Beispiel #1
    def __call__(self, x):
        x : chainer.Variable
            shape(batch_size, channel, x_dim, y_dim)
        batch_size, _, x_dim, y_dim = x.shape
        xp = self.xp

        xx_channel = xp.tile(xp.arange(x_dim), (1, y_dim, 1))
        yy_channel = xp.tile(xp.arange(y_dim),
                             (1, x_dim, 1)).transpose(0, 2, 1)

        xx_channel = xp.array(xx_channel, 'f') / (x_dim - 1)
        yy_channel = xp.array(yy_channel, 'f') / (y_dim - 1)

        xx_channel = xx_channel * 2 - 1
        yy_channel = yy_channel * 2 - 1

        xx_channel = xp.tile(xx_channel,
                             (batch_size, 1, 1, 1)).transpose(0, 1, 3, 2)
        yy_channel = xp.tile(yy_channel,
                             (batch_size, 1, 1, 1)).transpose(0, 1, 3, 2)

        ret = F.concat([x, xx_channel, yy_channel], axis=1)

        if self.with_r:
            rr = F.sqrt(
                F.square(xx_channel - 0.5) + F.square(yy_channel - 0.5))
            ret = F.concat([ret, rr], axis=1)
        return ret
Beispiel #2
def decov_loss(tensor, xp=None, axis=1):
    Decov loss as described in
    'Reducing Overfitting In Deep Networks by Decorrelating Representation'.
    This version implements the loss in the variable format.

        axis: (int, optional) If the tensor is 4-dim, it is
            reshaped into 2-dim; axis is the first dimension.
    if xp is None:
        # # get xp module if not provided.
        xp = chainer.cuda.get_array_module(
    if tensor.ndim == 4:
        # # reshape to a 2D matrix.
        matr = F.reshape(tensor, (tensor.shape[axis], -1))
    elif tensor.ndim == 2:
        matr = tensor
    # # subtract the mean.
    centered = F.bias(matr, -F.mean(matr))
    # # compute the covariance.
    cov = F.matmul(centered, F.transpose(centered))
    # # compute the frombenius norm.
    frob_norm = F.sum(F.square(cov))
    # # get the norm of diagonal elements.
    # # in chainer 5.x this should work.
#     corr_diag_sqr = F.sum(F.square(F.diagonal(cov1)))
    corr_diag_sqr = F.sum(F.square(cov * xp.eye(cov.shape[0], dtype=cov.dtype)))
    loss = 0.5 * (frob_norm - corr_diag_sqr)
    return loss
Beispiel #3
    def test_backward_case1(self):
        vertices = [[-0.9, -0.9, 2.], [-0.8, 0.8, 1.], [0.8, 0.8, 0.5]]
        faces = [[0, 1, 2]]

        renderer = neural_renderer.Renderer()
        renderer.image_size = 64
        renderer.anti_aliasing = False
        renderer.perspective = False
        renderer.camera_mode = 'none'

        vertices = cp.array(vertices, 'float32')
        faces = cp.array(faces, 'int32')
        vertices, faces = utils.to_minibatch((vertices, faces))
        vertices = chainer.Variable(vertices)

        images = renderer.render_depth(vertices, faces)
        loss = cf.sum(cf.square(images[0, 15, 20] - 1))
        grad = vertices.grad.get()
        grad2 = np.zeros_like(grad)

        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3):
                eps = 1e-3
                vertices2 =
                vertices2[i, j] += eps
                images = renderer.render_depth(vertices2, faces)
                loss2 = cf.sum(cf.square(images[0, 15, 20] - 1))
                grad2[i, j] = ((loss2 - loss) / eps).data.get()

        chainer.testing.assert_allclose(grad, grad2, atol=1e-3)
Beispiel #4
    def __call__(self):
        self.renderer.viewing_angle = 30
        self.renderer.eye = neural_renderer.get_points_from_angles(2.732, 0, 0)
        front_image = self.renderer.render_silhouettes(self.vertices,
        loss = cf.sum(cf.square(front_image -
                                self.front_image_ref[None, :, :]))

        if self.right_image_ref is not None:
            self.renderer.eye = neural_renderer.get_points_from_angles(
                2.732, 0, 90)
            right_image = self.renderer.render_silhouettes(
                self.vertices, self.faces)
            loss = loss + cf.sum(
                cf.square(right_image - self.right_image_ref[None, :, :]))

