Beispiel #1
def main(source=False):
    from skimage import io
    from os import path
    from chr_helpers import get_config_file
    config = get_config_file(localpath=path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))+"/")
    if not source:
	    source = config.get('Source', 'source')
    data_path = config.get('Addresses', source)
    compare_files = config.get("Data", "compare_files")
    data_path = path.expanduser(data_path)
    compare_files = compare_files.split('; ')
    compare_files = [location_pair.split(', ') for location_pair in compare_files]

    for location_pair in compare_files:
	if location_pair[0][-1] != "/":
	    location_pair[0] = location_pair[0] + "/" #fixes trailing slashes for file-pair directories in case the user forgot to specify them under gen.cfg
	for data_file in location_pair[1:]:
	    file_path = data_path + location_pair[0] + data_file
	    image = io.imread(file_path, as_grey=True)
Beispiel #2
def sequence_check(source=False):
	from os import path
	import sys
	import pandas as pd
	import numpy as np
	import math
	from chr_helpers import get_config_file

	config = get_config_file(localpath=path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))+'/')

	if not source:
		source = config.get('Source', 'source')
	data_path = config.get('Addresses', source)
	eye_tracking = config.get('Data', 'eye_tracking')
	fmri_logfile = config.get('Data', 'fmri_logfile')
	preprocessed_path = config.get('Data', 'df_dir')

	if source == 'local':
		from os import listdir
		eye_tracking = path.expanduser(data_path+eye_tracking)
		fmri_logfile = path.expanduser(data_path+fmri_logfile)
		eye_pre_fileslist = listdir(eye_tracking)
		fmri_pre_fileslist = listdir(fmri_logfile)

	et_files = sorted([lefile for lefile in eye_pre_fileslist if lefile.endswith('.txt')])[:9]
	fmri_files = sorted([lefile for lefile in fmri_pre_fileslist if lefile.endswith('OM.log') and not lefile.startswith('KP') and not lefile.startswith('ET_')])[:9]
	files = np.array([[a for a in et_files],[b for b in fmri_files]]).T

	for et, fmri in files:
		et_file = pd.DataFrame.from_csv(eye_tracking+et, header=42, sep='\t').reset_index()

		cutoff = et_file[(et_file['L Raw X [px]'] == '# Message: pulse_start')].index.tolist()
		cutoff = int(cutoff[-1])
		et_file = et_file[cutoff:]

		et_file = et_file[(et_file['Type']=='MSG')].reset_index()
		et_file = et_file[['L Raw X [px]']].ix[1:].reset_index() #eliminate first row ("pulse_start")
		fmri_file = pd.DataFrame.from_csv(fmri_logfile+fmri, header=3, sep='\t').reset_index()
		fmri_file = fmri_file[(fmri_file['Event Type']=='Picture')].reset_index()
		fmri_file = fmri_file[['Code']]
		seq_file = pd.concat([et_file, fmri_file], axis=1).drop(['index'],1) # drop old index
		seq_file.columns = ['ET', 'fMRI']

Beispiel #3
def corr(source=False, num_bins=False, keep_scrambling=False, make_tight=True, print_title = True, linewidth=0.5, fontscale=1):
    config = get_config_file(localpath=path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))+'/')
    if not source:
	    source = config.get('Source', 'source')
    data_path = config.get('Addresses', source)
    reaction_times = config.get('Addresses', 'reaction_times')
    data_path = path.expanduser(data_path)
    rt_path = data_path + reaction_times
    files = [lefile for lefile in listdir(rt_path) if lefile.endswith('.csv')]
    ids = [t.split('_',2)[0]+'_'+t.split('_',2)[1] for t in files]
    ids = np.unique(ids)
    id_list = l_dist
    conts = get_scatterdata(id_list,rt_path)
    if isspec: 
	spec_conts = get_scatterdata(spec,rt_path)
	print pearsonr(spec_conts['ratediff'], spec_conts['RTdiff'])
    print pearsonr(conts['ratediff'], conts['RTdiff'])
    fig = figure(dpi=80,facecolor='#eeeeee', tight_layout=True)
    width = 0.3
    ax.yaxis.grid(True, linestyle='-', which='major', color='#dddddd',alpha=0.5, zorder = 1)
    if isspec:
	ax.plot(conts['RTdiff'], conts['ratediff'], 'o', markersize=3, markeredgecolor='#7ECC5A', markerfacecolor='#7ECC5A', alpha=0.5, zorder=1)
	A = np.vstack([conts['RTdiff'], np.ones(len(conts['RTdiff']))]).T
	m, c = np.linalg.lstsq(A, conts['ratediff'])[0]
	plt.plot(conts['RTdiff'],conts['RTdiff']*m+c,color='#7ECC5A', antialiased=True)
	ax.plot(spec_conts['RTdiff'], spec_conts['ratediff'], '.', markersize=8, markeredgecolor='m',markerfacecolor='m', zorder=2)
	s_A = np.vstack([spec_conts['RTdiff'], np.ones(len(spec_conts['RTdiff']))]).T
	s_m, s_c = np.linalg.lstsq(s_A, spec_conts['ratediff'])[0]
	ax.plot(conts['RTdiff'], conts['ratediff'], 'o', markersize=3, markeredgecolor='#7ECC5A', markerfacecolor='#7ECC5A', alpha=0.5, zorder=1)
	A = np.vstack([conts['RTdiff'], np.ones(len(conts['RTdiff']))]).T
	m, c = np.linalg.lstsq(A, conts['ratediff'])[0]
	plt.plot(conts['RTdiff'],conts['RTdiff']*m+c,color='#7ECC5A', antialiased=True)
    ax.set_ylabel('Rating difference (stimulus side - distractor side)')
    ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathsf{RT - \overline{RT}_{aa;uu}}$ [s]', fontsize=13)
    return m, c
Beispiel #4
def main(experiment=False, source=False, prepixelation='not specified', num_bins=False, keep_scrambling=False, make_tight=True, print_title = True, linewidth=0.5, fontscale=1):
    data_all = get_and_filter_results(experiment, source, prepixelation, remove='no-response')
    localpath = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)) + '/'
    config = get_config_file(localpath)
    if num_bins:
    else: num_bins = config.getint('RTdistribution', 'num_bins')
    if keep_scrambling:
    else: keep_scrambling = [int(i) for i in config.get('RTdistribution', 'keep_scrambling').split(',')]
    data_filtered = pd.DataFrame()
    for scrambling in keep_scrambling:
	data_scrambling = data_all[(data_all['scrambling'] == scrambling)]
	data_filtered = pd.concat([data_filtered, data_scrambling], ignore_index=True)
    fig = figure(figsize=(data_filtered['RT'].max()*4, 5),  dpi=300,facecolor='#eeeeee', tight_layout=make_tight)
    ax.yaxis.grid(True, linestyle='-', which='major', color='#dddddd',alpha=0.6, zorder = 0)
    # the histogram of the data
    n, bins, patches = plt.hist(data_filtered['RT'], num_bins, normed=True, facecolor='green', alpha=0.5, linewidth=linewidth)
    # add a 'best fit' line
    mu = data_filtered['RT'].mean()
    sigma = np.std(data_filtered['RT'])
    norm_fit = mlab.normpdf(bins, mu, sigma)
    plt.plot(bins, norm_fit, 'm')
    plt.xlabel('RT [s]')
    keep_scrambling = [str(i) for i in keep_scrambling]
    if print_title:
        plt.title('Histogram of RTs for scrambling = '+ ', '.join(keep_scrambling)+ r'		$\mu\approx$'+str(np.around(mu, decimals=2))+r' s, $\sigma\approx$'+str(np.around(sigma, decimals=2))+' s')
    plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.15)# Tweak spacing to prevent clipping of ylabel
    axis.Axis.zoom(ax.yaxis, -0.5) # sets y margins further apart from the content proportional to its length
    ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) # after scaling to disregard padding unerneath zero.
    legend(('Fitted normal distribution', 'RT bins'), loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.065), ncol=3, fancybox=False, shadow=False, prop=FontProperties(size=str(int(9*fontscale))))
    return data_filtered
Beispiel #5
def main(
):  #tweak do_template and do_export here to controll what output you get
    localpath = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)) + '/'
    config = get_config_file(localpath)

