def predictor(state, k, grammar):
        if k < len(string) and string[k] not in terminals:
        elif k >= len(string):
        rule, (i, dot_ix), parent_var, k, cur_tree = state.state
        parent_node = state.node

        rule = rule.split()

        if check_if_in_first(rule[dot_ix], nonterminals, terminals, first_set,
                             k, string):

        cur_cost = state.cost
        hrst = 0
        for ri, (next_rule, prob) in enumerate(grammar[rule[dot_ix]]):
            left_most = next_rule.split()[0].strip()

            if check_if_in_first(left_most, nonterminals, terminals, first_set,
                                 k, string):

            next_state = (next_rule, (k, 0), rule[dot_ix], k, (rule[dot_ix], ))
            child_node = node(rule[dot_ix], [], parent_node, start=k)
            child_cost = (-k, -prob)

            state_tracker[k][(next_state, child_cost)] = child_node
            queue.add_node(next_state, child_node, child_cost, hrst)
def make_copy(parse_tree):
    node_copy = node(parse_tree.var, [],
    for child in parse_tree.children:
    return node_copy
Beispiel #3
    def predictor(state, k, grammar):
        rule, (i, dot_ix), parent_var, k, prix, rix = state.state
        parent_node = state.node

        rule = rule.split()

        cur_cost = state.cost
        hrst = 0
        for ri, (next_rule, prob) in enumerate(grammar[rule[dot_ix]]):
            next_state = (next_rule, (k, 0), rule[dot_ix], k, rix, ri)
            child_node = node(rule[dot_ix], [], parent_node, start=k)
            child_cost = (-k, cur_cost[1] * prob)

                              child_cost)] = child_node  #q_entry.node

            queue.add_node(next_state, child_node, child_cost, hrst)
def initialize_state(start_k, first_variable, state_tracker, grammar):
    start_state, prob = grammar[first_variable][0]

    start_node = node(first_variable, [], None, start=start_k, end=-1)

    start_state = (start_state, (start_k, 0), first_variable, start_k,
                   ('<P>', ))
    start_cost = (-start_k, -prob)  #-prob

    state_tracker[start_k][(start_state, start_cost)] = start_node

    queue = AStarQ()
    queue.add_node(start_state, start_node, start_cost, 0)

    max_node = (start_node, (-start_k, -prob))

    return queue, state_tracker, max_node
    def scanner(state, k, max_node):
        rule, (i, dot_ix), parent_var, k, cur_tree = state.state
        parent_node = state.node

        split_rule = rule.split()

        cur_cost = state.cost
        hrst = 0
        if k >= len(string):
            return max_node
        variations = set([
            split_rule[dot_ix] + x
            for x in ['er', 'ish', 'est', 'der', 'dish', '']

        if string[k] in variations:
            next_state = (rule, (i, dot_ix + 1), parent_var, k + 1,
                          (*cur_tree, (split_rule[dot_ix], )))
            parent_node = make_copy(parent_node)
            parent_node.children.append( node(split_rule[dot_ix], [], parent_node, \
                start=k, end=k+1) )
            parent_node.end = max(k + 1, parent_node.end)

            if parent_node and parent_node.end > max_node[0].end:
                max_node = (parent_node, (-k - 1, cur_cost[1]))
            elif parent_node and parent_node.end == max_node[0].end and (
                    -k - 1, cur_cost[1]) < max_node[1]:
                max_node = (parent_node, (-k - 1, cur_cost[1]))
            #one look ahead
            if dot_ix + 1 < len(split_rule):
                if check_if_in_first(split_rule[dot_ix + 1], nonterminals, terminals,\
                    first_set, k + 1, string):
                    return max_node
            state_tracker[k + 1][(next_state, (-k - 1,
                                               cur_cost[1]))] = parent_node
            queue.add_node(next_state, parent_node, (-k - 1, cur_cost[1]),
        return max_node
Beispiel #6
    def scanner(state, k, grammar):
        rule, (i, dot_ix), parent_var, k, prix, rix = state.state
        parent_node = state.node

        split_rule = rule.split()

        cur_cost = state.cost
        hrst = 0
        if k >= len(string):
        variations = set(
            [string[k] + x for x in ['er', 'ish', 'est', 'der', 'dish', '']])

        if split_rule[dot_ix] in variations:
            next_state = (rule, (i, dot_ix + 1), parent_var, k + 1, prix, rix)

            parent_node.children.append( node(split_rule[dot_ix], [], parent_node, \
                start=k, end=k+1 ) )
            parent_node.end = max(k + 1, parent_node.end)