        if self.left_image_ref is not None:
            self.renderer.eye = neural_renderer.get_points_from_angles(
                2.732, 0, 270)
            left_image = self.renderer.render_silhouettes(
                self.vertices, self.faces)
            loss = loss + cf.sum(
                cf.square(left_image - self.left_image_ref[None, :, :]))

        if self.top_image_ref is not None:
            # FIXME: if we set elevetion to 90, it renders nothing...
            self.renderer.eye = neural_renderer.get_points_from_angles(
                2.732, 89.9, 0)
            top_image = self.renderer.render_silhouettes(
                self.vertices, self.faces)
            loss = loss + cf.sum(
                cf.square(top_image - self.top_image_ref[None, :, :]))
        self.count = self.count + 1
        return loss
    def test_backward_case1(self):
        vertices = [
            [-0.9, -0.9, 2.],
            [-0.8, 0.8, 1.],
            [0.8, 0.8, 0.5]]
        faces = [[0, 1, 2]]

        renderer = neural_renderer.Renderer()
        renderer.image_size = 64
        renderer.anti_aliasing = False
        renderer.perspective = False
        renderer.camera_mode = 'none'

        vertices = cp.array(vertices, 'float32')
        faces = cp.array(faces, 'int32')
        vertices, faces = utils.to_minibatch((vertices, faces))
        vertices = chainer.Variable(vertices)

        images = renderer.render_depth(vertices, faces)
        loss = cf.sum(cf.square(images[0, 15, 20] - 1))
        grad = vertices.grad.get()
        grad2 = np.zeros_like(grad)

        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3):
                eps = 1e-3
                vertices2 =
                vertices2[i, j] += eps
                images = renderer.render_depth(vertices2, faces)
                loss2 = cf.sum(cf.square(images[0, 15, 20] - 1))
                grad2[i, j] = ((loss2 - loss) / eps).data.get()

        chainer.testing.assert_allclose(grad, grad2, atol=1e-3)
Beispiel #6
        def _do_one(inputs):
            t, qvs, nqvs, result, mask, hopeful, terminate = inputs

            if terminate or mask != 1:
                return None, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, True

            action = int(F.argmax(qvs).data)
            if action == 1:
                terminate = True

            reward = 0
            if action == 1:
                if result == 1:
                    reward = self.r_correct
                    reward = self.r_rush if hopeful else self.r_wrong
            elif t == length - 1 and hopeful:
                reward = self.r_late

            qv = F.max(qvalues)
            nqv = F.max(nqvs).data
            if action == 1:
                loss = F.square(reward - qv)
                loss = F.square(reward + 0.5 * nqv - qv)

            r = 0
            if action == 1:
                r = 10 if result == 1 else -5
            r_hope = r if hopeful else 0
            correct = int(action and result == 1)
            rush = 1 if (result != 1 and action and hopeful) else 0
            late = 1 if (t == length - 1 and not action and hopeful) else 0
            return loss, r, r_hope, action, correct, rush, late, terminate
Beispiel #7
    def get_bbox_side_lengths(self, grids):
        x0, x1, x2, y0, y1, y2 = self.get_corners(grids)

        width = F.sqrt(F.square(x1 - x0) + F.square(y1 - y0))

        height = F.sqrt(F.square(x2 - x0) + F.square(y2 - y0))
        return width, height
def gaussian_kl(params0, params1):
    (mean0, logstd0), (mean1, logstd1) = params0, params1
    assert mean0.shape == logstd0.shape == mean1.shape == logstd1.shape
    return F.sum(logstd1 - logstd0 +
                 (F.square(F.exp(logstd0)) + F.square(mean0 - mean1)) /
                 (2.0 * F.square(F.exp(logstd1))) - 0.5,
def _calc_ssim(img1,
    mu1 = gaussian_filter(img1, window, pad=window_size // 2, channel=channel)
    mu2 = gaussian_filter(img2, window, pad=window_size // 2, channel=channel)

    mu1_sq = F.square(mu1)
    mu2_sq = F.square(mu2)
    mu1_mu2 = mu1 * mu2

    sigma1_sq = gaussian_filter(
        img1 * img1, window, pad=window_size // 2, channel=channel) - mu1_sq
    sigma2_sq = gaussian_filter(
        img2 * img2, window, pad=window_size // 2, channel=channel) - mu2_sq
    sigma12 = gaussian_filter(
        img1 * img2, window, pad=window_size // 2, channel=channel) - mu1_mu2