    if not output_dir:
        output_dir = localpath + config.get('Directories', 'output_dir')
        output_dir = path.expanduser(output_dir)
    batch_profile_dir = config.get('Directories', 'batch_profile_dir')
    template_dir = config.get('Directories', 'template_dir')
    RT_profiles_dir = config.get('Directories', 'RT_profiles_dir')
    minis_dir = config.get('Directories', 'minis_dir')
    mini_name = config.get('Directories', 'mini_name')
    rt_command = config.get('Parameters', 'rt_command')
    stock_iptc_profile = config.get('Parameters', 'iptc_profile')
    pictures_link_path = config.get('Directories', 'pictures_link_path')
    if template_name and 'octopress' in template_name:
        style = config.get('Parameters', 'style')
    if not mini_width:
        mini_width = config.getint('Parameters', 'mini_width')

    if style == 'NONE':
        style = ""

    if not iptc_profile:
        iptc_profile = batch_profile_dir + stock_iptc_profile
    iptc_profile = path.abspath(path.expanduser(iptc_profile))

    input_file = path.abspath(path.expanduser(input_file))
    batch_profile_dir = localpath + batch_profile_dir

    profile_list = []
    for lepath, subdirs, files in walk(RT_profiles_dir):
        for name in files:
            profile_list += [path.join(lepath, name)]

    if bool(template_name):
        template_file = localpath + template_dir + template_name + '.txt'
        the_template = Template(open(template_file, 'r').read())
        output_template_file = output_dir + path.splitext(
            path.basename(input_file))[0] + '-temp'
        outfile = save_gen(output_template_file, extension='.txt')

    if do_minis:
        mini_profile_file = batch_profile_dir + mini_name
        mini_temp_profile_location = batch_profile_dir + 'tmp_' + mini_name
        mini_temp_profile_file = save_gen(mini_temp_profile_location)
        mini_profile = Template(open(mini_profile_file, 'r').read())

    for profile in profile_list:
        source = input_file
        out_name = path.splitext(path.basename(
            input_file))[0] + '-' + path.basename(profile) + '.jpg'
        out_name_minis = path.splitext(path.basename(
            input_file))[0] + '-' + path.basename(profile) + '.jpg'
        if do_fullsize:
            fullsize_destination = output_dir + out_name.replace(" ", "_")
                rt_command, '-o', fullsize_destination, '-p', iptc_profile,
                '-p', profile, '-j[100]', '-Y', '-c', source
        if do_minis:
            minis_folder = output_dir + minis_dir
            if not path.isdir(minis_folder):
            minis_destination = output_dir + minis_dir + out_name_minis.replace(
                " ", "_")
                rt_command, '-o', minis_destination, '-p', iptc_profile, '-p',
                profile, '-p', mini_temp_profile_location, '-j[100]', '-Y',
                '-c', source
        if bool(template_name):
            full_size_link = pictures_link_path + out_name.replace(" ", "_")
            mini_path = '/images/photos/minis/' + out_name_minis.replace(
                " ", "_")
    if do_minis:
Beispiel #6
def parse_results(input_file=False, source=False, data_format=""):
    localpath = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)) + '/'
    config = get_config_file(localpath)

    output_dir = config.get('Directories', 'output_dir')
    formats_dir = config.get('Directories', 'formats_dir')
    keys_dir = config.get('Directories', 'keys_dir')
    if not input_file:
        if not source:
            source = config.get('Source', 'source')
        data_path = config.get('Addresses', source)
        file_name = config.get('Addresses', 'file_name')
        input_file = data_path + file_name
    if not data_format:
        data_format = config.get('Parameters', 'data_format')

    if type(input_file) is list:
        input_file = [
            path.expanduser(input_file_item) for input_file_item in input_file
        input_file = path.expanduser(input_file)

    keys_dir = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)) + '/' + keys_dir
    formats_dir = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)) + '/' + formats_dir
    keys_list = [
        path.splitext(i)[0] for i in listdir(keys_dir) if i.endswith('.csv')
    ]  #list of questionnare IDs for which we provide decoding

    if data_format == 'testmaker':
        format_processing = pd.read_csv(formats_dir + data_format + '.csv')
        import key_functions
        raw_data = pd.read_csv(input_file, sep='/').set_index(['ID_v'])
        question_ids = set([i.partition('_')[0] for i in raw_data.columns])
        question_ids = [i for i in question_ids if i in keys_list]
        results = pd.DataFrame(index=raw_data.index, columns=question_ids)
        for sub_test in question_ids:  # for sub_test in question_ids:
            test_key = pd.read_csv(
                keys_dir + sub_test +
                '.csv')  # load the key used to score the answers
            test_fields = fnmatch.filter(raw_data.columns, sub_test + '_*')
            test_questions = raw_data[
                test_fields]  # slice the relevant answers from the raw results
            test_questions = test_questions + format_processing['add'][
                0]  # preprocess data typically for testmaker
            results = getattr(key_functions, sub_test)(test_questions,
                                                       test_key, results)
    elif data_format in ['surveygizmo', "surveymonkey"]:
        raise ValueError(
            'The \'surveygizmo\' format is not yet supported. If you cannot make due without this please direct your query to [email protected].'
    elif data_format == "cuQuest1":
        response_data = pd.read_csv(input_file[0], sep=';')
        self_data = pd.read_csv(input_file[1], sep=';')
        self_data = self_data[(self_data['curiosity'].notnull())
                              & (self_data['knowledge'].notnull())]

        participant_list = list(set(self_data["participant"].values.tolist()))
        correlation_df_columns = [
            "participant", "pCvK", "pCvCo", "pCvM", "pKvCo", "pKvM", "pMvCo",
            "kCvK", "kCvCo", "kCvM", "kKvCo", "kKvM", "kMvCo", "sCvK", "sCvCo",
            "sCvM", "sKvCo", "sKvM", "sMvCo"

        correlations_df = pd.DataFrame(index=participant_list,
        correlations_df = correlations_df.fillna(0)  # with 0s rather than NaNs
        correlations_df["participant"] = participant_list
        for participant in participant_list:
            correlation_list = []
            for correlation_type in ["pearson", "kendall", "spearman"]:
                correlation = self_data[(
                    self_data["participant"] == participant)][[
                        "curiosity", "knowledge"
                    correlations_df['participant'] == participant),
                                    correlation_type[0] + "CvK"] = correlation

Beispiel #7
def main(input_file, output_dir="", iptc_profile=None, do_fullsize=True, do_minis=True, template_name="", mini_width="", style=""): #tweak do_template and do_export here to controll what output you get
	localpath = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)) + '/'
	config = get_config_file(localpath)

