Beispiel #1
def match_nodes(conn, min_nodes):
    results = []

    while True:
        nodes = [
            node for node in fuel_rest_api.get_all_nodes(conn)
            if node.cluster is None

        if len(nodes) < min_nodes:
            templ = "Only {0} nodes available. {1} requires. Wait 60 sec"
  , min_nodes))

        if len(nodes) < 1:
            raise ValueError("Nodes amount should be not less, than 2")

        cpu_disk = []
        for node in nodes:
            info = node.get_info()

            cpu_count = int(info['meta']['cpu']['real'])
            disk_size = 0

            for disk in info['meta']['disks']:
                disk_size += int(disk['size'])

            cpu_disk.append((disk_size, cpu_count, node))

        nodes = [tpl[2] for tpl in cpu_disk]

        results.append(({'roles': ["controller"]}, nodes[0]))

        nodes = nodes[1:]

        num_computes = max(1, int((len(nodes) + 1) / 2))

        for node in nodes[:num_computes]:
            results.append(({'roles': ["compute"]}, node))

        for node in nodes[num_computes:]:
            results.append(({'roles': ["cinder"]}, node))


    return results
Beispiel #2
def match_nodes(conn, min_nodes):
    results = []

    while True:
        nodes = [node for node in fuel_rest_api.get_all_nodes(conn)
                 if node.cluster is None]

        if len(nodes) < min_nodes:
            templ = "Only {0} nodes available. {1} requires. Wait 60 sec"
  , min_nodes))

        if len(nodes) < 1:
            raise ValueError("Nodes amount should be not less, than 2")

        cpu_disk = []
        for node in nodes:
            info = node.get_info()

            cpu_count = int(info['meta']['cpu']['real'])
            disk_size = 0

            for disk in info['meta']['disks']:
                disk_size += int(disk['size'])

            cpu_disk.append((disk_size, cpu_count, node))

        nodes = [tpl[2] for tpl in cpu_disk]

        results.append(({'roles': ["controller"]}, nodes[0]))

        nodes = nodes[1:]

        num_computes = max(1, int((len(nodes) + 1) / 2))

        for node in nodes[:num_computes]:
            results.append(({'roles': ["compute"]}, node))

        for node in nodes[num_computes:]:
            results.append(({'roles': ["cinder"]}, node))


    return results
Beispiel #3
def match_nodes(conn, cluster, max_nodes=None):
    node_groups = []

    for node_group in cluster:
        rroles, rcount = node_group.split(",")

        rroles = rroles.strip()
        rcount = rcount.strip()

        roles = [role.strip() for role in rroles.split('+')]

        if rcount.endswith("+"):
            node_groups.append(NodeGroup(roles, int(rcount[:-1]), '+'))
            node_groups.append(NodeGroup(roles, int(rcount), None))

    min_nodes = sum(node_group.num for node_group in node_groups)

    if max_nodes is not None and max_nodes < min_nodes:
        templ = "max_nodes ({0!r}) < min_nodes ({1!r})"
        raise ValueError(templ.format(max_nodes, min_nodes))

    for node_group in node_groups:"Node : {0}".format(node_group))

    controller_only = sum(node_group.num for node_group in node_groups
                          if ['controller'] == node_group.roles)

    while True:
        raw_nodes = [
            raw_node for raw_node in fuel_rest_api.get_all_nodes(conn)
            if raw_node.cluster is None

        if len(raw_nodes) < min_nodes:
            templ = "Waiting till {0} nodes will be available"

    if len(raw_nodes) < 1:
        raise ValueError("Nodes amount should be not less, than 1")

    cpu_disk = []
    for raw_node in raw_nodes:
        info = raw_node.get_info()

        cpu_count = int(info['meta']['cpu']['real'])
        disk_size = 0

        for disk in info['meta']['disks']:
            disk_size += int(disk['size'])

        cpu_disk.append(RawNodeInfo(cpu_count, disk_size, raw_node))


    # least performant node - controllers
    for idx, node_info in enumerate(cpu_disk[:controller_only]):
        descr = {'roles': ["controller"], 'name': "controller_{0}".format(idx)}
        yield (descr, node_info.node)

    cpu_disk = cpu_disk[controller_only:]
    non_c_node_groups = [
        node_group for node_group in node_groups
        if ['controller'] != node_group.roles

    def make_name(group, idx):
        return "_".join(group.roles + [str(idx)])

    compute_nodes = [
        node_group for node_group in non_c_node_groups
        if 'compute' in node_group.roles
    idx = 0
    for node_group in compute_nodes:
        for idx, _ in enumerate(range(node_group.num), idx):
            name = make_name(node_group, idx)
            descr = {'roles': node_group.roles, 'name': name}
            yield (descr, cpu_disk.pop().node)

    data_nodes = [
        node_group for node_group in non_c_node_groups
        if 'compute' not in node_group.roles

    idx = 0
    for node_group in data_nodes:
        for idx, _ in enumerate(range(node_group.num), idx):
            name = make_name(node_group, idx)
            descr = {'roles': node_group.roles, 'name': name}
            yield (descr, cpu_disk.pop().node)

    strechable_node_groups = [
        node_group for node_group in node_groups if node_group.num_modif == '+'

    if len(strechable_node_groups) != 0:
        cycle_over = enumerate(itertools.cycle(strechable_node_groups),

        nums = dict((id(node_group), node_group.num)
                    for node_group in strechable_node_groups)

        for selected_nodes, node_group in cycle_over:
            if cpu_disk == [] or selected_nodes == max_nodes:

