Beispiel #1
 def test_replace_attributes_only_overridden_if_None(self):
     for attrname in self.attributes[3:]:
         good = {
             attrname: ''
         }  # a False value != None to make readonly work
         bad = {attrname: 'unwanted'}
         assert '' == getattr(Property().replace(**good), attrname)
         assert '' == getattr(Property(**good).replace(**bad), attrname)
    def test_readonly_locks_value_and_description(self):
        p = Property('p')
        p.readonly = True

        with self.assertRaises(ConfigError):
            p.value = True
        with self.assertRaises(ConfigError):
            p.desc = "Lala"
Beispiel #3
    def test_from_and_to_properties(self):
        properties = [Property('a'),
                      Property('a.b', 5, int, '\d+', True, True, 'doc'),
                      Property('b', 5, int, '\d+', True, True, 'doc')]

        conf = Configuration.from_properties(properties)
        assert properties == list(conf.to_properties())
        assert 'a' in conf
        assert 'a.b' in conf
        assert 'b' in conf
Beispiel #4
    def test_type_inferrence(self):
        for T in (bool, int, float, str, type(''),):
            assert T.__name__ == Property(value=T()).type, T

        class UnknownType:

        assert None == Property(value=UnknownType()).type

        assert 'float' == Property('', 4, float).type
    def test_immutable(self):
        p = Property()
        assert p is not p.replace(**p.to_dict())

        for attrname in self.attributes:
                setattr(p, attrname, None)
            except AttributeError:
                assert False, 'must not be able to change %r ' % (attrname,)
Beispiel #6
    def test_immutable(self):
        p = Property()
        assert p is not p.replace(**p.to_dict())

        for attrname in self.attributes:
                setattr(p, attrname, None)
            except AttributeError:
                assert False, 'must not be able to change %r ' % (attrname, )
Beispiel #7
    def test_builder(self):
        properties = [Property('a', 5), Property('a.b', 6, int, '6.*', True, True, 'doc')]
        cb = cfg.ConfigBuilder()

        with cb['a'] as a:
            a.value = 5
            with a['b'] as ab:
                ab.value = 6
                ab.valid = '6.*'
                ab.readonly = True
                ab.hidden = True
                ab.doc = 'doc'

        assert properties == list(cb.to_configuration().to_properties())
Beispiel #8
 def assert_value_conversion(kind, testvalue, expected):
     p = Property('test', testvalue, type=kind)
     actual = p.value
         expected, actual,
         ('Bad %s conversion for value: %r! expect: %r, actual: %r' %
          (kind, p.value, expected, actual)))
    def test_all_public_attributes_names_are_reserved(self):
        public_attributes = set([n for n in dir(Property('test')) if not n.startswith('_')])

        unreserved = public_attributes - set(Property._reserved())

        self.assertTrue(len(unreserved) == 0,
                        '''all public attributes of Configuraion objects must be reserved.
                        unreserved: %s''' % (unreserved,))
Beispiel #10
    def test_tupleness_attributes_and_defaults(self):
        """A property is a tuple with named values."""
        default = OrderedDict.fromkeys(self.attributes, None)
        default['key'] = ''
        p = Property()

        assert tuple(default.values()) == p, p
        for attrname, value in default.items():
            assert getattr(p, attrname) == value
    def test_validation(self):

        p = Property('test')
        p.value = object()  # uninitialized validation must allow all, including weird, values

        '''can't re-set validity string'''
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            p.validity = 'something'

        '''validation takes place in constructor'''
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            Property('test', validity='brai+ns!')


        self.assertEqual('braiiins!', Property('test', 'braiiins!', validity='brai+ns!').value,
                         'validation is through regex')

        '''validation is by match, not by find'''
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            Property('test', 'halfbrains!', validity='brai+ns!')

        '''validation is by full match'''
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            Property('test', 'brains! supple brains!', validity='brai+ns!')


        self.assertEqual(99, Property('test', 99, validity='\d+').value,
                         'validation str(ingifies) value temporarily')

        ### WHITESPACE 

        self.assertEqual('brains!', Property('test', '\f\n\r\t\vbrains! ', validity='brai+ns!').value,
                         'validation trims whitespace from value')

        self.assertEqual('brains!', Property('test', 'brains!', validity='  brai+ns!\f\n\r\t\v').value,
                         'validation trims whitespace from validity expression')

        '''validation respects explicit whitespace in regex'''
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            Property('test', '\f\n\r\t\v XY ', validity=r'\f\n\r\t\v XY\s') # invalid because value gets trimmed

        self.assertEqual('brains!', Property('test', 'brains!', validity=' ^ brai+ns! $ ').value,
                         'leading ^ and trailing $ is ignored, even if embedded in whitespace')

        ### LISTS

        '''empty list must be ok'''
        p = Property('', type='list', validity='\d+')

        '''value must be validated as list'''
        p.value = ' 1, 123   '

