def displayInfo(fileNames): """Display information about the ffmpeg libs. """ major, minor, micro = avformat.avformat_version() print("avformat: %s.%s.%s \t(cgkit build: %s.%s.%s)" % (major, minor, micro, decls.LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION_MAJOR, decls.LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION_MINOR, decls.LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION_MICRO)) major, minor, micro = avcodec.avcodec_version() print("avcodec: %s.%s.%s \t(cgkit build: %s.%s.%s)" % (major, minor, micro, decls.LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_MAJOR, decls.LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_MINOR, decls.LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_MICRO)) major, minor, micro = avutil.avutil_version() print("avutil: %s.%s.%s \t(cgkit build: %s.%s.%s)" % (major, minor, micro, decls.LIBAVUTIL_VERSION_MAJOR, decls.LIBAVUTIL_VERSION_MINOR, decls.LIBAVUTIL_VERSION_MICRO)) major, minor, micro = swscale.swscale_version() print("swscale: %s.%s.%s \t(cgkit build: %s.%s.%s)" % (major, minor, micro, decls.LIBSWSCALE_VERSION_MAJOR, decls.LIBSWSCALE_VERSION_MINOR, decls.LIBSWSCALE_VERSION_MICRO)) print("sizeof(AVFormatContext): %s" % ctypes.sizeof(decls.AVFormatContext)) print("sizeof(AVCodecContext): %s" % ctypes.sizeof(decls.AVCodecContext)) print("sizeof(AVPicture): %s" % ctypes.sizeof(decls.AVPicture)) print("sizeof(SwsContext): %s" % ctypes.sizeof(decls.SwsContext)) for fileName in fileNames: print("\n%s" % fileName) avfile = for stream in avfile.videoStreams: res = "%sx%s" % (stream.width, stream.height) pixelAspect = stream.pixelAspect if pixelAspect is not None and pixelAspect != 1: res += " (%sx%s)" % (int( round(float(pixelAspect * stream.width))), stream.height) print( ' Video Stream: %s, %s, %gfps, %s, %gkbit/s, codec: "%s" (%s)' % (duration2str(stream.duration, stream.timeBase), res, stream.frameRate, avutil.av_get_pix_fmt_name( stream._codecCtx.pix_fmt), round(stream.bitRate / 1000), stream.codecLongName, stream.codecName)) for stream in avfile.audioStreams: print( ' Audio Stream: %s, %s channels, %sHz, %gkbit/s, codec: "%s" (%s)' % (duration2str(stream.duration, stream.timeBase), stream.numChannels, stream.sampleRate, round(stream.bitRate / 1000.0), stream.codecLongName, stream.codecName)) # print stream._codecCtx.sample_fmt avfile.close()
def playVideo(fileName): vid = print("%s video streams, %s audio streams" % (vid.numVideoStreams(), vid.numAudioStreams())) if vid.numVideoStreams() == 0: print("No video stream found") return if not pygame_available: raise RuntimeError("pygame is not installed") pygame.init() stream = vid.videoStreams[0] print("Video resolution: %sx%s" % (stream.width, stream.height)) print(stream._codecCtx.time_base.num, stream._codecCtx.time_base.den) screen = pygame.display.set_mode((stream.width, stream.height)) t1 = time.time() for i, data in enumerate(vid.iterData()): imgArr = data.numpyArray(pixelFormat=mediafile.RGB, colorAccess=mediafile.SEPARATE_CHANNELS) # img = data.pilImage() print("frame %s - shape:%s strides:%s" % (i, imgArr.shape, imgArr.strides)) pygame.surfarray.blit_array(screen, imgArr) pygame.display.flip() # if i==30: # break print "time:", time.time() - t1 exit_flag = False while not exit_flag: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: exit_flag = True elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == 27: exit_flag = True vid.close()
def testVideoProperties(self): """Test reading a video file and examining its properties. """ # Open the video file vid ="data/video1.mp4") self.assertEqual(0, vid.numAudioStreams()) self.assertEqual(1, vid.numVideoStreams()) stream = vid.videoStreams[0] self.assertEqual([], vid.audioStreams) self.assertEqual([stream], vid.videoStreams) self.assertEqual((320, 240), stream.size) self.assertEqual(320, stream.width) self.assertEqual(240, stream.height) self.assertEqual(fractions.Fraction(25, 1), stream.frameRate) vid.close()