	if not output_dir:
		output_dir = localpath+config.get('Directories', 'output_dir')
		output_dir = path.expanduser(output_dir)
	batch_profile_dir = config.get('Directories', 'batch_profile_dir')
	template_dir = config.get('Directories', 'template_dir')
	RT_profiles_dir = config.get('Directories', 'RT_profiles_dir')
	minis_dir = config.get('Directories', 'minis_dir')
	mini_name = config.get('Directories', 'mini_name')
	rt_command = config.get('Parameters', 'rt_command')
	stock_iptc_profile = config.get('Parameters', 'iptc_profile')
	pictures_link_path = config.get('Directories', 'pictures_link_path')
	if template_name and 'octopress' in template_name:
		style = config.get('Parameters', 'style')
	if not mini_width:
		mini_width = config.getint('Parameters', 'mini_width')
	if style == 'NONE':
		style = ""
	if not iptc_profile:
		iptc_profile = batch_profile_dir + stock_iptc_profile
	iptc_profile = path.abspath(path.expanduser(iptc_profile))
	input_file = path.abspath(path.expanduser(input_file))
	batch_profile_dir = localpath + batch_profile_dir
	profile_list = []
	for lepath, subdirs, files in walk(RT_profiles_dir):
		for name in files:
			profile_list += [path.join(lepath, name)]
	if bool(template_name):
		template_file = localpath + template_dir + template_name + '.txt'
		the_template = Template(open(template_file, 'r').read())
		output_template_file = output_dir + path.splitext(path.basename(input_file))[0] + '-temp'
		outfile = save_gen(output_template_file, extension='.txt')
	if do_minis:
		mini_profile_file = batch_profile_dir + mini_name
		mini_temp_profile_location = batch_profile_dir + 'tmp_' + mini_name
		mini_temp_profile_file = save_gen(mini_temp_profile_location)
		mini_profile = Template(open(mini_profile_file, 'r').read())
	for profile in profile_list:
		source = input_file
		out_name = path.splitext(path.basename(input_file))[0]+'-'+path.basename(profile)+'.jpg'
		out_name_minis = path.splitext(path.basename(input_file))[0]+'-'+path.basename(profile)+'.jpg'
		if do_fullsize:
			fullsize_destination = output_dir + out_name.replace(" ", "_")[rt_command, '-o', fullsize_destination, '-p', iptc_profile, '-p', profile, '-j[100]', '-Y', '-c', source])  
		if do_minis:
			minis_folder = output_dir + minis_dir
			if not path.isdir(minis_folder):
			minis_destination = output_dir + minis_dir + out_name_minis.replace(" ", "_")[rt_command, '-o', minis_destination, '-p', iptc_profile, '-p', profile, '-p', mini_temp_profile_location, '-j[100]', '-Y', '-c', source])
		if bool(template_name):
			full_size_link = pictures_link_path+out_name.replace(" ", "_")
			mini_path = '/images/photos/minis/'+out_name_minis.replace(" ", "_")
			outfile.write(the_template.substitute(STYLE=style, PATH=mini_path, WIDTH = mini_width, HEIGHT=0, CAPTION=path.splitext(profile)[0], LINK=full_size_link))
	if do_minis:
Beispiel #8
def ett(plot_ax="Y", source=False, id_list="final", make_tight=True, print_title=True, linewidth=0.8, fontscale=0.5, isspec=False, make_sem=True):
    config = get_config_file(localpath=path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))+'/')
    if not source:
	    source = config.get('Source', 'source')
    data_path = config.get('Addresses', source)
    reaction_times = config.get('Addresses', 'reaction_times')
    if plot_ax == "X":
	plot_axis = 'GazePointX'
	direction = "(towards stimulus)"
    if plot_ax == "Y":
	plot_axis = 'GazePointY'
	direction = "(up)"
    data_path = path.expanduser(data_path)
    rt_path = data_path + reaction_times
    files = [lefile for lefile in listdir(rt_path) if lefile.endswith('.tsv')]
    ids = [t.split('_',2)[0]+'_'+t.split('_',2)[1] for t in files]
    ids = np.unique(ids)
    eye_data_total = pd.DataFrame([])
    stimulus_datas = pd.DataFrame([])
    spec = ['6245247_f']
    h_dist = ['1236345_f','6779353_f','7310001_f','7714775_m','7816097_m','7865828_m','7922847_m']
    l_dist = ['1975801_m','4724273_f','6268973_m','8963557_f','8286497_m','8963557_m','9651558_m','8240877_m','6887665_m','5559429_f','8582941_f','8582941_m','9302438_f','4276763_f','3878418_m','3537898_f','1247497_f','8717741_m','4744495_f','7117377_m']
    best = ['1975801_m','4724273_f','6268973_m','8963557_f','8286497_m','8963557_m','6887665_m','5559429_f','8582941_f','9302438_f','1247497_f','4744495_f','7117377_m']
    test = ['chr1_f','chr2_f']
    if id_list=="final":
	id_list = l_dist
    for fileidx, fileid in enumerate(id_list):
	ratings = open_csv(rt_path+fileid+'_p')
	ratings = pd.DataFrame(ratings[1:], columns=ratings[0], dtype=float)
	ratings = ratings.groupby('picture').mean()    
	sorted_scores = sorted(ratings['score'])
	score_top, score_bottom = sorted_scores[-20], sorted_scores	[19]
	stimulus_data = pd.DataFrame
	stimulus_data = stimulus_data.from_csv(rt_path+fileid+'_wm.csv')
	stimulus_data['rateL'] = stimulus_data['rateL'].astype(np.float64)
	stimulus_data['RTL'] = stimulus_data['RTL'].astype(np.float64)
	stimulus_data['orderL'] = stimulus_data['orderL'].astype(np.float64)
	stimulus_data['rateR'] = stimulus_data['rateR'].astype(np.float64)
	stimulus_data['RTR'] = stimulus_data['RTR'].astype(np.float64)
	stimulus_data['orderR'] = stimulus_data['orderR'].astype(np.float64)
	stimulus_data['RT'] = stimulus_data['RT'].astype(np.float64)
	stimulus_data['session'] = stimulus_data['session'].astype(np.float64)
	stimulus_data = stimulus_data[stimulus_data['RT'] >=0]
	stimulus_data['block'] = ''
	stimulus_data.ix[(stimulus_data['rateL'] >= score_top) & (stimulus_data['rateR'] >= score_top), 'block'] = 'aa'
	stimulus_data.ix[(stimulus_data['rateL'] >= score_top) & (stimulus_data['rateR'] <= score_bottom), 'block'] = 'au'
	stimulus_data.ix[(stimulus_data['rateL'] <= score_bottom) & (stimulus_data['rateR'] >= score_top), 'block'] = 'ua'
	stimulus_data.ix[(stimulus_data['rateL'] <= score_bottom) & (stimulus_data['rateR'] <= score_bottom), 'block'] = 'uu'
	aa_trials = list(stimulus_data[(stimulus_data['block'] == 'aa')]['session'])
	au_trials = list(stimulus_data[(stimulus_data['block'] == 'au')]['session'])
	ua_trials = list(stimulus_data[(stimulus_data['block'] == 'ua')]['session'])
	uu_trials = list(stimulus_data[(stimulus_data['block'] == 'uu')]['session'])
	stimleft_trials = list(stimulus_data[(stimulus_data['isstimleft'] == True)]['session'])
	stimright_trials = list(stimulus_data[(stimulus_data['isstimleft'] == False)]['session'])
	stimatt_trials = list(stimulus_data[(stimulus_data['isstimleft'] == True) & (stimulus_data['rateL'] >= score_top) & (stimulus_data['rateR'] <= score_bottom)]['session'])
	stimatt_trials = stimatt_trials + list(stimulus_data[(stimulus_data['isstimleft'] == False) & (stimulus_data['rateL'] <= score_bottom) & (stimulus_data['rateR'] >= score_top)]['session'])
	stimNatt_trials = list(stimulus_data[(stimulus_data['isstimleft'] == False) & (stimulus_data['rateL'] >= score_top) & (stimulus_data['rateR'] <= score_bottom)]['session'])
	stimNatt_trials = stimNatt_trials + list(stimulus_data[(stimulus_data['isstimleft'] == True) & (stimulus_data['rateL'] <= score_bottom) & (stimulus_data['rateR'] >= score_top)]['session'])
	pat = 'TimeStamp	GazePointXLeft	GazePointYLeft	ValidityLeft	GazePointXRight	GazePointYRight	ValidityRight	GazePointX	GazePointY	Event'
	with open(rt_path+fileid+'_wmet.tsv') as infile:
	    eye_data =
	    eye_data = eye_data[1:] # remove header (describing date etc)
	    eye_data = [trial.split('\r\n') for trial in eye_data] # split at '\r'
	    for idx, i in enumerate(eye_data): # crop to 447 ACTUAL time frames - the first one is empty
		eye_data[idx] = i[:448]
	    for idx, trial in enumerate(eye_data):
		trial = [row.split('\t') for row in trial]
		eye_data[idx] = trial
	    eye_data = [name[1:] for name in eye_data] # crop the first, empty line
	    eye_data = np.array(eye_data)
	    eye_data = eye_data[:,:,[0,3,6,7,8]].astype(np.float64) # convert to float, we don't need separate eye coordinates
	    eye_data[:,:,3:] = eye_data[:,:,3:] / 2 - 0.5 # the integrated left-right gaze coordinates are the sum of the per-eye screen percentages - divide by 2 (2 eyes) and normalize to: 50% = 0
	    for a in np.arange(np.shape(eye_data)[0]): # assume that when neither of the eyes is detected the subject looks at the fixation
		for i in np.arange(np.shape(eye_data)[1]):
		    if eye_data[a,i,1] == 4 and eye_data[a,i,2] == 4:
			eye_data[a,i,3] = 0
			eye_data[a,i,4] = 0
	for i in stimleft_trials: # invert stimleft trial coordinates - equates 'right' with 'stimside'
	    eye_data[i,:,3:] = -eye_data[i,:,3:]
	eye_data = eye_data[:,:,[0,3,4]]  # we can't work with eye detection indices in the subsequent sumation, discard them here
	eye_data_aa = eye_data[aa_trials,:,:]
	eye_data_uu = eye_data[uu_trials,:,:]
	eye_data_uas = eye_data[stimatt_trials,:,:]
	eye_data_aus = eye_data[stimNatt_trials,:,:]
	eye_data_aa = np.sum(eye_data_aa, axis=0) / np.shape(eye_data_aa)[0]
	eye_data_uu = np.sum(eye_data_uu, axis=0) / np.shape(eye_data_uu)[0]
	eye_data_uas = np.sum(eye_data_uas, axis=0) / np.shape(eye_data_uas)[0]
	eye_data_aus = np.sum(eye_data_aus, axis=0) / np.shape(eye_data_aus)[0]
	eye_data_aa = pd.DataFrame(eye_data_aa, columns=['time','GazePointX','GazePointY'])
	eye_data_aa['stimuli'] = 'aa' 
	eye_data_uu = pd.DataFrame(eye_data_uu, columns=['time','GazePointX','GazePointY'])
	eye_data_uu['stimuli'] = 'uu' 
	eye_data_uas = pd.DataFrame(eye_data_uas, columns=['time','GazePointX','GazePointY'])
	eye_data_uas['stimuli'] = 'uas'
	eye_data_aus = pd.DataFrame(eye_data_aus, columns=['time','GazePointX','GazePointY'])
	eye_data_aus['stimuli'] = 'aus'
	eye_data = pd.concat([eye_data_aa, eye_data_uu, eye_data_uas, eye_data_aus])
	eye_data['ID'] = fileid
	eye_data["timepoint"] = eye_data.index
	if fileidx == 0:
	    eye_data_total = eye_data[["timepoint",'time','GazePointX','GazePointY','stimuli',"ID"]]
	    eye_data_total =  pd.concat([eye_data_total, eye_data[["timepoint",'time','GazePointX','GazePointY','stimuli',"ID"]]])
    # load reaction times (to plot as lines) here:
    conts = get_dataframes(id_list, rt_path)
    sa_reaction_time = conts[(conts['subblock'] == 'uas+sau')]['RT'].mean()*1000
    su_reaction_time = conts[(conts['subblock'] == 'aus+sua')]['RT'].mean()*1000
    aa_reaction_time = conts[(conts['block'] == 'aa')]['RT'].mean()*1000
    uu_reaction_time = conts[(conts['block'] == 'uu')]['RT'].mean()*1000
    # end load reaction times

