Beispiel #1
 def test_chlambda1(self):
     c1, c2, c3 = ch.Ch(1), ch.Ch(2), ch.Ch(3)
     adder = ch.ChLambda(lambda x, y: x + y)
     adder.x = c1
     adder.y = c2
     self.assertTrue(adder.r == 3)
     adder.x = c2
     self.assertTrue(adder.r == 4)
     adder.x = c1
     self.assertTrue(adder.r == 3)
Beispiel #2
 def test_serialization(self):
     # The main challenge with serialization is the "_parents"
     # attribute, which is a nonserializable WeakKeyDictionary.
     # So we pickle/unpickle, change a child and verify the value
     # at root, and verify that both children have parentage.
     import six.pickle as pickle
     tmp = ch.Ch(10) + ch.Ch(20)
     tmp = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(tmp))
     tmp.b.x = 30
     self.assertTrue(tmp.r[0] == 40)
     self.assertTrue(tmp.a._parents.keys()[0] == tmp)
     self.assertTrue(tmp.a._parents.keys()[0] == tmp.b._parents.keys()[0])
Beispiel #3
    def test_redundancy_removal(self):

        for MT in [False, True]:
            x1, x2 = ch.Ch(10), ch.Ch(20)
            x1_plus_x2_1 = x1 + x2
            x1_plus_x2_2 = x1 + x2
            redundant_sum = (x1_plus_x2_1 + x1_plus_x2_2) * 2
            redundant_sum.MT = MT

            self.assertTrue(redundant_sum.a.a is not redundant_sum.a.b)
            self.assertTrue(redundant_sum.a.a is redundant_sum.a.b)
Beispiel #4
    def test_caching(self):

        vals = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
        f = lambda a, b, c, d, e: a + (b * c) - d**e

        # Set up our objects
        Cs = [ch.Ch(v) for v in vals]
        C_result = f(*Cs)

        # Sometimes residuals should be cached
        r1 = C_result.r
        r2 = C_result.r
        self.assertTrue(r1 is r2)

        # Other times residuals need refreshing
        r3 = C_result.r
        self.assertTrue(r3 is not r2)

        # Sometimes derivatives should be cached
        dr1 = C_result.dr_wrt(Cs[1])
        dr2 = C_result.dr_wrt(Cs[1])
        self.assertTrue(dr1 is dr2)

        # Other times derivatives need refreshing
        dr3 = C_result.dr_wrt(Cs[1])
        self.assertTrue(dr3 is not dr2)
 def test_ndim(self):
     vs = [ch.Ch(np.random.randn(6).reshape(2,3)) for i in range(6)]        
     res = vs[0] + vs[1] - vs[2] * vs[3] / (vs[4] ** 2) ** vs[5]
     self.assertTrue(res.shape[0]==2 and res.shape[1]==3)
     res = (vs[0] + 1) + (vs[1] - 2) - (vs[2] * 3) * (vs[3] / 4)  / (vs[4] ** 2) ** vs[5]
     self.assertTrue(res.shape[0]==2 and res.shape[1]==3)
     drs = [res.dr_wrt(v) for v in vs]
Beispiel #6
    def test_scalars(self):

            import theano.tensor as T
            from theano import function

        # Set up variables and function
        vals = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
        f = lambda a, b, c, d, e: a + (b * c) - d**e

        # Set up our objects
        Cs = [ch.Ch(v) for v in vals]
        C_result = f(*Cs)

        # Set up Theano's equivalents
        Ts = T.dscalars('T1', 'T2', 'T3', 'T4', 'T5')
        TF = f(*Ts)
        T_result = function(Ts, TF)