def testVideoProperties(self): """Test reading a video file and examining its properties. """ # Open the video file vid ="data/video1.mp4") self.assertEqual(0, vid.numAudioStreams()) self.assertEqual(1, vid.numVideoStreams()) stream = vid.videoStreams[0] self.assertEqual([], vid.audioStreams) self.assertEqual([stream], vid.videoStreams) self.assertEqual((320,240), stream.size) self.assertEqual(320, stream.width) self.assertEqual(240, stream.height) self.assertEqual(fractions.Fraction(25,1), stream.frameRate) vid.close()
def playVideo(fileName): vid = print ("%s video streams, %s audio streams" % (vid.numVideoStreams(), vid.numAudioStreams())) if vid.numVideoStreams() == 0: print ("No video stream found") return if not pygame_available: raise RuntimeError("pygame is not installed") pygame.init() stream = vid.videoStreams[0] print ("Video resolution: %sx%s" % (stream.width, stream.height)) print (stream._codecCtx.time_base.num, stream._codecCtx.time_base.den) screen = pygame.display.set_mode((stream.width, stream.height)) t1 = time.time() for i, data in enumerate(vid.iterData()): imgArr = data.numpyArray(pixelFormat=mediafile.RGB, colorAccess=mediafile.SEPARATE_CHANNELS) # img = data.pilImage() print ("frame %s - shape:%s strides:%s" % (i, imgArr.shape, imgArr.strides)) pygame.surfarray.blit_array(screen, imgArr) pygame.display.flip() # if i==30: # break print "time:", time.time() - t1 exit_flag = False while not exit_flag: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: exit_flag = True elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == 27: exit_flag = True vid.close()
def displayInfo(fileNames): """Display information about the ffmpeg libs. """ major, minor, micro = avformat.avformat_version() print ( "avformat: %s.%s.%s \t(cgkit build: %s.%s.%s)" % ( major, minor, micro, decls.LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION_MAJOR, decls.LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION_MINOR, decls.LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION_MICRO, ) ) major, minor, micro = avcodec.avcodec_version() print ( "avcodec: %s.%s.%s \t(cgkit build: %s.%s.%s)" % ( major, minor, micro, decls.LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_MAJOR, decls.LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_MINOR, decls.LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_MICRO, ) ) major, minor, micro = avutil.avutil_version() print ( "avutil: %s.%s.%s \t(cgkit build: %s.%s.%s)" % ( major, minor, micro, decls.LIBAVUTIL_VERSION_MAJOR, decls.LIBAVUTIL_VERSION_MINOR, decls.LIBAVUTIL_VERSION_MICRO, ) ) major, minor, micro = swscale.swscale_version() print ( "swscale: %s.%s.%s \t(cgkit build: %s.%s.%s)" % ( major, minor, micro, decls.LIBSWSCALE_VERSION_MAJOR, decls.LIBSWSCALE_VERSION_MINOR, decls.LIBSWSCALE_VERSION_MICRO, ) ) print ("sizeof(AVFormatContext): %s" % ctypes.sizeof(decls.AVFormatContext)) print ("sizeof(AVCodecContext): %s" % ctypes.sizeof(decls.AVCodecContext)) print ("sizeof(AVPicture): %s" % ctypes.sizeof(decls.AVPicture)) print ("sizeof(SwsContext): %s" % ctypes.sizeof(decls.SwsContext)) for fileName in fileNames: print ("\n%s" % fileName) avfile = for stream in avfile.videoStreams: res = "%sx%s" % (stream.width, stream.height) pixelAspect = stream.pixelAspect if pixelAspect is not None and pixelAspect != 1: res += " (%sx%s)" % (int(round(float(pixelAspect * stream.width))), stream.height) print ( ' Video Stream: %s, %s, %gfps, %s, %gkbit/s, codec: "%s" (%s)' % ( duration2str(stream.duration, stream.timeBase), res, stream.frameRate, avutil.av_get_pix_fmt_name(stream._codecCtx.pix_fmt), round(stream.bitRate / 1000), stream.codecLongName, stream.codecName, ) ) for stream in avfile.audioStreams: print ( ' Audio Stream: %s, %s channels, %sHz, %gkbit/s, codec: "%s" (%s)' % ( duration2str(stream.duration, stream.timeBase), stream.numChannels, stream.sampleRate, round(stream.bitRate / 1000.0), stream.codecLongName, stream.codecName, ) ) # print stream._codecCtx.sample_fmt avfile.close()
