Beispiel #1
	def findItemInCaches(myClass, nameOrLocation, checksumType, checksumValue, displayName=None, additionalSourceFolders=None, progressReporter=True, includeRemoteCaches=False): 
		# ---- validate input
		# nameOrLocation
		if not hasattr(nameOrLocation, 'capitalize') and not nameOrLocation is None:
			raise ValueError('findItem requires a string or none as a nameOrLocation, but got: ' + nameOrLocation)
		if nameOrLocation is not None and nameOrLocation.startswith('file://'):
			nameOrLocation = nameOrLocation[len('file://'):]
		if nameOrLocation is not None and urlparse.urlparse(nameOrLocation).scheme != '':
			raise ValueError('findItemInCaches only works on file paths or names, got: ' + str(nameOrLocation))
		# checksumType
		if not hasattr(checksumType, 'capitalize'):
			raise ValueError('findItem requires a string as a checksumType, but got: ' + checksumType)
		# checksumValue
		if not hasattr(checksumValue, 'capitalize'):
			raise ValueError('findItem requires a string as a checksumValue, but got: ' + checksumValue)
		# displayName
		if not hasattr(displayName, 'capitalize') and not displayName is None:
			raise ValueError('findItem requires a string or None as a displayName, but got: ' + displayName)
		# additionalSourceFolders
		foldersToSearch = myClass.getSourceFolders()
		if additionalSourceFolders is None:
			pass # nothing to do
		elif hasattr(additionalSourceFolders, 'capitalize') and os.path.isdir(additionalSourceFolders):
			foldersToSearch.append(pathHelpers.normalizePath(additionalSourceFolders, followSymlink=True))
		elif hasattr(additionalSourceFolders, '__iter__'):
			# validate that these are all folders
			for thisFolder in additionalSourceFolders:
				if not os.path.isdir(thisFolder):
					raise ValueError('The folder given to findItemInCaches as an additionalSourceFolders either did not exist or was not a folder: ' + thisFolder)
				foldersToSearch.append(pathHelpers.normalizePath(thisFolder, followSymlink=True))
			raise ValueError('Unable to understand the additionalSourceFolders given: ' + str(additionalSourceFolders))
		# progressReporter
		if progressReporter is True:
			progressReporter = displayTools.statusHandler(statusMessage='Searching cache folders for ' + nameOrLocation)
		elif progressReporter is False:
			progressReporter = None
		# ---- search for the items
		# absolute paths
		if nameOrLocation is not None and os.path.isabs(nameOrLocation):
			if os.path.exists(nameOrLocation):
				if checksumValue == checksum.checksum(nameOrLocation, checksumType=checksumType, progressReporter=progressReporter)['checksum']:
					return nameOrLocation, False
					raise FileNotFoundException('The item at the path given does not match the checksum given: ' + nameOrLocation)
				raise FileNotFoundException('No file/folder existed at the absolute path: ' + nameOrLocation)
		# relative path
		elif nameOrLocation is not None and os.path.exists(nameOrLocation):
			if checksumValue == checksum.checksum(nameOrLocation, checksumType=checksumType, progressReporter=progressReporter)['checksum']:
				return pathHelpers.normalizePath(nameOrLocation, followSymlink=True), False
		# cache folders
		for thisCacheFolder in foldersToSearch:
			parsedLocation = urlparse.urlparse('')
			if nameOrLocation is not None:
				parsedLocation = urlparse.urlparse(thisCacheFolder)
			if parsedLocation.scheme in ['http', 'https'] and includeRemoteCaches is False:
			elif parsedLocation.scheme in ['http', 'https'] and includeRemoteCaches is True:
				# -- try different paths on the server
				urlsToTry = {}
				(scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment) = urlparse.urlparse(thisCacheFolder)
				# simple name
				urlsToTry[urlparse.urlunparse((scheme, netloc, os.path.join(path, nameOrLocation), params, query, fragment))] = True
				urlsToTry[urlparse.urlunparse((scheme, netloc, os.path.join(path, urllib.quote(nameOrLocation)), params, query, fragment))] = True
				# name including checksum
				nameWithChecksum = os.path.splitext(nameOrLocation)[0] + " " + checksumType + "-" + checksumValue + os.path.splitext(nameOrLocation)[1]
				urlsToTry[urlparse.urlunparse((scheme, netloc, os.path.join(path, nameWithChecksum), params, query, fragment))] = True
				urlsToTry[urlparse.urlunparse((scheme, netloc, os.path.join(path, urllib.quote(nameWithChecksum)), params, query, fragment))] = True
				for thisURL in urlsToTry.keys():
						readFile = urllib2.urlopen(thisURL)
					except IOError, error:
					remoteGuessedName	= os.path.basename(urllib.unquote(urlparse.urlparse(thisURL).path))
