Beispiel #1
 def setUp(self):
     """Function that set ups the environment for the tests
     it will be called before each test and will create three planets
     used in them.
     self.planetA = CelestialBody("A", 1, 1, 1, "Planet", 1, 1, "blue")
     self.planetB = CelestialBody("B", 1, 2, 1, "Planet", 1, 1, "blue")
     self.planetC = CelestialBody("B", 1, 3, 1, "Planet", 1, 1, "blue")
 def setUp(self):
     """Method that is executed begore each test and that loads all the systems used
     self.system_probe = SolarSystem(3600,10000,Options.PROBE_RUN,"CelestialObjects")
     self.system = SolarSystem(3600,10000,Options.NORMAL_RUN,"CelestialObjects")
     self.system_simple = SolarSystem(3600,10000,Options.NORMAL_RUN,"CelestialObjects")
     planetA = CelestialBody("B",1,1,1,"Planet",1,10000,"blue")
     star = CelestialBody("A",1,1,1,"Star",0,10000,"blue")
     planets = [star,planetA]
     self.system_simple.celestial_bodies = planets
Beispiel #3
 def test_acceleration_exception(self):
     """Test used to check that an exception is raised if the position
     of two planets is the same.
     planetD = CelestialBody("D", 1, 1, 1, "Planet", 1, 1, "blue")
     others = [planetD]
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
     self.assertTrue('Division by Zero' in str(context.exception))
Beispiel #4
    def input_files(self, option,filename):
        """Function used to read all the boides information from the supplied file
        (CelestialObjecs.txt). It will intiatialize all the bodies with the
        required information and it will append them to a list.

            [CelestialBody]: list of all the boidies (object type CelestialBody)
        planets = []
        path = "./data/"+filename
        with open(path) as json_file:
            data = json.load(json_file)
            for star in data['Star']:
                planets.append(CelestialBody(star['Name'], float(star['mass']),
                float(star['orbital_radius']),float(star['simulated_radius']), star['type'],
                0, self.v_relative,star['colour']))
            for planet in data['Planets']:
                if option != Options.PROBE_RUN and planet['Name'] =="Probe":
                planets.append(CelestialBody(planet['Name'], float(planet['mass']),
                 planet['type'], float(star['mass']),
        return planets
Beispiel #5
 def write_file(self, filename="CelestialObjects"):
     """Method used to write in the files the usual planets used in the project
     path = './data/' + filename
     sun = CelestialBody("Sun", 1.989 * 10**30, 0, 3 * 500000000, "Star", 0,
                         0, "yellow")
     mercury = CelestialBody("Mercury", 3.285 * 10**23, 58 * 10**9,
                             2 * 500000000, "Planet", 1.989 * 10**30, 0,
     venus = CelestialBody("Venus", 4.867 * 10**24, 108200000 * 10**3,
                           2 * 500000000, "Planet", 1.989 * 10**30, 0,
     earth = CelestialBody("Earth", 5.972 * 10**24, 149597870.691 * 10**3,
                           2 * 500000000, "Planet", 1.989 * 10**30, 0,
     mars = CelestialBody("Mars", 6.39 * 10**23, 228 * 10**9, 2 * 500000000,
                          "Planet", 1.989 * 10**30, 0, "red")
     probe = CelestialBody("Probe", 1, 149597870.691 * 10**3, 2 * 500000000,
                           "Probe", 1.989 * 10**30, 0, "black")
     list_of_bodies = [sun, mercury, venus, earth, mars, probe]
     data = {}
     data['Star'] = []
         "Name": "Sun",
         "mass": str(sun.mass),
         "orbital_radius": "0",
         "simulated_radius": str(sun.simulated_radius),
         "type": sun.type_of_object,
         "colour": sun.colour
     data['Planets'] = []
     for i in range(1, len(list_of_bodies)):
         planet = list_of_bodies[i]
     with open(path, "w") as outfile:
         json.dump(data, outfile)
 def test_beeman(self):
     """Test used to check that Beeman's method works appropiatley.
     planetA = CelestialBody("B",1,1,1,"Planet",1,10000,"blue")
     star = CelestialBody("A",1,1,1,"Star",0,10000,"blue")
     planetB = CelestialBody("B",1,2,1,"Planet",1,10000,"blue")
     planetB.position = np.array([-1.0,0.0])
     planetB.velocity = np.array([0.0,-planetA.velocity[1]])
     system = SolarSystem(3600,1000,Options.NORMAL_RUN,"CelestialObjects")
     system.celestial_bodies = [star,planetA,planetB]
     for i in range(100):
Beispiel #7
class TestPlanets(unittest.TestCase):
    """Test class that holds the tests for
    def setUp(self):
        """Function that set ups the environment for the tests
        it will be called before each test and will create three planets
        used in them.
        self.planetA = CelestialBody("A", 1, 1, 1, "Planet", 1, 1, "blue")
        self.planetB = CelestialBody("B", 1, 2, 1, "Planet", 1, 1, "blue")
        self.planetC = CelestialBody("B", 1, 3, 1, "Planet", 1, 1, "blue")

    def test_velocities_initial(self):
        """Test that cheks that the velcoicites of the planets
        at t = 0 are initialized correctly
        planets = [self.planetA, self.planetB, self.planetC]
        for i in range(len(planets)):
            velocity = [0, math.sqrt(CelestialBody.G / (i + 1))]
            self.assertEqual(velocity[0], planets[i].velocity[0])
            self.assertEqual(velocity[1], planets[i].velocity[1])

    def test_sign_start(self):
        """Test that cheks that the y-position of the planets
        at t = 0 are initialized correctly

