def alltoall(self, xs):
        """A primitive of inter-process all-to-all function.

        This method tries to invoke all-to-all communication within the
        communicator. All processes in the communicator are expected to
        invoke ``alltoall()``. This method relies on mpi4py fast communication
        optimized for numpy arrays, as well as ``send()`` and ``recv()``.

        If ``xs`` is numpy array, the returned array will also be allocated
        as numpy array. Additionally, when ``xs`` is cupy array, the returned
        array will be placed at current device
        regardless of which device the argument is placed at remote nodes.

            xs (tuple of numpy/cupy array)

            ys (tuple of numpy/cupy array):
                Received arrays. The length of tuple equals to
                the communicator size.

        if len(xs) != self.size:
            raise ValueError(
                'The length of data must be same as communicator size.')

        # Type check.
        msgtypes = [_MessageType(x) for x in xs]
        for msgtype in msgtypes:
            _check_dtype('alltoall', msgtype)
        send_msgtype = msgtypes[0]

        msgtypes = self.mpi_comm.alltoall(msgtypes)
        recv_msgtype = msgtypes[0]

        # Collective communication.
        slens = [x.size for x in xs]
        xp = chainer.backend.get_array_module(*xs)
        sbuf = xp.hstack([x.reshape(-1) for x in xs])
        shapes = [msgtype.shapes[0] for msgtype in msgtypes]
        rlens = [chainer.utils.size_of_shape(s) for s in shapes]
        rbuf = xp.empty([sum(rlens)], dtype=msgtype.dtype)
        if xp is not numpy:
            sbuf = _memory_utility.get_device_memory_pointer(sbuf)
            [sbuf, (slens, _cnt_to_dsp(slens)), _get_mpi_type(send_msgtype)],
             (rlens, _cnt_to_dsp(rlens)), _get_mpi_type(recv_msgtype)])
        ys = [rbuf[i:i + l].reshape(s)
              for i, l, s in zip(_cnt_to_dsp(rlens), rlens, shapes)]

        return tuple(ys)
    def alltoall(self, xs):
        """A primitive of inter-process all-to-all function.

        This method tries to invoke all-to-all communication within the
        communicator. All processes in the communicator are expected to
        invoke ``alltoall()``. This method relies on mpi4py fast communication
        optimized for numpy arrays, as well as ``send()`` and ``recv()``.

        If ``xs`` is numpy array, the returned array will also be allocated
        as numpy array. Additionally, when ``xs`` is cupy array, the returned
        array will be placed at current device
        regardless of which device the argument is placed at remote nodes.

            xs (tuple of numpy/cupy array)

            ys (tuple of numpy/cupy array):
                Received arrays. The length of tuple equals to
                the communicator size.

        if len(xs) != self.size:
            raise ValueError(
                'The length of data must be same as communicator size.')

        # Type check.
        msgtypes = [_MessageType(x) for x in xs]
        for msgtype in msgtypes:
            _check_dtype('alltoall', msgtype)
        send_msgtype = msgtypes[0]

        msgtypes = self.mpi_comm.alltoall(msgtypes)
        recv_msgtype = msgtypes[0]

        # Collective communication.
        slens = [x.size for x in xs]
        xp = chainer.backend.get_array_module(*xs)
        sbuf = xp.hstack([x.reshape(-1) for x in xs])
        shapes = [msgtype.shapes[0] for msgtype in msgtypes]
        rlens = [chainer.utils.size_of_shape(s) for s in shapes]
        rbuf = xp.empty([sum(rlens)], dtype=msgtype.dtype)
        if xp is not numpy:
            sbuf = _memory_utility.get_device_memory_pointer(sbuf)
            [sbuf, (slens, _cnt_to_dsp(slens)), _get_mpi_type(send_msgtype)],
             (rlens, _cnt_to_dsp(rlens)), _get_mpi_type(recv_msgtype)])
        ys = [rbuf[i:i + l].reshape(s)
              for i, l, s in zip(_cnt_to_dsp(rlens), rlens, shapes)]

        return tuple(ys)
    def allgather(self, x):

        msgtype = _MessageType(x)
        _check_dtype('allgather', msgtype)

        msgtypes = self.mpi_comm.allgather(msgtype)

