Beispiel #1
        def _fnc_skinCluster(self):
            self.log_toDo("Add ability to check exisiting targets skin")
            self.log_toDo("Add more than just skincluster ability?...")  
            _targetMesh = self.mData.d_target['mesh']

            #...See if we have a skin cluster...
            _targetSkin = skinning.querySkinCluster(_targetMesh) or False
            if _targetSkin:
                if self._l_missingInfluences:
                    self.log_info("Adding influences...")                    
                    for infl in self._l_missingInfluences:
                        try:mc.skinCluster(_targetSkin, edit = True, ai = infl)
                        except Exception,err:
Beispiel #2
    def validateMeshArg(self, mesh=None):
        Validates a mesh and returns a dict of data
        :param mesh: mesh to evaluate
        _mesh = None
        _skin = None
        if mesh is None:
            #if self.d_kws.get('sourceMesh'):
  "Using stored sourceMesh data")
            #sourceMesh = self.d_kws.get('sourceMesh')
  "No source specified, checking if selection found")
            _bfr =
            if not _bfr:
                raise ValueError, "No selection found and no source arg"
            mesh = _bfr[0]

        _type = search.returnObjectType(mesh)

        if _type in ['mesh', 'nurbsCurve', 'nurbsSurface']:
            if _type in ['nurbsCurve', 'nurbsSurface']:
                raise NotImplementedError, "Haven't implemented nurbsCurve or nurbsSurface yet"
  "Skinnable object '{0}', checking skin".format(mesh))
            _mesh = mesh
            _skin = skinning.querySkinCluster(_mesh) or False
            if _skin:
      "Found skin '{0}' on '{1}'".format(_skin, _mesh))
        elif _type in ['skinCluster']:
  "skinCluster '{0}' passed...".format(mesh))
            _skin = mesh
            _mesh = attributes.doGetAttr(_skin, 'outputGeometry')[0]
  "Found: {0}".format(_mesh))
            raise ValueError, "Not a usable mesh type : {0}".format(_type)

        _shape = mc.listRelatives(_mesh, shapes=True, fullPath=False)[0]
        _return = {
            'mesh': _mesh,
            'meshType': _type,
            'shape': _shape,
            'skin': _skin,
            'component': data._geoToComponent.get(_type, False),
            'pointCount': mc.polyEvaluate(_shape, vertex=True)
        return _return
Beispiel #3
 def validateMeshArg(self, mesh = None):
     Validates a mesh and returns a dict of data
     :param mesh: mesh to evaluate
     _mesh = None 
     _skin = None
     if mesh is None:
         #if self.d_kws.get('sourceMesh'):
   "Using stored sourceMesh data")
             #sourceMesh = self.d_kws.get('sourceMesh')
         #else:"No source specified, checking if selection found")
         _bfr =
         if not _bfr:raise ValueError,"No selection found and no source arg"
         mesh = _bfr[0]
     _type = search.returnObjectType(mesh)
     if _type in ['mesh', 'nurbsCurve', 'nurbsSurface']:
         if _type in ['nurbsCurve','nurbsSurface']:
             raise  NotImplementedError, "Haven't implemented nurbsCurve or nurbsSurface yet""Skinnable object '{0}', checking skin".format(mesh))
         _mesh = mesh
         _skin = skinning.querySkinCluster(_mesh) or False
         if _skin:
   "Found skin '{0}' on '{1}'".format(_skin,_mesh))
     elif _type in ['skinCluster']:"skinCluster '{0}' passed...".format(mesh))
         _skin = mesh
         _mesh = attributes.doGetAttr(_skin,'outputGeometry')[0]"Found: {0}".format(_mesh))
         raise ValueError,"Not a usable mesh type : {0}".format(_type)
     _shape = mc.listRelatives(_mesh,shapes=True,fullPath=False)[0]
     _return = {'mesh':_mesh,
                'component':data._geoToComponent.get(_type, False),
                'pointCount':mc.polyEvaluate(_shape, vertex=True)
     return _return  
Beispiel #4
        def _fnc_skinCluster(self):
            self.log_toDo("Add ability to check exisiting targets skin")
            self.log_toDo("Add more than just skincluster ability?...")  
            _targetMesh = self.mData.d_target['mesh']

            #...See if we have a skin cluster...
            _targetSkin = skinning.querySkinCluster(_targetMesh) or False
            if _targetSkin:
                if self._l_missingInfluences:
                    self.log_info("Adding influences...")                    
                    for infl in self._l_missingInfluences:
                        mc.skinCluster(_targetSkin, edit = True, ai = infl)
                #...create our skin cluster                
                _l_bind = copy.copy(self.l_jointsToUse)
                _targetSkin = mc.skinCluster(_l_bind,tsb=True,n=(names.getBaseName(_targetMesh)+'_skinCluster'))[0]                