            name = make_name(node_group, nums[id(node_group)])
            nums[id(node_group)] += 1
            descr = {'roles': node_group.roles, 'name': name}
            yield (descr, cpu_disk.pop().node)
Beispiel #4
def match_nodes(conn, cluster, max_nodes=None):
    node_groups = []

    for node_group in cluster:
        rroles, rcount = node_group.split(",")

        rroles = rroles.strip()
        rcount = rcount.strip()

        roles = [role.strip() for role in rroles.split('+')]

        if rcount.endswith("+"):
            node_groups.append(NodeGroup(roles, int(rcount[:-1]), '+'))
            node_groups.append(NodeGroup(roles, int(rcount), None))

    min_nodes = sum(node_group.num for node_group in node_groups)

    if max_nodes is not None and max_nodes < min_nodes:
        templ = "max_nodes ({0!r}) < min_nodes ({1!r})"
        raise ValueError(templ.format(max_nodes, min_nodes))

    for node_group in node_groups:"Node : {0}".format(node_group))

    controller_only = sum(node_group.num for node_group in node_groups
                          if ['controller'] == node_group.roles)

    while True:
        raw_nodes = [raw_node for raw_node in fuel_rest_api.get_all_nodes(conn)
                     if raw_node.cluster is None]

        if len(raw_nodes) < min_nodes:
            templ = "Waiting till {0} nodes will be available"

    if len(raw_nodes) <= 1:
        raise ValueError("Nodes amount should be not less, than 2")

    cpu_disk = []
    for raw_node in raw_nodes:
        info = raw_node.get_info()

        cpu_count = int(info['meta']['cpu']['real'])
        disk_size = 0

        for disk in info['meta']['disks']:
            disk_size += int(disk['size'])

        cpu_disk.append(RawNodeInfo(cpu_count, disk_size, raw_node))


    # least performant node - controllers
    for idx, node_info in enumerate(cpu_disk[:controller_only]):
        descr = {'roles': ["controller"],
                 'name': "controller_{0}".format(idx)}
        yield (descr, node_info.node)

    cpu_disk = cpu_disk[controller_only:]
    non_c_node_groups = [node_group for node_group in node_groups
                         if ['controller'] != node_group.roles]

    def make_name(group, idx):
        return "_".join(group.roles + [str(idx)])

    compute_nodes = [node_group for node_group in non_c_node_groups
                     if 'compute' in node_group.roles]
    idx = 0
    for node_group in compute_nodes:
        for idx, _ in enumerate(range(node_group.num), idx):
            name = make_name(node_group, idx)
            descr = {'roles': node_group.roles,
                     'name': name}
            yield (descr, cpu_disk.pop().node)

    data_nodes = [node_group for node_group in non_c_node_groups
                  if 'compute' not in node_group.roles]

    idx = 0
    for node_group in data_nodes:
        for idx, _ in enumerate(range(node_group.num), idx):
            name = make_name(node_group, idx)
            descr = {'roles': node_group.roles,
                     'name': name}
            yield (descr, cpu_disk.pop().node)

    strechable_node_groups = [node_group for node_group in node_groups
                              if node_group.num_modif == '+']

    if len(strechable_node_groups) != 0:
        cycle_over = enumerate(itertools.cycle(strechable_node_groups),

        nums = dict((id(node_group), node_group.num)
                    for node_group in strechable_node_groups)

        for selected_nodes, node_group in cycle_over:
            if cpu_disk == [] or selected_nodes == max_nodes:

            name = make_name(node_group, nums[id(node_group)])
            nums[id(node_group)] += 1
            descr = {'roles': node_group.roles,
                     'name': name}
            yield (descr, cpu_disk.pop().node)
def match_nodes(conn, cluster):
    controller_count = int(cluster['controller'])
    compute_nodes = int(cluster['compute'])
    cinder = int(cluster.get('cinder', 0))
    ceph_osd = int(cluster.get('ceph_osd', 0))

    min_nodes = ceph_osd + cinder + compute_nodes + controller_count

    while True:
        nodes = [
            node for node in fuel_rest_api.get_all_nodes(conn)
            if node.cluster is None

        if len(nodes) < min_nodes:
            templ = "Waiting till {} nodes will be available"

        if len(nodes) <= 1:
            raise ValueError("Nodes amount should be not less, than 2")

        cpu_disk = []
        for node in nodes:
            info = node.get_info()

            cpu_count = int(info['meta']['cpu']['real'])
            disk_size = 0

            for disk in info['meta']['disks']:
                disk_size += int(disk['size'])

            cpu_disk.append((disk_size, cpu_count, node))

        nodes = [tpl[2] for tpl in cpu_disk]

        for i, node in enumerate(nodes[:controller_count]):
            descr = {
                'roles': ["controller"],
                'name': "controller_{}".format(i)
            yield (descr, node)
        nodes = nodes[controller_count:]

        for i, node in enumerate(nodes[:cinder]):
            descr = {'roles': ["cinder"], 'name': "cinder_{}".format(i)}
            yield (descr, node)
        nodes = nodes[cinder:]

        for i, node in enumerate(nodes[:ceph_osd]):
            descr = {'roles': ["ceph-osd"], 'name': "ceph_{}".format(i)}
            yield (descr, node)
        nodes = nodes[ceph_osd:]

        for i, node in enumerate(nodes):
            descr = {'roles': ["compute"], 'name': "compute_{}".format(i)}
            yield (descr, node)