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            p.value = '1, 123, None'
Beispiel #12
 def test_replace_changes_existing(self):
     conf = Configuration.from_properties([Property('b', 'old')])
     newvalues = {'b': 'replaced'}
     assert newvalues == conf.replace(newvalues)
Beispiel #13
 def test_update(self):
     conf = Configuration.from_properties([Property('b', 'old')])
     newvalues = {'b': 'replaced', 'c': 'new'}
     assert newvalues == conf.update(newvalues)
Beispiel #14
 def test_validation_by_regex(self):
     assert 0 == Property('', 0, valid='[0-9]').value
     Property('', ['x'], valid='[0-9]')
    def test_nonreserved_attributes_can_be_set(self):
        p = Property('test', 1)
        self.assertFalse('scattermonkey' in Property._reserved(), "precondition")

        p.scattermonkey = 9
 def test_there_are_reserved_words(self):
     self.assertTrue(len(Property._reserved()) > 0)
 def test_name_must_not_be_reserved(self):
     self.assertTrue('int' in Property._reserved(), "precondition")
     self.assertRaises(ConfigError, Property, name='int')
Beispiel #18
 def test_replace_key(self):
     assert 'different.key' == Property().replace(key='different.key').key
Beispiel #19
 def test_cannot_replace_if_readonly(self):
Beispiel #20
    def test_replace_without_values(self):
        p = Property('a', 5, int, '\d+', False, False, 'doc')

        assert p == p.replace()
        assert p == p.replace(**dict.fromkeys(self.attributes))
Beispiel #21
    def test_to_dict(self):
        p = Property('bla', 12, int, '\d+', True, True, '')

        assert p == Property(**p.to_dict())
Beispiel #22
 def test_None_value_is_not_cast_or_validated(self):
     assert None == Property(type=bool, valid=lambda v: v is not None).value
Beispiel #23
 def test_validation_by_callable(self):
     Property('', False, valid=lambda v: v)
    def test_replace_without_values(self):
        p = Property('a', 5, int, '\d+', False, False, 'doc')

        assert p == p.replace()
        assert p == p.replace(**dict.fromkeys(self.attributes))
Beispiel #25
 def test_autocast(self):
     assert 13 == Property('', '13', int).value
Beispiel #26
 def test_replace_type(self):
     assert 'int' == Property().replace(type=int).type
     assert 'int' == Property(type=int).replace(type=str).type
    def test_to_dict(self):
        p = Property('bla', 12, int, '\d+', True, True, '')

        assert p == Property(**p.to_dict())
Beispiel #28
 def test_key_is_normalized(self):
     assert 'x.y' == Property('X.Y').key
    def test_typechecks_and_type_effects(self):

        self.assertEqual(-23.42, Property('test', "-23.42", type=float).value,
                         'builtin types can be used as type argument')

        ### CONSTRUCTOR

        self.assertEqual(11, Property('test', 11).value,
                         'without type, the value remains untransformed')

        self.assertEqual(11, Property('test', 11.5, type='int').value,
                         'with type, the value is transformed')

        self.assertEqual('', Property('test', None, type='str').value,
                         'with type, the value is transformed')

        self.assertRaises(configuration.TransformError, configuration.Transformers['int'], None)
        self.assertEqual(0, Property('test', None, type='int').value,
                         'with type, trying to set None sets Transformer default')

        self.assertFalse(Property('test', type='FRXMBL').type,
                        'unknown type will default to no type')

        ### ASSIGNMENT

        ## with type ##

        p = Property('test', type='int')

        '''can assign convertible values'''
        p.value = '0x10'
        self.assertEqual(16, p.value)

        '''can't assign inconvertible objects'''
        self.assertRaises(configuration.TransformError, configuration.Transformers['int'], object())
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            p.value = object()

        '''assigning None works though and goes to default'''
        p.value = None
        self.assertEqual(0, p.value)

        ## without type  ##

        '''without value set, any crap can be assigned'''
        no_type = Property('no_type')
        crap = object()
        no_type.value = crap
        self.assertEqual(crap, no_type.value)

        '''with transformable-type value set, new value will be transformed or not accepted'''
        no_type = Property('no_type', 0)
        no_type.value = 3.14
        self.assertEqual(3, no_type.value)
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            no_type.value = 'not an int'

        '''with non-transformable-type value set, can assign value of same type'''
        no_type = Property('no_type', object())
        no_type.value = 3.14
        self.assertEqual(3.14, no_type.value)

        '''with non-transformable-type  value set, can't assign different type'''
        no_type = Property('no_type', type(object))
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            no_type.value = 3.14
    def test_replace_value(self):
        p = Property(value='original')

        assert 'new' == p.replace(value='new').value
        assert 'original' == p.replace(value=None).value
    def test_reserved_attributes_cannot_be_set(self):
        p = Property('test', value=1)
        self.assertTrue('int' in Property._reserved(), "precondition")

        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
   = 9
Beispiel #32
    def test_attribute_access(self):
        p = Property('b', 5, int, '\d+', True, True, 'doc')
        conf = Configuration.from_properties([p])

        assert 5 == conf['b']
        assert p =='b')
Beispiel #33
    def test_replace_value(self):
        p = Property(value='original')

        assert 'new' == p.replace(value='new').value
        assert 'original' == p.replace(value=None).value
Beispiel #34
 def test_bad_value_for_type(self):
     Property('', 'a', int)