        # Type check.
        for msgtype in msgtypes:
            if msgtype.is_tuple:
                raise TypeError('allgather cannot handle tuple data')

            assert len(msgtype.shapes) == 1

        # Collective communication.
        xp = chainer.backend.get_array_module(x)
        shapes = [msgtype.shapes[0] for msgtype in msgtypes]
        sbuf = _memory_utility.array_to_buffer_object(
            x, _get_mpi_type(msgtype))
        rlens = [chainer.utils.size_of_shape(s) for s in shapes]
        rbuf = xp.empty([sum(rlens)], dtype=msgtype.dtype)
        if xp is not numpy:
             (rlens, _cnt_to_dsp(rlens)), _get_mpi_type(msgtype)])
        ys = [rbuf[i:i + l].reshape(s)
              for i, l, s in zip(_cnt_to_dsp(rlens), rlens, shapes)]

        return tuple(ys)
    def allgather(self, x):

        msgtype = _MessageType(x)
        _check_dtype('allgather', msgtype)

        msgtypes = self.mpi_comm.allgather(msgtype)

        # Type check.
        for msgtype in msgtypes:
            if msgtype.is_tuple:
                raise TypeError('allgather cannot handle tuple data')

            assert len(msgtype.shapes) == 1

        # Collective communication.
        xp = chainer.backend.get_array_module(x)
        shapes = [msgtype.shapes[0] for msgtype in msgtypes]
        sbuf = _memory_utility.array_to_buffer_object(
            x, _get_mpi_type(msgtype))
        rlens = [chainer.utils.size_of_shape(s) for s in shapes]
        rbuf = xp.empty([sum(rlens)], dtype=msgtype.dtype)
        if xp is not numpy:
             (rlens, _cnt_to_dsp(rlens)), _get_mpi_type(msgtype)])
        ys = [rbuf[i:i + l].reshape(s)
              for i, l, s in zip(_cnt_to_dsp(rlens), rlens, shapes)]

        return tuple(ys)
    def send(self, data, dest, tag):
        """A primitive for inter-process transmitter.

        This method sends numpy-array to target process.
        The target process is expected to invoke ``recv()``.
        This method relies on mpi4py fast communication optimized for
        numpy arrays, which discards any information attached to
        chainer.Variable objects. Please be sure.

            data: data to be sent (tuple, list or raw numpy/cupy array)
            dest (int): Target process specifier.
            tag (int): Message ID (MPI feature).


        msgtype = _MessageType(data)
        _check_dtype('send', msgtype)

        """We use ssend() instead of send() to pass unittests.
        If we don't use it, an error occurs in
        when using MVAPICH2-2.2 and GPUs.
        self.mpi_comm.ssend(msgtype, dest=dest, tag=tag)

        # Type check.
        if not msgtype.is_tuple:
            data = [data]

        for array in data:
            if numpy.float16 == array.dtype:
                array = array.astype(numpy.float32)

            if chainer.backend.get_array_module(array) is not numpy:
                array = (_memory_utility.get_device_memory_pointer(array),

                array = numpy.ascontiguousarray(array)

            """We use Ssend() for the same reason as using ssend()."""
            self.mpi_comm.Ssend(array, dest=dest, tag=tag)
    def send(self, data, dest, tag):
        """A primitive for inter-process transmitter.

        This method sends numpy-array to target process.
        The target process is expected to invoke ``recv()``.
        This method relies on mpi4py fast communication optimized for
        numpy arrays, which discards any information attached to
        chainer.Variable objects. Please be sure.

            data: data to be sent (tuple, list or raw numpy/cupy array)
            dest (int): Target process specifier.
            tag (int): Message ID (MPI feature).


        msgtype = _MessageType(data)
        _check_dtype('send', msgtype)

        """We use ssend() instead of send() to pass unittests.
        If we don't use it, an error occurs in
        when using MVAPICH2-2.2 and GPUs.
        self.mpi_comm.ssend(msgtype, dest=dest, tag=tag)

        # Type check.
        if not msgtype.is_tuple:
            data = [data]

        for array in data:
            if numpy.float16 == array.dtype:
                array = array.astype(numpy.float32)

            if chainer.backend.get_array_module(array) is not numpy:
                array = (_memory_utility.get_device_memory_pointer(array),

                array = numpy.ascontiguousarray(array)

            """We use Ssend() for the same reason as using ssend()."""
            self.mpi_comm.Ssend(array, dest=dest, tag=tag)
    def scatter(self, xs, root=0):
        """A primitive of inter-process scatter communication.

        This method tries to invoke scatter communication within the
        communicator. All processes in the communicator are expected to
        invoke ``scatter()``. This method relies on mpi4py fast communication
        optimized for numpy arrays, as well as ``send()`` and ``recv()``.

        If ``xs`` is tuple, each element is send to different processes.
        The length of the tuple must be the same as the communicator size.
        If ``xs`` is ``numpy.ndarrray``, it is splitted with the first
        axis and sent to different processes. For slave processes, ``xs``
        is allowed to be any value (will be ignored).

