PATH + '/lDRatio')
        if temp != ri.LD and temp > 0:
            ri.LD = temp

    if not tixi.checkElement(RANGE_PATH + '/cruiseSpeed'):
        tixi.createElement(RANGE_PATH, 'cruiseSpeed')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(RANGE_PATH + '/cruiseSpeed',\
                                  ri.CRUISE_SPEED, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getIntegerElement(RANGE_PATH + '/cruiseSpeed')
        if temp != ri.CRUISE_SPEED and temp > 0:
            ri.CRUISE_SPEED = temp

    if not tixi.checkElement(RANGE_PATH + '/loiterTime'):
        tixi.createElement(RANGE_PATH, 'loiterTime')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(RANGE_PATH + '/loiterTime',\
                                  ri.LOITER_TIME, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getIntegerElement(RANGE_PATH + '/loiterTime')
        if temp != ri.LOITER_TIME and temp > 0:
            ri.LOITER_TIME = temp

    if not tixi.checkElement(TSPEC_PATH + '/geometry/winglet'):
        tixi.createElement(TSPEC_PATH + '/geometry', 'winglet')
        tixi.updateIntegerElement(TSPEC_PATH + '/geometry/winglet',\
                                  ri.WINGLET, '%i')
        temp = tixi.getIntegerElement(TSPEC_PATH + '/geometry/winglet')
        if temp != ri.WINGLET:
            ri.WINGLET = temp

    if not tixi.checkElement(P_PATH + '/pilotNb'):
        tixi.createElement(P_PATH, 'pilotNb')
        tixi.updateIntegerElement(P_PATH + '/pilotNb',\
                                  ri.pilot_nb, '%i')
        temp = tixi.getIntegerElement(P_PATH + '/pilotNb')
        if temp != ri.pilot_nb and temp > 0:
            ri.pilot_nb = temp

    # Pilots user input data
    if not tixi.checkElement(P_PATH + '/pilotMass'):
        tixi.createElement(P_PATH, 'pilotMass')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(P_PATH + '/pilotMass',\
                                 ri.MASS_PILOT, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(P_PATH + '/pilotMass')
        if temp != ri.MASS_PILOT and temp > 0:
            ri.MASS_PILOT = temp

    # Cabin crew user input data
    if not tixi.checkElement(CC_PATH + '/cabinCrewMemberMass'):
        tixi.createElement(CC_PATH, 'cabinCrewMemberMass')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(CC_PATH + '/cabinCrewMemberMass',\
                                 ri.MASS_CABIN_CREW, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(CC_PATH + '/cabinCrewMemberMass')
        if temp != ri.MASS_CABIN_CREW and temp > 0:
            ri.MASS_CABIN_CREW = temp

    # Passengers input
    if not tixi.checkElement(PASS_PATH + '/passMass'):
        tixi.createElement(PASS_PATH, 'passMass')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(PASS_PATH + '/passMass',\
                                 ri.MASS_PASS, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(PASS_PATH + '/passMass')
        if temp != ri.MASS_PASS and temp > 0:
            ri.MASS_PASS = temp

    # Propulsion and Fuel

    if not tixi.checkElement(PROP_PATH + '/turboprop'):
        create_branch(tixi, PROP_PATH, False)
        tixi.createElement(PROP_PATH, 'turboprop')
        if ri.TURBOPROP:
            tixi.updateTextElement(PROP_PATH + '/turboprop', 'True')
            tixi.updateTextElement(PROP_PATH + '/turboprop', 'False')
        temp = tixi.getTextElement(PROP_PATH + '/turboprop')
        if temp == 'False':
            ri.TURBOPROP = False
            ri.TURBOPROP = True

    if not tixi.checkElement(F2_PATH + '/resFuelPerc'):
        tixi.createElement(F2_PATH, 'resFuelPerc')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(F2_PATH + '/resFuelPerc',\
                                 ri.RES_FUEL_PERC, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(F2_PATH + '/resFuelPerc')
        if temp != ri.RES_FUEL_PERC and temp > 0:
            ri.RES_FUEL_PERC = temp

    if not tixi.checkElement(TSFC_PATH + '/tsfcCruise'):
        tixi.createElement(TSFC_PATH, 'tsfcCruise')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(TSFC_PATH + '/tsfcCruise',\
                                 ri.TSFC_CRUISE, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(TSFC_PATH + '/tsfcCruise')
        if temp != ri.TSFC_CRUISE and temp > 0:
            ri.TSFC_CRUISE = temp

    if not tixi.checkElement(TSFC_PATH + '/tsfcLoiter'):
        tixi.createElement(TSFC_PATH, 'tsfcLoiter')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(TSFC_PATH + '/tsfcLoiter',\
                                 ri.TSFC_LOITER, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(TSFC_PATH + '/tsfcLoiter')
        if temp != ri.TSFC_LOITER and temp > 0:
            ri.TSFC_LOITER = temp

    ## REQUIRED DATA =========================================================
    # Cabin Crew
    ri.cabin_crew_nb = tixi.getIntegerElement(CC_PATH + '/cabinCrewMemberNb')

    # Fuel
    mw.mass_fuel_maxpass = tixi.getDoubleElement(FMP_PATH)

    ## REQUIRED MASSBREAKDOWN DATA ===========================================
    mw.maximum_take_off_mass = tixi.getDoubleElement(MTOM_PATH)
    mw.operating_empty_mass = tixi.getDoubleElement(OEM_PATH)
    mw.mass_payload = tixi.getDoubleElement(PAY_PATH)
    mw.mass_fuel_max = tixi.getDoubleElement(F_PATH)'Data from CPACS file succesfully extracted')
    # Saving and closing the cpacs file ======================================
    close_tixi(tixi, cpacs_in)

    # Openign and closing again the cpacs file ===============================
    tixi = open_tixi(cpacs_in)
    tigl = open_tigl(tixi)
    close_tixi(tixi, cpacs_in)

    return (mw, ri)
def cpacs_mbd_update(out, mw, bi, ms_zpm, out_xml):
    """ The function updates the cpacs file after the Balance
        unconventional program.

        (float) mass_pass   --Arg.: Passenger mass, countig also the
                                          extra mass.
        (class) out         --Arg.: BalanceOutput class.
        (class) mw          --Arg.: MassesWeights class.
        (class) bi          --Arg.: BalanceInput class.
        ##======= Classes are defined in the InputClasses folder =======##
        (cahr) out_xml      --Arg.: Path of the output file.

        (file) cpacs.xml --Out.: Updated cpacs file.
    tixi = cpf.open_tixi(out_xml)
    tigl = cpf.open_tigl(tixi)

    # CREATING PATH ==========================================================
    MB_PATH = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/'\
                          + 'model/analyses/massBreakdown'

    MD_PATH = MB_PATH + '/designMasses'


    OEM_PATH = MB_PATH + '/mOEM/massDescription'
    J_PATH = OEM_PATH + '/massInertia/J'
    CG_PATH = OEM_PATH + '/location/'

    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MTOM_PATH + '/location/x', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MTOM_PATH + '/location/y', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MTOM_PATH + '/location/z', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MTOM_PATH + '/massInertia/Jxx', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MTOM_PATH + '/massInertia/Jyy', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MTOM_PATH + '/massInertia/Jzz', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MTOM_PATH + '/massInertia/Jxy', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MTOM_PATH + '/massInertia/Jyz', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MTOM_PATH + '/massInertia/Jxz', False)

    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MZFM_PATH + '/location/x', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MZFM_PATH + '/location/y', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MZFM_PATH + '/location/z', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MZFM_PATH + '/massInertia/Jxx', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MZFM_PATH + '/massInertia/Jyy', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MZFM_PATH + '/massInertia/Jzz', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MZFM_PATH + '/massInertia/Jxy', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MZFM_PATH + '/massInertia/Jyz', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MZFM_PATH + '/massInertia/Jxz', False)

    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, OEM_PATH + '/location/x', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, OEM_PATH + '/location/y', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, OEM_PATH + '/location/z', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, OEM_PATH + '/massInertia/Jxx', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, OEM_PATH + '/massInertia/Jyy', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, OEM_PATH + '/massInertia/Jzz', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, OEM_PATH + '/massInertia/Jxy', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, OEM_PATH + '/massInertia/Jyz', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, OEM_PATH + '/massInertia/Jxz', False)

