Beispiel #1
def listmle(x, t, nr_docs):
    The ListMLE loss as in Xia et al (2008), Listwise Approach to Learning to
    Rank - Theory and Algorithm.

    :param x: The activation of the previous layer
    :type x: chainer.Variable

    :param t: The target labels
    :type t: chainer.Variable

    :param nr_docs: The number of documents per query
    :type nr_docs: chainer.Variable

    :return: The loss
    :rtype: chainer.Variable
    t, nr_docs = as_variable(t), as_variable(nr_docs)

    # Get the ground truth by sorting activations by the relevance labels
    indices = argsort(t, axis=1)
    x_hat = select_items_per_row(x, cf.flip(indices, axis=1))

    # Compute MLE loss
    per_sample_loss = -cf.sum(x_hat - logcumsumexp(x_hat), axis=1)
    return cf.mean(per_sample_loss)
Beispiel #2
    def check_forward(self, x_data, axis):
        x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
        y = functions.flip(x, axis)

        flip_func = getattr(numpy, 'flip', functions.array.flip._flip)
        expected_y = flip_func(x_data, axis)
        testing.assert_allclose(, expected_y)
Beispiel #3
def seq_rnn_embed(vxs, exs, rnn_layer, initial_state=None, reverse=False):
    """Embed given sequences using rnn."""
    # vxs.shape == (..., S)
    # exs.shape == (..., S, E)
    # initial_state == (..., E)
    assert vxs.shape == exs.shape[:
                                  -1], "Sequence embedding dimensions do not match."
    lengths = np.sum(vxs != 0, -1).flatten()  # (X,)
    seqs = F.reshape(exs, (-1, ) + exs.shape[-2:])  # (X, S, E)
    if reverse:
        toembed = [
            F.flip(s[..., :l, :], -2)
            for s, l in zip(F.separate(seqs, 0), lengths) if l != 0
        ]  # Y x [(S1, E), (S2, E), ...]
        toembed = [
            s[..., :l, :] for s, l in zip(F.separate(seqs, 0), lengths)
            if l != 0
        ]  # Y x [(S1, E), (S2, E), ...]
    if initial_state is not None:
        initial_state = F.reshape(initial_state, (-1, EMBED))  # (X, E)
        initial_state = initial_state[None,
                                      np.flatnonzero(lengths)]  # (1, Y, E)
    hs, ys = rnn_layer(initial_state,
                       toembed)  # (1, Y, E), Y x [(S1, 2*E), (S2, 2*E), ...]
    hs = hs[0]  # (Y, E)
    if hs.shape[0] == lengths.size:
        hs = F.reshape(hs, vxs.shape[:-1] + (EMBED, ))  # (..., E)
        return hs
    # Add zero values back to match original shape
    embeds = np.zeros((lengths.size, EMBED), dtype=np.float32)  # (X, E)
    idxs = np.nonzero(lengths)  # (Y,)
    embeds = F.scatter_add(embeds, idxs, hs)  # (X, E)
    embeds = F.reshape(embeds, vxs.shape[:-1] + (EMBED, ))  # (..., E)
    return embeds  # (..., E)
Beispiel #4
def VGGprepare_am_input(var):
    xp = get_array_module(var)

    # var = F.resize_images(var, size)
    var = F.transpose(var, (0, 2, 3, 1))  # [[W, H, C]]
    var = F.flip(var, 3)
    var -= xp.array([[103.939, 116.779, 123.68]], dtype=xp.float32)
    var = F.transpose(var, (0, 3, 1, 2))
    return var
Beispiel #5
    def __call__(self, xs, labels):
        xs = F.stack(xs)  # B, T, D
        labels = F.stack(labels)
        forward_out = self.forward_ld_rnn(xs, labels)