    et_means = eye_data_total.groupby(["stimuli","timepoint"]).mean()
    if make_sem:
	et_sem = eye_data_total.groupby(["stimuli","timepoint"]).aggregate(sem)
    fig = figure(figsize=(3, 4), dpi=300, facecolor='#eeeeee', tight_layout=make_tight)
    matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 12*fontscale})
    ax1.set_xlim(0, et_means['time'].max())
    tc = et_means.ix["aa"]['time']
    v = et_means.ix["aa"][plot_axis]
    ax1.plot(tc, v, color='g')
    if make_sem:
	se = et_sem.ix["aa"][plot_axis]/2
	ax1.fill_between(tc, v+se, v-se, facecolor="g", edgecolor="none", alpha=0.1, zorder=0)
    tc = et_means.ix["uu"]['time']
    v = et_means.ix["uu"][plot_axis]
    ax1.plot(tc, v, color='m')
    if make_sem:
	se = et_sem.ix["uu"][plot_axis]/2
	ax1.fill_between(tc, v+se, v-se, facecolor="m", edgecolor="none", alpha=0.1, zorder=0)
    legend(('Attractive - Attractive','Unattractive - Unattractive'), bbox_to_anchor=(0.94, 0.99), shadow=False, frameon=False, prop=FontProperties(size=str(9*fontscale)))
    ax1.axhline(0, color='k', alpha = 0.1, linewidth=linewidth)
    ax1.axvline(aa_reaction_time, color='g', alpha = 0.3, linewidth=linewidth)
    ax1.axvline(uu_reaction_time, color='m', alpha = 0.3, linewidth=linewidth)
    ax1.set_ylabel(plot_ax+'-axis % '+direction)
    ax1.set_xlabel('Time [ms]')
    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)
    ax2.set_xlim(0, et_means['time'].max())
    tc = et_means.ix["uas"]['time']
    v = et_means.ix["uas"][plot_axis]
    ax2.plot(tc, v, color='g')
    if make_sem:
	se = et_sem.ix["uas"][plot_axis]/2
	ax2.fill_between(tc, v+se, v-se, facecolor="g", edgecolor="none", alpha=0.1, zorder=0)
    tc = et_means.ix["aus"]['time']
    v = et_means.ix["aus"][plot_axis]
    ax2.plot(tc, v, color='m')
    if make_sem:
	se = et_means.ix["aus"][plot_axis]/2
	ax2.fill_between(tc, v+se, v-se, facecolor="m", edgecolor="none", alpha=0.1, zorder=0)
    legend(('Attractive on Target Side','Unattractive on Target Side'), bbox_to_anchor=(0.94, 0.99), shadow=False, frameon=False, prop=FontProperties(size=str(9*fontscale)))
    ax2.axhline(0, color='k', alpha = 0.1, linewidth=linewidth)
    ax2.axvline(sa_reaction_time, color='g', alpha = 0.3, linewidth=linewidth)
    ax2.axvline(su_reaction_time, color='m', alpha = 0.3, linewidth=linewidth)
    ax2.set_ylabel(plot_ax+'-axis % '+direction)
    ax2.set_xlabel('Time [ms]')
Beispiel #9
def get_et_data(source=False, make='timecourse', pre_cutoff=0, make_categories='', diff=False, savefile='', baseline ="", force_new=False):
	from os import path
	import sys
	import pandas as pd
	import numpy as np
	import math
	from chr_helpers import get_config_file

	config = get_config_file(localpath=path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))+'/')

	if not source:
		source = config.get('Source', 'source')
	data_path = config.get('Addresses', source)
	eye_tracking = config.get('Data', 'eye_tracking')
	preprocessed_path = config.get('Data', 'df_dir')
	regressor_dir = config.get('Data', 'regressor_dir')
	if make == "regressor":
		make = config.getint("Settings", "make")
	if isinstance(make, int) and not pre_cutoff:
		pre_cutoff = config.getint('Settings', 'pre_cutoff')

	if source == 'local':
		from os import listdir
		data_path = path.expanduser(data_path+eye_tracking)
		pre_fileslist = listdir(data_path)
		regressor_path = path.expanduser(data_path+preprocessed_path+regressor_dir)
		if savefile:
			preprocessed_file = path.expanduser(data_path+preprocessed_path+savefile)
			if path.exists(preprocessed_file) and not force_new:
				data_all = pd.DataFrame.from_csv(preprocessed_file)
				data_all = data_all.set_index(['CoI'],append=True, drop=True)
				data_all = data_all.set_index(['measurement'],append=True, drop=True)
				data_all = data_all.reorder_levels(['ID','CoI','measurement'])
				return data_all

	print('Loading data from '+data_path)
	if pre_fileslist == []:
		raise InputError('For some reason the list of results files could not be populated.')