    # DESIGN MASSES ==========================================================
    # MTOM -------------------------------------------------------------------
    tixi.uIDSetToXPath(MTOM_PATH + '/location', 'MTOMloc')

    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MTOM_PATH + '/location'+'/x',\
                             out.center_of_gravity[0], '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MTOM_PATH + '/location'+'/y',\
                             out.center_of_gravity[1], '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MTOM_PATH + '/location'+'/z',\
                             out.center_of_gravity[2], '%g')

    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MTOM_PATH + '/massInertia' + '/Jxx',\
                             out.Ixx_lump, '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MTOM_PATH + '/massInertia' + '/Jyy',\
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MTOM_PATH + '/massInertia' + '/Jzz',\
                             out.Izz_lump, '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MTOM_PATH + '/massInertia' + '/Jxy',\
                             out.Ixy_lump, '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MTOM_PATH + '/massInertia' + '/Jyz',\
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MTOM_PATH + '/massInertia' + '/Jxz',\
                             out.Ixz_lump, '%g')

    # MZFM -------------------------------------------------------------------
    tixi = cpf.add_uid(tixi, MZFM_PATH + '/location', 'MZFMloc')

    # updating path
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MZFM_PATH + '/location' + '/x',\
                             out.cg_zpm[0], '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MZFM_PATH + '/location' + '/y',\
                             out.cg_zpm[1], '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MZFM_PATH + '/location' + '/z',\
                             out.cg_zpm[2], '%g')

    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MZFM_PATH + '/massInertia'\
                             + '/Jxx', out.Ixx_lump_zfm, '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MZFM_PATH + '/massInertia'\
                             + '/Jyy', out.Iyy_lump_zfm, '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MZFM_PATH + '/massInertia'\
                             + '/Jzz', out.Izz_lump_zfm, '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MZFM_PATH + '/massInertia'\
                             + '/Jxy', out.Ixy_lump_zfm, '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MZFM_PATH + '/massInertia'\
                             + '/Jyz', out.Iyz_lump_zfm, '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MZFM_PATH + '/massInertia'\
                             + '/Jxz', out.Ixz_lump_zfm, '%g')

    # OEM ====================================================================
    tixi = cpf.add_uid(tixi, OEM_PATH + '/location', 'OEMloc')

    tixi.updateDoubleElement((CG_PATH + 'x'), out.cg_oem[0], '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement((CG_PATH + 'y'), out.cg_oem[1], '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement((CG_PATH + 'z'), out.cg_oem[2], '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement((J_PATH + 'xx'), out.Ixx_lump_oem, '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement((J_PATH + 'yy'), out.Iyy_lump_oem, '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement((J_PATH + 'zz'), out.Izz_lump_oem, '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement((J_PATH + 'xy'), out.Ixy_lump_oem, '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement((J_PATH + 'yz'), out.Iyz_lump_oem, '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement((J_PATH + 'xz'), out.Ixz_lump_oem, '%g')

    # ZPM INERTIA ============================================================
    B_PATH = '/cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/balance'
    ZPM_PATH = B_PATH + '/mZPM'
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, ZPM_PATH + '/name', False)
    tixi.updateTextElement(ZPM_PATH + '/name', 'Maximum zero payload mass')
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, ZPM_PATH + '/description', False)
    tixi.updateTextElement(ZPM_PATH + '/description', 'Maximum '\
                           + 'zero payload mass [kg], CoG coordinate [m] and '\
                           + 'moment of inertia.')
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, ZPM_PATH + '/mass', False)
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(ZPM_PATH + '/mass',\
                             ms_zpm, '%g')

    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, ZPM_PATH + '/location/x', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, ZPM_PATH + '/location/y', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, ZPM_PATH + '/location/z', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, ZPM_PATH + '/massInertia/Jxx', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, ZPM_PATH + '/massInertia/Jyy', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, ZPM_PATH + '/massInertia/Jzz', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, ZPM_PATH + '/massInertia/Jxy', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, ZPM_PATH + '/massInertia/Jyz', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, ZPM_PATH + '/massInertia/Jxz', False)

    LOC_PATH = ZPM_PATH + '/location'
    MOI_PATH = ZPM_PATH + '/massInertia'

    tixi = cpf.add_uid(tixi, ZPM_PATH, 'MZPM')
    tixi = cpf.add_uid(tixi, LOC_PATH, 'MZPMloc')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement((LOC_PATH + '/x'), out.cg_zpm[0], '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement((LOC_PATH + '/y'), out.cg_zpm[1], '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement((LOC_PATH + '/z'), out.cg_zpm[2], '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement((MOI_PATH + '/Jxx'), out.Ixx_lump_zpm, '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement((MOI_PATH + '/Jyy'), out.Iyy_lump_zpm, '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement((MOI_PATH + '/Jzz'), out.Izz_lump_zpm, '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement((MOI_PATH + '/Jxy'), out.Ixy_lump_zpm, '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement((MOI_PATH + '/Jyz'), out.Iyz_lump_zpm, '%g')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement((MOI_PATH + '/Jxz'), out.Ixz_lump_zpm, '%g')

    # USER CASE ==============================================================
    if bi.USER_CASE:
        UC_PATH = '/cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/balance/userBalance'
        LOC_PATH = UC_PATH + '/location'
        MOI_PATH = UC_PATH + '/massInertia'

        tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, LOC_PATH + '/x', False)
        tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, LOC_PATH + '/y', False)
        tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, LOC_PATH + '/z', False)
        tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MOI_PATH + '/Jxx', False)
        tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MOI_PATH + '/Jyy', False)
        tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MOI_PATH + '/Jzz', False)
        tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MOI_PATH + '/Jxy', False)
        tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MOI_PATH + '/Jyz', False)
        tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MOI_PATH + '/Jxz', False)

        tixi = cpf.add_uid(tixi, LOC_PATH, 'USERloc')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement((LOC_PATH + '/x'), out.cg_user[0], '%g')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement((LOC_PATH + '/y'), out.cg_user[1], '%g')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement((LOC_PATH + '/z'), out.cg_user[2], '%g')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement((MOI_PATH + '/Jxx'), out.Ixx_lump_user, '%g')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement((MOI_PATH + '/Jyy'), out.Iyy_lump_user, '%g')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement((MOI_PATH + '/Jzz'), out.Izz_lump_user, '%g')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement((MOI_PATH + '/Jxy'), out.Ixy_lump_user, '%g')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement((MOI_PATH + '/Jyz'), out.Iyz_lump_user, '%g')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement((MOI_PATH + '/Jxz'), out.Ixz_lump_user, '%g')

    # Saving and closing the new cpacs file inside the ToolOutput folder -----
    cpf.close_tixi(tixi, out_xml)

    # Openign and closing again the cpacs file, formatting purpose -----------
    tixi = cpf.open_tixi(out_xml)
    tigl = cpf.open_tigl(tixi)
    cpf.close_tixi(tixi, out_xml)

    return ()
def generate_cpacs_structure(tixi_handle, aircraftname):
    """Internal function.
    Generates the basic structure of a CPACS file

    tixi_handle : tixi handle object
        A tixi handle to the cpacs file to be created
    aircraftname : str
        The name of the aircraft and filename of the output CPACS file

    tixi_handle : a tixi handle object
    # Define schema and fill in header


    tixi_handle.addTextAttribute("/cpacs", "xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation",