        If ``scatter()`` is invoked with cupy array in the root process,
        the returned array will be placed at current device
        regardless of which device the argument is placed at remote nodes.

            xs (tuple of numpy/cupy array): Arrays to be scattered.
            root (int): Rank of root process.

            ys (numpy/cupy array): Received arrays.

        is_master = self.mpi_comm.rank == root

        if is_master:
            # Type check.
            msgtype = _MessageType(xs)
            _check_dtype('scatter', msgtype)

            if msgtype.is_tuple:
                if len(msgtype.shapes) != self.size:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'the length of xs must be consistent '
                        'with communicator size')

                xp = chainer.backend.get_array_module(*xs)
                msgtype = tuple([_MessageType(x) for x in xs])
                shapes = [mty.shapes[0] for mty in msgtype]
                # concatenate([x.reshape(-1) ... ], axis=0) will fail
                xs = xp.concatenate([x.reshape(1, -1) for x in xs], axis=1)

                assert len(msgtype.shapes) == 1

                if msgtype.shapes[0][0] != self.mpi_comm.size:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'scatter received inconsistent number of inputs '
                        'with communicator size')

                xp = chainer.backend.get_array_module(xs)
                msgtype = tuple([_MessageType(xs[0])
                                 for _ in range(self.size)])
                shapes = [xs.shape[1:] for _ in range(self.size)]

            msgtype = self.mpi_comm.scatter(msgtype, root)
            shape = msgtype.shapes[0]

            # Collective communication.
            slens = [chainer.utils.size_of_shape(s) for s in shapes]
            sbuf = _memory_utility.get_device_memory_pointer(xs)
            rbuf = xp.empty(
                [chainer.utils.size_of_shape(shape)], dtype=msgtype.dtype)
            rtype = _get_mpi_type(msgtype)
            if xp is not numpy:

                [sbuf, (slens, _cnt_to_dsp(slens)), _get_mpi_type(msgtype)],
                _memory_utility.array_to_buffer_object(rbuf, rtype), root)

            return rbuf.reshape(shape)

        else:  # slave processes
            msgtypes = self.mpi_comm.scatter(None, root)
            xp = msgtypes.get_array_module()
            shape = msgtypes.shapes[0]
            rbuf = xp.empty(
                [chainer.utils.size_of_shape(shape)], dtype=msgtypes.dtype)
            rtype = _get_mpi_type(msgtypes)
                _memory_utility.array_to_buffer_object(rbuf, rtype),
            return rbuf.reshape(shape)
    def gather(self, x, root=0):
        """A primitive of inter-process gather communication.

        This method tries to invoke gather communication within the
        communicator. All processes in the communicator are expected to
        invoke ``gather()``. This method relies on mpi4py fast communication
        optimized for numpy arrays, as well as ``send()`` and ``recv()``.

        If ``x`` is numpy array, the received data will also be allocated
        as numpy array. Additionally, when ``x`` is cupy array, the returned
        array will be placed at current device
        regardless of which device the argument is placed at remote nodes.

            x (numpy/cupy array): Array to be gathered.
            root (int): Rank of root process.

            ys (tuple of numpy/cupy array):
                Received arrays. ``None`` for non-root processes.

        is_master = self.mpi_comm.rank == root

        msgtype = _MessageType(x)
        _check_dtype('gather', msgtype)

        msgtypes = self.mpi_comm.gather(msgtype, root)

        if is_master:

            for msgtype in msgtypes:
                if msgtype.is_tuple:
                    raise TypeError('gather cannot handle tuple data')

                assert len(msgtype.shapes) == 1

            xp = chainer.backend.get_array_module(x)
            sbuf = _memory_utility.array_to_buffer_object(
                x, _get_mpi_type(msgtype))
            shapes = [mty.shapes[0] for mty in msgtypes]
            rlens = [chainer.utils.size_of_shape(s) for s in shapes]
            rbuf = xp.empty([sum(rlens)], dtype=msgtype.dtype)

            if xp is not numpy:

                 (rlens, _cnt_to_dsp(rlens)), _get_mpi_type(msgtype)],

            ys = [rbuf[i:i + l].reshape(s)
                  for i, l, s in zip(_cnt_to_dsp(rlens), rlens, shapes)]
            return tuple(ys)

            sbuf = _memory_utility.array_to_buffer_object(
                x, _get_mpi_type(msgtype))
            self.mpi_comm.Gatherv(sbuf, None, root)
            return None
    def scatter(self, xs, root=0):
        """A primitive of inter-process scatter communication.

        This method tries to invoke scatter communication within the
        communicator. All processes in the communicator are expected to
        invoke ``scatter()``. This method relies on mpi4py fast communication
        optimized for numpy arrays, as well as ``send()`` and ``recv()``.