    C1 = (0.01 * data_range)**2
    C2 = (0.03 * data_range)**2

    ssim_map = ((2 * mu1_mu2 + C1) *
                (2 * sigma12 + C2)) / ((mu1_sq + mu2_sq + C1) *
                                       (sigma1_sq + sigma2_sq + C2))
    if size_average:
        return F.mean(ssim_map)
    return NotImplementedError()
Beispiel #10
        def _do_both(inputs):
            t, qvs, nqvs, result, mask, hopeful, terminate = inputs

            if terminate or mask != 1:
                return None, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, True

            action = int(F.argmax(qvs).data)
            # if action == 1:
            #     terminate = True

            reward = [0, 0]
            if result == 1:
                reward[1] = self.r_correct
                reward[1] = self.r_rush if hopeful else self.r_wrong
            if t == length - 1 and hopeful:
                reward[0] = self.r_late
            nqv = F.max(nqvs).data
            loss = F.square(reward[0] + 0.3 * nqv - qvs[0])
            loss += F.square(reward[1] - qvs[1])

            r = 0
            if action == 1:
                r = 10 if result == 1 else -5
            r_hope = r if hopeful else 0
            correct = int(action and result == 1)
            rush = 1 if (result != 1 and action and hopeful) else 0
            late = 1 if (t == length - 1 and not action and hopeful) else 0
            return loss, r, r_hope, action, correct, rush, late, terminate
Beispiel #11
    def _lossfun(self, entropy, vs_pred, log_probs, vs_pred_old, log_probs_old,
                 advs, vs_teacher):

        prob_ratio = F.exp(log_probs - log_probs_old)

        loss_policy = -F.mean(
                prob_ratio * advs,
                F.clip(prob_ratio, 1 - self.clip_eps, 1 + self.clip_eps) *

        if self.clip_eps_vf is None:
            loss_value_func = F.mean_squared_error(vs_pred, vs_teacher)
            loss_value_func = F.mean(
                    F.square(vs_pred - vs_teacher),
                        _elementwise_clip(vs_pred, vs_pred_old -
                                          self.clip_eps_vf, vs_pred_old +
                                          self.clip_eps_vf) - vs_teacher)))
        loss_entropy = -F.mean(entropy)


        loss = (loss_policy + self.value_func_coef * loss_value_func +
                self.entropy_coef * loss_entropy)

        return loss
    def __fit_one(self, link, content4_2, style3_2,style4_2):
        xp = self.xp
        layer3_2,layer4_2 = self.model(link.x)
        if self.keep_color:
            #trans_layers = self.model(util.gray(link.x))
            print "don't keep color!"
        loss_info = []
        loss = Variable(xp.zeros((), dtype=np.float32))
        #layer = layers[name]
        content_loss = self.content_weight * F.mean_squared_error(layer4_2, Variable(content4_2))
        loss_info.append(('content_', float(
        loss += content_loss

        style_patch, style_patch_norm =  style3_2
        near,size,size2 = util.nearest_neighbor_patch(layer3_2, style_patch, style_patch_norm)
        style_loss = self.style_weight * (F.sum(F.square(layer3_2))*size2/size-2*F.sum(near)/size) 
        loss_info.append(('style_', float(
        style_patch, style_patch_norm =  style4_2
        near,size,size2 = util.nearest_neighbor_patch(layer4_2, style_patch, style_patch_norm)
        style_loss = self.style_weight *1.5* (F.sum(F.square(layer4_2))*size2/size-2*F.sum(near)/size) 
        loss_info.append(('style_', float(
        loss+= style_loss

        tv_loss = self.tv_weight * util.total_variation(link.x)
        loss_info.append(('tv', float(
        return loss_info
Beispiel #13
    def forward(self, x, stage):
            for alpha in [0, 1), and 2*k+2 + alpha < self.max_stage (-1 <= k <= ...):
            stage 0 + alpha       : p <-        block[0] <- in[0] * 1
            stage 2*k+1 + alpha   : p <- ... <- block[k] <- (up <- in[k]) * (1 - alpha)
                                    .................... <- (block[k+1] <- in[k+1]) * (alpha)
            stage 2*k+2 + alpha   : p <- ............... <- (block[k+1] <- in[k+1]) * 1
            over flow stages continues.
        stage = min(stage, self.max_stage - 1e-8)
        alpha = stage - math.floor(stage)
        stage = math.floor(stage)

