Beispiel #1
def decryptMAABE(readFileGP, readFileUserSecretKey, readFileCipherText):
    pickleFileGP = pickleLoad(readFileGP)
    gp = byToOb(pickleFileGP)
    gp.update({'H': H, 'F': F})

    pickleFileUserSecretKey = pickleLoad(readFileUserSecretKey)
    sk = byToOb(pickleFileUserSecretKey)

    pickleFileCipherText = pickleLoad(readFileCipherText)
    ct = byToOb(pickleFileCipherText)

    policy = util.createPolicy(ct['policy'])
    coefficients = util.getCoefficients(policy)
    pruned_list = util.prune(policy, sk['keys'].keys())

    if not pruned_list:
        raise Exception(
            "You don't have the required attributes for decryption!")

    B = group.init(GT, 1)
    for i in range(len(pruned_list)):
        x = pruned_list[i].getAttribute()  # without the underscore
        y = pruned_list[i].getAttributeAndIndex()  # with the underscore
        B *= (ct['C1'][y] * pair(ct['C2'][y], sk['keys'][x]['K']) *
              pair(ct['C3'][y], gp['H'](sk['GID'])) *
              pair(sk['keys'][x]['KP'], ct['C4'][y]))**coefficients[y]

    # print("SK:")
    # print(sk)
    print("Decrypted AES Key using MAABE:")
    print(ct['C0'] / B)
    return ct['C0'] / B
Beispiel #2
def predecrypt(pk, ik, ct):
    group = PairingGroup('SS512')
    util = SecretUtil(group, debug)
    w = pk['w']
    u = pk['u']
    S = ik['S'] #['THREE', 'ONE', 'TWO']
    K0 = ik['K0']
    K1 = ik['K1']
    Kj2 = ik['Ki2']
    Kj3 = ik['Ki3']
    C0 = ct['C0']
    Ci1 = ct['C_j_1']
    Ci2 = ct['C_j_2']
    Ci3 = ct['C_j_3']
    Ci4 = ct['C_j_4']
    Ci5 = ct['C_j_5']
    policy = util.createPolicy(ct['policy']) #((ONE or THREE) and (TWO or FOUR))
    print('policy in predecrypt===', policy)
    print('S in predecrypt===', S)
    pruned = util.prune(policy, S) #[ONE, TWO]
    if pruned is False:
        raise Exception('Prune error in pre-decrypt')
    wi = util.getCoefficients(policy) #{u'TWO': <pairing.Element>, u'FOUR': <pairing.Element>, u'THREE': <pairing.Element>, u'ONE': <pairing.Element>}

    eC0K0 = pair(C0,K0)
    ECi4wi = 0
    for each in pruned:
        i = each.getAttribute()
        ECi4wi += Ci4[i] * wi[i]
    ewECi4wiK1 = pair(w ** ECi4wi,K1)
    PIeCi1K1eCi2uCi5Kj2eCi3Kj3wi = 1
    for each in pruned:
        j = each.getAttributeAndIndex()
        i = each.getAttribute()
        eCi1K1 = pair(Ci1[i],K1)
        eCi2uCi5Kj2 = pair(Ci2[i] * (u ** -Ci5[i]), Kj2[j])
        eCi3Kj3 = pair(Ci3[i],Kj3[j])
        PIeCi1K1eCi2uCi5Kj2eCi3Kj3wi *= (eCi1K1 * eCi2uCi5Kj2 * eCi3Kj3) ** wi[i]

    return objectToBytes(eC0K0/(ewECi4wiK1 * PIeCi1K1eCi2uCi5Kj2eCi3Kj3wi), group)
Beispiel #3
 def setup(self):
     g = group.random(G1)
     p = group.random(G1)
     h = group.random(G1)
     u = group.random(G1)
     v = group.random(G1)
     w = group.random(G1)
     alpha = group.random()
     e_gg_alpha = pair(g,g) ** alpha
     pk = {'p':objectToBytes(p, group),
           'g':objectToBytes(g, group),
           'h':objectToBytes(h, group),
           'u':objectToBytes(u, group),
           'v':objectToBytes(v, group),
           'w':objectToBytes(w, group),
           'eggalpha':objectToBytes(e_gg_alpha, group)
     msk = {'pk':pk,
            'alpha':objectToBytes(alpha, group)}
     return {'pk':pk, 'msk':msk}
 def pair_prod(self, lhs, rhs):
     """takes two lists of G1 & G2 and computes a pairing product"""
     return pair(lhs, rhs, self.Pairing)
 def __randomGT(self):
     if not hasattr(self, 'gt'): = pair(self.random(G1), self.random(G2))
     z = self.random(ZR)
     return ** z
Beispiel #6
 def __randomGT(self):
     if not hasattr(self, 'gt'): = pair(self.random(G1), self.random(G2))
     z = self.random(ZR)
     return ** z
Beispiel #7
 def pair_prod(self, lhs, rhs):
     """takes two lists of G1 & G2 and computes a pairing product"""
     return pair(lhs, rhs, self.Pairing)
Beispiel #8
 def pair_prod(self, lhs, rhs):
     return pair(lhs, rhs, self.Pairing)
Beispiel #9
 def pair_prod(self, lhs, rhs):
     return pair(lhs, rhs, self.Pairing)
Beispiel #10
def setup():
    g1 = group.random(G1)
    g2 = group.random(G2)
    egg = pair(g1, g2)
    gpWithoutHF = {'g1': g1, 'g2': g2, 'egg': egg}
    return gpWithoutHF
Beispiel #11
    C0 = ct['C0']
    Ci1 = ct['C_j_1']
    Ci2 = ct['C_j_2']
    Ci3 = ct['C_j_3']
    Ci4 = ct['C_j_4']
    Ci5 = ct['C_j_5']
    policy = util.createPolicy(ct['policy']) #((ONE or THREE) and (TWO or FOUR))
    print('access policy of this file :', policy)
        pruned = util.prune(policy, S) #[ONE, TWO]
    except Exception,e:
        raise Exception('your attributes do not satisfy the policy!')

    wi = util.getCoefficients(policy) #return {u'TWO': <pairing.Element>, u'FOUR': <pairing.Element>, u'THREE': <pairing.Element>, u'ONE': <pairing.Element>}

    eC0K0 = pair(C0,K0)
    ECi4wi = 0
    for each in pruned:
        i = each.getAttribute()
        ECi4wi += Ci4[i] * wi[i]
    ewECi4wiK1 = pair(w ** ECi4wi,K1)
    PIeCi1K1eCi2uCi5Kj2eCi3Kj3wi = 1
    for each in pruned:
        j = each.getAttributeAndIndex()
        i = each.getAttribute()
        eCi1K1 = pair(Ci1[i],K1)
        eCi2uCi5Kj2 = pair(Ci2[i] * (u ** -Ci5[i]), Kj2[j])
        eCi3Kj3 = pair(Ci3[i],Kj3[j])
        PIeCi1K1eCi2uCi5Kj2eCi3Kj3wi *= (eCi1K1 * eCi2uCi5Kj2 * eCi3Kj3) ** wi[i]

    key_AES = (eC0K0/(ewECi4wiK1 * PIeCi1K1eCi2uCi5Kj2eCi3Kj3wi)) ** sk