Beispiel #1
    def draw(self, gc, *args, **kw):

        gc.clip_to_rect(self.outer_x, self.outer_y,
                        self.outer_width, self.outer_height)
        DataView.draw(self, gc, *args, **kw)
        self._draw_hook(gc, *args, **kw)
    def _update_container(self):
        self.container = DataView(
            padding=(80, 20, 20, 60),  # make some space for axis labels

        self.container.aspect_ratio = self.plot.aspect_ratio

        # remove axes etc
        self.container.underlays = []
Beispiel #3
    def _update_container(self):
        self.container = DataView(
            padding=(80,20,20,60),  # make some space for axis labels

        self.container.aspect_ratio = self.plot.aspect_ratio

        # remove axes etc
        self.container.underlays = []
class PlotWindow(HasTraits):

    plot = Instance(PlotComponent)
    container = Instance(DataView)

    def _update_container(self):
        self.container = DataView(
            padding=(80, 20, 20, 60),  # make some space for axis labels

        self.container.aspect_ratio = self.plot.aspect_ratio

        # remove axes etc
        self.container.underlays = []

    traits_view = View(Item('container',
Beispiel #5
class PlotWindow(HasTraits):

    plot = Instance(PlotComponent)
    container = Instance(DataView)

    def _update_container(self):
        self.container = DataView(
            padding=(80,20,20,60),  # make some space for axis labels

        self.container.aspect_ratio = self.plot.aspect_ratio

        # remove axes etc
        self.container.underlays = []

    traits_view = View(Item('container',
                       width=600, height=400, resizable=True)
    def draw(self, gc, *args, **kw):

        with gc:
            DataView.draw(self, gc, *args, **kw)
            gc.clip_to_rect(self.x, self.y,
                            self.width, self.height)
            self._draw_hook(gc, *args, **kw)

            ch = self.crosshairs_overlay
            if ch:
                ch.overlay(self, gc, *args, **kw)

                #for o in self.crosshairs_overlays:
                #if o.visible:
                #o.overlay(self, gc, *args, **kw)
                #    def _set_transect_points(self, tran, step, line_color=(1, 0, 0), point_color=(1, 0, 0), **ptargs):
                #        for pi in tran.step_points:
                #            self.remove_point(pi)
                #        tran.step_points = []
                #        for li in tran.lines:
                #            p1 = li.start_point
                #            p2 = li.end_point
                # #            p1 = tran.start_point
                # #            p2 = tran.end_point
                #            x, y = p1.x, p1.y
                # #            p = self.new_point((x, y), **ptargs)
                # #            tran.step_points.append(p)
                #            tol = step / 3.
                #            while 1:
                #                x, y = calc_point_along_line(x, y, p2.x, p2.y, step)
                #                ptargs['use_border'] = False
                #                if abs(p2.x - x) < tol and abs(p2.y - y) < tol:
                # #                    ptargs['use_border'] = True
                #                    p = self.new_point((p2.x, p2.y), **ptargs)
                #                    tran.step_points.append(p)
                #                    break
                #                else:
                # #                    ptargs['use_border'] = False
                #                    p = self.new_point((x, y),
                #                                   line_color=line_color, point_color=point_color,
                #                                   **ptargs)
                #                    tran.step_points.append(p)
                #    #            line.add_point(*xy,
                #    #                           line_color=line_color,
                #    #                           point_color=point_color)
                #    def remove_point_overlay(self):
                #        for o in self.overlays[:]:
                #            if isinstance(o, PointOverlay):
                #                self.overlays.remove(o)
                #    def remove_line_overlay(self):
                #        for o in self.overlays[:]:
                #            if isinstance(o, LineOverlay):
                #                self.overlays.remove(o)
                #    def remove_markup_overlay(self):
                #        for o in self.overlays[:]:
                #            if isinstance(o, MarkupOverlay):
                #                self.overlays.remove(o)

                #    def add_point_overlay(self):
                #        po = PointOverlay(component=self)
                #        self.overlays.append(po)

                #    def add_line_overlay(self):
                #        po = LineOverlay(component=self)
                #        self.overlays.append(po)

                #    def add_markup_overlay(self):
                #        mo = MarkupOverlay(component=self)
                #        self.overlays.append(mo)
                #    def _draw_hook(self, gc, *args, **kw):
                #        '''
                #        '''
                #        if self.show_desired_position and self.desired_position is not None:
                #            # draw the place you want the laser to be
                #            self._draw_crosshairs(gc, self.desired_position, color=self.desired_position_color, kind=2)
                #        if self.show_laser_position:
                #            # draw where the laser is
                #            # laser indicator is always the center of the screen
                #            pos = (self.x + (self.x2 - self.x) / 2.0  , self.y + (self.y2 - self.y) / 2.0)
                # #            #add the offset
                # #            if self.crosshairs_offset is not (0, 0):
                # #                pos_off = pos[0] + self.crosshairs_offset[0], pos[1] + self.crosshairs_offset[1]
                # #                self._draw_crosshairs(gc, pos_off, color=self.crosshairs_offset_color, kind=5)
                # #            self._draw_crosshairs(gc, pos, color = colors1f[self.crosshairs_color])
                #            self._draw_crosshairs(gc, pos, color=self.crosshairs_color)
                #        super(LaserTrayCanvas, self)._draw_hook(gc, *args, **kw)