        # Make sure values and derivatives are equal
        self.assertEqual(C_result.r, T_result(*vals))
        for k in range(len(vals)):
            theano_derivative = function(Ts, T.grad(TF, Ts[k]))(*vals)
            #print C_result.dr_wrt(Cs[k])
            our_derivative = C_result.dr_wrt(Cs[k])[0, 0]
            #print theano_derivative, our_derivative
            self.assertEqual(theano_derivative, our_derivative)
Beispiel #7
    def test_indexing(self):
        big = ch.Ch(np.arange(60).reshape((10, 6)))
        little = big[1:3, 3:6]
            np.max(np.abs(little.r -
                          np.array([[9, 10, 11], [15, 16, 17]]))) == 0)

        little = big[5]
        self.assertTrue(np.max(np.abs(little.r - np.arange(30, 36))) == 0)
                    sp.coo_matrix(little.dr_wrt(big)).col -
                    np.arange(30, 36))) == 0)

        little = big[2, 3]
        self.assertTrue(little.r[0] == 15.0)

        little = big[2, 3:5]
        self.assertTrue(np.max(np.abs(little.r - np.array([15, 16]))) == 0.)
        _ = little.dr_wrt(big)

        # Tests assignment through reorderings
        aa = ch.arange(4 * 4 * 4).reshape((4, 4, 4))[:3, :3, :3]
        aa[0, 1, 2] = 100
        self.assertTrue(aa[0, 1, 2].r[0] == 100)

        # Tests assignment through reorderings (NaN's are a special case)
        aa = ch.arange(9).reshape((3, 3))
        aa[1, 1] = np.nan
        self.assertTrue(np.isnan(aa.r[1, 1]))
        self.assertFalse(np.isnan(aa.r[0, 0]))
    def test_unary(self):
        fns = [ch.exp, ch.log, ch.sin, ch.arcsin, ch.cos, ch.arccos, ch.tan, ch.arctan, ch.negative, ch.square, ch.sqrt, ch.abs, ch.reciprocal]
        eps = 1e-8
        for f in fns:
            x0 = ch.Ch(.25)
            x1 = ch.Ch(x0.r+eps)
            pred = f(x0).dr_wrt(x0)
            empr = (f(x1).r - f(x0).r) / eps

            # print pred
            # print empr
            if f is ch.reciprocal:
                self.assertTrue(1e-6 > np.abs(pred.ravel()[0] - empr.ravel()[0]))
                self.assertTrue(1e-7 > np.abs(pred.ravel()[0] - empr.ravel()[0]))
Beispiel #9
 def test_reorder_caching(self):
     a = ch.Ch(np.zeros(8).reshape((4, 2)))
     b = a.T
     dr0 = b.dr_wrt(a)
     a.x = a.x + 1.
     dr1 = b.dr_wrt(a)
     self.assertTrue(dr0 is dr1)
     a.x = np.zeros(4).reshape((2, 2))
     dr2 = b.dr_wrt(a)
     self.assertTrue(dr2 is not dr1)
Beispiel #10
    def test_vectors(self):

            import theano.tensor as T
            from theano import function

        for MT in [False, True]:

            # Set up variables and function
            vals = [np.random.randn(20) for i in range(5)]
            f = lambda a, b, c, d, e: a + (b * c) - d**e

            # Set up our objects
            Cs = [ch.Ch(v) for v in vals]
            C_result = f(*Cs)
            C_result.MT = MT

            # Set up Theano equivalents
            Ts = T.dvectors('T1', 'T2', 'T3', 'T4', 'T5')
            TF = f(*Ts)
            T_result = function(Ts, TF)

            if False:
                import theano.gradient
                which = 1
                theano_sse = (TF**2.).sum()
                theano_grad = theano.gradient.grad(theano_sse, Ts[which])
                theano_fn = function(Ts, theano_grad)
                C_result_grad = ch.SumOfSquares(C_result).dr_wrt(Cs[which])

                # if True:
                #     aaa = np.linalg.solve(,[1])))
                #     theano_hes = theano.R_obbb = theano.R_op()

                import pdb

            # Make sure values and derivatives are equal
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(C_result.r, T_result(*vals))
            for k in range(len(vals)):
                theano_derivative = function(Ts, T.jacobian(TF, Ts[k]))(*vals)
                our_derivative = np.array(C_result.dr_wrt(Cs[k]).todense())
                #print theano_derivative, our_derivative