                               creator='Noah Sadaka',

    # Create XML elements down to sections
    path_elements = [
        'vehicles', 'aircraft', 'model', 'fuselages', 'fuselage', 'sections'
    base_path = '/cpacs'
    for i in path_elements:
        tixi_handle.createElement(base_path, i)
        if i == 'model':
            model_path = base_path + '/model'
            add_uid(tixi_handle, model_path, 'CPACSaircraft')
            tixi_handle.addTextElement(model_path, 'description', '...')
            tixi_handle.addTextElement(model_path, 'name',
                                       'Generated Fuselage')
            ref_path = model_path + '/reference'
            tixi_handle.createElement(model_path, 'reference')
            tixi_handle.addDoubleElement(ref_path, 'area', 1, '%f')
            tixi_handle.addDoubleElement(ref_path, 'length', 1, '%f')
            tixi_handle.createElement(ref_path, 'point')
            add_uid(tixi_handle, ref_path + '/point', 'fuse_point1')
            tixi_handle.addDoubleElement(ref_path + '/point', 'x', 0.0, '%f')
            tixi_handle.addDoubleElement(ref_path + '/point', 'y', 0.0, '%f')
            tixi_handle.addDoubleElement(ref_path + '/point', 'z', 0.0, '%f')
        if i == 'fuselage':
            fuse_path = base_path + '/fuselage'
            add_uid(tixi_handle, fuse_path, 'Fuselage_1ID')
            tixi_handle.addTextElement(fuse_path, 'description',
                                       'Generic Fuselage')
            tixi_handle.addTextElement(fuse_path, 'name', 'fuselage_1')
            tixi_handle.createElement(fuse_path, 'transformation')
            trans_path = fuse_path + '/transformation'
            add_uid(tixi_handle, trans_path, 'Fuselage_1ID_transformation1')
            for j in ['rotation', 'scaling', 'translation']:
                tixi_handle.createElement(trans_path, j)
                if j == 'translation':
                                                 'refType', 'absLocal')
                base_uid = 'Fuselage_1ID_transformation1'
                add_uid(tixi_handle, f"{trans_path}/{j}", f"{base_uid}_{j}1")
                if j != 'scaling':
                    tixi_handle.addIntegerElement(f"{trans_path}/{j}", 'x', 0,
                    tixi_handle.addIntegerElement(f"{trans_path}/{j}", 'y', 0,
                    tixi_handle.addIntegerElement(f"{trans_path}/{j}", 'z', 0,
                    tixi_handle.addIntegerElement(f"{trans_path}/{j}", 'x', 1,
                    tixi_handle.addIntegerElement(f"{trans_path}/{j}", 'y', 1,
                    tixi_handle.addIntegerElement(f"{trans_path}/{j}", 'z', 1,
        base_path += f"/{i}"

    # Add segments and positionings tag
        '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/fuselages/fuselage', 'positionings')
        '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/fuselages/fuselage', 'segments')

    return tixi_handle
Beispiel #14
def cpacs_update(mw, out, cpacs_path, cpacs_out_path):
    """ The function updates the cpacs file after the Weight analysis.

        mw (class) : MassesWeights class
        out (class) : WeightOutput class
        cpacs_path (str) : Path to the CPACS file
        cpacs_out_path (str) : Path to the output CPACS file


    tixi = cpsf.open_tixi(
    )  # (because it has been modifed somewre else, TODO: change that)

    # Path definition
    WEIGHT_XPATH = '/cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/weight'
    PASS_XPATH = WEIGHT_XPATH + '/passengers'

    # Path update
    if not tixi.checkElement(CREW_XPATH +
                           CREW_XPATH + '/cabinCrewMembers/cabinCrewMemberNb')
                             out.cabin_crew_nb, '%g')

    if not tixi.checkElement(PASS_XPATH + '/passNb'):
        tixi.createElement(PASS_XPATH, 'passNb')
    tixi.updateIntegerElement(PASS_XPATH + '/passNb', out.pass_nb, '%i')
    if not tixi.checkElement(PASS_XPATH + '/rowNb'):
        tixi.createElement(PASS_XPATH, 'rowNb')
    tixi.updateIntegerElement(PASS_XPATH + '/rowNb', out.row_nb, '%i')
    if not tixi.checkElement(PASS_XPATH + '/aisleNb'):
        tixi.createElement(PASS_XPATH, 'aisleNb')
    tixi.updateIntegerElement(PASS_XPATH + '/aisleNb', out.aisle_nb, '%i')
    if not tixi.checkElement(PASS_XPATH + '/toiletNb'):
        tixi.createElement(PASS_XPATH, 'toiletNb')
    tixi.updateIntegerElement(PASS_XPATH + '/toiletNb', out.toilet_nb, '%i')
    if not tixi.checkElement(PASS_XPATH + '/abreastNb'):
        tixi.createElement(PASS_XPATH, 'abreastNb')
    tixi.updateIntegerElement(PASS_XPATH + '/abreastNb', out.abreast_nb, '%i')

    if not tixi.checkElement(PASS_XPATH + '/fuelMassMaxpass'):
        tixi.createElement(PASS_XPATH, 'fuelMassMaxpass')
    FMP_XPATH = PASS_XPATH + '/fuelMassMaxpass'
    if not tixi.checkElement(FMP_XPATH + '/description'):
        tixi.createElement(FMP_XPATH, 'description')
    tixi.updateTextElement(FMP_XPATH + '/description', 'Maximum amount of '\
                           + 'fuel with maximum payload [kg]')
    if not tixi.checkElement(FMP_XPATH + '/mass'):
        tixi.createElement(FMP_XPATH, 'mass')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(FMP_XPATH + '/mass', mw.mass_fuel_maxpass, '%g')


    # Path creation
    MB_XPATH = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/massBreakdown'
    if tixi.checkElement(MB_XPATH):

    MD_XPATH = MB_XPATH + '/designMasses'
    MF_XPATH = MB_XPATH + '/fuel/massDescription'
    OEM_XPATH = MB_XPATH + '/mOEM/massDescription'
    PAY_XPATH = MB_XPATH + '/payload/massDescription'
    MC_XPATH = MB_XPATH + '/payload/mCargo'
    OIM_XPATH = MB_XPATH + '/mOEM/mOperatorItems/mCrewMembers/massDescription'
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, MTOM_XPATH + '/mass', False)
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, MZFM_XPATH + '/mass', False)
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, MF_XPATH + '/mass', False)
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, OEM_XPATH + '/mass', False)
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, PAY_XPATH + '/mass', False)
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, MC_XPATH, False)
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, OIM_XPATH + '/mass', False)

    cpsf.add_uid(tixi, MTOM_XPATH, 'MTOM')
    tixi.createElement(MTOM_XPATH, 'name')
    tixi.updateTextElement(MTOM_XPATH + '/name', 'Maximum take-off mass')
    tixi.createElement(MTOM_XPATH, 'description')
    tixi.updateTextElement(MTOM_XPATH + '/description', 'Maximum '\
                           + 'take off mass [kg], CoG coordinate [m] and '\
                           + 'moment of inertia.')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MTOM_XPATH + '/mass', mw.maximum_take_off_mass,

    # MZFM
    cpsf.add_uid(tixi, MZFM_XPATH, 'MZFM')
    tixi.createElement(MZFM_XPATH, 'name')
    tixi.updateTextElement(MZFM_XPATH + '/name', 'Maximum zero fuel mass')
    tixi.createElement(MZFM_XPATH, 'description')
    tixi.updateTextElement(MZFM_XPATH + '/description', 'Maximum '\
                           + 'zero fuel mass [kg] and corresponding CoG '\
                           + 'coordinate [m], moment of inertia.')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MZFM_XPATH + '/mass', mw.zero_fuel_mass, '%g')

    cpsf.add_uid(tixi, MF_XPATH, 'MFM')
    tixi.createElement(MF_XPATH, 'name')
    tixi.updateTextElement(MF_XPATH + '/name', 'Max fuel mass')
    tixi.createElement(MF_XPATH, 'description')
    tixi.updateTextElement(MF_XPATH + '/description', 'Maximum fuel mass [kg]')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MF_XPATH + '/mass', mw.mass_fuel_max, '%g')