	files = [lefile for lefile in pre_fileslist if lefile.endswith('.txt')]

	usually_empty = ["L Mapped Diameter [mm]", "L Validity", "R Validity", " Pupil Confidence"]
	data_all = [] # empty container list for listing per-file dataframes
	for lefile in files:
		print("Processing " + lefile + ":")
		data_lefile = pd.DataFrame.from_csv(data_path+lefile, header=42, sep='\t')
		data_lefile = data_lefile.reset_index()
		data_lefile = data_lefile.dropna(axis=1, how='all', thresh=3) #remove non informative (null) columns
		for field in usually_empty:
			if field in data_lefile.columns.tolist():
				data_lefile = data_lefile.drop(field, 1) #this column contains no useful values and is not in all files, dropna however fails to remove it :/

		#CUTOFF AT 'pulse_start'
		cutoff = data_lefile[(data_lefile['L Raw X [px]'] == '# Message: pulse_start')].index.tolist()
		cutoff = int(cutoff[-1])
		data_lefile = data_lefile[cutoff-pre_cutoff:]
		data_lefile = data_lefile.reset_index() #make new index
		data_lefile = data_lefile.drop(['index'],1) # drop old index

		if isinstance(make, int):
			data_lefile = data_lefile[(data_lefile["Type"] != "MSG")]
			data_lefile["Pupil"] = ((data_lefile["L Dia Y [px]"] + data_lefile["L Dia X [px]"])/2)**2 # compute Pupil ~area
			data_lefile_single = data_lefile["Pupil"]

			if diff == "prebin":
				data_lefile_single = data_lefile_single.diff()

			data_lefile_single = downsample(data_lefile_single, sample=make)

			if diff == "postbin":
				data_lefile_single = data_lefile_single.diff()
				data_lefile_single = data_lefile_single.ix[1:,1]
				data_lefile_single.to_csv(regressor_path+lefile.split('_')[0]+'_diff_postbin.csv', index=False, header=False, index_label=None)

			elif diff == "prebin":
				data_lefile_single = data_lefile_single.ix[:,1]
				data_lefile_single.to_csv(regressor_path+lefile.split('_')[0]+'_diff_prebin.csv', index=False, header=False, index_label=None)

				data_lefile_single = data_lefile_single.ix[:,1]
				data_lefile_single.to_csv(regressor_path+lefile.split('_')[0]+'.csv', index=False,  header=False, index_label=None)

			continue = 'measurement'
		data_lefile['Trial'] = data_lefile['Trial'] - data_lefile['Trial'].ix[0] #trial number relative to first remaining trial
		data_lefile['Time'] = (data_lefile['Time'] - data_lefile['Time'].ix[0])/1000 #time relative to first remaining time point; turn time to milliseconds
		#END CUTOFF AT 'pulse_start'
		if make_categories:
			new_category_names = set([new_cat[0] for new_cat in make_categories])
			for new_category_name in new_category_names:
			trial_key = data_lefile[(data_lefile['Type'] == 'MSG')][['Trial','L Raw X [px]']] #crop
			trial_key = np.array(trial_key) #for easier iteration
			for category in make_categories:
				criterion = category[-1]
				for trial in trial_key:
					if '-' in criterion:
						if criterion.split('-')[0] in trial[1] and criterion.split('-')[1] not in trial[1]:
							data_lefile.ix[(data_lefile['Trial']==trial[0]), category[0]] = category[1]
					elif '|' in criterion:
						if criterion.split('|')[0] in trial[1] or criterion.split('|')[1] in trial[1]:
							data_lefile.ix[(data_lefile['Trial']==trial[0]), category[0]] = category[1]
						if criterion in trial[1]:
							data_lefile.ix[(data_lefile['Trial']==trial[0]), category[0]] = category[1]

		grouped = data_lefile.set_index(['Trial'])
		#measurement is the ordinal number of a capture frame within a trial:
		data_lefile['measurement'] = grouped.groupby(level=0).cumcount().tolist()
		data_lefile.set_index(['Trial', 'measurement'], inplace=True)

		if make == 'timecourse':
			groups_all = []
			for category in make_categories:
				print("Binning category:"+"\""+category[1]+"\"")
				group = data_lefile[(data_lefile[category[0]] == category[1])]
				group = group.groupby(level=1).mean() # make per-category means
				group = group.ix[:240] # means for timepoints with missing values will be smaller.
				group['Time'] = group['Time']-group['Time'].ix[0]
				group['CoI'] = ''
				group['CoI'] = category[1]
				group = group.set_index(['CoI'], append=True, drop=True)
				group = group.reorder_levels(['CoI','measurement'])
				group["Pupil"] = ((group["L Dia Y [px]"] + group["L Dia X [px]"])/2)**2 # compute Pupil ~area
			data_lefile = pd.concat(groups_all)
			print('Please specify the "make" argumant as either "timecourse" or an integer.')

		if baseline == "participant":
			baseline_mean = data_lefile.ix["fix"]["Pupil"].mean() #baseline (fixcross) mean
			data_lefile["Pupil"] = data_lefile["Pupil"]/baseline_mean
		data_lefile = data_lefile.set_index(['ID'], append=True, drop=True)
		if make == "timecourse":
			data_lefile = data_lefile.reorder_levels(['ID','CoI','measurement'])
	if make == "timecourse":
		data_all = pd.concat(data_all)

		if baseline == "global":
		    baseline_mean = data_all.groupby(level=1).mean().ix["fix"]["Pupil"].mean() #baseline (fixcross) mean
		    data_all["Pupil"] = data_all["Pupil"]/baseline_mean

		if savefile:

		return data_all
Beispiel #10
def get_rt_data(source=False, make_categories=False, no_response="", make_scrambled_yn=False):
	from os import path
	import sys
	import pandas as pd
	import numpy as np
	import math
	from chr_helpers import get_config_file

	config = get_config_file(localpath=path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))+'/')

	if not source:
		source = config.get('Source', 'source')
	data_path = config.get('Addresses', source)
	eye_tracking = config.get('Data', 'eye_tracking')
	preprocessed_path = config.get('Data', 'df_dir')
	rt_dir = config.get('Data', 'rt_dir')

	if source == 'local':
		from os import listdir
		data_path = path.expanduser(data_path+rt_dir)
		pre_fileslist = listdir(data_path)

	print('Loading data from '+data_path)
	if pre_fileslist == []:
		raise InputError('For some reason the list of results files could not be populated.')

	files = [lefile for lefile in pre_fileslist if lefile.endswith('OM.log') and not lefile.startswith("KP") and not lefile.startswith("ET_")]

	data_all = [] # empty container list for listing per-file dataframes
	for lefile in files:
		with open(data_path+lefile, 'rb') as source:
			for line in source:
				if line == '\r\n':
					a += 1
					a = 0
				if a == 2:
			df_file = pd.read_csv(source, engine='python', sep="\t")
		if len(set(df_file["Type"])) <= 2:
			continue #skip files which do not contain RT data (identified by having a monotonous "Type")
		df_file = df_file[["Code","RT","Type"]]
		df_file = df_file[(df_file["Code"] != "fixCross")]

		if isinstance(no_response, int):
			df_file.ix[(df_file["Type"] != "miss"), "RT"] = no_response # remove missed trials with int penalty value
			df_file = df_file[(df_file["Type"] != "miss")] # remove missed trials

		if make_categories:
			new_category_names = set([new_cat[0] for new_cat in make_categories])
			for new_category_name in new_category_names:
			trial_key = df_file[['index','Code']] #crop
			trial_key = np.array(trial_key) #for easier iteration
			for category in make_categories:
				criterion = category[-1]
				for trial in trial_key:
					if '-' in criterion:
						if criterion.split('-')[0] in trial[1] and criterion.split('-')[1] not in trial[1]:
							df_file.ix[(df_file['index']==trial[0]), category[0]] = category[1]
					elif '|' in criterion:
						if criterion.split('|')[0] in trial[1] or criterion.split('|')[1] in trial[1]:
							df_file.ix[(df_file['index']==trial[0]), category[0]] = category[1]
						if criterion in trial[1]:
							df_file.ix[(df_file['index']==trial[0]), category[0]] = category[1]

		if make_scrambled_yn:
			df_file.ix[(df_file["emotion"] == "scrambled"), "scrambled"]= "yes"
			df_file.ix[(df_file["emotion"] != "scrambled"), "scrambled"]= "no"