        reverse_xs = F.flip(xs, axis=1)
        reverse_label = F.flip(labels, axis=1)
        backward_out = self.backward_ld_rnn(reverse_xs, reverse_label)
        forward_out = F.stack(forward_out)  # B, T, D
        backward_out = F.stack(backward_out)  # B, reverse_T, D
        backward_out = F.flip(backward_out, axis=1)
        bi_out = F.concat((forward_out, backward_out), axis=2)
        bi_out = F.reshape(bi_out,
                           (xs.shape[0] * xs.shape[1], 2 * self.mid_size))
        final_out = self.fusion_fc(bi_out)
        final_out = F.reshape(final_out,
                              (xs.shape[0], xs.shape[1], self.out_size))
        return list(F.separate(final_out, axis=0))
Beispiel #6
def callback(msg_1):
    global i
    global j
    global timagev
    global Nline
    global count
    global Lpast
    global inputgpu
    global prefv
    global opt_biasv
    global swopt
    global Lmin
    global vwkeep
    global Lth
    global mask_brrc
    global imgbt, imgrt, imggt

    j = j + 1
    #print j
    if j == 1:
        cur_img = preprocess_image(msg_1)  #current image

        #standard deviation and mean for current image
        imgbc = (np.reshape(cur_img[0][0], (1, 128, 256)) + 1.0) * 0.5
        imggc = (np.reshape(cur_img[0][1], (1, 128, 256)) + 1.0) * 0.5
        imgrc = (np.reshape(cur_img[0][2], (1, 128, 256)) + 1.0) * 0.5
        mean_cbgr = np.zeros((3, 1))
        std_cbgr = np.zeros((3, 1))
        mean_ct = np.zeros((3, 1))
        std_ct = np.zeros((3, 1))
        mean_cbgr[0] = np.sum(imgbc) / countm
        mean_cbgr[1] = np.sum(imggc) / countm
        mean_cbgr[2] = np.sum(imgrc) / countm
        std_cbgr[0] = np.sqrt(
            np.sum(np.square(imgbc - mask_brr1 * mean_cbgr[0])) / countm)
        std_cbgr[1] = np.sqrt(
            np.sum(np.square(imggc - mask_brr1 * mean_cbgr[1])) / countm)
        std_cbgr[2] = np.sqrt(
            np.sum(np.square(imgrc - mask_brr1 * mean_cbgr[2])) / countm)

        #standard deviation and mean for subgoal image
        imgrt = (np.reshape(goal_img[0][0], (1, 128, 256)) + 1) * 0.5
        imggt = (np.reshape(goal_img[0][1], (1, 128, 256)) + 1) * 0.5
        imgbt = (np.reshape(goal_img[0][2], (1, 128, 256)) + 1) * 0.5
        mean_tbgr = np.zeros((3, 1))
        std_tbgr = np.zeros((3, 1))
        mean_tbgr[0] = np.sum(imgbt) / countm
        mean_tbgr[1] = np.sum(imggt) / countm
        mean_tbgr[2] = np.sum(imgrt) / countm
        std_tbgr[0] = np.sqrt(
            np.sum(np.square(imgbt - mask_brr1 * mean_tbgr[0])) / countm)
        std_tbgr[1] = np.sqrt(
            np.sum(np.square(imggt - mask_brr1 * mean_tbgr[1])) / countm)
        std_tbgr[2] = np.sqrt(
            np.sum(np.square(imgrt - mask_brr1 * mean_tbgr[2])) / countm)

        #mean_ct[0] = (mean_cbgr[0] + mean_tbgr[0])*0.5
        #mean_ct[1] = (mean_cbgr[1] + mean_tbgr[1])*0.5
        #mean_ct[2] = (mean_cbgr[2] + mean_tbgr[2])*0.5
        #std_ct[0] = (std_cbgr[0] + std_tbgr[0])*0.5
        #std_ct[1] = (std_cbgr[1] + std_tbgr[1])*0.5
        #std_ct[2] = (std_cbgr[2] + std_tbgr[2])*0.5
        mean_ct[0] = mean_cbgr[0]
        mean_ct[1] = mean_cbgr[1]
        mean_ct[2] = mean_cbgr[2]
        std_ct[0] = std_cbgr[0]
        std_ct[1] = std_cbgr[1]
        std_ct[2] = std_cbgr[2]