    # OEM
    cpsf.add_uid(tixi, OEM_XPATH, 'OEM')
    tixi.createElement(OEM_XPATH, 'name')
    tixi.updateTextElement(OEM_XPATH + '/name', 'Operating empty mass')
    tixi.createElement(OEM_XPATH, 'description')
    tixi.updateTextElement(OEM_XPATH + '/description', 'Operating empty'\
                           + ' mass [kg] and related inertia [kgm^2].')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(OEM_XPATH + '/mass', mw.operating_empty_mass,
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(OIM_XPATH + '/mass', mw.mass_crew, '%g')
    cpsf.add_uid(tixi, OIM_XPATH, 'massCrew')

    cpsf.add_uid(tixi, PAY_XPATH, 'MPM')
    tixi.createElement(PAY_XPATH, 'name')
    tixi.updateTextElement(PAY_XPATH + '/name', 'Max payload mass')
    tixi.createElement(PAY_XPATH, 'description')
    tixi.updateTextElement(PAY_XPATH + '/description', 'Maximum '\
                           + 'payload mass [kg].')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(PAY_XPATH + '/mass', mw.mass_payload, '%g')

    if mw.mass_cargo:
        tixi.createElement(MC_XPATH, 'massCargo')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(MC_XPATH + '/massCargo', mw.mass_cargo, '%g')

    cpsf.close_tixi(tixi, cpacs_out_path)
def cpacs_weight_update(out, mw, ui, cpacs_out_path):
    """ The function that update the cpacs file after the Weight_unc_main

        out (class): Output class.
        mw (class): Mass and weight class.
        ui (class): UserInputs class.
        cpacs_out_path (str): Path of the output file.


    tixi = cpsf.open_tixi(cpacs_out_path)
    tigl = cpsf.open_tigl(tixi)

    # Path definition
    MB_PATH = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/massBreakdown'

    if tixi.checkElement(MB_PATH):

    MD_PATH = MB_PATH + '/designMasses'
    MF_PATH = MB_PATH + '/fuel/massDescription'
    OEM_PATH = MB_PATH + '/mOEM/massDescription'
    PAY_PATH = MB_PATH + '/payload/massDescription'
    MC_PATH = MB_PATH + '/payload/mCargo'
    EM_PATH = MB_PATH + '/mOEM/mEM'
    OIM_PATH = MB_PATH + '/mOEM/mOperatorItems/mCrewMembers/massDescription'
    MSYS_PATH = EM_PATH + '/mSystems/massDescription/mass'
    MSTR_PATH = EM_PATH + '/mStructure/massDescription/mass'
    MEN_PATH = EM_PATH + '/mPowerUnits/massDescription/mass'

    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, MTOM_PATH + '/mass', False)
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, MZFM_PATH + '/mass', False)
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, MF_PATH + '/mass', False)
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, OEM_PATH + '/mass', False)
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, PAY_PATH + '/mass', False)
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, MC_PATH, False)
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, OIM_PATH + '/mass', False)
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, EM_PATH, False)
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, MSYS_PATH, False)
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, MSTR_PATH, False)
    cpsf.create_branch(tixi, MEN_PATH, False)

    cpsf.add_uid(tixi, MTOM_PATH, 'MTOM')
    tixi.createElement(MTOM_PATH, 'name')
    tixi.updateTextElement(MTOM_PATH + '/name', 'Maximum take-off mass')
    tixi.createElement(MTOM_PATH, 'description')
    tixi.updateTextElement(MTOM_PATH + '/description', 'Maximum '\
                           + 'take off mass [kg], CoG coordinate [m] and '\
                           + 'moment of inertia.')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MTOM_PATH + '/mass', mw.maximum_take_off_mass, '%g')

    # MZFM
    cpsf.add_uid(tixi, MZFM_PATH, 'MZFM')
    tixi.createElement(MZFM_PATH, 'name')
    tixi.updateTextElement(MZFM_PATH + '/name', 'Maximum zero fuel mass')
    tixi.createElement(MZFM_PATH, 'description')
    tixi.updateTextElement(MZFM_PATH + '/description', 'Maximum '\
                           + 'zero fuel mass [kg] and corresponding CoG '\
                           + 'coordinate [m], moment of inertia.')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MZFM_PATH + '/mass', mw.zero_fuel_mass, '%g')

    cpsf.add_uid(tixi, MF_PATH, 'MFM')
    tixi.createElement(MF_PATH, 'name')
    tixi.updateTextElement(MF_PATH + '/name', 'Max fuel mass')
    tixi.createElement(MF_PATH, 'description')
    tixi.updateTextElement(MF_PATH + '/description', 'Maximum fuel mass [kg].')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MF_PATH + '/mass', mw.mass_fuel_max, '%g')

    # OEM
    cpsf.add_uid(tixi, OEM_PATH, 'OEM')
    tixi.createElement(OEM_PATH, 'name')
    tixi.updateTextElement(OEM_PATH + '/name', 'Operating empty mass')
    tixi.createElement(OEM_PATH, 'description')
    tixi.updateTextElement(OEM_PATH + '/description', 'Operating empty'\
                           + ' mass [kg] and related inertia [kgm^2].')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(OEM_PATH + '/mass', mw.operating_empty_mass, '%g')

    tixi.updateDoubleElement(OIM_PATH + '/mass', mw.mass_crew, '%g')
    cpsf.add_uid(tixi, OIM_PATH, 'massCrew')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MSYS_PATH, mw.mass_systems, '%g')
    cpsf.add_uid(tixi, EM_PATH + '/mSystems/massDescription', 'mSys')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MSTR_PATH, mw.mass_structure, '%g')
    cpsf.add_uid(tixi, EM_PATH + '/mStructure/massDescription', 'mStrt')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MEN_PATH, mw.mass_engines, '%g')
    cpsf.add_uid(tixi, EM_PATH +'/mPowerUnits/massDescription', 'mEng')

    # PAYLOAD MASS AND FUEL CARGO MASS =======================================
    cpsf.add_uid(tixi, PAY_PATH, 'MPM')
    tixi.createElement(PAY_PATH, 'name')
    tixi.updateTextElement(PAY_PATH + '/name', 'Max payload mass')
    tixi.createElement(PAY_PATH, 'description')
    tixi.updateTextElement(PAY_PATH + '/description', 'Maximum payload mass [kg].')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(PAY_PATH + '/mass', mw.mass_payload, '%g')
    tixi.createElement(MC_PATH, 'massCargo')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MC_PATH + '/massCargo', ui.MASS_CARGO, '%g')

    cpsf.close_tixi(tixi, cpacs_out_path)

Beispiel #16
def get_user_inputs(ind, ui, ag, cpacs_in, cpacs):
    """ The function to extracts from the XML file the required input data,
        the code will use the default value when they are missing.

        (class) ind  --Arg.: InsideDimensions class.
        (class) ui   --Arg.: UserInputs class.
        ##======= Classes are defined in the InputClasses folder =======##

        (class) ag   --Arg.: AircraftGeometry class
        ##=======  Classes are defined in the InputClasses folder ======##

        (char) cpacs_in  --Arg.: Relative location of the xml file in the
                                 ToolInput folder (cpacs option) or
                                 relative location of the temp. xml file in
                                 the ToolOutput folder (input option).
        (char) cpacs       --Arg.: cpacs True or False option

        (class) ind  --Out.: InsideDimensions class updated
        (class) ui   --Out.: UserInputs class updated.
        ##======  Classes are defined in the InputClasses folder ======##

        (file) cpacs_in  --Out.: Updated cpasc file
    """'Starting data extraction from CPACS file')

    # Path creation ==========================================================
    tixi = cpf.open_tixi(cpacs_in)
    CESAIOM_PATH = '/cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy'
    GEOM_PATH = CESAIOM_PATH + '/geometry'
    FUEL_PATH = CESAIOM_PATH + '/fuels'
    W_PATH = CESAIOM_PATH + '/weight'
    C_PATH = W_PATH + '/crew'
    pilots_path = C_PATH + '/pilots'
    CC_PATH = C_PATH + '/cabinCrewMembers'
    PASS_PATH = W_PATH + '/passengers'
    ML_PATH = W_PATH + '/massLimits'
    PROP_PATH = CESAIOM_PATH + '/propulsion'
    F_PATH = '/cpacs/vehicles/fuels/fuel'
    MC_PATH = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/massBreakdown/'\
              + 'payload/mCargo/massDescription'