		df_file = df_file.drop(['index'],1) # drop old index
		df_file = df_file.set_index(['ID'], append=True, drop=True)
		df_file = df_file.reorder_levels([1,0])
	data_all = pd.concat(data_all)
	data_all["RT"] = data_all["RT"] / 10000 #make seconds
	return data_all
Beispiel #11
def main(output_format=False, scrambling_steps_id=False):
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    from numpy.random import permutation, choice, sample
    from os import path, listdir
    from itertools import product
    from chr_helpers import get_config_file, save_pd_csv, save_gen, save_pd_tsv
    from routines import hariri
    from string import Template
    localpath = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)) + '/'
    config = get_config_file(localpath)
    sequence_name = config.get('Files', 'sequence_name')
    output_subdir = config.get('Directories', 'output_subdir')
    stimuli_dir = config.get('Directories', 'stimuli_dir')
    templates_dir = config.get('Directories', 'templates_dir')
    scrambling_id = config.get('Decoding', 'scrambling_id')
    scrambling_a_id = config.get('Decoding', 'scrambling_a_id')
    scrambling_b_id = config.get('Decoding', 'scrambling_b_id')
    fearful_id = config.get('Decoding', 'fearful_id')
    happy_id = config.get('Decoding', 'happy_id')
    female_id = config.get('Decoding', 'female_id')
    male_id = config.get('Decoding', 'male_id')
    easy_em_id = config.get('Decoding', 'easy_em_id')
    hard_em_id = config.get('Decoding', 'hard_em_id')
    if scrambling_steps_id:
    else: scrambling_steps_id = [int(i) for i in config.get('Decoding', 'scrambling_steps_id').split(',')]
    scrambling_steps_prefix = config.get('Decoding', 'scrambling_steps_prefix')
    make_blocks = config.getboolean('Parameters', 'make_blocks')
    block_size = config.getint('Parameters', 'block_size')
    if output_format:
    else: output_format = [str(i) for i in config.get('Parameters', 'output_format').split(',')]
    keep_oldsequence = config.getboolean('Parameters', 'keep_oldsequence')
    scrambling_steps_id_withprefix = [scrambling_steps_prefix+str(i) for i in scrambling_steps_id]
    local_dir = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)) + '/' 
    output_dir = local_dir + output_subdir
    #check for already existing sequence file
    if keep_oldsequence and path.isfile(output_dir + '.' + sequence_name + '-last_exported_sequence.csv'):
        sequence = pd.DataFrame.from_csv(output_dir + '.' + sequence_name + '-last_exported_sequence.csv')
        print('Keeping old sequence found at '+output_dir + '.' + sequence_name + '-last_exported_sequence.csv . Please unset "keep_oldsequence" in '+path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))+'/gen.cfg to avoid this.')
        scrambling_steps_id_withprefix = [scrambling_steps_prefix+str(i) for i in scrambling_steps_id]
        stimuli_dir = path.expanduser(stimuli_dir) # expands the path if it is specified with tilde for "home"
        stimlist = permutation(listdir(stimuli_dir))
        sequence = pd.DataFrame([]) # blank dataframe to add the stimuli lists to
        if make_blocks:
            sequence_name = sequence_name + '_' + str(block_size) + 'block'
        # 100% emotion trials
        for variable_categories in product([male_id, female_id], [[happy_id, fearful_id],[fearful_id,happy_id]]):
            top_stimuli = [a for a in stimlist if variable_categories[0] in a and variable_categories[1][0] in a and easy_em_id in a and scrambling_id not in a]
            distractors = [a for a in stimlist if variable_categories[0] in a and variable_categories[1][1] in a and easy_em_id in a and scrambling_id not in a]
            subsequence = hariri(top_stimuli, top_stimuli, distractors, suffix_characters=11) # with suffix identifier skipping because we don't want the same person twice in a slide
            sequence = pd.concat([sequence, subsequence], ignore_index=True)
        # 40% emotion trials
        for variable_categories in product([male_id, female_id], [[happy_id, fearful_id],[fearful_id,happy_id]]):
            top_stimuli = [a for a in stimlist if variable_categories[0] in a and variable_categories[1][0] in a and easy_em_id in a and scrambling_id not in a]
            distractors = [a for a in stimlist if variable_categories[0] in a and variable_categories[1][1] in a and hard_em_id in a and scrambling_id not in a]
            targets = [a for a in stimlist if variable_categories[0] in a and variable_categories[1][0] in a and hard_em_id in a and scrambling_id not in a]
            subsequence = hariri(top_stimuli, targets, distractors, suffix_characters=11) # with suffix identifier skipping because we don't want the same person twice in a slide
            sequence = pd.concat([sequence, subsequence], ignore_index=True)
        # scrambling trials
        for variable_categories in product(scrambling_steps_id_withprefix, [[scrambling_a_id, scrambling_b_id]]):
            top_stimuli = [a for a in stimlist if variable_categories[0] in a and variable_categories[1][0] in a and easy_em_id in a]
            distractors = [a for a in stimlist if variable_categories[0] in a and variable_categories[1][0] in a and easy_em_id in a]
            for idx, i in enumerate(distractors):
                distractors[idx] = distractors[idx][:-5]+'b.jpg'
            targets = top_stimuli # we use identical images for identification
            subsequence = hariri(top_stimuli, targets, distractors, forbid_identical_targets=False)
            sequence = pd.concat([sequence, subsequence], ignore_index=True)
        # Fill out meta-fileds
        sequence.ix[(sequence['top face'].map(lambda x: happy_id in x)), 'emotion'] = 'happiness'
        sequence.ix[(sequence['top face'].map(lambda x: fearful_id in x)), 'emotion'] = 'fear'
        sequence.ix[(sequence['right face'].map(lambda x: easy_em_id in x)), 'emotion intensity'] = 100 # the top face is always C100
        sequence.ix[(sequence['right face'].map(lambda x: hard_em_id in x)), 'emotion intensity'] = 40 # the top face is always C100
        sequence.ix[(sequence['top face'].map(lambda x: male_id in x)), 'gender'] = 'm'
        sequence.ix[(sequence['top face'].map(lambda x: female_id in x)), 'gender'] = 'f'
        for scrambling_step in scrambling_steps_id_withprefix:
            sequence.ix[(sequence['top face'].map(lambda x: scrambling_step in x)), 'scrambling'] = int(scrambling_step.strip('cell'))
        sequence.ix[(sequence['top face'].map(lambda x: scrambling_id not in x)), 'scrambling'] = 0
        #make blocks
        if make_blocks:
            block_number = 0 #start value for iteration
            for step in range(0, len(sequence)*block_size, block_size):
                sequence.ix[step:step+block_size,'block'] = block_number
                block_number +=1
        #save raw stimulus list
        output_file = output_dir + '.' + sequence_name + '-last_exported_sequence'
        save_pd_csv(sequence, output_file) 
    if 'christian' in output_format: # 'christian' format (dataframe, versatile, amongst others for faceRT)
        output_file = output_dir + sequence_name
        save_pd_csv(sequence, output_file)
    if 'gabriela1' in output_format: # 'gabriela1' format (for "Presentation")
        tamplate_subdir = 'gabriela1/'
        header = open(local_dir+templates_dir+tamplate_subdir+'header.txt', 'r').read()
        footer = open(local_dir+templates_dir+tamplate_subdir+'footer.txt', 'r').read()
        module = Template(open(local_dir+templates_dir+tamplate_subdir+'module.txt', 'r').read())
        #~ print module.substitute(name='a', t='a', l='a', r='a', N='a')
        for condition_file_id in ['cont_hard', 'cont_easy', 'em_hard', 'em_easy']:
            sequence.ix[(sequence['correct answer'] == 'right'), 'correct answer'] = 1
            sequence.ix[(sequence['correct answer'] == 'left'), 'correct answer'] = 2
            output_file = output_dir + sequence_name + '_gabriela1_' + condition_file_id
            with save_gen(output_file, extension='.txt') as outfile:
                if condition_file_id == 'cont_hard':
                    for idx, trial in sequence[(sequence['scrambling'] == scrambling_steps_id[0])].iterrows():
                        format_module(outfile, module, trial, idx)
                elif condition_file_id == 'cont_easy':
                    for idx, trial in sequence[(sequence['scrambling'] == scrambling_steps_id[1])].iterrows():
                        format_module(outfile, module, trial, idx)
                elif condition_file_id == 'em_hard':
                    for idx, trial in sequence[(sequence['scrambling'] == 0) & (sequence['emotion intensity'] == 40)].iterrows():
                        format_module(outfile, module, trial, idx)
                elif condition_file_id == 'em_easy':
                    for idx, trial in sequence[(sequence['scrambling'] == 0) & (sequence['emotion intensity'] == 100)].iterrows():
                        format_module(outfile, module, trial, idx)
                else: raise InputError('Your condition_file_id values do not correspond to the script\'s expectations.')
    if 'gabriela2' in output_format:
        sequence['name'] = sequence['top face']
        for pos, le_name in enumerate(sequence['name']):
            sequence['name'].ix[pos] = path.splitext(le_name)[0] + ' ;'
        sequence.ix[(sequence['correct answer'] == 'right'), 'correct answer'] = 1
        sequence.ix[(sequence['correct answer'] == 'left'), 'correct answer'] = 2
        sequence = sequence.rename(columns={'top face': 'fname_up', 'left face': 'fname_down_left', 'right face': 'fname_down_right', 'correct answer': 'rating'})
        output_file = output_dir + sequence_name + '_gabriela2'
        save_pd_tsv(sequence, output_file)
Beispiel #12
def get_and_filter_results(experiment=False, source=False, prepixelation='not specified', remove='', mismeasurement='remove', apply_correct_values=False, make_CoI=False):
	import pandas as pd
	from os import path
	import sys
	from chr_helpers import get_config_file