					targetFileName		= remoteGuessedName
					if checksumType + "-" + checksumValue not in targetFileName:
						targetFileName = os.path.splitext(remoteGuessedName)[0] + " " + checksumType + "-" + checksumValue + os.path.splitext(remoteGuessedName)[1]
					# try to get the expected file length
					httpHeader =
					expectedLength = None
					if httpHeader.has_key("content-length"):
							expectedLength = int(httpHeader.getheader("content-length"))
					if progressReporter is not None:
						if expectedLength is None:
							progressReporter.update(statusMessage=' downloading from local web cache ')
							progressReporter.update(statusMessage=' downloading %s from local web cache ' % displayTools.bytesToRedableSize(expectedLength))
					# download file
					hashGenerator =
					startTime = time.time()
					targetFilePath = os.path.join(myClass.getCacheFolder(), targetFileName)
					processedBytes, processSeconds = checksum.checksumFileObject(hashGenerator, readFile, remoteGuessedName, expectedLength, copyToPath=targetFilePath, progressReporter=progressReporter)
					if hashGenerator.hexdigest() != checksumValue:
						if progressReporter is not None:
							progressReporter.update(statusMessage=' downloaded from local web cache and verified %s in %s (%s/sec)' % (displayTools.bytesToRedableSize(processedBytes), displayTools.secondsToReadableTime(time.time() - startTime), displayTools.bytesToRedableSize(processedBytes/processSeconds)))
						myClass.addItemToVerifiedFiles('%s-%s' % (checksumType, checksumValue), targetFilePath)
						return targetFilePath, True
			elif parsedLocation.scheme == '':
				# relative paths from the source folders
				if nameOrLocation is not None and nameOrLocation.count(os.sep) > 0 and os.path.exists(os.path.join(thisCacheFolder, nameOrLocation)):
					if checksumValue == checksum.checksum(os.path.join(thisCacheFolder, nameOrLocation), checksumType=checksumType, progressReporter=progressReporter)['checksum']:
						return pathHelpers.normalizePath(os.path.join(thisCacheFolder, nameOrLocation), followSymlink=True), False
				# walk up through the whole set
				for currentFolder, dirs, files in os.walk(thisCacheFolder, topdown=True):
					# check each file to see if it is what we are looking for
					for thisItemPath, thisItemName in [[os.path.join(currentFolder, internalName), internalName] for internalName in (files + dirs)]:
						# checksum in name
						fileNameSearchResults =
						nameChecksumType = None
						nameChecksumValue = None
						if fileNameSearchResults is not None:
							nameChecksumType ='checksumType')
							nameChecksumValue ='checksumValue')
							if nameChecksumType is not None and nameChecksumType.lower() == checksumType.lower() and nameChecksumValue is not None and nameChecksumValue == checksumValue:
								if checksumValue == checksum.checksum(thisItemPath, checksumType=checksumType, progressReporter=progressReporter)['checksum']:
									return thisItemPath, False
						# file name
						if nameOrLocation is not None:
							if nameOrLocation in [thisItemName, os.path.splitext(thisItemName)[0]] or os.path.splitext(nameOrLocation)[0] in [thisItemName, os.path.splitext(thisItemName)[0]]:
								if checksumValue == checksum.checksum(thisItemPath, checksumType=checksumType, progressReporter=progressReporter)['checksum']:
									return thisItemPath, False
						# don't decend into folders that look like bundles or sparce dmg's
						if os.path.isdir(thisItemPath):
							if os.listdir(thisItemPath) == ["Contents"] or os.listdir(thisItemPath) == ["Info.bckup", "Info.plist", "bands", "token"]:
Beispiel #2
	def findItem(myClass, nameOrLocation, checksumType, checksumValue, displayName=None, additionalSourceFolders=None, progressReporter=True):
		'''Find an item locally, or download it'''
		# ---- validate input
		# nameOrLocation
		if not hasattr(nameOrLocation, 'capitalize') and not nameOrLocation is None:
			raise ValueError('findItem requires a string as a nameOrLocation, but got: ' + nameOrLocation)
		if nameOrLocation is not None and nameOrLocation.startswith('file://'):
			nameOrLocation = nameOrLocation[len('file://'):]
		# checksumType
		if not hasattr(checksumType, 'capitalize'):
			raise ValueError('findItem requires a string as a checksumType, but got: ' + checksumType)
		# checksumValue
		if not hasattr(checksumValue, 'capitalize'):
			raise ValueError('findItem requires a string as a checksumValue, but got: ' + checksumValue)
		# displayName
		if not hasattr(displayName, 'capitalize') and not displayName is None:
			raise ValueError('findItem requires a string or None as a displayName, but got: ' + displayName)
		# additionalSourceFolders
		if additionalSourceFolders is None:
			pass # nothing to do
		elif hasattr(additionalSourceFolders, 'capitalize') and os.path.isdir(additionalSourceFolders):
			pass # nothing to do
		elif hasattr(additionalSourceFolders, '__iter__'):
			# validate that these are all folders
			for thisFolder in additionalSourceFolders:
				if not os.path.isdir(thisFolder):
					raise ValueError('The folder given to findItem as an additionalSourceFolders either did not exist or was not a folder: ' + thisFolder)
			raise ValueError('Unable to understand the additionalSourceFolders given: ' + str(additionalSourceFolders))
		# progressReporter
		if progressReporter is True:
			progressReporter = displayTools.statusHandler(taskMessage='Searching for ' + nameOrLocation)
		elif progressReporter is False:
			progressReporter = None
		# ---- start the timer for reporting
		startTime = time.time()
		# ---- look localy
		# -- absolute path, note: if an absolute path is not found we will error out
		if os.path.isabs(nameOrLocation):
			if progressReporter is not None:
				progressReporter.update(statusMessage=' looking at an absolute location')
			resultPath, reportCompleted = myClass.findItemInCaches(None, checksumType, checksumValue, displayName, additionalSourceFolders, progressReporter)
			if resultPath is not None:
				# note: if there is nothing at this path, we will get an error before this
				if progressReporter is not None and reportCompleted is False:
					progressReporter.update(statusMessage=' found at an absolute location and verified in %s' % (displayTools.secondsToReadableTime(time.time() - startTime)))
				return resultPath
		# -- try relative path, include remote caches
		parsedNameOrLocation = urlparse.urlparse(nameOrLocation)
		if parsedNameOrLocation.scheme == '' and nameOrLocation.count(os.sep) > 0:
			if progressReporter is not None:
				progressReporter.update(statusMessage=' looking at relative locations')
			resultPath, reportCompleted = myClass.findItemInCaches(nameOrLocation, checksumType, checksumValue, displayName, additionalSourceFolders, progressReporter, includeRemoteCaches=True)
			if resultPath is not None:
				# note: if there is nothing at this path, we will get an error before this
				if progressReporter is not None and reportCompleted is False:
					progressReporter.update(statusMessage=' found at a relative location and verified in %s' % (displayTools.secondsToReadableTime(time.time() - startTime)))
				return resultPath
		# -- based on checksum
		# first see if we already found this item
		# check the already verified items for this checksum
		checksumString = '%s-%s' % (checksumType, checksumValue)
		if checksumString in myClass.verifiedFiles:
			if progressReporter is not None:
				progressReporter.update(statusMessage=' found previously')
			return myClass.verifiedFiles[checksumString]
		# look through the caches
		if progressReporter is not None:
			progressReporter.update(statusMessage=' looking based on checksum')
		resultPath, reportCompleted = myClass.findItemInCaches(None, checksumType, checksumValue, displayName, additionalSourceFolders, progressReporter)
		if resultPath is not None:
			myClass.addItemToVerifiedFiles(checksumString, resultPath)
			if progressReporter is not None and reportCompleted is False:
				progressReporter.update(statusMessage=' found based on checksum and verified in %s' % (displayTools.secondsToReadableTime(time.time() - startTime)))
			return resultPath
		# -- based on name guessed from nameOrLocation, include remote caches
		locallyGuessedName = None
		if progressReporter is not None:
			progressReporter.update(statusMessage=' looking based on guessed name and verified in %s' % (displayTools.secondsToReadableTime(time.time() - startTime)))
		if parsedNameOrLocation.scheme in ['http', 'https']:
			locallyGuessedName = os.path.basename(parsedNameOrLocation.path)
			locallyGuessedName = os.path.basename(nameOrLocation)
		resultPath, reportCompleted = myClass.findItemInCaches(locallyGuessedName, checksumType, checksumValue, displayName, additionalSourceFolders, progressReporter, includeRemoteCaches=True)
		if resultPath is not None:
			myClass.addItemToVerifiedFiles(checksumString, resultPath)
			if progressReporter is not None and reportCompleted is False:
				progressReporter.update(statusMessage=' found based on guessed name and verified in %s' % (displayTools.secondsToReadableTime(time.time() - startTime)))