    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MC_PATH, False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, FUEL_PATH, False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, GEOM_PATH, False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, pilots_path, False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, CC_PATH, False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, PASS_PATH, False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, ML_PATH, False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, PROP_PATH, False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, F_PATH, False)

    tixi = cpf.add_uid(tixi, F_PATH, 'kerosene')
    ### Geometry =============================================================
    if not tixi.checkElement(GEOM_PATH + '/description'):
        tixi.createElement(GEOM_PATH, 'description')
        tixi.updateTextElement(GEOM_PATH + '/description', 'User '\
                               + 'geometry input')
    # Extracting geometry input data (Double Floor)
    if not tixi.checkElement(GEOM_PATH + '/isDoubleFloor'):
        tixi.createElement(GEOM_PATH, 'isDoubleFloor')
        tixi.updateIntegerElement(GEOM_PATH + '/isDoubleFloor',\
                                 ui.IS_DOUBLE_FLOOR, '%i')
        temp = tixi.getIntegerElement(GEOM_PATH + '/isDoubleFloor')
        if temp != ui.IS_DOUBLE_FLOOR:
            ui.IS_DOUBLE_FLOOR = temp
    # Extracting geometry input data (seatWidth)
    if not tixi.checkElement(GEOM_PATH + '/seatWidth'):
        tixi.createElement(GEOM_PATH, 'seatWidth')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(GEOM_PATH + '/seatWidth',\
                                 ind.seat_width, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(GEOM_PATH + '/seatWidth')
        if temp != ind.seat_width and temp > 0:
            ind.seat_width = temp
    # Extracting geometry input data (seatLength)
    if not tixi.checkElement(GEOM_PATH + '/seatLength'):
        tixi.createElement(GEOM_PATH, 'seatLength')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(GEOM_PATH + '/seatLength',\
                                 ind.seat_length, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(GEOM_PATH + '/seatLength')
        if temp != ind.seat_length and temp > 0:
            ind.seat_length = temp
    # Extracting geometry input data (aisleWidth)
    if not tixi.checkElement(GEOM_PATH + '/aisleWidth'):
        tixi.createElement(GEOM_PATH, 'aisleWidth')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(GEOM_PATH + '/aisleWidth',\
                                 ind.aisle_width, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(GEOM_PATH + '/aisleWidth')
        if temp != ind.aisle_width and temp > 0:
            ind.aisle_width = temp
    # Extracting geometry input data (fuseThick)
    if not tixi.checkElement(GEOM_PATH + '/fuseThick'):
        tixi.createElement(GEOM_PATH, 'fuseThick')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(GEOM_PATH + '/fuseThick',\
                                 ind.fuse_thick, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(GEOM_PATH + '/fuseThick')
        if temp != ind.fuse_thick and temp > 0:
            ind.fuse_thick = temp
    # Extracting geometry input data (toiletLength)
    if not tixi.checkElement(GEOM_PATH + '/toiletLength'):
        tixi.createElement(GEOM_PATH, 'toiletLength')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(GEOM_PATH + '/toiletLength',\
                                 ind.toilet_length, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(GEOM_PATH + '/toiletLength')
        if temp != ind.toilet_length and temp > 0:
            ind.toilet_length = temp

    ### Weight ===============================================================
    # Pilots user input data
    if not tixi.checkElement(pilots_path + '/pilotNb'):
        tixi.createElement(pilots_path, 'pilotNb')
        tixi.updateIntegerElement(pilots_path + '/pilotNb',\
                                 ui.PILOT_NB, '%i')
        temp = tixi.getIntegerElement(pilots_path + '/pilotNb')
        if temp != ui.PILOT_NB and temp > 0:
            ui.PILOT_NB = temp
    if not tixi.checkElement(pilots_path + '/pilotMass'):
        tixi.createElement(pilots_path, 'pilotMass')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(pilots_path + '/pilotMass',\
                                 ui.MASS_PILOT, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(pilots_path + '/pilotMass')
        if temp != ui.MASS_PILOT and temp > 0:
            ui.MASS_PILOT = temp

    # Cabin crew user input data
    if not tixi.checkElement(CC_PATH + '/cabinCrewMemberMass'):
        tixi.createElement(CC_PATH, 'cabinCrewMemberMass')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(CC_PATH + '/cabinCrewMemberMass',\
                                 ui.MASS_CABIN_CREW, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(CC_PATH + '/cabinCrewMemberMass')
        if temp != ui.MASS_CABIN_CREW and temp > 0:
            ui.MASS_CABIN_CREW = temp

    # Passengers user input data
    if not tixi.checkElement(PASS_PATH + '/passMass'):
        tixi.createElement(PASS_PATH, 'passMass')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(PASS_PATH + '/passMass',\
                                 ui.MASS_PASS, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(PASS_PATH + '/passMass')
        if temp != ui.MASS_PASS and temp > 0:
            ui.MASS_PASS = temp

    if not tixi.checkElement(PASS_PATH + '/passPerToilet'):
        tixi.createElement(PASS_PATH, 'passPerToilet')
        tixi.updateIntegerElement(PASS_PATH + '/passPerToilet',\
                                 ui.PASS_PER_TOILET, '%i')
        temp = tixi.getIntegerElement(PASS_PATH + '/passPerToilet')
        if temp != ui.PASS_PER_TOILET and temp > 0:
            ui.PASS_PER_TOILET = temp

    # Mass limits data
    if not tixi.checkElement(ML_PATH + '/description'):
        tixi.createElement(ML_PATH, 'description')
        tixi.updateTextElement(ML_PATH + '/description', 'Desired max fuel '\
                               + 'volume [m^3] and payload mass [kg]')
    if not tixi.checkElement(ML_PATH + '/maxPayload'):
        tixi.createElement(ML_PATH, 'maxPayload')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(ML_PATH + '/maxPayload',\
                                 ui.MAX_PAYLOAD, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(ML_PATH + '/maxPayload')
        if temp != ui.MAX_PAYLOAD and temp > 0:
            ui.MAX_PAYLOAD = temp
    if not tixi.checkElement(ML_PATH + '/maxFuelVol'):
        tixi.createElement(ML_PATH, 'maxFuelVol')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(ML_PATH + '/maxFuelVol',\
                                 ui.MAX_FUEL_VOL, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(ML_PATH + '/maxFuelVol')
        if temp != ui.MAX_FUEL_VOL and temp > 0:
            ui.MAX_FUEL_VOL = temp

    if tixi.checkElement(MC_PATH + '/massCargo'):
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(MC_PATH + '/massCargo')
        if temp != ui.MASS_CARGO and temp != 0:
            ui.MASS_CARGO = temp

    # Fuel density ===========================================================

    if not tixi.checkElement(F_PATH + '/density'):
        tixi.createElement(F_PATH, 'density')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(F_PATH + '/density',\
                                 ui.FUEL_DENSITY, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(F_PATH + '/density')
        if temp != ui.FUEL_DENSITY and temp > 0:
            ui.FUEL_DENSITY = temp

    # Propulsion =============================================================
    if not tixi.checkElement(PROP_PATH + '/turboprop'):
        tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, PROP_PATH, False)
        tixi.createElement(PROP_PATH, 'turboprop')
        if ui.TURBOPROP:
            tixi.updateTextElement(PROP_PATH + '/turboprop', 'True')
            tixi.updateTextElement(PROP_PATH + '/turboprop', 'False')
        temp = tixi.getTextElement(PROP_PATH + '/turboprop')
        if temp == 'False':
            ui.TURBOPROP = False
            ui.TURBOPROP = True

    if not tixi.checkElement(FUEL_PATH + '/resFuelPerc'):
        tixi.createElement(FUEL_PATH, 'resFuelPerc')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(FUEL_PATH + '/resFuelPerc',\
                                 ui.RES_FUEL_PERC, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(FUEL_PATH + '/resFuelPerc')
        if temp != ui.RES_FUEL_PERC and temp > 0:
            ui.RES_FUEL_PERC = temp'Data from CPACS file succesfully extracted')

    # Saving and closing the cpacs file --------------------------------------
    cpf.close_tixi(tixi, cpacs_in)

    # Openign and closing again the cpacs file -------------------------------
    tixi = cpf.open_tixi(cpacs_in)
    tigl = cpf.open_tigl(tixi)
    cpf.close_tixi(tixi, cpacs_in)

    return (ind, ui)
Beispiel #17
def cpacs_weight_update(out, mw, out_xml):
    """ The function updates the cpacs file after the Weight analysis.