	config = get_config_file(localpath=path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))+'/')

	if isinstance(prepixelation, (int, long)):

	if prepixelation == 'not specified': #is not triggers if the value is defined as 0 .
		prepixelation = config.getint('Data', 'prepixelation')
	if not experiment:
		experiment = config.get('Data', 'experiment')
	if not source:
		source = config.get('Source', 'source')
	data_path = config.get('Addresses', source)
	ignore_filename = config.get('Data', 'ignore_filename')

	if source == 'server':
		from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
		import urllib
		class ChrParser(HTMLParser):
			def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
				if tag =='a':
					for key, value in attrs:
						if key == 'href' and value.endswith('.csv'):
		results_dir = data_path+experiment+'/px'+str(prepixelation)+'/'
		data_url = urllib.urlopen(results_dir).read()
		parser = ChrParser()
		pre_fileslist = []
		parser.feed(data_url) # pre_fileslist gets populated here
	elif source == 'live':
		from os import listdir
		results_dir = path.dirname(path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))) + data_path + str(prepixelation) + '/'
		results_dir = path.expanduser(results_dir)
		pre_fileslist = listdir(results_dir)
	elif source == 'local':
		from os import listdir
		results_dir = data_path + experiment + '/px' + str(prepixelation) + '/'
		results_dir = path.expanduser(results_dir)
		pre_fileslist = listdir(results_dir)

	print('Loading data from '+results_dir)

	if pre_fileslist == []:
		raise InputError('For some reason the list of results files could not be populated.')
	files = [lefile for lefile in pre_fileslist if lefile.endswith('.csv') and not lefile.endswith(ignore_filename+'.csv')]

	data_all = pd.DataFrame([]) # empty container frame for concatenating input from multiple files
	for lefile in files:
		data_lefile = pd.DataFrame.from_csv(results_dir+lefile)
		data_lefile['ID'] = path.splitext(lefile)[0]
		scrambling_list = set(data_lefile['scrambling'])
		if apply_correct_values: # relevant only for some legacy data where the script miswrote values to the results file
		if make_CoI:
			data_lefile = categories_of_interest(data_lefile, scrambling_list)

		elif mismeasurement == 'fix':
			make_CoI == True
			data_lefile = categories_of_interest(data_lefile, scrambling_list)
		if mismeasurement == 'remove':
			data_lefile = data_lefile[data_lefile['RT'] >0] # remove entries with instant RTs here
		elif mismeasurement == 'nan':
			data_lefile.ix[(data_lefile['RT'] <=0), 'RT'] = False # remove entries with incorrect answers here
		elif mismeasurement == 'fix':
			import numpy as np
			for CoI in set(data_lefile['CoI']):
				data_lefile.ix[(data_lefile['RT'] <=0) & (data_lefile['CoI'] == CoI), 'RT'] = np.median(data_lefile[data_lefile['CoI'] == CoI]['RT']) #replace missing values with the median of the repecitive CoI

		if 'no-response' in remove:
			data_lefile = data_lefile[data_lefile['keypress'] != 'none'] # remove entries with no answers here
		if 'incorrect' in remove:
			data_lefile = data_lefile[data_lefile['correct answer'] == data_lefile['keypress']] # remove entries with incorrect answers here
		data_all = pd.concat([data_all, data_lefile], ignore_index=True)
	return data_all
Beispiel #13
def fa(source=False, use_filter="default", data_file="latest", participant_subset="", drop_metadata=True, drop=[], clean=7, factors=5, facecolor="#ffffff"):
    #gets config file:
    config = get_config_file(localpath=path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))+'/')

    if not source:
	    source = config.get('Source', 'source')
    data_path = config.get('Addresses', source)
    filter_dir = config.get('Paths', "filter_dir")
    filter_name = config.get("Filters", use_filter)

    filter_path = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)) + '/' + filter_dir + filter_name + '.csv'

    filters = DataFrame.from_csv(filter_path, header=None).transpose() # transpose filters because of .csv file formatting
    all_data = DataFrame.from_csv(data_path + data_file + ".csv")
    all_data = all_data.reset_index(level=0)
    #~ print filters["metadata"]

    #clean data of respondents who only ckeck extreme answers:
    all_data = all_data[map(lambda y: len(set(y)) > clean,np.array(all_data))]

    if drop_metadata == True:
        # drops metadata
        all_data = all_data.drop(filters["metadata"][Series.notnull(filters["metadata"])], axis=1)

    drop_list = []
    for drop_item in drop:
        # compile list of column names to be dropped:
        drop_list += list(filters[drop_item][Series.notnull(filters[drop_item])])
    #get unique column names (the list may contain duplicates if overlaying multiple filters):
    drop_list = list(set(drop_list))

    all_data = all_data.drop(drop_list, axis=1)

    if participant_subset == "odd":
        # selects only odd indexes (keep the other dataset half for validation)
        keep_rows = all_data.index.values[1::2]
        filtered_data = all_data.ix[keep_rows]
    elif participant_subset == "even":
        # selects only even indexes (keep the other dataset half for validation)
        keep_rows = all_data.index.values[0::2]
        filtered_data = all_data.ix[keep_rows]
    elif participant_subset == "male":
        # selects only male participants
        filtered_data = all_data[all_data['My legal gender:'] == 'Male']
    elif participant_subset == "female":
        # selects only female participants
        filtered_data = all_data[all_data['My legal gender:'] == 'Female']
        filtered_data = all_data

    #convert to correct type for analysis:
    filtered_data_array = np.array(filtered_data, dtype='float64')

    filtered_data_array = filtered_data_array / 100

    fit = r.factanal(filtered_data_array, factors, rotation='promax')
    load = r.loadings(fit)
    load = numpy2ri.ri2numpy(load)

    load = r.t(load)

    remapped_cmap = remappedColorMap(cm.PiYG, start=(np.max(load)-abs(np.min(load)))/(2*np.max(load)), midpoint=abs(np.min(load))/(np.max(load)+abs(np.min(load))), name='shrunk')

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(17.5, 5), facecolor=facecolor)
    graphic = ax.imshow(load, cmap = remapped_cmap, interpolation='none')
    ax.set_title("Question Loadings on Factors")

    #Recolor plot spines:
    for spine_side in ["bottom", "top", "left", "right"]:

    #Remove ticks:
    plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', left="off", right="off", bottom='off', top='off')

    divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
    #calculate width for cbar so that it is equal to the question column width:
    cbar_width = str(100/np.shape(load)[1])+ "%"
    cax = divider.append_axes("right", size=cbar_width, pad=0.05)
    cbar = colorbar(graphic, cax=cax, drawedges=True)