                # Theano produces has more nans than we do during exponentiation.
                # So we test only on entries where Theano is without NaN's
                without_nans = np.nonzero(
Beispiel #11
    def test_matmatmult(self):
        from ch import dot
        mtx1 = ch.Ch(np.arange(6).reshape((3, 2)))
        mtx2 = ch.Ch(np.arange(8).reshape((2, 4)) * 10)

        mtx3 = dot(mtx1, mtx2)
        #print mtx1.r
        #print mtx2.r
        #print mtx3.r
        #print mtx3.dr_wrt(mtx1).todense()
        #print mtx3.dr_wrt(mtx2).todense()

        for mtx in [mtx1, mtx2]:
            oldval = mtx3.r.copy()
            mtxd = mtx3.dr_wrt(mtx).copy()
            mtx_diff = np.random.rand(mtx.r.size).reshape(mtx.r.shape)
            mtx.x = mtx.r + mtx_diff
            mtx_emp = mtx3.r - oldval
            mtx_pred =

            self.assertTrue(np.max(np.abs(mtx_emp - mtx_pred)) < 1e-11)
Beispiel #12
    def test_shared(self):

        chs = [ch.Ch(i) for i in range(10)]
        vrs = [float(i) for i in range(10)]

        func = lambda a: a[0] * a[1] + (a[2] * a[3]) / a[4]

        chained_result = func(chs).r
        regular_result = func(vrs)

        self.assertTrue(chained_result == regular_result)
        #print chained_result
        #print regular_result

        chained_func = func(chs)
        chained_func.replace(chs[0], ch.Ch(50))
        vrs[0] = 50

        chained_result = chained_func.r
        regular_result = func(vrs)

        self.assertTrue(chained_result == regular_result)
Beispiel #13
    def test_stacking(self):

        a1 = ch.Ch(np.arange(10).reshape(2, 5))
        b1 = ch.Ch(np.arange(20).reshape(4, 5))
        c1 = ch.vstack((a1, b1))
        c1_check = np.vstack((a1.r, b1.r))
        residuals1 = (c1_check - c1.r).ravel()

        a2 = ch.Ch(np.arange(10).reshape(5, 2))
        b2 = ch.Ch(np.arange(20).reshape(5, 4))
        c2 = ch.hstack((a2, b2))
        c2_check = np.hstack((a2.r, b2.r))
        residuals2 = (c2_check - c2.r).ravel()


        d0 = ch.array(np.arange(60).reshape((10, 6)))
        d1 = ch.vstack((d0[:4], d0[4:]))
        d2 = ch.hstack((d1[:, :3], d1[:, 3:]))
        tmp = d2.dr_wrt(d0).todense()
        diff = tmp - np.eye(tmp.shape[0])
Beispiel #14
    def test_iteration_cache(self):
        """ Each time you set an attribute, the cache (of r's and dr's) of 
        ancestors is cleared. Because children share ancestors, this means
        these can be cleared multiple times unnecessarily; in some cases, 
        where lots of objects exist, this cache clearing can actually be a bottleneck.
        Therefore, the concept of an iteration was added; intended to be used in 
        an optimization setting (see and in the set() method, it 
        avoids such redundant clearing of cache."""

        a, b, c = ch.Ch(1), ch.Ch(2), ch.Ch(3)
        x = a + b
        y = x + c
        self.assertTrue(y.r[0] == 6)

        a.__setattr__('x', 10, 1)
        self.assertTrue(y.r == 15)
        a.__setattr__('x', 100, 1)
        self.assertTrue(y.r == 15)
        a.__setattr__('x', 100, 2)
        self.assertTrue(y.r == 105)

        a, b, c = ch.array([1]), ch.array([2]), ch.array([3])
        x = a + b
        y = x + c
        self.assertTrue(y.r[0] == 6)