            self.mData.d_target['skin'] = _targetSkin#...update the stored data
            self.log_info("Created '{0}'".format(_targetSkin) + cgmGeneral._str_subLine)
Beispiel #5
 def _fnc_processInfluenceMode(self):
     Sort out the joint data
     If joitn list is passed, try to use that, if not,
     Try skin cluster on target, cluster on source
     _mode = self._influenceMode
     _l_configInfluenceList = self.get_ConfigJointList()#...get our config influence list
     self.l_configInfluenceList = it
     _len_configList = len(_l_configInfluenceList)
     _targetMesh = self.mData.d_target['mesh']
     #...See if we have a skin cluster...
     _targetSkin = skinning.querySkinCluster(_targetMesh) or False            
     if _mode == 'config':
         _l_jointTargets = _l_configInfluenceList
     elif _mode == 'list':
         _l_joints = self.d_kws.get('jointList')
         if not _l_joints:
             return self._FailBreak_("jointList kw required. '{0}' influenceMode".format(_mode))                
         if not cgmValid.isListArg(_l_joints):
             return self._FailBreak_("jointList is not a list. '{0}' influenceMode".format(_mode))                
         if len(_l_joints) != len(_l_configInfluenceList):
             return self._FailBreak_("Non matching counts on target influences({0}) and config data({1}) | Cannot use '{2}' influenceMode".format(len(_l_joints),len(_l_configInfluenceList),_mode))                
         _l_jointTargets = _l_joints
     elif _mode == 'target':
         if not _targetSkin:
             return self._FailBreak_("Target mesh not skinned, cannot use '{0}' influenceMode".format(_mode))                
         _l_targetInfluences = mc.listConnections(_targetSkin+'.matrix') or []
         if len(_l_targetInfluences) != len(_l_configInfluenceList):
             #for i,jnt in enumerate(_l_configInfluenceList):
                 #try:_bfr = _l_targetInfluences[i]
                 #    _bfr = False    
                 #self.log_info("{0} | Config: {1} | target: {2}".format(i,jnt,_bfr))
             if self._b_addMissingInfluences:
                 self._b_case_addMissingInfluences = True#...set our case
             else: return self._FailBreak_("Non matching counts on target influences({0}) and config data({1}) | Cannot use '{2}' influenceMode".format(len(_l_targetInfluences),len(_l_configInfluenceList),_mode))                
         _l_jointTargets = _l_targetInfluences
     elif _mode == 'source':
         if not self.mData.d_source:
             return self._FailBreak_("No source data found, cannot use '{0}' influenceMode".format(_mode))                
         _sourceSkin = skinning.querySkinCluster(self.mData.d_source['mesh']) or False
         _l_sourceInfluences = mc.listConnections(_sourceSkin+'.matrix') or []
         if len(_l_sourceInfluences) != len(_l_configInfluenceList):
             return self._FailBreak_("Non matching counts on source influences({0}) and config data({1}) | Cannot use '{2}' influenceMode".format(len(_l_sourceInfluences),len(_l_configInfluenceList),_mode))                
         _l_jointTargets = _l_sourceInfluences
     if self._b_case_addMissingInfluences:#Missing Influence Add...
         self.log_info("addMissingInfluencesAttempt... "+ cgmGeneral._str_subLine)
         if _len_configList < len(_l_jointTargets):
             self.log_warning("More targetJoints({0}) than config joints({1}). Not implemented".format(len(_l_jointTargets),_len_configList))
             _d = {}
             for i,v in enumerate(_l_jointTargets):_d[i] = v#...push stuff to a list
             for i,jnt in enumerate(_l_configInfluenceList):
                 try:_bfr = _l_jointTargets[i]
                     _l_search = [jnt, self.mData.d_sourceSkin['matrix'][i]]
                     self.log_info("{0} | Config: {1} | missing joint. Attempting to find: {2}".format(i,jnt,_l_search))
                     for o in _l_search:
                         foundJnt = cgmValid.objString(o, mayaType = _validObjTypes, noneValid=True)#...mayaType = 'joint', 
                         if foundJnt:
                             _d[i] = foundJnt
                             self.log_info("Found {0}".format(foundJnt))
                         return self._FailBreak_("{0} | Not able to fo find joint ({1})".format(i,jnt))                
             #...push back to our list
             _l_jointTargets = []
             for i in range(_len_configList):_l_jointTargets.append(False)
             for i,v in _d.iteritems():
                 _l_jointTargets[i] = v
                 #self.log_info("{0} | Config: {1} | target: {2}".format(i,jnt,_bfr))     
         #self.log_info("Joints to use....")
         #for i,j in enumerate(_l_jointsToUse):
             #self.log_info("{0} : {1} | config idxed to: {2}".format(i,j,_l_configInfluenceList[i]))
     #...see if they exist with no conflicts
     #_l_jointTargets = l_dataJoints#...this will change
     try:_l_jointsToUse = cgmValid.objStringList(_l_jointTargets,mayaType = _validObjTypes)#...mayaType = 'joint'
     except Exception,Error:return self._FailBreak_("influenceMode '{0}' joint check fail | {1}".format(_mode,Error))