        (class) out         --Arg.: WeightOutput class.
        (class) mw          --Arg.: MassesWeights class.
        (char) out_xml      --Arg.: Path of the output file.
        ##======= Classes are defined in the classes folder =======##

        (file) cpacs.xml --Out.: Updated cpacs file.
    tixi = cpf.open_tixi(out_xml)
    tigl = cpf.open_tigl(tixi)

    # Path creation ==========================================================
    MB_PATH = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/massBreakdown'
    if tixi.checkElement(MB_PATH):

    MD_PATH = MB_PATH + '/designMasses'
    MF_PATH = MB_PATH + '/fuel/massDescription'
    OEM_PATH = MB_PATH + '/mOEM/massDescription'
    PAY_PATH = MB_PATH + '/payload/massDescription'
    MC_PATH = MB_PATH + '/payload/mCargo'
    OIM_PATH = MB_PATH + '/mOEM/mOperatorItems/mCrewMembers'\
               + '/massDescription'

    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MTOM_PATH + '/mass', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MZFM_PATH + '/mass', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MF_PATH + '/mass', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, OEM_PATH + '/mass', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, PAY_PATH + '/mass', False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MC_PATH, False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, OIM_PATH + '/mass', False)

    # DESIGN MASSES ==========================================================
    tixi = cpf.add_uid(tixi, MTOM_PATH, 'MTOM')
    tixi.createElement(MTOM_PATH, 'name')
    tixi.updateTextElement(MTOM_PATH + '/name', 'Maximum take-off mass')
    tixi.createElement(MTOM_PATH, 'description')
    tixi.updateTextElement(MTOM_PATH + '/description', 'Maximum '\
                           + 'take off mass [kg], CoG coordinate [m] and '\
                           + 'moment of inertia.')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MTOM_PATH + '/mass',\
                             mw.maximum_take_off_mass, '%g')

    # MZFM -------------------------------------------------------------------
    tixi = cpf.add_uid(tixi, MZFM_PATH, 'MZFM')
    tixi.createElement(MZFM_PATH, 'name')
    tixi.updateTextElement(MZFM_PATH + '/name', 'Maximum zero fuel mass')
    tixi.createElement(MZFM_PATH, 'description')
    tixi.updateTextElement(MZFM_PATH + '/description', 'Maximum '\
                           + 'zero fuel mass [kg] and corresponding CoG '\
                           + 'coordinate [m], moment of inertia.')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MZFM_PATH + '/mass', mw.zero_fuel_mass, '%g')

    # FUEL MASS ==============================================================
    tixi = cpf.add_uid(tixi, MF_PATH, 'MFM')
    tixi.createElement(MF_PATH, 'name')
    tixi.updateTextElement(MF_PATH + '/name', 'Max fuel mass')
    tixi.createElement(MF_PATH, 'description')
    tixi.updateTextElement(MF_PATH + '/description', 'Maximum '\
                           + 'fuel mass [kg].')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(MF_PATH + '/mass', mw.mass_fuel_max, '%g')

    # OEM ====================================================================
    tixi = cpf.add_uid(tixi, OEM_PATH, 'OEM')
    tixi.createElement(OEM_PATH, 'name')
    tixi.updateTextElement(OEM_PATH + '/name', 'Operating empty mass')
    tixi.createElement(OEM_PATH, 'description')
    tixi.updateTextElement(OEM_PATH + '/description', 'Operating empty'\
                           + ' mass [kg] and related inertia [kgm^2].')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(OEM_PATH + '/mass', mw.operating_empty_mass, '%g')

    tixi.updateDoubleElement(OIM_PATH + '/mass', mw.mass_crew, '%g')
    tixi = cpf.add_uid(tixi, OIM_PATH, 'massCrew')

    # PAYLOAD MASS AND FUEL WITH MAX PAYLOAD =================================
    tixi = cpf.add_uid(tixi, PAY_PATH, 'MPM')
    tixi.createElement(PAY_PATH, 'name')
    tixi.updateTextElement(PAY_PATH + '/name', 'Max payload mass')
    tixi.createElement(PAY_PATH, 'description')
    tixi.updateTextElement(PAY_PATH + '/description', 'Maximum '\
                           + 'payload mass [kg].')
    tixi.updateDoubleElement(PAY_PATH + '/mass', mw.mass_payload, '%g')

    if mw.mass_cargo:
        tixi.createElement(MC_PATH, 'massCargo')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(MC_PATH + '/massCargo', mw.mass_cargo, '%g')
    # Saving and closing the new cpacs file inside the ToolOutput folder -----
    cpf.close_tixi(tixi, out_xml)

    # Openign and closing again the cpacs file, formatting purpose -----------
    tixi = cpf.open_tixi(out_xml)
    tigl = cpf.open_tigl(tixi)
    cpf.close_tixi(tixi, out_xml)

def add_end_section(tixi_handle, name, profile_id, section_num):
    """ Internal function, add nose section to CPACS file

    tixi_handle : tixi handle object
        A tixi handle to the cpacs file to be created
    name : str
        section name, used to generate a UID
    profile_id : str
        profile ID used for this section
    section_num : int
        number corresponding to which section this is

    tixi_handle : tixi handle object
    section_uid : str
        section UID
    element_uid : str
        element UID


    # Create XML infrastructure
    base_path = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/fuselages/fuselage/sections'
    tixi_handle.createElement(base_path, 'section')
    base_path += f'/section[{section_num}]'
    section_uid = f"{name}_section{section_num}ID"
    add_uid(tixi_handle, base_path, section_uid)
    tixi_handle.addTextElement(base_path, 'name', name)
    for j in ['transformation', 'elements']:
        tixi_handle.createElement(base_path, j)
        xpath = f"{base_path}/{j}"
        uid_name = f"{name}section{section_num}ID_{j}1"
        if j == 'elements':
            tixi_handle.createElement(xpath, 'element')
            xpath += '/element'
            uid_name = f"{name}section{section_num}ID_element1ID"
            element_uid = uid_name
            add_uid(tixi_handle, xpath, uid_name)
            tixi_handle.addTextElement(xpath, 'name',
            tixi_handle.addTextElement(xpath, 'profileUID', profile_id)
            tixi_handle.createElement(xpath, 'transformation')
            xpath += '/transformation'
            uid_name = f"{uid_name}_transformation1"
        add_uid(tixi_handle, xpath, uid_name)
        for i in ['rotation', 'scaling', 'translation']:
            tixi_handle.createElement(xpath, i)
            if i == 'translation':
                tixi_handle.addTextAttribute(f"{xpath}/{i}", 'refType',
            add_uid(tixi_handle, f"{xpath}/{i}", f"{uid_name}_{i}1")
            if i != 'scaling':
                tixi_handle.addIntegerElement(f"{xpath}/{i}", 'x', 0, '%d')
                tixi_handle.addIntegerElement(f"{xpath}/{i}", 'y', 0, '%d')
                tixi_handle.addIntegerElement(f"{xpath}/{i}", 'z', 0, '%d')
                if j == 'elements':
                    tixi_handle.addIntegerElement(f"{xpath}/{i}", 'x', 1, '%d')
                    tixi_handle.addIntegerElement(f"{xpath}/{i}", 'y', 0, '%d')
                    tixi_handle.addIntegerElement(f"{xpath}/{i}", 'z', 0, '%d')

                    tixi_handle.addIntegerElement(f"{xpath}/{i}", 'x', 1, '%d')
                    tixi_handle.addIntegerElement(f"{xpath}/{i}", 'y', 1, '%d')
                    tixi_handle.addIntegerElement(f"{xpath}/{i}", 'z', 1, '%d')

    return section_uid, element_uid, tixi_handle
Beispiel #19
def get_user_inputs(ed, ui, adui, cpacs_in):
    """ Function to extract from the xml file the required input data,
        the code will use the default value when they are missing.