        h = x
        if stage % 2 == 0:
            k = (stage - 2) // 2
            h = F.leaky_relu(self.ins[k + 1](h))
            for i in reversed(range(0, (k + 1) + 1)):  # k+1 .. 0
                h = self.blocks[i](h)
            k = (stage - 1) // 2

            h_0 = F.leaky_relu(self.ins[k](downscale2x(h)))
            h_1 = self.blocks[k + 1](F.leaky_relu(self.ins[k + 1](x)))
            assert 0. <= alpha < 1.
            h = (1.0 - alpha) * h_0 + alpha * h_1

            for i in reversed(range(0, k + 1)):  # k .. 0
                h = self.blocks[i](h)

        inv_norm = F.rsqrt(
            F.square(h[:, -9:-6]) + F.square(h[:, -6:-3]) + 1e-8)
        camera_param = F.concat(
            [h[:, -9:-6] * inv_norm, h[:, -6:-3] * inv_norm, h[:, -3:]])
        return h[:, :-9], camera_param
Beispiel #14
 def calc_2d_normal(x1, x2, mu1, mu2, s1, s2, rho):
     norm1 = F.broadcast_to(x1, mu1.shape) - mu1
     norm2 = F.broadcast_to(x2, mu2.shape) - mu2
     s1s2 = s1 * s2
     z = F.square(norm1 / s1) + F.square(norm2 / s2) - 2 * rho * norm1 * norm2 / s1s2
     neg_rho = 1 - F.square(rho)
     return F.exp(-z / (2 * neg_rho)) / (2 * np.pi * s1s2 * F.sqrt(neg_rho))
Beispiel #15
def color_adjust(x, args):
    if args.iter % args.save_intervel == 0:
        save_result(x, args)
    args.iter += 1
    # Input for VGG
    x_vgg = np.asarray(np.reshape(x, args.shape), dtype=np.float32)
    x_vgg_var = Variable(chainer.dataset.concat_examples([x_vgg], args.gpu))

    # Poisson loss
    poisson_loss = F.sum(
        F.square(args.content_laplace -
                 F.convolution_2d(x_vgg_var, W=args.W_laplace, pad=1)) *

    # tv loss
    tv_loss = total_variation(x_vgg_var)

    # Content loss
    content_loss = F.sum(
        F.square((args.bg_var - x_vgg_var) * args.inverse_mask_var))

    loss = args.poisson_weight * poisson_loss + args.tv_weight * tv_loss + args.content_weight * content_loss

    # Backward
    # Transfer loss & diff from GPU to CPU
    loss = cuda.to_cpu(
    dx = np.squeeze(cuda.to_cpu(x_vgg_var.grad))

    return loss, np.asarray(dx.flatten(), dtype=np.float64)
Beispiel #16
def compute_tv_loss(images, masks):
    # s1 = cf.absolute(images[:, :, 1:, :-1] - images[:, :, :-1, :-1])
    # s2 = cf.absolute(images[:, :, :-1, 1:] - images[:, :, :-1, :-1])
    s1 = cf.square(images[:, :, 1:, :-1] - images[:, :, :-1, :-1])
    s2 = cf.square(images[:, :, :-1, 1:] - images[:, :, :-1, :-1])
    masks = cf.broadcast_to(masks[:, None, :-1, :-1], s1.shape)
    masks = == 1
    return cf.sum(masks * (s1 + s2))
Beispiel #17
    def __call__(self, x, mask):

