def test__parse_data__too_short_error(mocker):
    Test "_parse_data" method must exit with too short response error.

    out = StringIO()
                 ["", "-s", "", "-p", "7634"])
    checker = CheckHDDTemp()

    with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
        with contextlib2.redirect_stdout(out):

    assert "ERROR: Server response too short" in out.getvalue().strip(
    )  # nosec: B101
def test__parse_data__parsing_error(mocker):
    Test "_parse_data" method must exit with parsing error.

    out = StringIO()
                 ["", "-s", "", "-p", "7634"])
    checker = CheckHDDTemp()

    with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
        with contextlib2.redirect_stdout(out):
            checker._parse_data(data="|/dev/sda|HARD DRIVE|C|")  # noqa: E501

    assert "ERROR: Server response for device" in out.getvalue().strip(
    )  # nosec: B101
def test__parse_data(mocker):
    Test "_parse_data" method must return structured data.

    expected = {
        "/dev/sda": {
            "model": "HARD DRIVE",
            "temperature": "27",
            "scale": "C"
                 ["", "-s", "", "-p", "7634"])
    checker = CheckHDDTemp()
    result = checker._parse_data(
        data="|/dev/sda|HARD DRIVE|27|C|")  # noqa: E501

    assert result == expected  # nosec: B101