            # state_tracker[k + 1][(next_state, (-k-1, cur_cost[1]))] = parent_node
            queue.add_node(next_state, parent_node, (-k - 1, cur_cost[1]),
Beispiel #7
def chart_parse(string, grammar, terminals, nonterminals, first_variable):

    queue = None
    state_tracker = [dict() for k in range(len(string) + 1)]

    var_ix_dict = {k : {rule[0] : (j, i) for (i, rule) in enumerate(grammar[k])} \
        for (j, k) in enumerate(grammar)}
    ix_var_dict = {j : {i : (k, rule[0]) for (i, rule) in enumerate(grammar[k])} \
        for (j, k) in enumerate(grammar)}

    def predictor(state, k, grammar):
        rule, (i, dot_ix), parent_var, k, prix, rix = state.state
        parent_node = state.node

        rule = rule.split()

        cur_cost = state.cost
        hrst = 0
        for ri, (next_rule, prob) in enumerate(grammar[rule[dot_ix]]):
            next_state = (next_rule, (k, 0), rule[dot_ix], k, rix, ri)
            child_node = node(rule[dot_ix], [], parent_node, start=k)
            child_cost = (-k, cur_cost[1] * prob)

                              child_cost)] = child_node  #q_entry.node

            queue.add_node(next_state, child_node, child_cost, hrst)

    def scanner(state, k, grammar):
        rule, (i, dot_ix), parent_var, k, prix, rix = state.state
        parent_node = state.node

        split_rule = rule.split()

        cur_cost = state.cost
        hrst = 0
        if k >= len(string):
        variations = set(
            [string[k] + x for x in ['er', 'ish', 'est', 'der', 'dish', '']])

        if split_rule[dot_ix] in variations:
            next_state = (rule, (i, dot_ix + 1), parent_var, k + 1, prix, rix)

            parent_node.children.append( node(split_rule[dot_ix], [], parent_node, \
                start=k, end=k+1 ) )
            parent_node.end = max(k + 1, parent_node.end)

            # state_tracker[k + 1][(next_state, (-k-1, cur_cost[1]))] = parent_node
            queue.add_node(next_state, parent_node, (-k - 1, cur_cost[1]),

    def completer(state, k):
        rule, (i, dot_ix), parent_var, state_k, pprix, prix = state.state
        complete_node = state.node

        cost = state.cost
        hrst = 0

        for (entry, cur_cost) in state_tracker[i]:
            cur_rule, (cur_i, cur_dot), cur_parent, cur_k, _, rix = entry

            cur_node = state_tracker[i][(entry, cur_cost)]

            split_cur_rule = cur_rule.split()

            if cur_dot >= len(split_cur_rule):

            if parent_var == split_cur_rule[cur_dot]:
                cur_node = copy.deepcopy(state_tracker[i][(entry, cur_cost)])
                next_state = (cur_rule, (cur_i, cur_dot + 1), cur_parent, k,
                              prix, rix)

                cur_node.end = complete_node.end

                # state_tracker[k][(next_state, (-k, cost[1]))] = cur_node
                queue.add_node(next_state, cur_node, (-k, cost[1]), hrst)

    start_state, prob = grammar[first_variable][0]
    start_state = (start_state, (0, 0), first_variable, 0, -1, 0)
    queue = AStarQ()
    start_node = node(first_variable, [], None, start=0, end=-1)
    state_tracker[0][(start_state, (0, -prob))] = start_node
    queue.add_node(start_state, start_node, (0, -prob), 0)

    while True:
            q_entry = queue.pop_node()
        except KeyError as e:
            print('cannot be parsed', e)
            return -1

        rule, (i, dot_ix), parent_var, k, _, rix = q_entry.state
        rule = rule.split()
        cur_cost = q_entry.cost

        if (q_entry.state, cur_cost) not in state_tracker[k]:
            state_tracker[k][(q_entry.state, cur_cost)] = q_entry.node

        if (i, dot_ix) == (0, 1) and parent_var == '<P>' and k == len(string):
            return q_entry.node

        if not (dot_ix == len(rule)):

            if rule[dot_ix] in nonterminals:
                predictor(q_entry, k, grammar)
                scanner(q_entry, k, grammar)
            completer(q_entry, k)