        xcg = F.clip(Variable(cuda.to_gpu(cur_img)), -1.0, 1.0)

        imgbtt = (imgbt - mean_tbgr[0]) / std_tbgr[0] * std_ct[0] + mean_ct[0]
        imggtt = (imggt - mean_tbgr[1]) / std_tbgr[1] * std_ct[1] + mean_ct[1]
        imgrtt = (imgrt - mean_tbgr[2]) / std_tbgr[2] * std_ct[2] + mean_ct[2]
        goalt_img = np.array(
            (np.reshape(np.concatenate((imgbtt, imggtt, imgrtt), axis=0),
                        (1, 3, 128, 256)) * mask_c - 0.5) * 2.0,
        timage = F.clip(Variable(cuda.to_gpu(goalt_img)), -1.0, 1.0)

        #current image
        xcgf = F.get_item(xcg, (slice(0, batchsize, 1), slice(
            0, 3, 1), slice(0, 128, 1), slice(0, 128, 1)))
        xcgb = F.flip(F.get_item(xcg, (slice(0, batchsize, 1), slice(
            0, 3, 1), slice(0, 128, 1), slice(128, 256, 1))),
        xcgx = F.concat((xcgf, xcgb), axis=1)

        #subgoal image
        xpgf = F.get_item(timage, (slice(0, batchsize, 1), slice(
            0, 3, 1), slice(0, 128, 1), slice(0, 128, 1)))
        xpgb_wof = F.get_item(timage, (slice(0, batchsize, 1), slice(
            0, 3, 1), slice(0, 128, 1), slice(128, 256, 1)))
        xpgb = F.flip(xpgb_wof, axis=3)

        xcpg = F.concat((xcgf, xcgb, xpgf, xpgb), axis=1)

        with chainer.using_config('train', False):
            img_gen = gen(invg(xcgf))
            dis_real = dis(xcgf)
            dis_gen = dis(img_gen)
            outputc = fl(xcgf - img_gen, dis_real - dis_gen, dis_real)

        with chainer.using_config('train', False), chainer.no_backprop_mode():
            vwres = dvmpc(xcpg)

        vwsp = F.separate(vwres, axis=1)
        v1 = F.reshape(vwsp[0], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        v2 = F.reshape(vwsp[1], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        v3 = F.reshape(vwsp[2], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        v4 = F.reshape(vwsp[3], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        v5 = F.reshape(vwsp[4], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        v6 = F.reshape(vwsp[5], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        v7 = F.reshape(vwsp[6], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        v8 = F.reshape(vwsp[7], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        w1 = F.reshape(vwsp[8], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        w2 = F.reshape(vwsp[9], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        w3 = F.reshape(vwsp[10], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        w4 = F.reshape(vwsp[11], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        w5 = F.reshape(vwsp[12], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        w6 = F.reshape(vwsp[13], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        w7 = F.reshape(vwsp[14], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        w8 = F.reshape(vwsp[15], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))

        vresg = F.tanh(F.concat(
            (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8), axis=1)) * 0.5
        wresg = F.tanh(F.concat(
            (w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, w8), axis=1)) * 1.0
        #print "linear", v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8
        #print "angular", w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, w8

        with chainer.using_config('train', False):
            z = enc(xcgx)
            x = dec(z, vresg, wresg)

        xsp = F.separate(x, axis=1)

        apf0f_f = F.reshape(xsp[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf1f_f = F.reshape(xsp[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf2f_f = F.reshape(xsp[2], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf3f_f = F.reshape(xsp[3], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf4f_f = F.reshape(xsp[4], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf5f_f = F.reshape(xsp[5], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf6f_f = F.reshape(xsp[6], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf7f_f = F.reshape(xsp[7], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf8f_f = F.reshape(xsp[8], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf9f_f = F.reshape(xsp[9], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf10f_f = F.reshape(xsp[10], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf11f_f = F.reshape(xsp[11], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf12f_f = F.reshape(xsp[12], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf13f_f = F.reshape(xsp[13], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf14f_f = F.reshape(xsp[14], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf15f_f = F.reshape(xsp[15], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))