        y = self.fwd(x)
        sum_0 = F.sum(y)
        prod_0 =
        loss = (F.sum(F.square((y * mask) - x)) + F.square(sum_0 - 45.))
        #F.log(F.square(prod_0 - 362880.) + 1e-8))
        return loss
Beispiel #18
 def loss_dis(self, dis, y_fake, y_real):
     batchsize = len(y_fake)
     L1 = F.sum(F.square(y_real - 1.))   # F.sum(F.softplus(-y_real)) / batchsize
     L2 = F.sum(F.square(y_fake))        # F.sum(F.softplus(y_fake)) / batchsize
     loss = (L1 + L2) / batchsize
 {'loss': loss}, dis)
     return loss
Beispiel #19
 def _margin_loss(self, x, t, m_plus=0.9, m_minus=0.1, l=0.5):
     batchsize = x.shape[0]
     t_discreted = self.xp.zeros(x.shape, dtype="float32")
     t_discreted[self.xp.arange(batchsize), t] = 1.
     L_present = t_discreted * F.square(F.relu(m_plus - x))
     L_absent = (1. - t_discreted) * F.square(F.relu(x - m_minus))
     L = L_present + l * L_absent
     return F.mean(F.sum(L, axis=-1))
Beispiel #20
    def _gaussian_kl_divergence(self, p, q):
        p_mean = p[0][:Z_DIM]
        p_logstd = p[0][Z_DIM:]
        p_var = F.square(F.exp(p_logstd))
        q_mean = q[0][:Z_DIM]
        q_logstd = q[0][Z_DIM:]
        q_var = F.square(F.exp(q_logstd))

        kl = (F.log(q_var / p_var) +
              (p_var + F.square(p_mean - q_mean)) / q_var - 1) * 0.5
        return F.sum(kl)
Beispiel #21
 def __call__(self, d_x_gen, d_x_real=None):
     bs_d_x_gen = d_x_gen.shape[0]
     if d_x_real is not None:
         bs_d_x_real = d_x_real.shape[0]
         loss = F.sum(F.square(d_x_real - 1)) / bs_d_x_real /2 \
                + F.sum(F.square(d_x_gen)) / bs_d_x_gen / 2
         return loss
         loss = F.sum(F.square(d_x_gen - 1)) / bs_d_x_gen / 2
         return loss
Beispiel #22
 def forward(self, z):
     camera_param =
     # normalize to cos**2+sin**2=1
     inv_norm = F.rsqrt(
         F.square(camera_param[:, :3]) + F.square(camera_param[:, 3:6]) +
     camera_param = F.concat([
         camera_param[:, :3] * inv_norm, camera_param[:, 3:6] * inv_norm,
         camera_param[:, 6:]
     return camera_param
Beispiel #23
    def __call__(self, d_x_gen, d_x_real=None):
        bs_d_x_gen = d_x_gen.shape[0]
        if d_x_real is not None:
            bs_d_x_real = d_x_real.shape[0]
            loss = F.sum(F.square(d_x_real - 1)) / bs_d_x_real /2 \
                   + F.sum(F.square(d_x_gen)) / bs_d_x_gen / 2
            return loss

            loss = F.sum(F.square(d_x_gen - 1)) / bs_d_x_gen / 2
            return loss
Beispiel #24
 def obtain_loss(self, lambda_val, P1, W1, X, P2, W2, Y, A, R, alpha, beta):
     loss = 0
     loss += lambda_val * F.sum(
         F.square(F.matmul(P1, F.transpose(self.u.W)) - F.matmul(W1, X)))
     loss += lambda_val * F.sum(
         F.square(F.matmul(P2, F.transpose(self.v.W)) - F.matmul(W2, Y)))
     loss += alpha * F.sum(
         F.square(A * (R - F.matmul(self.u.W, F.transpose(self.v.W)))))
     loss += beta * (
         (F.sum(F.square(self.u.W)) + F.sum(F.square(self.v.W))))
     return loss
def edge_length_loss(vertices, faces):
    assert vertices.ndim == 3
    assert faces.ndim == 2