        planets = [self.planetA, self.planetB, self.planetC]
        for planet in planets:
            self.assertEqual(planet.get_y_sign(), 1)

    def test_sign_on_change(self):
        """Test to check if the y sign of the position of a planet can
        be retrieved correclty.
        self.planetA.position = np.array([0, -1])
        self.assertEqual(self.planetA.get_y_sign(), -1)

    def test_acceleration_initial(self):
        """ Test that cheks that the velcoicites of the planets
        at t = 0 are initialized correctly. They should be zero as 
        it is the system class which updates this values on the constructor
        of that class.
        expected_value = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
        planets = [self.planetA, self.planetB, self.planetC]
        for i in range(len(planets)):
            self.assertEqual(expected_value[0], planets[i].acceleration[0])
            self.assertEqual(expected_value[1], planets[i].acceleration[1])

    def test_acceleration_exception(self):
        """Test used to check that an exception is raised if the position
        of two planets is the same.
        planetD = CelestialBody("D", 1, 1, 1, "Planet", 1, 1, "blue")
        others = [planetD]
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
        self.assertTrue('Division by Zero' in str(context.exception))

    def test_acceleration_update_identity(self):
        """Test used to check that updating the acceleration of a central body with two 
        oppisite bodies (same mass) in a line produces an acceleration of zero for the central body.
        initial = np.copy(self.planetA.acceleration)
        others = [self.planetB, self.planetC]
        self.planetC.position = np.array([0, 0])
        self.assertEqual(initial[0], self.planetA.acceleration[0])
        self.assertEqual(initial[1], self.planetA.acceleration[1])

    def test_acceleration_update(self):
        """Test used to check that the acceleration of a planet is updated correctly.
        others = [self.planetB, self.planetC]
        expected_value = [CelestialBody.G + CelestialBody.G / 4, 0.0]
        self.assertEqual(expected_value[0], self.planetA.acceleration[0])
        self.assertEqual(expected_value[1], self.planetA.acceleration[1])

    def test_Euler_identity(self):
        """Test used to check that euler's algorithm with 0 initial velocity does not affect
        the position.
        self.planetA.velocity = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
        initial_position = np.copy(self.planetA.position)
        self.assertEqual(initial_position[0], self.planetA.position[0])
        self.assertEqual(initial_position[1], self.planetA.position[1])

    def test_Beeman_identity(self):
        """Test used to check that Beemnas's algorithm with 0 initial velocity and accelerations
        does not affect
        the position.
        self.planetA.velocity = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
        initial_position = np.copy(self.planetA.position)
        self.assertEqual(initial_position[0], self.planetA.position[0])
        self.assertEqual(initial_position[1], self.planetA.position[1])

    def test_update_position_equivalence(self):
        """Test used to check that the two algorithms are equal if the accelerations are zero.
        initial_position = np.copy(self.planetA.position)
        position_euler = np.copy(self.planetA.position)
        self.planetA.position = np.copy(initial_position)
        position_beeman = np.copy(self.planetA.position)
        self.assertEqual(position_beeman[0], position_euler[0])
        self.assertEqual(position_beeman[1], position_euler[1])

    def test_update_velocity_euler(self):
        """Test used to check that the update in the velocity using Euler's algorithms
        is correct.
        others = [self.planetC, self.planetB]
        acceleratation = [CelestialBody.G + CelestialBody.G / 4, 0.0]
        expected_value = np.array([
            0, math.sqrt(CelestialBody.G / (1))
        ]) + np.array([CelestialBody.G + CelestialBody.G / 4, 0.0]) * 100
        self.assertEqual(expected_value[0], self.planetA.velocity[0])
        self.assertEqual(expected_value[1], self.planetA.velocity[1])

    def test_update_velocity_beeman(self):
        """Test used to check that the update in the velocity using Euler's algorithms
        is correct.
        others = [self.planetC, self.planetB]
        acceleratation = [CelestialBody.G + CelestialBody.G / 4, 0.0]
        self.planetA.update_velocity_beeman(100, others)
        expected_value = np.array([0, math.sqrt(
            CelestialBody.G / (1))]) + np.array(
                [CelestialBody.G + CelestialBody.G / 4, 0.0]) * 100 * 2 / 6
        self.assertEqual(expected_value[0], self.planetA.velocity[0])
        self.assertEqual(expected_value[1], self.planetA.velocity[1])

    def test_update_position_euler(self):
        """Test used to check that the update in the position using Euler's algorithms
        is correct.
        initial_position = np.copy(self.planetA.position)
        expected_value = np.array(
            [1.0, 0.0]) + np.array([0, math.sqrt(CelestialBody.G / (1))]) * 100
        self.assertEqual(expected_value[0], self.planetA.position[0])
        self.assertEqual(expected_value[1], self.planetA.position[1])

    def test_update_position_beeman(self):
        """Test used to check that the update in the position using Beeman's algorithms
        is correct.
        self.planetA.acceleration = np.array([-1.0, 0.0])
        self.planetA.acceleration_prev = np.array([2.0, 1.0])
        expected_value = np.array([1.0, 0.0]) + np.array(
            [0, math.sqrt(CelestialBody.G /
                          (1))]) * 100 + (np.array([-1.0, 0.0]) * 4 -
                                          np.array([2.0, 1.0])) * 100 * 100 / 6
        self.assertEqual(expected_value[0], self.planetA.position[0])
        self.assertEqual(expected_value[1], self.planetA.position[1])

    def test_angle(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.planetA.get_angle(), 0)
        self.planetA.position = np.array([0, 100])
        self.assertEqual(self.planetA.get_angle(), 90)
        self.planetA.position = np.array([0, -100])
        self.assertEqual(self.planetA.get_angle(), 270)