        apf0b_f = F.reshape(xsp[16], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf1b_f = F.reshape(xsp[17], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf2b_f = F.reshape(xsp[18], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf3b_f = F.reshape(xsp[19], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf4b_f = F.reshape(xsp[20], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf5b_f = F.reshape(xsp[21], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf6b_f = F.reshape(xsp[22], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf7b_f = F.reshape(xsp[23], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf8b_f = F.reshape(xsp[24], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf9b_f = F.reshape(xsp[25], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf10b_f = F.reshape(xsp[26], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf11b_f = F.reshape(xsp[27], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf12b_f = F.reshape(xsp[28], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf13b_f = F.reshape(xsp[29], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf14b_f = F.reshape(xsp[30], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf15b_f = F.reshape(xsp[31], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))

        w1f_f = F.reshape(xsp[32], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w2f_f = F.reshape(xsp[33], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w3f_f = F.reshape(xsp[34], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w4f_f = F.reshape(xsp[35], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w5f_f = F.reshape(xsp[36], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w6f_f = F.reshape(xsp[37], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w7f_f = F.reshape(xsp[38], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w8f_f = F.reshape(xsp[39], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))

        w1b_f = F.reshape(xsp[40], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w2b_f = F.reshape(xsp[41], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w3b_f = F.reshape(xsp[42], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w4b_f = F.reshape(xsp[43], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w5b_f = F.reshape(xsp[44], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w6b_f = F.reshape(xsp[45], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w7b_f = F.reshape(xsp[46], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w8b_f = F.reshape(xsp[47], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))

        apf_f1f_f = F.concat((apf0f_f, apf1f_f), axis=1)
        apf_f2f_f = F.concat((apf2f_f, apf3f_f), axis=1)
        apf_f3f_f = F.concat((apf4f_f, apf5f_f), axis=1)
        apf_f4f_f = F.concat((apf6f_f, apf7f_f), axis=1)
        apf_f5f_f = F.concat((apf8f_f, apf9f_f), axis=1)
        apf_f6f_f = F.concat((apf10f_f, apf11f_f), axis=1)
        apf_f7f_f = F.concat((apf12f_f, apf13f_f), axis=1)
        apf_f8f_f = F.concat((apf14f_f, apf15f_f), axis=1)

        apf_f1b_f = F.concat((apf0b_f, apf1b_f), axis=1)
        apf_f2b_f = F.concat((apf2b_f, apf3b_f), axis=1)
        apf_f3b_f = F.concat((apf4b_f, apf5b_f), axis=1)
        apf_f4b_f = F.concat((apf6b_f, apf7b_f), axis=1)
        apf_f5b_f = F.concat((apf8b_f, apf9b_f), axis=1)
        apf_f6b_f = F.concat((apf10b_f, apf11b_f), axis=1)
        apf_f7b_f = F.concat((apf12b_f, apf13b_f), axis=1)
        apf_f8b_f = F.concat((apf14b_f, apf15b_f), axis=1)

        genL1f_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_f1f_f)
        genL2f_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_f2f_f)
        genL3f_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_f3f_f)
        genL4f_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_f4f_f)
        genL5f_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_f5f_f)
        genL6f_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_f6f_f)
        genL7f_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_f7f_f)
        genL8f_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_f8f_f)

        genL1b_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_f1b_f)
        genL2b_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_f2b_f)
        genL3b_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_f3b_f)
        genL4b_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_f4b_f)
        genL5b_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_f5b_f)
        genL6b_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_f6b_f)
        genL7b_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_f7b_f)
        genL8b_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_f8b_f)