			return resultPath
		# -- based on display name
		if displayName is not None:
			if progressReporter is not None:
				progressReporter.update(statusMessage=' looking based on display name')
			resultPath, reportCompleted = myClass.findItemInCaches(displayName, checksumType, checksumValue, displayName, additionalSourceFolders, progressReporter)
			if resultPath is not None:
				myClass.addItemToVerifiedFiles(checksumString, resultPath)
				if progressReporter is not None and reportCompleted is False:
					progressReporter.update(statusMessage=' found based on display name and verified in %s' % (displayTools.secondsToReadableTime(time.time() - startTime)))
				return resultPath
		# ---- look remotely over http/https
		if parsedNameOrLocation.scheme in ['http', 'https']:
			remoteGuessedName = locallyGuessedName
			# -- open a connection and get information to guess the name
			# open the connection
			readFile = None
				readFile = urllib2.urlopen(nameOrLocation)
			except IOError, error:
				if hasattr(error, 'reason'):
					raise Exception('Unable to connect to remote url: %s got error: %s' % (nameOrLocation, error.reason))
				elif hasattr(error, 'code'):
					raise Exception('Got status code: %s while trying to connect to remote url: %s' % (str(error.code), nameOrLocation))
			# try reading out the content-disposition header
			httpHeader =
			if httpHeader.has_key("content-disposition"):
				remoteGuessedName = httpHeader.getheader("content-disposition").strip()
				if remoteGuessedName is not locallyGuessedName:
					if progressReporter is not None:
						progressReporter.update(statusMessage=' looking based on name from content-disposition')
					resultPath, reportCompleted = myClass.findItemInCaches(remoteGuessedName, checksumType, checksumValue, displayName, additionalSourceFolders, progressReporter, includeRemoteCaches=True)
					if resultPath is not None:
						if progressReporter is not None and reportCompleted is False:
							progressReporter.update(statusMessage=' found based on name from content-disposition and verified in %s' % (displayTools.secondsToReadableTime(time.time() - startTime)))
						return resultPath
			# try the name in the final URL
			secondRemoteGuessedName = os.path.basename( urllib.unquote(urlparse.urlparse(readFile.geturl()).path) )
			if secondRemoteGuessedName not in [locallyGuessedName, remoteGuessedName]:
				if progressReporter is not None:
					progressReporter.update(statusMessage=' looking based on name in final URL')
				resultPath, reportCompleted = myClass.findItemInCaches(secondRemoteGuessedName, checksumType, checksumValue, displayName, additionalSourceFolders, progressReporter, includeRemoteCaches=True)
				if resultPath is not None:
					if progressReporter is not None and reportCompleted is False:
						progressReporter.update(statusMessage=' found based on name in final URL and verified in %s' % (displayTools.secondsToReadableTime(time.time() - startTime)))
					return resultPath
			# -- download file
			# try to get the expected file length
			expectedLength = None
			if httpHeader.has_key("content-length"):
					expectedLength = int(httpHeader.getheader("content-length"))
			if progressReporter is not None:
				if expectedLength is None:
					progressReporter.update(statusMessage=' downloading ')
					progressReporter.update(statusMessage=' downloading %s ' % displayTools.bytesToRedableSize(expectedLength))
			hashGenerator =
			downloadTargetPath = os.path.join(myClass.getCacheFolder(), os.path.splitext(secondRemoteGuessedName)[0] + " " + checksumString + os.path.splitext(secondRemoteGuessedName)[1])
			processedBytes, processSeconds = checksum.checksumFileObject(hashGenerator, readFile, secondRemoteGuessedName, expectedLength, copyToPath=downloadTargetPath, progressReporter=progressReporter)
			if hashGenerator.hexdigest() != checksumValue:
#				os.unlink(downloadTargetPath) # Why would we throw the file away just because of a hash mismatch?
				raise FileNotFoundException("Downloaded file did not match checksum: %s (Find this: %s and replace it with this: %s)" % (nameOrLocation, checksumValue, hashGenerator.hexdigest()))
			if progressReporter is not None:
				progressReporter.update(statusMessage=' downloaded and verified %s in %s (%s/sec)' % (displayTools.bytesToRedableSize(processedBytes), displayTools.secondsToReadableTime(time.time() - startTime), displayTools.bytesToRedableSize(processedBytes/processSeconds)))
			myClass.addItemToVerifiedFiles(checksumString, downloadTargetPath)
			return downloadTargetPath