Beispiel #1
def is_acceptable_module_param(value: Any) -> bool:
    This function determines if a value should be passed to a module as a parameter. We don't want to pass
    unresolved var, local or module references because they can't be resolved from the module, so they need
    to be resolved prior to being passed down.
    value_type = type(value)
    if value_type is dict:
        for k, v in value.items():
            if not is_acceptable_module_param(
                    v) or not is_acceptable_module_param(k):
                return False
        return True
    if value_type is set or value_type is list:
        for v in value:
            if not is_acceptable_module_param(v):
                return False
        return True

    if not value_type is str:
        return True

    for vbm in find_var_blocks(value):
        if vbm.is_simple_var():
            return False
    return True
Beispiel #2
def remove_interpolation(original_str: str, var_to_clean: Optional[str] = None, escape_unrendered=True) -> str:
    # get all variable references in string
    # remove from the string all ${} or '${}' occurrences
    var_blocks = find_var_blocks(original_str)
    for block in var_blocks:
        if (
            and block.full_str.endswith("}")
            and (not var_to_clean or block.var_only == var_to_clean)
            full_str_start = original_str.find(block.full_str)
            full_str_end = full_str_start + len(block.full_str)
            if (
                full_str_start > 0
                and full_str_end <= len(original_str) - 2
                and original_str[full_str_start - 1] == "'"
                and original_str[full_str_start - 1] == original_str[full_str_end]
                and "." in block.full_str
                # checking if ${} is wrapped with '' like : '${}'
                original_str = original_str[:full_str_start - 1] + block.full_str + original_str[full_str_end + 1:]
                if escape_unrendered:
                    block.var_only = f"'{block.var_only}'"
            original_str = original_str.replace(block.full_str, block.var_only)
    return original_str
Beispiel #3
    def _is_variable_dependant(value: Any) -> bool:
        if not isinstance(value, str):
            return False
        if "${" not in value:
            return False

        if find_var_blocks(value):
            return True
        return False
Beispiel #4
    def _is_variable_dependant(value: Any) -> bool:
        if not isinstance(value, str):
            return False

        if value.startswith(("var.", "local.", "module.")):
            return True

        if value.startswith(PROVIDER_PREFIXES):
            return True

        if "${" not in value:
            return False

        if find_var_blocks(value):
            return True
        return False
Beispiel #5
        def process_items_helper(key_value_iterator, data_map, context, allow_str_bool_translation: bool):
            made_change = False
            for key, value in list(key_value_iterator()):       # Copy to list to allow deletion
                new_context = f"{context}/{key}" if len(context) != 0 else key

                if isinstance(value, str):
                    altered_value = value

                    had_var_block_match = False

                    # The way in which matches are processed is important as they are ordered and may contain
                    # portions of one another. For example:
                    #  ${merge(local.common_tags,local.common_data_tags,{'Name': 'my-thing-${var.ENVIRONMENT}-${var.REGION}'})}
                    # In this case, we expect blocks similar to this:
                    #  1) ${var.ENVIRONMENT}
                    #  2) ${var.REGION}
                    #  3) ${merge(local.common_tags,local.common_data_tags,{'Name': 'my-thing-${var.ENVIRONMENT}-${var.REGION}'})}
                    # If either of the first two are replaced, we can still process the outer eval block
                    # if the substitutions made to the earlier vars are also made to the later. That allows
                    # knowing what the string should really look like so substitutions can be made properly.
                    # If this proves not to work well, the other option is to abort the later (because
                    # the full string isn't found in the value anymore) and come back to it on another
                    # processor loop. This works... but requires another processor loop.
                    # (If you're thinking we should make a DAG and do this properly... you're probably right.)
                    prev_matches: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []  # original value -> replaced
                    for match in find_var_blocks(value):
                        # Update what's expected in the match, see comment above
                        for prev_match in prev_matches:
                            match.replace(prev_match[0], str(prev_match[1]))

                        var_base = match.var_only

                        # Expressions such as (from variable definition):
                        #    type = string
                        # are turned into:
                        #    "type = ${string}"
                        if var_base in _SIMPLE_TYPES and match.full_str == value:
                            altered_value = var_base
                            had_var_block_match = True
                            prev_matches.append((match.full_str, var_base))
                            replaced = _handle_single_var_pattern(var_base, var_value_and_file_map,
                                                                  locals_values, resource_list,
                                                                  module_list, module_data_retrieval,
                                                                  new_context, value, root_directory)
                            if replaced != var_base:
                                if match.full_str == altered_value:
                                    altered_value = replaced
                                    replace_str = f"'{match.full_str}'"
                                    if isinstance(replaced, str) or replace_str not in altered_value:
                                        replace_str = match.full_str
                                    altered_value = altered_value.replace(replace_str, str(replaced))
                                prev_matches.append((match.full_str, replaced))
                                had_var_block_match = True

                    if not had_var_block_match:
                        if allow_str_bool_translation and value == "true":
                            altered_value = True
                        elif allow_str_bool_translation and value == "false":
                            altered_value = False

                    if value != altered_value:
                        LOGGER.debug(f"Resolve: %s --> %s", value, altered_value)
                        data_map[key] = altered_value
                        made_change = True
                elif isinstance(value, dict):
                    if self._process_vars_and_locals_loop(value, eval_map_by_var_name, relative_file_path,
                                                          locals_values, resource_list,
                                                          module_list, module_data_retrieval, root_directory,
                        made_change = True

                elif isinstance(value, list):
                    if len(value) > 0 and value[0] != value:
                        if process_items_helper(lambda: enumerate(value), value, new_context, True):
                            made_change = True
                    # Some special cases that should be pruned from datasets
                    if value == [None] or value == [{}] or value == [[]] or len(value) == 0:
                        del data_map[key]
            return made_change