        mask1_f = F.concat((w1f_f, w1b_f), axis=1)
        mask2_f = F.concat((w2f_f, w2b_f), axis=1)
        mask3_f = F.concat((w3f_f, w3b_f), axis=1)
        mask4_f = F.concat((w4f_f, w4b_f), axis=1)
        mask5_f = F.concat((w5f_f, w5b_f), axis=1)
        mask6_f = F.concat((w6f_f, w6b_f), axis=1)
        mask7_f = F.concat((w7f_f, w7b_f), axis=1)
        mask8_f = F.concat((w8f_f, w8b_f), axis=1)

        mask_soft1_f = F.softmax(mask1_f, axis=1)
        mask_soft2_f = F.softmax(mask2_f, axis=1)
        mask_soft3_f = F.softmax(mask3_f, axis=1)
        mask_soft4_f = F.softmax(mask4_f, axis=1)
        mask_soft5_f = F.softmax(mask5_f, axis=1)
        mask_soft6_f = F.softmax(mask6_f, axis=1)
        mask_soft7_f = F.softmax(mask7_f, axis=1)
        mask_soft8_f = F.softmax(mask8_f, axis=1)

        mask_sep1_f = F.separate(mask_soft1_f, axis=1)
        mask_sep2_f = F.separate(mask_soft2_f, axis=1)
        mask_sep3_f = F.separate(mask_soft3_f, axis=1)
        mask_sep4_f = F.separate(mask_soft4_f, axis=1)
        mask_sep5_f = F.separate(mask_soft5_f, axis=1)
        mask_sep6_f = F.separate(mask_soft6_f, axis=1)
        mask_sep7_f = F.separate(mask_soft7_f, axis=1)
        mask_sep8_f = F.separate(mask_soft8_f, axis=1)

        mask_1f_f = F.reshape(mask_sep1_f[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_1b_f = F.reshape(mask_sep1_f[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_2f_f = F.reshape(mask_sep2_f[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_2b_f = F.reshape(mask_sep2_f[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_3f_f = F.reshape(mask_sep3_f[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_3b_f = F.reshape(mask_sep3_f[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_4f_f = F.reshape(mask_sep4_f[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_4b_f = F.reshape(mask_sep4_f[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_5f_f = F.reshape(mask_sep5_f[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_5b_f = F.reshape(mask_sep5_f[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_6f_f = F.reshape(mask_sep6_f[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_6b_f = F.reshape(mask_sep6_f[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_7f_f = F.reshape(mask_sep7_f[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_7b_f = F.reshape(mask_sep7_f[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_8f_f = F.reshape(mask_sep8_f[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_8b_f = F.reshape(mask_sep8_f[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        genL1x_f = F.scale(genL1f_f, mask_1f_f, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL1b_f, mask_1b_f, axis=0)
        genL2x_f = F.scale(genL2f_f, mask_2f_f, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL2b_f, mask_2b_f, axis=0)
        genL3x_f = F.scale(genL3f_f, mask_3f_f, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL3b_f, mask_3b_f, axis=0)
        genL4x_f = F.scale(genL4f_f, mask_4f_f, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL4b_f, mask_4b_f, axis=0)
        genL5x_f = F.scale(genL5f_f, mask_5f_f, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL5b_f, mask_5b_f, axis=0)
        genL6x_f = F.scale(genL6f_f, mask_6f_f, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL6b_f, mask_6b_f, axis=0)
        genL7x_f = F.scale(genL7f_f, mask_7f_f, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL7b_f, mask_7b_f, axis=0)
        genL8x_f = F.scale(genL8f_f, mask_8f_f, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL8b_f, mask_8b_f, axis=0)

        xap_f = F.concat((genL1x_f, genL2x_f, genL3x_f, genL4x_f, genL5x_f,
                          genL6x_f, genL7x_f, 5.0 * genL8x_f),

        apf0f_b = F.reshape(xsp[48], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf1f_b = F.reshape(xsp[49], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf2f_b = F.reshape(xsp[50], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf3f_b = F.reshape(xsp[51], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf4f_b = F.reshape(xsp[52], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf5f_b = F.reshape(xsp[53], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf6f_b = F.reshape(xsp[54], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf7f_b = F.reshape(xsp[55], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf8f_b = F.reshape(xsp[56], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf9f_b = F.reshape(xsp[57], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf10f_b = F.reshape(xsp[58], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf11f_b = F.reshape(xsp[59], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf12f_b = F.reshape(xsp[60], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf13f_b = F.reshape(xsp[61], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf14f_b = F.reshape(xsp[62], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf15f_b = F.reshape(xsp[63], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))