        a.__setattr__('x', np.array([10]), 1)
        self.assertTrue(y.r[0] == 15)
        a.__setattr__('x', np.array(100), 1)
        self.assertTrue(y.r[0] == 15)
        a.__setattr__('x', np.array(100), 2)
        self.assertTrue(y.r[0] == 105)
        a.__setitem__(range(0, 1), np.array(200), 2)
        self.assertTrue(y.r[0] == 105)
        a.__setitem__(range(0, 1), np.array(200), 3)
        self.assertTrue(y.r[0] == 205)
 def test_transpose(self):
     from utils import row, col
     from copy import deepcopy
     for which in ('C', 'F'): # test in fortran and contiguous mode
         a = ch.Ch(np.require(np.zeros(8).reshape((4,2)), requirements=which))
         b = a.T
         b1 = b.r.copy()
         #dr = b.dr_wrt(a).copy()
         dr = deepcopy(b.dr_wrt(a))
         diff = np.arange(a.size).reshape(a.shape)
         a.x = np.require(a.r + diff, requirements=which)
         b2 = b.r.copy()
         diff_pred =
         diff_emp =  (b2 - b1).ravel()
         np.testing.assert_array_equal(diff_pred, diff_emp)             
Beispiel #16
    def test_maximum(self):
        from utils import row, col
        from ch import maximum

        # Make sure that when we compare the max of two *identical* numbers,
        # we get the right derivatives wrt both
        the_max = maximum(ch.Ch(1), ch.Ch(1))
        self.assertTrue(the_max.r.ravel()[0] == 1.)
        self.assertTrue(the_max.dr_wrt(the_max.a)[0, 0] == 1.)
        self.assertTrue(the_max.dr_wrt(the_max.b)[0, 0] == 1.)

        # Now test given that all numbers are different, by allocating from
        # a pool of randomly permuted numbers.
        # We test combinations of scalars and 2d arrays.
        rnd = np.asarray(np.random.permutation(np.arange(20)), np.float64)
        c1 = ch.Ch(rnd[:6].reshape((2, 3)))
        c2 = ch.Ch(rnd[6:12].reshape((2, 3)))
        s1 = ch.Ch(rnd[12])
        s2 = ch.Ch(rnd[13])

        eps = .1
        for first in [c1, s1]:
            for second in [c2, s2]:
                the_max = maximum(first, second)

                for which_to_change in [first, second]:

                    max_r0 = the_max.r.copy()
                    max_r_diff = np.max(
                        np.abs(max_r0 - np.maximum(first.r, second.r)))
                    self.assertTrue(max_r_diff == 0)
                    max_dr = the_max.dr_wrt(which_to_change).copy()
                    which_to_change.x = which_to_change.x + eps
                    max_r1 = the_max.r.copy()

                    emp_diff = (the_max.r - max_r0).ravel()
                    pred_diff =
                        eps * np.ones(max_dr.shape[1]))).ravel()

                    #print 'comparing the following numbers/vectors:'
                    #print first.r
                    #print second.r
                    #print 'empirical vs predicted difference:'
                    #print emp_diff
                    #print pred_diff
                    #print '-----'

                    max_dr_diff = np.max(np.abs(emp_diff - pred_diff))
                    #print 'max dr diff: %.2e' % (max_dr_diff,)
                    self.assertTrue(max_dr_diff < 1e-14)
Beispiel #17
 def test_chlambda2(self):
     passthrough = ch.ChLambda(lambda x: x)
     self.assertTrue(passthrough.dr_wrt(passthrough.x) is not None)
     passthrough.x = ch.Ch(123)
     self.assertTrue(passthrough.dr_wrt(passthrough.x) is not None)
Beispiel #18
def ravel(a, order='C'):
    if isinstance (a, np.ndarray):
        self = ch.Ch(a)

    return reshape(a=a, newshape=(-1,))
Beispiel #19
def _minimize_dogleg(obj, free_variables, on_step=None,
                     maxiter=200, max_fevals=np.inf, sparse_solver='spsolve',
                     disp=False, show_residuals=None, e_1=1e-15, e_2=1e-15, e_3=0., delta_0=None):

    """"Nonlinear optimization using Powell's dogleg method.