    v0 = vertices[:, faces[:, 0], :]  # [bs, nf, 3]
    v1 = vertices[:, faces[:, 1], :]
    v2 = vertices[:, faces[:, 2], :]
    l01 = cf.mean(cf.square(v0 - v1))
    l12 = cf.mean(cf.square(v1 - v2))
    l20 = cf.mean(cf.square(v2 - v0))
    return l01 + l12 + l20
Beispiel #26
 def chainer_2d_normal(self, x1, x2, mu1, mu2, s1, s2, rho):
     norm1 = x1 - mu1
     norm2 = x2 - mu2
     s1s2 = s1 * s2 + 1e-15
     eps = 1e-15
     z = F.square(norm1 / (s1 + eps)) + F.square(
         norm2 / (s2 + eps)) - 2 * (rho * norm1 * norm2) / s1s2
     neg_rho = 1 - F.square(rho) + 1e-15
     result = F.exp(-z / (2 * neg_rho))
     denom = (2 * np.pi) * s1s2 * F.sqrt(neg_rho) + 1e-15
     result /= denom
     return result
Beispiel #27
def get_loss(scene, googlenet, images, masks, lambda_length, without_mask):
    features = extract_feature(googlenet, images)
    if without_mask:
        loss = -cf.sum(cf.square(features))
        loss /= features.size
        scale = masks.shape[2] / features.shape[2]
        masks = cf.average_pooling_2d(masks[:, None, :, :], scale, scale)[:, 0, :, :]
        loss = -cf.sum(cf.square(features * cf.broadcast_to(masks[:, None, :, :], features.shape)))
        loss /= features.shape[0] * features.shape[1] * cf.sum(masks)
    for mesh in scene.mesh_list.values():
        loss += lambda_length * mesh.get_var_line_length_loss()
    return loss
        def loss_f_dict(c, c_char, c_feature, c_mask, q, q_char, q_feature, q_mask,
                        c_has_gloss, c_gloss, q_has_gloss, q_gloss, target):
            # rec_loss = 0
            start_scores, end_scores = self.forward(c, c_char, c_feature, c_mask, q, q_char, q_feature, q_mask)

            # start_losses = F.bernoulli_nll(start_scores, target[:, 0, 0].astype(self.xp.float32))
            # end_losses = F.bernoulli_nll(end_scores, target[:, 0, 1].astype(self.xp.float32))

            # start_losses = F.bernoulli_nll(target[:, 0, 0].astype(self.xp.float32), start_scores)
            # end_losses = F.bernoulli_nll(target[:, 0, 1].astype(self.xp.float32), end_scores)
            start_losses = self.neg_loglikelihood_fun(target[:, 0, 0], start_scores)

            end_losses = self.neg_loglikelihood_fun(target[:, 0, 1], end_scores, c_mask)

            rec_loss = start_losses + end_losses
            rl_loss = 0

            start_scores, end_scores = self.forward(c, c_char, c_feature, c_mask, q, q_char, q_feature, q_mask,
                                                    c_has_gloss, c_gloss, q_has_gloss, q_gloss)

            mle_loss = self.mle_loss_func(c, c_char, c_feature, c_mask, q, q_char, q_feature, q_mask, target,
                                          start_scores, end_scores)

            # if self.args.lambda_param != 1:
            if self.args.fine_tune:
                rl_loss = self.rl_loss_func(c, c_char, c_feature, c_mask, q, q_char, q_feature, q_mask, target,
                                            start_scores, end_scores)

            self.rec_loss = mle_loss
            # self.loss = self.args.lambda_param * mle_loss + (1 - self.args.lambda_param) * rl_loss
            if self.args.fine_tune:
                self.loss = mle_loss / (2 * F.square(self.sigma_a[0])) \
                            + rl_loss / (2 * F.square(self.sigma_b[0])) \
                            + F.log(F.square(self.sigma_a[0])) \
                            + F.log(F.square(self.sigma_b[0]))
                self.loss = mle_loss

            # computational graph
            if (self.args.dot_file is not None) and os.path.exists(self.args.dot_file) is False:
                g = CG.build_computational_graph((self.rec_loss,))
                with open(self.args.dot_file, 'w') as f:

                {'mle_loss': mle_loss, 'rl_loss': rl_loss, 'loss': self.loss}, observer=self)
            return self.loss
Beispiel #29
 def compute_double_q_learning_loss(self, l_obs, l_act, l_rew, l_next_obs,
     :param l_obs: A chainer variable holding a list of observations. Should be of shape N * |S|.
     :param l_act: A chainer variable holding a list of actions. Should be of shape N.
     :param l_rew: A chainer variable holding a list of rewards. Should be of shape N.
     :param l_next_obs: A chainer variable holding a list of observations at the next time step. Should be of
     shape N * |S|.
     :param l_done: A chainer variable holding a list of binary values (indicating whether episode ended after this
     time step). Should be of shape N.
     :return: A chainer variable holding a scalar loss.
     # Hint: You may want to make use of the following fields: self._discount, self._q, self._qt
     # Hint2: Q-function can be called by self._q.forward(argument)
     # Hint3: You might also find useful
     # loss = C.Variable(np.array([0.]))  # TODO: replace this line
     l_rew = F.cast(l_rew, np.float32)
     q_future = self._q.forward(l_next_obs)
     qt_future = self._qt.forward(l_next_obs)
     future_rew = l_rew + self._discount * F.select_item(
         qt_future, F.argmax(q_future, axis=1))
     target = F.select_item(F.stack([future_rew, l_rew], axis=1),
                            F.cast(l_done, np.int32))
     y = F.select_item(self._q.forward(l_obs), l_act)
     return F.mean(F.square(y - target))
Beispiel #30
    def compute_double_q_learning_loss(self, l_obs, l_act, l_rew, l_next_obs,
        :param l_obs: A chainer variable holding a list of observations. Should be of shape N * |S|.
        :param l_act: A chainer variable holding a list of actions. Should be of shape N.
        :param l_rew: A chainer variable holding a list of rewards. Should be of shape N.
        :param l_next_obs: A chainer variable holding a list of observations at the next time step. Should be of
        shape N * |S|.
        :param l_done: A chainer variable holding a list of binary values (indicating whether episode ended after this
        time step). Should be of shape N.
        :return: A chainer variable holding a scalar loss.
        # Hint: You may want to make use of the following fields: self._discount, self._q, self._qt
        # Hint2: Q-function can be called by self._q.forward(argument)
        # Hint3: You might also find
        # useful
        # loss = C.Variable(np.array([0.]))

        # compute target q value named y
        q_next = self._qt.forward(l_next_obs)
        a_next = F.argmax(self._q.forward(l_next_obs), axis=1)
        q_act_next = F.select_item(q_next, a_next)

        y = l_rew + self._discount * q_act_next * (1 - l_done)

        # compute mean square loss function
        q = self._q.forward(l_obs)
        q_act = F.select_item(q, l_act)

        loss = F.mean(F.square(q_act - y))

        return loss
Beispiel #31
 def lf(frames):
     mu, ln_var = self.encode(frames)
     z = F.gaussian(mu, ln_var)
     frames_flat = F.reshape(
         (-1, frames.shape[1] * frames.shape[2] * frames.shape[3]))
     variational_flat = F.reshape(
         (-1, frames.shape[1] * frames.shape[2] * frames.shape[3]))
     rec_loss = F.sum(F.square(frames_flat - variational_flat),
                      axis=1)  # l2 reconstruction loss
     rec_loss = F.mean(rec_loss)
     kl_loss = F.sum(F.gaussian_kl_divergence(mu, ln_var, reduce="no"),
     if self._cpu:
         kl_tolerance = np.asarray(self.kl_tolerance *
         kl_tolerance = cp.asarray(self.kl_tolerance *
     kl_loss = F.maximum(kl_loss,
                         F.broadcast_to(kl_tolerance, kl_loss.shape))
     kl_loss = F.mean(kl_loss)
     loss = rec_loss + kl_loss{'loss': loss}, observer=self){'kl_loss': kl_loss}, observer=self){'rec_loss': rec_loss}, observer=self)
     return loss
Beispiel #32
def compute_weighted_value_loss(y,
    """Compute a loss for value prediction problem.

        y (Variable or ndarray): Predicted values.
        t (Variable or ndarray): Target values.
        weights (ndarray): Weights for y, t.
        clip_delta (bool): Use the Huber loss function if set True.
        batch_accumulator (str): 'mean' will devide loss by batchsize
        (Variable) scalar loss
    assert batch_accumulator in ('mean', 'sum')
    y = F.reshape(y, (-1, 1))
    t = F.reshape(t, (-1, 1))
    if clip_delta:
        losses = F.huber_loss(y, t, delta=1.0)
        losses = F.square(y - t) / 2
    losses = F.reshape(losses, (-1, ))
    loss_sum = F.sum(losses * weights)
    if batch_accumulator == 'mean':
        loss = loss_sum / y.shape[0]
    elif batch_accumulator == 'sum':
        loss = loss_sum
    return loss
 def f_loss_grad(x):
     set_flat_params(self, x)
     values = self.compute_baselines(obs)
     loss = F.mean(F.square(values - targets))
     flat_grad = get_flat_grad(self)
     return, flat_grad.astype(np.float64)
def _smooth_l1_loss(x, t, in_weight, sigma):
    sigma2 = sigma ** 2
    diff = in_weight * (x - t)
    abs_diff = F.absolute(diff)
    flag = (abs_diff.array < (1. / sigma2)).astype(np.float32)

    y = (flag * (sigma2 / 2.) * F.square(diff) +
         (1 - flag) * (abs_diff - 0.5 / sigma2))

    return F.sum(y)
    def logli(self, a):
        a = F.cast(a, np.float32)
        # transform back to standard normal
        zs = (a - self.means) * F.exp(-self.log_stds)