        apf0b_b = F.reshape(xsp[64], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf1b_b = F.reshape(xsp[65], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf2b_b = F.reshape(xsp[66], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf3b_b = F.reshape(xsp[67], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf4b_b = F.reshape(xsp[68], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf5b_b = F.reshape(xsp[69], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf6b_b = F.reshape(xsp[70], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf7b_b = F.reshape(xsp[71], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf8b_b = F.reshape(xsp[72], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf9b_b = F.reshape(xsp[73], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf10b_b = F.reshape(xsp[74], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf11b_b = F.reshape(xsp[75], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf12b_b = F.reshape(xsp[76], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf13b_b = F.reshape(xsp[77], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf14b_b = F.reshape(xsp[78], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf15b_b = F.reshape(xsp[79], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))

        w1f_b = F.reshape(xsp[80], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w2f_b = F.reshape(xsp[81], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w3f_b = F.reshape(xsp[82], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w4f_b = F.reshape(xsp[83], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w5f_b = F.reshape(xsp[84], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w6f_b = F.reshape(xsp[85], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w7f_b = F.reshape(xsp[86], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w8f_b = F.reshape(xsp[87], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))

        w1b_b = F.reshape(xsp[88], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w2b_b = F.reshape(xsp[89], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w3b_b = F.reshape(xsp[90], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w4b_b = F.reshape(xsp[91], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w5b_b = F.reshape(xsp[92], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w6b_b = F.reshape(xsp[93], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w7b_b = F.reshape(xsp[94], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w8b_b = F.reshape(xsp[95], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))

        apf_b1f_b = F.concat((apf0f_b, apf1f_b), axis=1)
        apf_b2f_b = F.concat((apf2f_b, apf3f_b), axis=1)
        apf_b3f_b = F.concat((apf4f_b, apf5f_b), axis=1)
        apf_b4f_b = F.concat((apf6f_b, apf7f_b), axis=1)
        apf_b5f_b = F.concat((apf8f_b, apf9f_b), axis=1)
        apf_b6f_b = F.concat((apf10f_b, apf11f_b), axis=1)
        apf_b7f_b = F.concat((apf12f_b, apf13f_b), axis=1)
        apf_b8f_b = F.concat((apf14f_b, apf15f_b), axis=1)

        apf_b1b_b = F.concat((apf0b_b, apf1b_b), axis=1)
        apf_b2b_b = F.concat((apf2b_b, apf3b_b), axis=1)
        apf_b3b_b = F.concat((apf4b_b, apf5b_b), axis=1)
        apf_b4b_b = F.concat((apf6b_b, apf7b_b), axis=1)
        apf_b5b_b = F.concat((apf8b_b, apf9b_b), axis=1)
        apf_b6b_b = F.concat((apf10b_b, apf11b_b), axis=1)
        apf_b7b_b = F.concat((apf12b_b, apf13b_b), axis=1)
        apf_b8b_b = F.concat((apf14b_b, apf15b_b), axis=1)

        genL1f_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_b1f_b)
        genL2f_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_b2f_b)
        genL3f_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_b3f_b)
        genL4f_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_b4f_b)
        genL5f_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_b5f_b)
        genL6f_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_b6f_b)
        genL7f_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_b7f_b)
        genL8f_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_b8f_b)
        genL1b_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_b1b_b)
        genL2b_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_b2b_b)
        genL3b_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_b3b_b)
        genL4b_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_b4b_b)
        genL5b_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_b5b_b)
        genL6b_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_b6b_b)
        genL7b_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_b7b_b)
        genL8b_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_b8b_b)
        mask1_b = F.concat((w1f_b, w1b_b), axis=1)
        mask2_b = F.concat((w2f_b, w2b_b), axis=1)
        mask3_b = F.concat((w3f_b, w3b_b), axis=1)
        mask4_b = F.concat((w4f_b, w4b_b), axis=1)
        mask5_b = F.concat((w5f_b, w5b_b), axis=1)
        mask6_b = F.concat((w6f_b, w6b_b), axis=1)
        mask7_b = F.concat((w7f_b, w7b_b), axis=1)
        mask8_b = F.concat((w8f_b, w8b_b), axis=1)

