Beispiel #1
def generateNetworkVisualizationFiles(drugsfile, targetsfile, proteinnodesfile):
    fingerprints = util.readDrugData(drugsfile)
    [targetSets, ligandSets] = util.readTargetData(targetsfile, fingerprints.keys())
    # Unsorted protein nodes data
    proteinNodes = np.loadtxt(proteinnodesfile, dtype='string', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    # Protein nodes data, sorted alphabetically by protein name
    sortedProteinNodes = proteinNodes[proteinNodes[:,0].argsort()]
    # Initialize data structures
    networkData=[]; nameData=[]; indicationData=[]; networkNodes=set()
    # Iterate over each node pair to determine if their bootstrap p-value merits an edge connection
    for i in range(len(sortedProteinNodes)):
        for j in range(i+1, len(sortedProteinNodes)):
            proteinA = sortedProteinNodes[i,0]
            proteinB = sortedProteinNodes[j,0]
            bootstrapPVal = util.calculateBootstrapPValue(100, 214, fingerprints, ligandSets, proteinA, proteinB)
            if bootstrapPVal <= 0.05:
                networkData.append([proteinA, proteinB])    # Create edge between connected nodes
                networkNodes.update([proteinA, proteinB])   # Update set of nodes in network
    # Annotate each node with its name and indication
    for protein in proteinNodes:
        if protein[0] in networkNodes:
    # Output files        
    np.savetxt('network.sif', np.array(networkData), fmt='%s edge %s')
    np.savetxt('name.nodeAttr', np.array(nameData), fmt='%s = %s', header="name", comments='')
    np.savetxt('indication.nodeAttr', np.array(indicationData), fmt='%s = %s', header="indication", comments='')
Beispiel #2
def printBootstrapPValue():
    params = initParams()
    print util.calculateBootstrapPValue(params['n'], params['r'],
                                   params['fingerprints'], params['ligandSets'],
                                   params['proteinA'], params['proteinB'])
Beispiel #3
def printBootstrapPValue():
    params = initParams()
    print util.calculateBootstrapPValue(params['n'], params['r'],
                                        params['proteinA'], params['proteinB'])