        # density of standard normal: f(z) = (2*pi*det|Σ|)^(-n/2) * exp(-|x|^2/2)
        # the return value should be log f(z)
        return - F.sum(self.log_stds, axis=-1) - \
            0.5 * F.sum(F.square(zs), axis=-1) - \
            0.5 * self.means.shape[-1] * np.log(2 * np.pi)
Beispiel #36
 def __call__(self, h):
     if len(h.shape) != 4:
         return 0
     # (b, c, h, w) -> (b, h, w, c) -> (b, h*w, c)
     h = F.transpose(h, (0, 2, 3, 1))
     shape = h.shape
     b, n, c =  shape[0], shape[1]*shape[2], shape[3]
     h = F.reshape(h, (b, n, c))
     s = 0
     xp = cuda.get_array_module(
     I_ = xp.identity(n)
     I_ = Variable(to_device(I_, device))
     for h_ in h:
         s += F.sum(F.square(F.linear(h_, h_) - I_))
     l = s / (b * n * c)
     return l
    def kl_div(self, other):
        Given the distribution parameters of two diagonal multivariate Gaussians, compute their KL divergence (vectorized)


        In general, for two n-dimensional distributions, we have

        D_KL(N1||N2) = 1/2 ( tr(Σ_2^{-1}Σ_1) + (μ_2 - μ_1)^T Σ_2^{-1} (μ_2 - μ_1) - n + ln(det(Σ_2) / det(Σ_1)) )

        Here, Σ_1 and Σ_2 are diagonal. Hence this equation can be simplified. In terms of the parameters of this method,

            - ln(det(Σ_2) / det(Σ_1)) = sum(2 * (log_stds_2 - log_stds_1), axis=-1)

            - (μ_2 - μ_1)^T Σ_2^{-1} (μ_2 - μ_1) = sum((means_1 - means_2)^2 / vars_2, axis=-1)

            - tr(Σ_2^{-1}Σ_1) = sum(vars_1 / vars_2, axis=-1)


            - vars_1 = exp(2 * log_stds_1)

            - vars_2 = exp(2 * log_stds_2)

        Combined together, we have

        D_KL(N1||N2) = 1/2 ( tr(Σ_2^{-1}Σ_1) + (μ_2 - μ_1)^T Σ_2^{-1} (μ_2 - μ_1) - n + ln(det(Σ_2) / det(Σ_1)) )
                     = sum(1/2 * ((vars_1 - vars_2) / vars_2 + (means_1 - means_2)^2 / vars_2 + 2 * (log_stds_2 - log_stds_1)), axis=-1)
                     = sum( ((means_1 - means_2)^2 + vars_1 - vars_2) / (2 * vars_2) + (log_stds_2 - log_stds_1)), axis=-1)

        :param means_1: List of mean parameters of the first distribution
        :param log_stds_1: List of log standard deviation parameters of the first distribution
        :param means_2: List of mean parameters of the second distribution
        :param log_stds_2: List of log standard deviation parameters of the second distribution
        :return: An array of KL divergences.

        vars = F.exp(2 * self.log_stds)
        other_vars = F.exp(2 * other.log_stds)

        return F.sum((F.square(self.means - other.means) + vars - other_vars) /
                     (2 * other_vars + 1e-8) + other.log_stds - self.log_stds, axis=-1)
Beispiel #38
 def __call__(self):
     self.renderer.eye = neural_renderer.get_points_from_angles(2.732, 0, np.random.uniform(0, 360))
     image = self.renderer.render(self.vertices, self.faces, cf.tanh(self.textures))
     loss = cf.sum(cf.square(image - self.image_ref.transpose((2, 0, 1))[None, :, :, :]))
     return loss
Beispiel #39
 def __call__(self):
     image = self.renderer.render_silhouettes(self.vertices, self.faces)
     loss = cf.sum(cf.square(image - self.image_ref[None, :, :]))
     return loss