Beispiel #1
def runOneChain(iChain,convConn):
	# priors:
	normp = prior.uniform(10**-4,10**-2.5,isLog=True)			# powerlaw norm			
	alphap = prior.uniform(2.0,3.5)							# powerlaw power			
	nHp = prior.uniform(0.5,3.0)						# nH (absorption)	
	scareap = prior.uniform(1e-10,1e-6,isLog=True)		# Sc line area
	area1p = prior.uniform(10**-8,10**-5,isLog=True)		# nuisance line 1
	center1p = prior.uniform(3.5,3.75)					# 					
	sigma1p = prior.uniform(0.001,0.1)					# natural width 
	area2p = prior.uniform(10**-7,10**-5,isLog=True)		# nuisance line 2
	center2p = prior.uniform(3.75,4.0)					# 				
	sigma2p = prior.uniform(0.001,0.1)					# natural width 
	g.priors = [normp,alphap,nHp,scareap,area1p,center1p,sigma1p,area2p,center2p,sigma2p]

	# parameters ('name', x_init, isFrozen):
	names = ['norm', 'alpha', 'nH', 'Sc area', 'area1', 'center1', 'sigma1', 
				'area2', 'center2', 'sigma2']
	g.initParams = []
	for i in range(len(g.priors)):
		if i == 2:	# nH set by hwang '12
			g.initParams.append(cob.param(names[i], 2.0, True))
			g.initParams.append(cob.param(names[i], g.priors[i].sample(), False))

	for i,p in enumerate(g.initParams):

	# which indices are thawed:
	for i,p in enumerate(g.initParams):
		if(not p.isFrozen):
	# mass vector for parameters:
	g.masses = ones(len(g.initParams))		
	g.masses[0] = 1.0		# powerlaw norm
	g.masses[1] = 1.0		# powerlaw alpha
	#g.masses[2] = 1.0		# nH
	g.masses[3] = 1.0		# Sc area
	g.masses[4] = 1.0		# area 1
	g.masses[5] = 1.0		# center 1
	g.masses[6] = 0.5		# sigma 1
	g.masses[7] = 1.0		# area 2
	g.masses[8] = 1.0		# center 2
	g.masses[9] = 0.5		# sigma 2
	# data and likelihood:
	epochs = ['4634','4635','4636','4637','4638']		
	#epochs = ['4637']
	datasets = []
	fnames = []
	for e in epochs:
		#froot = g.datadir+'cpoor'
		froot = g.datadir+'eastegg'+'-'+e
		datasets.append(cob.dataset(froot, [3.4,5],
						g.datadir+'../bkgd', g.Aeastegg/g.Abkgd))

	g.likelihood = likelihood.ScLike(datasets, g.codedir+'models/phabs1e22.txt')
	g.dumpInfo(g.initParams, g.priors, g.masses, g.likelihood,fnames=fnames)

	# start the chain:
	fname = g.chaindir+'chain-'+str(iChain)+'.txt'
	ch = cob.chain(fname,convConn)
	# evolve the chain:
	# (the convergence monitor will only send anything to this end of 
	#  the pipe once all chains have converged. evolve until then.)
	while not convConn.poll():
Beispiel #2
# jmrv 	06.2013
# how unlikely are the theiling upper limit values?
# ---------------
import scipy.optimize as so
import numpy as np
import chmcGlobals as g
import likelihood
import chainObject as cob

#params = [norm,alpha,nH,scarea,area1,center1,sigma1,area2,center2,sigma2]
params0 = [-0.447, 3.18, 2.0, -5.0, -5.0, 3.65, 5., -4.0, 3.87, 20.]

# data and likelihood:
root = '/Users/jmrv/Documents/school/mit/research/snr/scandium/'
datasets = [cob.dataset(root+'reduced/theiling/cpoor', [3.4,5])]
				#root+'reduced/bkgd', g.Acpoor/g.Abkgd)]
like = likelihood.ScLike(datasets, root+'code/models/phabs1e22.txt')

def fitSpectrum(p, thawed = range(10)):
	params = convertParams(p, thawed)
	loglike = like.evaluate(params)
	#print loglike
	return loglike

# feed fitting function a subset of params, in log where appropriate
def convertParams(p, thawed):
	params = np.array(params0)
	params[thawed] = p

	logPars = [0,3,4,7]
Beispiel #3
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import chainObject as cob
import chmcGlobals as g

root = '/data1/fgastro/sc/reduced/nustar/'
datasets = []
epochs = ['4634','4635','4636','4637','4638']		
for e in epochs:
	f = root+'westegg'+'-'+e
	datasets.append(cob.dataset(f, [3.4,5], root+'../bkgd', g.Acpoor/g.Abkgd))

n = len(datasets[0].counts)
counts = np.zeros(n)
for d in datasets:
	counts += d.counts