                #    def _draw_crosshairs(self, gc, xy, color=(1, 0, 0), kind=None):
                #        '''
                #        '''
                #        gc.save_state()
                #        gc.set_stroke_color(color)
                #        mx, my = xy
                #        mx += 1
                #        my += 1
                #        if self.crosshairs_kind == 'BeamRadius':
                #            r = self.beam_radius
                #        elif self.crosshairs_kind == 'MaskRadius':
                #            r = 0
                #            if self.parent:
                #                mask = self.parent.parent.get_motor('mask')
                #                if mask is not None:
                #                    r = mask.get_discrete_value()
                #        else:
                #            r = self.crosshairs_radius
                #        if r:
                #            r = self._get_wh(r, 0)[0]
                #            gc.arc(mx, my, r, 0, 360)
                #            gc.move_to(self.x, my)
                #            gc.line_to(mx - r, my)
                #            gc.move_to(mx + r, my)
                #            gc.line_to(self.x2, my)
                #            gc.move_to(mx, self.y)
                #            gc.line_to(mx, my - r)
                #            gc.move_to(mx, my + r)
                #            gc.line_to(mx, self.y2)
                #            gc.stroke_path()
                #        b = 4
                #        gc.move_to(mx - b, my)
                #        gc.line_to(mx + b, my)
                #        gc.move_to(mx, my - b)
                #        gc.line_to(mx, my + b)
                #        gc.stroke_path()
                #        gc.restore_state()
                #           1 |
                #             |
                #        0---- m,m  -----2
                #             |
                #             |3
                #        kind 0 none
                #        kind 1 with circle
                #        kind 2 with out circle
                #        kind 3 +

                #        if kind is None:
                #            kind = self.crosshairs_kind
                #        beam_radius = 0
                #        if kind in [1, 5]:
                # #            args = self.map_screen([(0, 0), (0, self.beam_radius + 0.5),
                # #                                    (0, 0), (self.beam_radius + 0.5, 0)
                # #                                    ])
                # #            beam_radius = abs(args[0][1] - args[1][1])
                #            beam_radius = self._get_wh(self.beam_radius, 0)[0]
                #        elif kind == 2:
                #            beam_radius = 10
                #        elif kind == 3:
                #            beam_radius = 0
                #        elif kind == 4:
                #            beam_radius = self._get_wh(self.crosshairs_radius, 0)[0]
                #        else:
                #            return
                #        gc.set_stroke_color(color)
                #        if kind is not 5:
                #            p00 = self.x, my
                #            p01 = mx - beam_radius, my
                #            p10 = mx, my + beam_radius
                #            p11 = mx, self.y2
                #            p20 = mx + beam_radius, my
                #            p21 = self.x2, my
                #            p30 = mx, my - beam_radius
                #            p31 = mx, self.y
                #            points = [(p00, p01), (p10, p11),
                #                      (p20, p21), (p30, p31)]
                #            for p1, p2 in points:
                #                gc.begin_path()
                #                gc.move_to(*p1)
                #                gc.line_to(*p2)
                #                gc.close_path()
                #                gc.draw_path()
                # #                gc.stroke_path()
                #        if kind in [1, 4, 5]:
                #            gc.set_fill_color((0, 0, 0, 0))
                #            if kind == 5:
                #                step = 20
                #                for i in range(0, 360, step):
                #                    gc.arc(mx, my, beam_radius, math.radians(i),
                #                                           math.radians(i + step / 2.0))
                #                    gc.draw_path()
                #            else:
                #                gc.arc(mx, my, beam_radius, 0, math.radians(360))
                #            gc.draw_path()
                #        gc.restore_state()

                #    def clear_points(self):
                #        popkeys = []
                #        self.point_counter = 0
                #        for k, v in self.markupcontainer.iteritems():
                #            if isinstance(v, PointIndicator):
                #                popkeys.append(k)
                #        for p in popkeys:
                #            self.markupcontainer.pop(p)
                #        self.request_redraw()
                #    def load_points_file(self, p):
                #        self.point_counter = 0
                #        with open(p, 'r') as f:
                #            for line in f:
                #                identifier, x, y = line.split(',')
                #                pt = self.point_exists(float(x), float(y))
                #                if pt is not None:
                #                    self.markupcontainer.pop(pt.identifier)
                #                self.markupcontainer[identifier] = PointIndicator(float(x), float(y), identifier=identifier, canvas=self)
                #                self.point_counter += 1
                #        self.request_redraw()
                #    def get_points(self):
                #        pts=[]
                #        for _k, v in self.markupcontainer.iteritems():
                #            if isinstance(v, PointIndicator):
                #                pts.append((v.identifier, v.x, v.y))
                # #                lines.append(','.join(map(str, )))
                #        pts=sorted(pts, key=lambda x: x[0])
                #        return pts
                #    def save_points(self, p):
                #        lines = []
                #        for _k, v in self.markupcontainer.iteritems():
                #            if isinstance(v, PointIndicator):
                #                lines.append(','.join(map(str, (v.identifier, v.x, v.y))))
                #        with open(p, 'w') as f:
                #            f.write('\n'.join(lines))
                #    def config_view(self):
                #        v = View(
                #                VGroup(
                #                       Item('show_bounds_rect'),
                # #                       Item('render_map'),
                #                       Item('show_grids'),
                #                       HGroup(Item('show_laser_position'),
                #                              Item('crosshairs_color',
                #                                   editor=ColorEditor(),
                #                                   springy=True, show_label=False)
                #                              ),
                #                       Item('crosshairs_kind'),
                #                       Item('crosshairs_radius'),
                #                       HGroup(
                #                              Item('crosshairs_offsetx', label='Offset'),
                #                              Item('crosshairs_offsety', show_label=False)
                #                              ),
                #                       Item('crosshairs_offset_color'),
                #                       HGroup(Item('show_desired_position'),
                #                              Item('desired_position_color', springy=True, show_label=False)),
                #                       )
                #            )
                #        return v