        If ``xs`` is tuple, each element is send to different processes.
        The length of the tuple must be the same as the communicator size.
        If ``xs`` is ``numpy.ndarrray``, it is splitted with the first
        axis and sent to different processes. For slave processes, ``xs``
        is allowed to be any value (will be ignored).

        If ``scatter()`` is invoked with cupy array in the root process,
        the returned array will be placed at current device
        regardless of which device the argument is placed at remote nodes.

            xs (tuple of numpy/cupy array): Arrays to be scattered.
            root (int): Rank of root process.

            ys (numpy/cupy array): Received arrays.

        is_master = self.mpi_comm.rank == root

        if is_master:
            # Type check.
            msgtype = _MessageType(xs)
            _check_dtype('scatter', msgtype)

            if msgtype.is_tuple:
                if len(msgtype.shapes) != self.size:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'the length of xs must be consistent '
                        'with communicator size')

                xp = chainer.backend.get_array_module(*xs)
                msgtype = tuple([_MessageType(x) for x in xs])
                shapes = [mty.shapes[0] for mty in msgtype]
                # concatenate([x.reshape(-1) ... ], axis=0) will fail
                xs = xp.concatenate([x.reshape(1, -1) for x in xs], axis=1)

                assert len(msgtype.shapes) == 1

                if msgtype.shapes[0][0] != self.mpi_comm.size:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'scatter received inconsistent number of inputs '
                        'with communicator size')

                xp = chainer.backend.get_array_module(xs)
                msgtype = tuple([_MessageType(xs[0])
                                 for _ in range(self.size)])
                shapes = [xs.shape[1:] for _ in range(self.size)]

            msgtype = self.mpi_comm.scatter(msgtype, root)
            shape = msgtype.shapes[0]

            # Collective communication.
            slens = [chainer.utils.size_of_shape(s) for s in shapes]
            sbuf = _memory_utility.get_device_memory_pointer(xs)
            rbuf = xp.empty(
                [chainer.utils.size_of_shape(shape)], dtype=msgtype.dtype)
            rtype = _get_mpi_type(msgtype)
            if xp is not numpy:

                [sbuf, (slens, _cnt_to_dsp(slens)), _get_mpi_type(msgtype)],
                _memory_utility.array_to_buffer_object(rbuf, rtype), root)

            return rbuf.reshape(shape)

        else:  # slave processes
            msgtypes = self.mpi_comm.scatter(None, root)
            xp = msgtypes.get_array_module()
            shape = msgtypes.shapes[0]
            rbuf = xp.empty(
                [chainer.utils.size_of_shape(shape)], dtype=msgtypes.dtype)
            rtype = _get_mpi_type(msgtypes)
                _memory_utility.array_to_buffer_object(rbuf, rtype),
            return rbuf.reshape(shape)
Beispiel #10
    def gather(self, x, root=0):
        """A primitive of inter-process gather communication.

        This method tries to invoke gather communication within the
        communicator. All processes in the communicator are expected to
        invoke ``gather()``. This method relies on mpi4py fast communication
        optimized for numpy arrays, as well as ``send()`` and ``recv()``.

        If ``x`` is numpy array, the received data will also be allocated
        as numpy array. Additionally, when ``x`` is cupy array, the returned
        array will be placed at current device
        regardless of which device the argument is placed at remote nodes.

            x (numpy/cupy array): Array to be gathered.
            root (int): Rank of root process.

            ys (tuple of numpy/cupy array):
                Received arrays. ``None`` for non-root processes.

        is_master = self.mpi_comm.rank == root

        msgtype = _MessageType(x)
        _check_dtype('gather', msgtype)

        msgtypes = self.mpi_comm.gather(msgtype, root)

        if is_master:

            for msgtype in msgtypes:
                if msgtype.is_tuple:
                    raise TypeError('gather cannot handle tuple data')

                assert len(msgtype.shapes) == 1

            xp = chainer.backend.get_array_module(x)
            sbuf = _memory_utility.array_to_buffer_object(
                x, _get_mpi_type(msgtype))
            shapes = [mty.shapes[0] for mty in msgtypes]
            rlens = [chainer.utils.size_of_shape(s) for s in shapes]
            rbuf = xp.empty([sum(rlens)], dtype=msgtype.dtype)

            if xp is not numpy:

                 (rlens, _cnt_to_dsp(rlens)), _get_mpi_type(msgtype)],

            ys = [rbuf[i:i + l].reshape(s)
                  for i, l, s in zip(_cnt_to_dsp(rlens), rlens, shapes)]
            return tuple(ys)

            sbuf = _memory_utility.array_to_buffer_object(
                x, _get_mpi_type(msgtype))
            self.mpi_comm.Gatherv(sbuf, None, root)
            return None