def playAudio(fileName): avfile = print ("%s video streams, %s audio streams" % (avfile.numVideoStreams(), avfile.numAudioStreams())) if avfile.numAudioStreams() == 0: print ("No audio stream found") return if not pygame_available: raise RuntimeError("pygame is not installed") stream = avfile.audioStreams[0] print "%s channels, %sHz" % (stream.numChannels, stream.sampleRate) print stream._codecCtx.sample_fmt print "Duration", stream.duration # SEEK TEST # dstPos = stream.duration-400000000L # dstPos = 0 # avformat.av_seek_frame(avfile._formatCtx, 0, ctypes.c_longlong(dstPos), 0) pygame.mixer.init(frequency=stream.sampleRate, channels=stream.numChannels) pygame.init() channel = pygame.mixer.Channel(0) channel.set_endevent(pygame.USEREVENT) bufSize = 100000 buf = (bufSize * ctypes.c_short)() offset = 0 exit_flag = False for i, data in enumerate(avfile.iterData([stream])): # print i, float(data.pts*stream.timeBase), float(stream.duration*stream.timeBase) size = data.sampleSize / 2 end = offset + size remaining = 0 if end > bufSize: remaining = end - bufSize end = bufSize buf[offset:end] = data.samples[: end - offset] offset = end if end == bufSize: sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(buf) if channel.get_queue() is not None: # Wait until the queued sound is played... while 1: evt = pygame.event.wait() if evt.type == pygame.USEREVENT: break elif evt.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if evt.key == 27: exit_flag = True break while channel.get_queue() is not None: pass channel.queue(sound) offset = remaining buf[0:remaining] = data.samples[size - remaining : size] if exit_flag: break # sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(buf) # sound2 = pygame.mixer.Sound(buf) # # channel.queue(sound2) avfile.close()
def _testNumpyFrames(self, pixelFormat, pixelAccess, colorAccess=mediafile.SEPARATE_CHANNELS): """Test reading video frames into numpy buffers. """ # Open the video file vid ="data/video1.mp4") # Determine the number of channels in the output buffer... if pixelFormat in [mediafile.RGB, mediafile.BGR]: numChannels = 3 elif pixelFormat == mediafile.GRAY: numChannels = 1 else: numChannels = 4 # Initialize the swap flag swap = (pixelAccess == mediafile.HEIGHT_WIDTH) # Read the frames... numFrames = 0 for i, frame in enumerate(vid.iterData()): numFrames += 1 # Get the numpy array containing the video frame... imgArr = frame.numpyArray(pixelFormat=pixelFormat, pixelAccess=pixelAccess, colorAccess=colorAccess) # Check the shape and dtype of the array... if swap: shape = (240, 320, numChannels) else: shape = (320, 240, numChannels) dtype = numpy.uint8 if colorAccess == mediafile.COMBINED_CHANNELS: shape = (shape[0], shape[1]) if numChannels == 4: dtype = numpy.uint32 self.assertEqual(shape, imgArr.shape) self.assertEqual(dtype, imgArr.dtype) # Check the red block self.assertColor((255, 0, 0), self.readPixel(imgArr, (5, 5), swap, pixelFormat)) # Check the green block self.assertColor((0, 255, 0), self.readPixel(imgArr, (160, 5), swap, pixelFormat)) # Check the blue block self.assertColor((0, 0, 255), self.readPixel(imgArr, (300, 5), swap, pixelFormat)) # Check the cyan block self.assertColor((0, 255, 255), self.readPixel(imgArr, (5, 15), swap, pixelFormat)) # Check the magenta block self.assertColor((255, 0, 255), self.readPixel(imgArr, (160, 15), swap, pixelFormat)) # Check the yellow block self.assertColor((255, 255, 0), self.readPixel(imgArr, (300, 15), swap, pixelFormat)) # Check the white block self.assertColor((255, 255, 255), self.readPixel(imgArr, (160, 25), swap, pixelFormat)) # Check the moving pixels (to make sure we see the correct frame) x = 8 + i * 16 self.assertColor((255, 0, 0), self.readPixel(imgArr, (x, 40), swap, pixelFormat)) self.assertColor((0, 255, 0), self.readPixel(imgArr, (x, 50), swap, pixelFormat)) self.assertColor((0, 0, 255), self.readPixel(imgArr, (x, 60), swap, pixelFormat)) if i > 0: x -= 16 self.assertColor((0, 0, 0), self.readPixel(imgArr, (x, 40), swap, pixelFormat)) self.assertColor((0, 0, 0), self.readPixel(imgArr, (x, 50), swap, pixelFormat)) self.assertColor((0, 0, 0), self.readPixel(imgArr, (x, 60), swap, pixelFormat)) # img = Image.fromarray(imgData) #img = frame.pilImage() #"frame%02d.png"%i) # Check that we have seen all 20 frames self.assertEqual(20, numFrames) vid.close()