     self.l_jointsToUse = _l_jointsToUse
Beispiel #6
 def _fnc_processInfluenceMode(self):
     Sort out the joint data
     If joitn list is passed, try to use that, if not,
     Try skin cluster on target, cluster on source
     _mode = self._influenceMode
     _l_configInfluenceList = self.get_ConfigJointList()#...get our config influence list
     self.l_configInfluenceList = it
     _len_configList = len(_l_configInfluenceList)
     _targetMesh = self.mData.d_target['mesh']
     #...See if we have a skin cluster...
     _targetSkin = skinning.querySkinCluster(_targetMesh) or False            
     if _mode == 'config':
         _l_jointTargets = _l_configInfluenceList
     elif _mode == 'list':
         _l_joints = self.d_kws.get('jointList')
         if not _l_joints:
             return self._FailBreak_("jointList kw required. '{0}' influenceMode".format(_mode))                
         if not cgmValid.isListArg(_l_joints):
             return self._FailBreak_("jointList is not a list. '{0}' influenceMode".format(_mode))                
         if len(_l_joints) != len(_l_configInfluenceList):
             return self._FailBreak_("Non matching counts on target influences({0}) and config data({1}) | Cannot use '{2}' influenceMode".format(len(_l_joints),len(_l_configInfluenceList),_mode))                
         _l_jointTargets = _l_joints
     elif _mode == 'target':
         if not _targetSkin:
             return self._FailBreak_("Target mesh not skinned, cannot use '{0}' influenceMode".format(_mode))                
         _l_targetInfluences = mc.listConnections(_targetSkin+'.matrix') or []
         if len(_l_targetInfluences) != len(_l_configInfluenceList):
             #for i,jnt in enumerate(_l_configInfluenceList):
                 #try:_bfr = _l_targetInfluences[i]
                 #    _bfr = False    
                 #self.log_info("{0} | Config: {1} | target: {2}".format(i,jnt,_bfr))
             if self._b_addMissingInfluences:
                 self._b_case_addMissingInfluences = True#...set our case
             else: return self._FailBreak_("Non matching counts on target influences({0}) and config data({1}) | Cannot use '{2}' influenceMode".format(len(_l_targetInfluences),len(_l_configInfluenceList),_mode))                
         _l_jointTargets = _l_targetInfluences
     elif _mode == 'source':
         if not self.mData.d_source:
             return self._FailBreak_("No source data found, cannot use '{0}' influenceMode".format(_mode))                
         _sourceSkin = skinning.querySkinCluster(self.mData.d_source['mesh']) or False
         _l_sourceInfluences = mc.listConnections(_sourceSkin+'.matrix') or []
         if len(_l_sourceInfluences) != len(_l_configInfluenceList):
             return self._FailBreak_("Non matching counts on source influences({0}) and config data({1}) | Cannot use '{2}' influenceMode".format(len(_l_sourceInfluences),len(_l_configInfluenceList),_mode))                
         _l_jointTargets = _l_sourceInfluences
     if self._b_case_addMissingInfluences:#Missing Influence Add...
         self.log_info("addMissingInfluencesAttempt... "+ cgmGeneral._str_subLine)
         if _len_configList < len(_l_jointTargets):
             self.log_warning("More targetJoints({0}) than config joints({1}). Not implemented".format(len(_l_jointTargets),_len_configList))
             _d = {}
             for i,v in enumerate(_l_jointTargets):_d[i] = v#...push stuff to a list
             for i,jnt in enumerate(_l_configInfluenceList):
                 try:_bfr = _l_jointTargets[i]
                     _l_search = [jnt, self.mData.d_sourceSkin['matrix'][i]]
                     self.log_info("{0} | Config: {1} | missing joint. Attempting to find: {2}".format(i,jnt,_l_search))
                     for o in _l_search:
                         foundJnt = cgmValid.objString(o, mayaType = _validObjTypes, noneValid=True)#...mayaType = 'joint', 
                         if foundJnt:
                             _d[i] = foundJnt
                             self.log_info("Found {0}".format(foundJnt))
                         return self._FailBreak_("{0} | Not able to fo find joint ({1})".format(i,jnt))                
             #...push back to our list
             _l_jointTargets = []
             for i in range(_len_configList):_l_jointTargets.append(False)
             for i,v in _d.iteritems():
                 _l_jointTargets[i] = v
                 #self.log_info("{0} | Config: {1} | target: {2}".format(i,jnt,_bfr))     
         #self.log_info("Joints to use....")
         #for i,j in enumerate(_l_jointsToUse):
             #self.log_info("{0} : {1} | config idxed to: {2}".format(i,j,_l_configInfluenceList[i]))
     #...see if they exist with no conflicts
     #_l_jointTargets = l_dataJoints#...this will change
     try:_l_jointsToUse = cgmValid.objStringList(_l_jointTargets,mayaType = _validObjTypes)#...mayaType = 'joint'
     except Exception,Error:return self._FailBreak_("influenceMode '{0}' joint check fail | {1}".format(_mode,Error))
     self.l_jointsToUse = _l_jointsToUse