Beispiel #1
def generate_signatures(pst, private_wallet):
    For a given unfinalized SpendBundle, look at the hints to see if the given
    private wallet can generate any signatures, and generate them.
    hd_hints = pst.get("hd_hints")
    sigs = {}
    private_fingerprint = private_wallet.fingerprint()

    for coin_solution in pst.get("coin_solutions"):
        solution = coin_solution.solution
        # run maximal_solution and get conditions
        conditions_dict = conditions_dict_for_solution(solution)
        # look for AGG_SIG conditions
        hkp_list = hash_key_pairs_for_conditions_dict(conditions_dict)
        # see if we have enough info to build signatures
        for aggsig_pair in hkp_list:
            pub_key = aggsig_pair.public_key
            message_hash = aggsig_pair.message_hash
            fp = fingerprint_for_pk(pub_key)
            if fp in hd_hints:
                hint = hd_hints[fp]
                if private_fingerprint == hint.get("hd_fingerprint"):
                    private_key = private_wallet.private_child(hint.get("index"))
                    signature = private_key.sign(message_hash)
                    sigs[aggsig_pair] = signature
    return list(sigs.values())
Beispiel #2
def sigs_to_aggsig_sig_dict(wallet, pst, sigs):
    Figure out which signatures in sigs correspond to which
    aggsig pairs in the unfinalized SpendBundle pst.

    Return a dictionary with keys that are aggsig pairs and
    signature values.

    This is an n^2 algorithm, so not ideal, but fine for small
    M and N.
    all_sigs_dict = {}
    all_aggsigs = set()
    for coin_solution in pst.get("coin_solutions"):
        solution = coin_solution.solution
        conditions_dict = conditions_dict_for_solution(solution)
        hkp_list = hash_key_pairs_for_conditions_dict(conditions_dict)
    for sig in sigs:
        for aggsig in all_aggsigs:
            if sig.validate([aggsig]):
                all_sigs_dict[aggsig] = sig
    return all_sigs_dict
Beispiel #3
def get_destination_puzzle_hash(solution):
    conditions_dict = conditions_dict_for_solution(solution)
    val = conditions_dict.get(ConditionOpcode.CREATE_COIN, [])
    assert (len(val) == 1)
    assert (len(val[0]) == 3)
    return val[0][1]
Beispiel #4
def additions_for_solution(coin_name, solution):
    return created_outputs_for_conditions_dict(
        conditions_dict_for_solution(solution), coin_name)
Beispiel #5
def finalize_pst(wallet, pst, sigs):
    Return a pair (SpendBundle or None, summary_list).

    If we have a finalized SpendBundle, it's returned, otherwise None,
    The summary_list item is a list of items (coin, hkp_list, sigs_to_use, m)
    which allows the UI to give the end user information about which
    coins still need signatures.

    Note that hkp is short for hash_key_pair (ie. aggsig pair)
    m = wallet.m()
    coin_solutions = []
    sig_dict = sigs_to_aggsig_sig_dict(wallet, pst, sigs)

    all_sigs_to_use = []

    summary_list = []

    for coin_solution in pst.get("coin_solutions"):
        coin, solution = coin_solution.coin, coin_solution.solution
        # run maximal_solution and get conditions
        conditions_dict = conditions_dict_for_solution(solution)
        # look for AGG_SIG conditions
        hkp_list = hash_key_pairs_for_conditions_dict(conditions_dict)
        # see if we have enough info to build signatures
        found_list = []
        sigs_to_use = []
        for aggsig_pair in hkp_list:
            add_me = 0
            if len(sigs_to_use) < m:
                if aggsig_pair in sig_dict:
                    add_me = 1


        conditions = pst.get("conditions")
        delegated_puzzle = puzzle_for_conditions(conditions)
        delegated_solution = solution_for_conditions(conditions)

        index = wallet.index_for_puzzle_hash(coin.puzzle_hash, GAP_LIMIT)
        pub_keys = wallet.pub_keys_for_index(index)
        actual_solution = solution_for_delegated_puzzle(
            m, pub_keys, found_list, delegated_puzzle, delegated_solution

        coin_solution = CoinSolution(coin, actual_solution)
        summary = (coin, hkp_list, sigs_to_use, m)

    if len(all_sigs_to_use) > 0:
        aggregated_sig = all_sigs_to_use[0].aggregate(all_sigs_to_use)
        spend_bundle = SpendBundle(coin_solutions, aggregated_sig)
            if validate_spend_bundle_signature(spend_bundle):
                return spend_bundle, summary_list
        except Exception:

    return None, summary_list