        mask_soft1_b = F.softmax(mask1_b, axis=1)
        mask_soft2_b = F.softmax(mask2_b, axis=1)
        mask_soft3_b = F.softmax(mask3_b, axis=1)
        mask_soft4_b = F.softmax(mask4_b, axis=1)
        mask_soft5_b = F.softmax(mask5_b, axis=1)
        mask_soft6_b = F.softmax(mask6_b, axis=1)
        mask_soft7_b = F.softmax(mask7_b, axis=1)
        mask_soft8_b = F.softmax(mask8_b, axis=1)

        mask_sep1_b = F.separate(mask_soft1_b, axis=1)
        mask_sep2_b = F.separate(mask_soft2_b, axis=1)
        mask_sep3_b = F.separate(mask_soft3_b, axis=1)
        mask_sep4_b = F.separate(mask_soft4_b, axis=1)
        mask_sep5_b = F.separate(mask_soft5_b, axis=1)
        mask_sep6_b = F.separate(mask_soft6_b, axis=1)
        mask_sep7_b = F.separate(mask_soft7_b, axis=1)
        mask_sep8_b = F.separate(mask_soft8_b, axis=1)

        mask_1f_b = F.reshape(mask_sep1_b[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_1b_b = F.reshape(mask_sep1_b[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_2f_b = F.reshape(mask_sep2_b[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_2b_b = F.reshape(mask_sep2_b[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_3f_b = F.reshape(mask_sep3_b[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_3b_b = F.reshape(mask_sep3_b[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_4f_b = F.reshape(mask_sep4_b[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_4b_b = F.reshape(mask_sep4_b[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_5f_b = F.reshape(mask_sep5_b[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_5b_b = F.reshape(mask_sep5_b[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_6f_b = F.reshape(mask_sep6_b[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_6b_b = F.reshape(mask_sep6_b[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_7f_b = F.reshape(mask_sep7_b[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_7b_b = F.reshape(mask_sep7_b[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_8f_b = F.reshape(mask_sep8_b[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_8b_b = F.reshape(mask_sep8_b[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        genL1x_b = F.scale(genL1f_b, mask_1f_b, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL1b_b, mask_1b_b, axis=0)
        genL2x_b = F.scale(genL2f_b, mask_2f_b, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL2b_b, mask_2b_b, axis=0)
        genL3x_b = F.scale(genL3f_b, mask_3f_b, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL3b_b, mask_3b_b, axis=0)
        genL4x_b = F.scale(genL4f_b, mask_4f_b, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL4b_b, mask_4b_b, axis=0)
        genL5x_b = F.scale(genL5f_b, mask_5f_b, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL5b_b, mask_5b_b, axis=0)
        genL6x_b = F.scale(genL6f_b, mask_6f_b, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL6b_b, mask_6b_b, axis=0)
        genL7x_b = F.scale(genL7f_b, mask_7f_b, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL7b_b, mask_7b_b, axis=0)
        genL8x_b = F.scale(genL8f_b, mask_8f_b, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL8b_b, mask_8b_b, axis=0)

        xap_b = F.concat((genL1x_b, genL2x_b, genL3x_b, genL4x_b, genL5x_b,
                          genL6x_b, genL7x_b, 5.0 * genL8x_b),
        #VUNet-360 end