    See Lourakis et al, 2005, ICCV '05, "Is Levenberg-Marquardt
    the Most Efficient Optimization for Implementing Bundle

    import warnings
    if show_residuals is not None:
        import warnings
        warnings.warn('minimize_dogleg: show_residuals parm is deprecaed, pass a dict instead.')

    labels = {}
    if isinstance(obj, list) or isinstance(obj, tuple):
        obj = ch.concatenate([f.ravel() for f in obj])
    elif isinstance(obj, dict):
        labels = obj
        obj = ch.concatenate([f.ravel() for f in obj.values()])

    niters = maxiter
    verbose = disp
    num_unique_ids = len(np.unique(np.array([id(freevar) for freevar in free_variables])))
    if num_unique_ids != len(free_variables):
        raise Exception('The "free_variables" param contains duplicate variables.')
    obj = ChInputsStacked(obj=obj, free_variables=free_variables, x=np.concatenate([freevar.r.ravel() for freevar in free_variables]))

    def call_cb():
        if on_step is not None:

        report_line = ""
        if len(labels) > 0:
            report_line += '%.2e | ' % (np.sum(obj.r**2),)
        for label in sorted(labels.keys()):
            objective = labels[label]
            report_line += '%s: %.2e | ' % (label, np.sum(objective.r**2))
        if len(labels) > 0:
            report_line += '\n'


    # pif = print-if-verbose.
    # can't use "print" because it's a statement, not a fn
    pif = lambda x: sys.stdout.write(x + '\n') if verbose else 0

    if callable(sparse_solver):
        solve = sparse_solver
    elif isinstance(sparse_solver, str) and sparse_solver in _solver_fns.keys():
        solve = _solver_fns[sparse_solver]
        raise Exception('sparse_solver argument must be either a string in the set (%s) or have the api of scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve.' % ''.join(_solver_fns.keys(), ' '))

    # optimization parms
    k_max = niters
    fevals = 0

    k = 0
    delta = delta_0
    p = col(obj.x.r) 

    fevals += 1
    tm = time.time()
    pif('computing Jacobian...')
    J = obj.J

    if sp.issparse(J):
        assert(J.nnz > 0)
    pif('Jacobian (%dx%d) computed in %.2fs' % (J.shape[0], J.shape[1], time.time() - tm))
    if J.shape[1] != p.size:
        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    assert(J.shape[1] == p.size)
    tm = time.time()
    pif('updating A and g...')
    A =    
    r = col(obj.r.copy())
    g = col(
    pif('A and g updated in %.2fs' % (time.time() - tm))
    stop = norm(g, np.inf) < e_1
    while (not stop) and (k < k_max) and (fevals < max_fevals):
        k += 1
        pif('beginning iteration %d' % (k,))
        d_sd = col((sqnorm(g)) / (sqnorm ( * g)
        GNcomputed = False

        while True:
            # if the Cauchy point is outside the trust region,
            # take that direction but only to the edge of the trust region
            if delta is not None and norm(d_sd) >= delta:
                pif('PROGRESS: Using stunted cauchy')
                d_dl = np.array(col(delta/norm(d_sd) * d_sd))
                if not GNcomputed:
                    tm = time.time()
                    if scipy.sparse.issparse(A):
                        pif('sparse solve...sparsity infill is %.3f%% (hessian %dx%d), J infill %.3f%%' % (
                            100. * A.nnz / (A.shape[0] * A.shape[1]),
                            100. * J.nnz / (J.shape[0] * J.shape[1])))
                        if g.size > 1:             
                            d_gn = col(solve(A, g))
                            if np.any(np.isnan(d_gn)) or np.any(np.isinf(d_gn)):
                                from scipy.sparse.linalg import lsqr
                                d_gn = col(lsqr(A, g)[0])
                            d_gn = np.atleast_1d(g.ravel()[0]/A[0,0])
                        pif('sparse solve...done in %.2fs' % (time.time() - tm))
                        pif('dense solve...')
                            d_gn = col(np.linalg.solve(A, g))
                        except Exception:
                            d_gn = col(np.linalg.lstsq(A, g)[0])
                        pif('dense solve...done in %.2fs' % (time.time() - tm))
                    GNcomputed = True