E = datasets[0].ch2energy
chRange = datasets[0].chRange

plt.plot(E, counts, 'k-', drawstyle='steps')
plt.xlim(3.4, 5)
plt.title('755 ks exposure of NuSTAR West')
Beispiel #4
norm = 10**-0.447
alpha = 3.18
nH = 2.0
scarea = 1e-5
area1 = 10**-5.0
center1 = 3.65
sigma1 = 0.005
area2 = 10**-4.00
center2 = 3.87
sigma2 = 0.02
params = [norm,alpha,nH,scarea,area1,center1,sigma1,area2,center2,sigma2]

# data and likelihood:
root = '/data1/fgastro/sc/reduced/theiling/'
datasets = [cob.dataset(root+'cpoor', [3.4,5],root+'../bkgd', g.Acpoor/g.Abkgd)]
like = likelihood.ScLike(datasets, g.codedir+'models/phabs1e22.txt')

scfluxes = [1e-9, 1e-8, 1e-7, 1e-6, 1e-5, 10**-4.64]
for f in scfluxes:
	params[3] = f
	print f, like.evaluate(params)
	like.plotSample(params, '/data1/fgastro/sc/plots/theiling/theilingLimits/flux-'+str(f)+'.pdf')

# results:
# 1e-09 614.08228974
# 1e-08 614.082133295
# 1e-07 614.080856568
# 1e-06 614.09683565
# 1e-05 617.105004215
Beispiel #5
def runOneChain(iChain,convConn):
	# priors:
	normp = prior.uniform(1e-6,1e1,isLog=True)			# powerlaw norm			
	alphap = prior.uniform(1,5)							# powerlaw power			

	nHp = prior.uniform(0.5,3.0)						# nH (absorption)	
														# based on hwang+ 2012

	scareap = prior.uniform(1e-9,1e-3,isLog=True)		# Sc line area

	area1p = prior.uniform(1e-9,1e-3,isLog=True)		# nuisance line 1
	center1p = prior.uniform(3.5,3.75)					# 					
	sigma1p = prior.uniform(0.001,0.1)					# natural width 
	area2p = prior.uniform(1e-9,1e-2,isLog=True)		# nuisance line 2
	center2p = prior.uniform(3.75,4.0)					# 				
	sigma2p = prior.uniform(0.001,0.1)					# natural width 
	g.priors = [	normp,alphap, \
					nHp, \
					scareap, \
					area1p,center1p,sigma1p, \

	# parameters ('name', x_init, isFrozen):
	norm = cob.param('norm',10**-1.4,False)
	alpha = cob.param('alpha',3.3,False)

	nH = cob.param('nH',2.0,True)

	scarea = cob.param('Sc area',1e-7,False)

	area1 = cob.param('area1',10**-5.2,False)
	center1 = cob.param('center1',3.69,False)
	sigma1 = cob.param('sigma1',0.005,False)

	area2 = cob.param('area2',10**-4.5,False)
	center2 = cob.param('center2',3.86,False)
	sigma2 = cob.param('sigma2',0.01,False)
	g.initParams = [	norm,alpha, \
						nH, \
						scarea, \
						area1,center1,sigma1, \

	for i,p in enumerate(g.initParams):

	# which indexes are thawed:
	for i,p in enumerate(g.initParams):
		if(not p.isFrozen):
	# mass vector for parameters:
	g.masses = ones(len(g.initParams))		
	g.masses[0] = 0.2		# powerlaw norm
	g.masses[1] = 0.2		# powerlaw alpha
	#g.masses[2] = 0.1		# nH
	g.masses[3] = 0.01		# Sc area
	g.masses[4] = 0.01		# area 1
	g.masses[5] = 0.01		# center 1
	g.masses[6] = 0.01		# sigma 1
	g.masses[7] = 0.01		# area 2
	g.masses[8] = 0.01		# center 2
	g.masses[9] = 0.01		# sigma 2
	# data and likelihood:
	#epochs = ['4634','4635','4636','4637','4638']		
	epochs = ['4637']		
	datasets = []
	fnames = []
	for e in epochs:
		#froot = g.datadir+'fe'
		froot = g.datadir+'eastegg'+'-'+e
		datasets.append(cob.dataset(froot, [3.4,5],
						g.datadir+'../bkgd', g.Aeastegg/g.Abkgd))
	g.likelihood = likelihood.ScLike(datasets, g.codedir+'models/phabs1e22.txt')
	g.dumpInfo(g.initParams, g.priors, g.masses, g.likelihood,fnames=fnames)

	# start the chain:
	fname = g.chaindir+'chain-'+str(iChain)+'.txt'
	ch = cob.chain(fname,convConn)
	# evolve the chain:
	# (the convergence monitor will only send anything to this end of 
	#  the pipe once all chains have converged. evolve until then.)
	while not convConn.poll():