        xgonet = F.concat((genL1x_f, genL2x_f, genL3x_f, genL4x_f, genL5x_f,
                           genL6x_f, genL7x_f, genL8x_f),
        with chainer.using_config('train', False):
            img_gen = gen(invg(xgonet))
            dis_real = dis(xgonet)
            dis_gen = dis(img_gen)
            output = fl(xgonet - img_gen, dis_real - dis_gen, dis_real)

        xrefy = F.concat((Variable(cur_img), Variable(goal_img)), axis=3)
        xgonetx = F.concat((genL1x_f, genL2x_f, genL3x_f, genL4x_f, genL5x_f,
                            genL6x_f, genL7x_f, genL8x_f),
        xgonety = F.concat((genL1x_b, genL2x_b, genL3x_b, genL4x_b, genL5x_b,
                            genL6x_b, genL7x_b, genL8x_b),

        msg_pub = Twist()

        #velocity cap and publish
        vt = cuda.to_cpu([0][0])
        wt = cuda.to_cpu([0][0])
        if np.absolute(vt) < 0.2:
            msg_pub.linear.x = vt
            msg_pub.linear.y = 0.0
            msg_pub.linear.z = 0.0
            msg_pub.angular.x = 0.0
            msg_pub.angular.y = 0.0
            msg_pub.angular.z = wt
            if np.absolute(wt) < 0.001:
                msg_pub.linear.x = 0.2 * np.sign(vt)
                msg_pub.linear.y = 0.0
                msg_pub.linear.z = 0.0
                msg_pub.angular.x = 0.0
                msg_pub.angular.y = 0.0
                msg_pub.angular.z = 0.0
                rd = vt / wt
                msg_pub.linear.x = 0.2 * np.sign(vt)
                msg_pub.linear.y = 0.0
                msg_pub.linear.z = 0.0
                msg_pub.angular.x = 0.0
                msg_pub.angular.y = 0.0
                msg_pub.angular.z = 0.2 * np.sign(vt) / rd

        #front predicted image
        out_imgc = cuda.to_cpu(
        imgb = np.fmin(255.0, np.fmax(0.0, out_imgc * 128 + 128))
        imgc = np.reshape(imgb, (3, 128, 128 * 8))
        imgd = imgc.transpose(1, 2, 0)
        imge = imgd.astype(np.uint8)
        imgm = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(imge)

        #back predicted image
        out_imgc = cuda.to_cpu(
        imgb = np.fmin(255.0, np.fmax(0.0, out_imgc * 128 + 128))
        imgc = np.reshape(imgb, (3, 128, 128 * 8))
        imgd = imgc.transpose(1, 2, 0)
        imge = imgd.astype(np.uint8)
        imgm = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(imge)

        #current and goal image
        out_imgc = cuda.to_cpu(
        imgb = np.fmin(255.0, np.fmax(0.0, out_imgc * 128 + 128))
        imgc = np.reshape(imgb, (3, 128, 256 * 2))
        imgd = imgc.transpose(1, 2, 0)
        imge = imgd.astype(np.uint8)
        imgm = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(imge)

        j = 0
Beispiel #7
 def test_invalid_axis(self):
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         functions.flip(self.x, 'a')
Beispiel #8
 def check_type_error(self, x):
     with self.assertRaises(type_check.InvalidType):
         functions.flip(x, self.axis)
Beispiel #9
 def forward(self, inputs, devices):
     x, = inputs
     y = functions.flip(x, self.axis)
     return y,
Beispiel #10
 def f(x):
     x = functions.flip(x, axis)
     return x * x
Beispiel #11
 def check_backward(self, x_data, axis, y_grad):
     gradient_check.check_backward(lambda x: functions.flip(x, axis),
                                   x_data, y_grad, dtype=numpy.float64)
Beispiel #12
 def f(x):
     return functions.flip(x, axis)
Beispiel #13
 def f(x):
     return functions.flip(x, axis)
Beispiel #14
def irfft(real, imag):
    real = F.concat((real, F.flip(real[..., 1:-1], -1)), -1)
    imag = F.concat((imag, F.flip(-imag[..., 1:-1], -1)), -1)
    ret, _ = F.ifft((real, imag))
    return ret