def playAudio(fileName): avfile = print("%s video streams, %s audio streams" % (avfile.numVideoStreams(), avfile.numAudioStreams())) if avfile.numAudioStreams() == 0: print("No audio stream found") return if not pygame_available: raise RuntimeError("pygame is not installed") stream = avfile.audioStreams[0] print "%s channels, %sHz" % (stream.numChannels, stream.sampleRate) print stream._codecCtx.sample_fmt print "Duration", stream.duration # SEEK TEST # dstPos = stream.duration-400000000L # dstPos = 0 # avformat.av_seek_frame(avfile._formatCtx, 0, ctypes.c_longlong(dstPos), 0) pygame.mixer.init(frequency=stream.sampleRate, channels=stream.numChannels) pygame.init() channel = pygame.mixer.Channel(0) channel.set_endevent(pygame.USEREVENT) bufSize = 100000 buf = (bufSize * ctypes.c_short)() offset = 0 exit_flag = False for i, data in enumerate(avfile.iterData([stream])): # print i, float(data.pts*stream.timeBase), float(stream.duration*stream.timeBase) size = data.sampleSize / 2 end = offset + size remaining = 0 if end > bufSize: remaining = end - bufSize end = bufSize buf[offset:end] = data.samples[:end - offset] offset = end if end == bufSize: sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(buf) if channel.get_queue() is not None: # Wait until the queued sound is played... while 1: evt = pygame.event.wait() if evt.type == pygame.USEREVENT: break elif evt.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if evt.key == 27: exit_flag = True break while channel.get_queue() is not None: pass channel.queue(sound) offset = remaining buf[0:remaining] = data.samples[size - remaining:size] if exit_flag: break # sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(buf) # sound2 = pygame.mixer.Sound(buf) # # channel.queue(sound2) avfile.close()
def _testNumpyFrames(self, pixelFormat, pixelAccess, colorAccess=mediafile.SEPARATE_CHANNELS): """Test reading video frames into numpy buffers. """ # Open the video file vid ="data/video1.mp4") # Determine the number of channels in the output buffer... if pixelFormat in [mediafile.RGB, mediafile.BGR]: numChannels = 3 elif pixelFormat==mediafile.GRAY: numChannels = 1 else: numChannels = 4 # Initialize the swap flag swap = (pixelAccess==mediafile.HEIGHT_WIDTH) # Read the frames... numFrames = 0 for i,frame in enumerate(vid.iterData()): numFrames += 1 # Get the numpy array containing the video frame... imgArr = frame.numpyArray(pixelFormat=pixelFormat, pixelAccess=pixelAccess, colorAccess=colorAccess) # Check the shape and dtype of the array... if swap: shape = (240,320,numChannels) else: shape = (320,240,numChannels) dtype = numpy.uint8 if colorAccess==mediafile.COMBINED_CHANNELS: shape = (shape[0], shape[1]) if numChannels==4: dtype = numpy.uint32 self.assertEqual(shape, imgArr.shape) self.assertEqual(dtype, imgArr.dtype) # Check the red block self.assertColor((255,0,0), self.readPixel(imgArr, (5,5), swap, pixelFormat)) # Check the green block self.assertColor((0,255,0), self.readPixel(imgArr, (160,5), swap, pixelFormat)) # Check the blue block self.assertColor((0,0,255), self.readPixel(imgArr, (300,5), swap, pixelFormat)) # Check the cyan block self.assertColor((0,255,255), self.readPixel(imgArr, (5,15), swap, pixelFormat)) # Check the magenta block self.assertColor((255,0,255), self.readPixel(imgArr, (160,15), swap, pixelFormat)) # Check the yellow block self.assertColor((255,255,0), self.readPixel(imgArr, (300,15), swap, pixelFormat)) # Check the white block self.assertColor((255,255,255), self.readPixel(imgArr, (160,25), swap, pixelFormat)) # Check the moving pixels (to make sure we see the correct frame) x = 8+i*16 self.assertColor((255,0,0), self.readPixel(imgArr, (x,40), swap, pixelFormat)) self.assertColor((0,255,0), self.readPixel(imgArr, (x,50), swap, pixelFormat)) self.assertColor((0,0,255), self.readPixel(imgArr, (x,60), swap, pixelFormat)) if i>0: x -= 16 self.assertColor((0,0,0), self.readPixel(imgArr, (x,40), swap, pixelFormat)) self.assertColor((0,0,0), self.readPixel(imgArr, (x,50), swap, pixelFormat)) self.assertColor((0,0,0), self.readPixel(imgArr, (x,60), swap, pixelFormat)) # img = Image.fromarray(imgData) #img = frame.pilImage() #"frame%02d.png"%i) # Check that we have seen all 20 frames self.assertEqual(20, numFrames) vid.close()