                # if the gauss-newton solution is within the trust region, use it
                if delta is None or norm(d_gn) <= delta:
                    pif('PROGRESS: Using gauss-newton solution')
                    d_dl = np.array(d_gn)
                    if delta is None:
                        delta = norm(d_gn)

                else: # between cauchy step and gauss-newton step
                    pif('PROGRESS: between cauchy and gauss-newton')

                    # compute beta multiplier
                    delta_sq = delta**2
                    pnow = (
                        - sqnorm(d_gn) * (sqnorm(d_sd)))
                    B = delta_sq - sqnorm(d_sd)
                    B /= ((d_gn-d_sd) + math.sqrt(pnow))

                    # apply step
                    d_dl = np.array(d_sd + float(B) * (d_gn - d_sd))

                    #assert(math.fabs(norm(d_dl) - delta) < 1e-12)
            if norm(d_dl) <= e_2*norm(p):
                pif('stopping because of small step size (norm_dl < %.2e)' % (e_2*norm(p)))
                stop = True
                p_new = p + d_dl

                tm_residuals = time.time()
                obj.x = p_new
                fevals += 1

                r_trial = obj.r.copy()
                tm_residuals = time.time() - tm

                # rho is the ratio of...
                # (improvement in SSE) / (predicted improvement in SSE)  
                # slower
                #rho = norm(e_p)**2 - norm(e_p_trial)**2
                #rho = rho / (L(d_dl*0, e_p, J) - L(d_dl, e_p, J))              
                # faster
                sqnorm_ep = sqnorm(r)
                rho = sqnorm_ep - norm(r_trial)**2
                with warnings.catch_warnings():
                    if rho > 0:
                        rho /= predicted_improvement(d_dl, -r, J, sqnorm_ep, A, g)
                improvement_occurred = rho > 0

                # if the objective function improved, update input parameter estimate.
                # Note that the obj.x already has the new parms,
                # and we should not set them again to the same (or we'll bust the cache)                
                if improvement_occurred:
                    p = col(p_new)

                    if (sqnorm_ep - norm(r_trial)**2) / sqnorm_ep < e_3:
                        stop = True
                        pif('stopping because improvement < %.1e%%' % (100*e_3,))

                else:  # Put the old parms back
                    obj.x = ch.Ch(p)
                    obj.on_changed('x') # copies from flat vector to free variables

                # if the objective function improved and we're not done,
                # get ready for the next iteration
                if improvement_occurred and not stop:
                    tm_jac = time.time()
                    pif('computing Jacobian...')
                    J = obj.J.copy()
                    tm_jac = time.time() - tm_jac
                    pif('Jacobian (%dx%d) computed in %.2fs' % (J.shape[0], J.shape[1], tm_jac))

                    pif('Residuals+Jac computed in %.2fs' % (tm_jac + tm_residuals,))

                    tm = time.time()
                    pif('updating A and g...')
                    A =
                    r = col(r_trial)
                    g = col(
                    pif('A and g updated in %.2fs' % (time.time() - tm))
                    if norm(g, np.inf) < e_1:
                        stop = True
                        pif('stopping because norm(g, np.inf) < %.2e' % (e_1))

                # update our trust region
                delta = updateRadius(rho, delta, d_dl)
                if delta <= e_2*norm(p):
                    stop = True
                    pif('stopping because trust region is too small')