        (class) adui   --Arg.: AdvancedInputs class.
        (class) ed     --Arg.: EngineData class.
        (class) ui     --Arg.: UserInputs class.
        ##======= Classes are defined in the InputClasses folder =======##

        (char) cpacs_in  --Arg.: Relative location of the xml file in the
                                 ToolInput folder (cpacs option) or
                                 relative location of the temp. xml file in
                                 the ToolOutput folder (input option).
        (class) adui     --Out.: AdvancedInputs class updated
        (class) ui       --Out.: UserInputs class updated.
        (class) ed       --AOut.:EngineData class updated.
        (file) cpacs_in  --Out.: Updated cpasc file
    """'Starting data extraction from CPACS file')
    # Path creation ==========================================================
    tixi = cpf.open_tixi(cpacs_in)
    # toolspecific
    CEASIOM_PATH = '/cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy'
    GEOM_PATH = CEASIOM_PATH + '/geometry'
    RANGE_PATH = CEASIOM_PATH + '/ranges'
    W_PATH = CEASIOM_PATH + '/weight'
    C_PATH = W_PATH + '/crew'
    PILOTS_PATH = C_PATH + '/pilots'
    CC_PATH = C_PATH + '/cabinCrewMembers'
    PASS_PATH = W_PATH + '/passengers'
    ML_PATH = W_PATH + '/massLimits'
    PROP_PATH = CEASIOM_PATH + '/propulsion'
    FUEL_PATH = '/cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/fuels'

    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, FUEL_PATH, False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, GEOM_PATH, False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, RANGE_PATH, False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, PILOTS_PATH, False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, CC_PATH, False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, PASS_PATH, False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, ML_PATH, False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, PROP_PATH, False)

    # cpacs/vehicles
    MC_PATH = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/massBreakdown/'\
              + 'payload/mCargo/massDescription'
    F_PATH = '/cpacs/vehicles/fuels/fuel'

    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, MC_PATH, False)
    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, F_PATH, False)
    tixi = cpf.add_uid(tixi, F_PATH, 'kerosene')
    # Gathering data =========================================================
    # Geometry ===============================================================
    if not tixi.checkElement(GEOM_PATH + '/description'):
        tixi.createElement(GEOM_PATH, 'description')
        tixi.updateTextElement(GEOM_PATH + '/description', 'User '\
                               + 'geometry input')

    # Number of floors.
    if not tixi.checkElement(GEOM_PATH + '/floorsNb'):
        tixi.createElement(GEOM_PATH, 'floorsNb')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(GEOM_PATH + '/floorsNb',\
                                 ui.FLOORS_NB, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(GEOM_PATH + '/floorsNb')
        if temp != ui.FLOORS_NB and temp > 0:
            ui.FLOORS_NB = temp

    # Extracting fuselage material data.
    if not tixi.checkElement(GEOM_PATH + '/virtualThick'):
        tixi.createElement(GEOM_PATH, 'virtualThick')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(GEOM_PATH + '/virtualThick',\
                                 adui.VRT_THICK, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(GEOM_PATH + '/virtualThick')
        if temp != adui.VRT_THICK and temp > 0:
            adui.VRT_THICK = temp

    if not tixi.checkElement(GEOM_PATH + '/virtualDensity'):
        tixi.createElement(GEOM_PATH, 'virtualDensity')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(GEOM_PATH + '/virtualDensity',\
                                 adui.VRT_STR_DENSITY, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(GEOM_PATH + '/virtualDensity')
        if temp != adui.VRT_STR_DENSITY and temp > 0:
            adui.VRT_STR_DENSITY = temp

    if not tixi.checkElement(GEOM_PATH + '/cabinHeight'):
        tixi.createElement(GEOM_PATH, 'cabinHeight')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(GEOM_PATH + '/cabinHeight',\
                                 ui.H_LIM_CABIN, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(GEOM_PATH + '/cabinHeight')
        if temp != ui.H_LIM_CABIN and temp > 0:
            ui.H_LIM_CABIN = temp

    # People =================================================================
    # Pilots user input data
    if not tixi.checkElement(PILOTS_PATH + '/pilotNb'):
        tixi.createElement(PILOTS_PATH, 'pilotNb')
        tixi.updateIntegerElement(PILOTS_PATH + '/pilotNb',\
                                 adui.PILOT_NB, '%i')
        temp = tixi.getIntegerElement(PILOTS_PATH + '/pilotNb')
        if temp != adui.PILOT_NB and temp > 0:
            adui.PILOT_NB = temp

    if not tixi.checkElement(PILOTS_PATH + '/pilotMass'):
        tixi.createElement(PILOTS_PATH, 'pilotMass')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(PILOTS_PATH + '/pilotMass',\
                                 adui.MASS_PILOT, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(PILOTS_PATH + '/pilotMass')
        if temp != adui.MASS_PILOT and temp > 0:
            adui.MASS_PILOT = temp

    # Cabin crew user input data
    if not tixi.checkElement(CC_PATH + '/cabinCrewMemberMass'):
        tixi.createElement(CC_PATH, 'cabinCrewMemberMass')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(CC_PATH + '/cabinCrewMemberMass',\
                                 adui.MASS_CABIN_CREW, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(CC_PATH + '/cabinCrewMemberMass')
        if temp != adui.MASS_CABIN_CREW and temp > 0:
            adui.MASS_CABIN_CREW = temp

    # Passengers user input data
    if not tixi.checkElement(PASS_PATH + '/passMass'):
        tixi.createElement(PASS_PATH, 'passMass')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(PASS_PATH + '/passMass',\
                                 adui.MASS_PASS, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(PASS_PATH+ '/passMass')
        if temp != adui.MASS_PASS and temp > 0:
            adui.MASS_PASS = temp

    if tixi.checkElement(PASS_PATH + '/passNb'):
        temp = tixi.getIntegerElement(PASS_PATH+ '/passNb')
        if temp != ui.MAX_PASS and temp > 0:
            ui.MAX_PASS = temp

    if not tixi.checkElement(PASS_PATH + '/passDensity'):
        tixi.createElement(PASS_PATH, 'passDensity')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(PASS_PATH + '/passDensity',\
                                 ui.PASS_BASE_DENSITY, '%i')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(PASS_PATH + '/passDensity')
        if temp != ui.PASS_BASE_DENSITY and temp > 0:
            ui.PASS_BASE_DENSITY = temp

    if not tixi.checkElement(PASS_PATH + '/passPerToilet'):
        tixi.createElement(PASS_PATH, 'passPerToilet')
        tixi.updateIntegerElement(PASS_PATH + '/passPerToilet',\
                                 adui.PASS_PER_TOILET, '%i')
        temp = tixi.getIntegerElement(PASS_PATH + '/passPerToilet')
        if temp != adui.PASS_PER_TOILET and temp > 0:
            adui.PASS_PER_TOILET = temp

    # Fuel ===================================================================
    if not tixi.checkElement(F_PATH + '/density'):
        tixi.createElement(F_PATH, 'density')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(F_PATH + '/density',\
                                 adui.FUEL_DENSITY, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(F_PATH + '/density')
        if temp != adui.FUEL_DENSITY and temp > 0:
            adui.FUEL_DENSITY = temp

    if not tixi.checkElement(FUEL_PATH + '/resFuelPerc'):
        tixi.createElement(FUEL_PATH, 'resFuelPerc')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(FUEL_PATH + '/resFuelPerc',\
                                 adui.RES_FUEL_PERC, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(FUEL_PATH + '/resFuelPerc')
        if temp != adui.RES_FUEL_PERC and temp > 0:
            adui.RES_FUEL_PERC = temp

    # Weight =================================================================
    # Mass limits data
    if not tixi.checkElement(ML_PATH + '/description'):
        tixi.createElement(ML_PATH, 'description')
        tixi.updateTextElement(ML_PATH + '/description', 'Desired max fuel '\
                               + 'volume [m^3] and payload mass [kg]')
    if not tixi.checkElement(ML_PATH + '/maxPayload'):
        tixi.createElement(ML_PATH, 'maxPayload')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(ML_PATH + '/maxPayload',\
                                 ui.MAX_PAYLOAD, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(ML_PATH + '/maxPayload')
        if temp != ui.MAX_PAYLOAD and temp != 0:
            ui.MAX_PAYLOAD = temp
    if not tixi.checkElement(ML_PATH + '/maxFuelVol'):
        tixi.createElement(ML_PATH, 'maxFuelVol')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(ML_PATH + '/maxFuelVol',\
                                 ui.MAX_FUEL_VOL, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(ML_PATH + '/maxFuelVol')
        if temp != ui.MAX_FUEL_VOL and temp != 0:
            ui.MAX_FUEL_VOL = temp

    if tixi.checkElement(MC_PATH + '/massCargo'):
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(MC_PATH + '/massCargo')
        if temp != ui.MASS_CARGO and temp != 0:
            ui.MASS_CARGO = temp
        # If the cargo mass is defined in the UserInputs class will be added
        # in the CPACS file after the analysis.

    # Flight =================================================================
    if not tixi.checkElement(RANGE_PATH + '/lDRatio'):
        tixi.createElement(RANGE_PATH, 'lDRatio')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(RANGE_PATH + '/lDRatio',\
                                  ui.LD, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getIntegerElement(RANGE_PATH + '/lDRatio')
        if temp != ui.LD and temp > 0:
            ui.LD = temp

    if not tixi.checkElement(RANGE_PATH + '/cruiseSpeed'):
        tixi.createElement(RANGE_PATH, 'cruiseSpeed')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(RANGE_PATH + '/cruiseSpeed',\
                                 ui.CRUISE_SPEED, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getIntegerElement(RANGE_PATH + '/cruiseSpeed')
        if temp != ui.CRUISE_SPEED and temp > 0:
            ui.CRUISE_SPEED = temp

    tixi = cpf.create_branch(tixi, TSFC_PATH, False)
    if not tixi.checkElement(TSFC_PATH + '/tsfcCruise'):
        tixi.createElement(TSFC_PATH, 'tsfcCruise')
        tixi.updateDoubleElement(TSFC_PATH + '/tsfcCruise',\
                                 ed.TSFC_CRUISE, '%g')
        temp = tixi.getDoubleElement(TSFC_PATH + '/tsfcCruise')
        if temp != ed.TSFC_CRUISE and temp > 0:
            ed.TSFC_CRUISE = temp

    if not tixi.checkElement(PROP_PATH + '/userEngineOption'):
        tixi.createElement(PROP_PATH, 'userEngineOption')
        if ui.USER_ENGINES:
            tixi.updateTextElement(PROP_PATH + '/userEngineOption', 'True')
            tixi.updateTextElement(PROP_PATH + '/userEngineOption', 'False')
        temp = tixi.getTextElement(PROP_PATH + '/userEngineOption')
        if temp == 'False':
            ui.USER_ENGINES = False
            ui.USER_ENGINES = True

    if not tixi.checkElement(PROP_PATH + '/singleHydraulics'):
        tixi.createElement(PROP_PATH, 'singleHydraulics')
        if adui.SINGLE_HYDRAULICS:
            tixi.updateTextElement(PROP_PATH + '/singleHydraulics', 'True')
            tixi.updateTextElement(PROP_PATH + '/singleHydraulics', 'False')
        temp = tixi.getTextElement(PROP_PATH + '/singleHydraulics')
        if temp == 'False':
            adui.SINGLE_HYDRAULICS = False
            adui.SINGLE_HYDRAULICS = True'Data from CPACS file succesfully extracted')

    # Saving and closing the cpacs file --------------------------------------
    cpf.close_tixi(tixi, cpacs_in)

    # Openign and closing again the cpacs file -------------------------------
    tixi = cpf.open_tixi(cpacs_in)
    tigl = cpf.open_tigl(tixi)
    cpf.close_tixi(tixi, cpacs_in)

    return(ed, ui, adui)
def add_circular_fuse_profile(tixi_handle):
    """Internal function.
    Adds a circular profile to the CPACS file

    tixi_handle : tixi handle object
        A tixi handle to the cpacs file to be created

    tixi_handle : tixi handle object
    profile_id : str
        uID of the profile,

    base_path = '/cpacs/vehicles'
    tixi_handle.createElement(base_path, 'profiles')
    base_path += '/profiles'
    tixi_handle.createElement(base_path, 'fuselageProfiles')
    base_path += '/fuselageProfiles'
    tixi_handle.createElement(base_path, 'fuselageProfile')
    base_path += '/fuselageProfile'
    profile_id = 'fuselageCircleProfileID'
    add_uid(tixi_handle, base_path, profile_id)
    tixi_handle.addTextElement(base_path, 'name', 'Circle')
        base_path, 'description',
        'Profile build up from set of points on circle where dimensions are 1 ... -1'
    tixi_handle.createElement(base_path, 'pointList')
    base_path += '/pointList'

    # Add points
    x_vec = [
        0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
        0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
        0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
        0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
        0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
        0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
    y_vec = [
        0.0, 0.0774924206719, 0.154518792808, 0.230615870742, 0.305325997695,
        0.378199858172, 0.4487991802, 0.516699371152, 0.581492071288,
        0.642787609687, 0.700217347767, 0.753435896328, 0.802123192755,
        0.84598642592, 0.884761797177, 0.91821610688, 0.946148156876,
        0.968389960528, 0.984807753012, 0.995302795793, 0.999811970449,
        0.998308158271, 0.990800403365, 0.977333858251, 0.957989512315,
        0.932883704732, 0.902167424781, 0.866025403784, 0.824675004109,
        0.778364911924, 0.727373641573, 0.672007860556, 0.612600545193,
        0.549508978071, 0.483112599297, 0.413810724505, 0.342020143326,
        0.268172612761, 0.192712260548, 0.116092914125, 0.0387753712568,
        -0.0387753712568, -0.116092914125, -0.192712260548, -0.268172612761,
        -0.342020143326, -0.413810724505, -0.483112599297, -0.549508978071,
        -0.612600545193, -0.672007860556, -0.727373641573, -0.778364911924,
        -0.824675004109, -0.866025403784, -0.902167424781, -0.932883704732,
        -0.957989512315, -0.977333858251, -0.990800403365, -0.998308158271,
        -0.999811970449, -0.995302795793, -0.984807753012, -0.968389960528,
        -0.946148156876, -0.91821610688, -0.884761797177, -0.84598642592,
        -0.802123192755, -0.753435896328, -0.700217347767, -0.642787609687,
        -0.581492071288, -0.516699371152, -0.4487991802, -0.378199858172,
        -0.305325997695, -0.230615870742, -0.154518792808, -0.0774924206719,
    z_vec = [
        1.0, 0.996992941168, 0.987989849477, 0.97304487058, 0.952247885338,
        0.925723969269, 0.893632640323, 0.85616689953, 0.813552070263,
        0.766044443119, 0.713929734558, 0.657521368569, 0.597158591703,
        0.533204432802, 0.466043519703, 0.396079766039, 0.323733942058,
        0.249441144058, 0.173648177667, 0.0968108707032, 0.0193913317718,
        -0.0581448289105, -0.13533129975, -0.211703872229, -0.286803232711,
        -0.360177724805, -0.431386065681, -0.5, -0.565606875487,
        -0.627812124672, -0.686241637869, -0.740544013109, -0.790392669519,
        -0.835487811413, -0.875558231302, -0.910362940966, -0.939692620786,
        -0.963370878616, -0.981255310627, -0.993238357742, -0.999247952504,
        -0.999247952504, -0.993238357742, -0.981255310627, -0.963370878616,
        -0.939692620786, -0.910362940966, -0.875558231302, -0.835487811413,
        -0.790392669519, -0.740544013109, -0.686241637869, -0.627812124672,
        -0.565606875487, -0.5, -0.431386065681, -0.360177724805,
        -0.286803232711, -0.211703872229, -0.13533129975, -0.0581448289105,
        0.0193913317718, 0.0968108707032, 0.173648177667, 0.249441144058,
        0.323733942058, 0.396079766039, 0.466043519703, 0.533204432802,
        0.597158591703, 0.657521368569, 0.713929734558, 0.766044443119,
        0.813552070263, 0.85616689953, 0.893632640323, 0.925723969269,
        0.952247885338, 0.97304487058, 0.987989849477, 0.996992941168, 1.0
    tixi_handle.addFloatVector(base_path, 'x', x_vec, len(x_vec), '%.12f')
    tixi_handle.addFloatVector(base_path, 'y', y_vec, len(y_vec), '%.12f')
    tixi_handle.addFloatVector(base_path, 'z', z_vec, len(z_vec), '%.12f')

    return profile_id, tixi_handle