            # the following "collect" is very expensive.
            # please contact matt if you find situations where it actually helps things.
            #import gc; gc.collect()
            if stop or improvement_occurred or (fevals >= max_fevals):
        if k >= k_max:
            pif('stopping because max number of user-specified iterations (%d) has been met' % (k_max,))
        elif fevals >= max_fevals:
            pif('stopping because max number of user-specified func evals (%d) has been met' % (max_fevals,))

    return obj.free_variables
Beispiel #20
def asarray(a, dtype=None, order=None):
    assert (dtype is None or dtype is np.float64)
    assert (order is 'C' or order is None)
    if hasattr(a, 'dterms'):
        return a
    return ch.Ch(np.asarray(a, dtype, order))
Beispiel #21
def minimize_dogleg(obj,
    """"Nonlinear optimization using Powell's dogleg method.
    See Lourakis et al, 2005, ICCV '05, "Is Levenberg-Marquardt the
    Most Efficient Optimization for Implementing Bundle Adjustment?":

    e_N are stopping conditions:
    e_1 is gradient magnatude threshold
    e_2 is step size magnatude threshold
    e_3 is improvement threshold (as a ratio; 0.1 means it must improve by 10%% at each step)

    maxiter and max_fevals are also stopping conditions. Note that they're not quite the same,
    as an iteration may evaluate the function more than once.

    sparse_solver is the solver to use to calculate the Gauss-Newton step in the common case
    that the Jacobian is sparse. It can be 'spsolve' (in which case scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve
    will be used), 'cg' (in which case will be used), or any callable
    that matches the api of scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve to solve `A x = b` for x where A is sparse.

    cg, uses a Conjugate Gradient method, and will be faster if A is sparse but x is dense.
    spsolve will be faster if x is also sparse.

    delta_0 defines the initial trust region. Generally speaking, if this is set too low then
    the optimization will never really go anywhere (to small a trust region to make any real
    progress before running out of iterations) and if it's set too high then the optimization
    will diverge immidiately and go wild (such a large trust region that the initial step so
    far overshoots that it can't recover). If it's left as None, it will be automatically
    estimated on the first iteration; it's always updated at each iteration, so this is treated
    only as an initialization.

    handle_as_dense explicitly converts all Jacobians of obj to dense matrices

    solve = setup_sparse_solver(sparse_solver)
    obj, callback = setup_objective(obj,

    state = DoglegState(delta=delta_0, solve=solve)
    state.p = obj.x.r

    #inject profiler if in DEBUG mode
    if ch.DEBUG:
        from .monitor import DrWrtProfiler
        obj.profiler = DrWrtProfiler(obj)

    state.r = obj.r

    def stop(msg):
        if not state.done:
        state.done = True

    if np.linalg.norm(state.g, np.inf) < e_1:
        stop('stopping because norm(g, np.inf) < %.2e' % e_1)
    while not state.done:
        while True:
            if state.step_size <= e_2 * np.linalg.norm(state.p):
                stop('stopping because of small step size (norm_dl < %.2e)' %
                     (e_2 * np.linalg.norm(state.p)))
                tm = timer()
                obj.x = state.p + state.step
                trial = state.trial_r(obj.r)
                pif('Residuals computed in %.2fs' % tm())
                # if the objective function improved, update input parameter estimate.
                # Note that the obj.x already has the new parms,
                # and we should not set them again to the same (or we'll bust the cache)
                if trial.is_improvement:
                    state.p = state.p + state.step
                    if e_3 > 0. and trial.improvement < e_3:
                        stop('stopping because improvement < %.1e%%' %
                             (100 * e_3))
                        state.r = trial.r
                        if np.linalg.norm(state.g, np.inf) < e_1:
                            stop('stopping because norm(g, np.inf) < %.2e' %
                else:  # Put the old parms back
                    obj.x = ch.Ch(state.p)
                        'x')  # copies from flat vector to free variables
                # update our trust region
                if <= e_2 * np.linalg.norm(state.p):
                    stop('stopping because trust region is too small')
            if state.done or trial.is_improvement or (obj.fevals >=
        if state.iteration >= maxiter:
                'stopping because max number of user-specified iterations (%d) has been met'
                % maxiter)
        elif obj.fevals >= max_fevals:
                'stopping because max number of user-specified func evals (%d) has been met'
                % max_fevals)
    return obj.free_variables