    #Limit the number of ticks:
    tick_locator = ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=6)
    cbar.locator = tick_locator

    #Align ticklabels so that negative values are not misaligned (meaning right align):
    for t in

    #Tweak color bar borders
Beispiel #14
def parse_results(input_file=False, source=False, data_format=""):
    localpath = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)) + "/"
    config = get_config_file(localpath)

    output_dir = config.get("Directories", "output_dir")
    formats_dir = config.get("Directories", "formats_dir")
    keys_dir = config.get("Directories", "keys_dir")
    if not input_file:
        if not source:
            source = config.get("Source", "source")
        data_path = config.get("Addresses", source)
        file_name = config.get("Addresses", "file_name")
        input_file = data_path + file_name
    if not data_format:
        data_format = config.get("Parameters", "data_format")

    if type(input_file) is list:
        input_file = [path.expanduser(input_file_item) for input_file_item in input_file]
        input_file = path.expanduser(input_file)

    keys_dir = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)) + "/" + keys_dir
    formats_dir = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)) + "/" + formats_dir
    keys_list = [
        path.splitext(i)[0] for i in listdir(keys_dir) if i.endswith(".csv")
    ]  # list of questionnare IDs for which we provide decoding

    if data_format == "testmaker":
        format_processing = pd.read_csv(formats_dir + data_format + ".csv")
        import key_functions

        raw_data = pd.read_csv(input_file, sep="/").set_index(["ID_v"])
        question_ids = set([i.partition("_")[0] for i in raw_data.columns])
        question_ids = [i for i in question_ids if i in keys_list]
        results = pd.DataFrame(index=raw_data.index, columns=question_ids)
        for sub_test in question_ids:  # for sub_test in question_ids:
            test_key = pd.read_csv(keys_dir + sub_test + ".csv")  # load the key used to score the answers
            test_fields = fnmatch.filter(raw_data.columns, sub_test + "_*")
            test_questions = raw_data[test_fields]  # slice the relevant answers from the raw results
            test_questions = test_questions + format_processing["add"][0]  # preprocess data typically for testmaker
            results = getattr(key_functions, sub_test)(test_questions, test_key, results)
    elif data_format in ["surveygizmo", "surveymonkey"]:
        raise ValueError(
            "The 'surveygizmo' format is not yet supported. If you cannot make due without this please direct your query to [email protected]."
    elif data_format == "cuQuest1":
        response_data = pd.read_csv(input_file[0], sep=";")
        self_data = pd.read_csv(input_file[1], sep=";")
        self_data = self_data[(self_data["curiosity"].notnull()) & (self_data["knowledge"].notnull())]

        participant_list = list(set(self_data["participant"].values.tolist()))
        correlation_df_columns = [

        correlations_df = pd.DataFrame(index=participant_list, columns=correlation_df_columns)
        correlations_df = correlations_df.fillna(0)  # with 0s rather than NaNs
        correlations_df["participant"] = participant_list
        for participant in participant_list:
            correlation_list = []
            for correlation_type in ["pearson", "kendall", "spearman"]:
                correlation = self_data[(self_data["participant"] == participant)][["curiosity", "knowledge"]].corr(
                    method=correlation_type, min_periods=1
                    (correlations_df["participant"] == participant), correlation_type[0] + "CvK"
                ] = correlation

Beispiel #15
def coi(source=False, make_tight=True, print_title = True, elinewidth=3, fontscale=1, isspec = False):
    config = get_config_file(localpath=path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))+'/')
    if not source:
	    source = config.get('Source', 'source')
    data_path = config.get('Addresses', source)
    reaction_times = config.get('Addresses', 'reaction_times')
    data_path = path.expanduser(data_path)
    rt_path = data_path + reaction_times
    files = [lefile for lefile in listdir(rt_path) if lefile.endswith('.csv')]
    ids = [t.split('_',2)[0]+'_'+t.split('_',2)[1] for t in files]
    ids = np.unique(ids)
    conts = get_dataframes(id_list, rt_path)
    if isspec: 
	spec_conts = get_dataframes(spec, rt_path)
	meanscont = spec_conts.groupby('subblock').mean()
	print meanscont
	cat1 = spec_conts[spec_conts['subblock']=='aus+sua']
	cat2 = spec_conts[spec_conts['subblock']=='uas+sau']
	print ttest_rel(cat1['RTdiff'], cat2['RTdiff'])
    meanscont = conts.groupby(['ID','subblock']).mean()
    meanscont = meanscont.reset_index()
    ids = sorted(list(set(conts.set_index('ID').index)))
    pos_ids = np.arange(len(ids))
    sa_means = conts[(conts['subblock'] == 'uas+sau')].groupby('ID')['RTdiff'].mean()
    sa_std = conts[(conts['subblock'] == 'uas+sau')].groupby('ID')['RTdiff'].aggregate(sem)
    su_means = conts[(conts['subblock'] == 'aus+sua')].groupby('ID')['RTdiff'].mean()
    su_std = conts[(conts['subblock'] == 'aus+sua')].groupby('ID')['RTdiff'].aggregate(sem)
    sa_means = conts[(conts['subblock'] == 'uas+sau')].groupby('ID')['RTdiff'].mean()
    sa_std = conts[(conts['subblock'] == 'uas+sau')].groupby('ID')['RTdiff'].aggregate(sem)
    sa_t_means = meanscont[(meanscont['subblock'] == 'uas+sau')]['RTdiff'].mean()
    sa_t_std = sem(meanscont[(meanscont['subblock'] == 'uas+sau')]['RTdiff'])
    su_means = conts[(conts['subblock'] == 'aus+sua')].groupby('ID')['RTdiff'].mean()
    su_std = conts[(conts['subblock'] == 'aus+sua')].groupby('ID')['RTdiff'].aggregate(sem)
    su_t_means = meanscont[(meanscont['subblock'] == 'aus+sua')]['RTdiff'].mean()
    su_t_std = sem(meanscont[(meanscont['subblock'] == 'aus+sua')]['RTdiff'])
    if isspec:
	sa_spec_means = spec_conts[(spec_conts['subblock'] == 'uas+sau')]['RTdiff'].mean()
	sa_spec_std = sem(spec_conts[(spec_conts['subblock'] == 'uas+sau')]['RTdiff'])
	su_spec_means = spec_conts[(spec_conts['subblock'] == 'aus+sua')]['RTdiff'].mean()
	su_spec_std = sem(spec_conts[(spec_conts['subblock'] == 'aus+sua')]['RTdiff'])
    fig = figure(figsize=(pos_ids.max()*3, 4), dpi=300, facecolor='#eeeeee', tight_layout=make_tight)
    matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 12*fontscale})
    width = 0.3
    ax.yaxis.grid(True, linestyle='-', which='major', color='#dddddd',alpha=0.5, zorder=1)
    sa_bar =, sa_means, width ,color='m', alpha=0.4, zorder=1, linewidth=0)
    sa_err = errorbar(pos_ids+(width/2), sa_means, yerr=sa_std, ecolor='0.55', elinewidth=elinewidth, capsize=0, linestyle='None', zorder=2)
    sa_t_bar =[-1]+1, sa_t_means, width ,color='m', alpha=0.8, zorder=1, linewidth=0)
    sa_t_err = errorbar(pos_ids[-1]+1+(width/2), sa_t_means, yerr=sa_t_std, ecolor='0.1', elinewidth=elinewidth, capsize=0, linestyle='None', zorder=2)
    su_bar =, su_means, width ,color='g', alpha=0.4, zorder=1, linewidth=0)
    su_err = errorbar(pos_ids+(width*3/2), su_means, yerr=su_std, ecolor='0.55', elinewidth=elinewidth, capsize=0, linestyle='None', zorder=2)
    su_t_bar =[-1]+1+width, su_t_means, width ,color='g', alpha=0.8, zorder=1, linewidth=0)
    su_t_err = errorbar(pos_ids[-1]+1+(width*3/2), su_t_means, yerr=su_t_std, ecolor='0.1', elinewidth=elinewidth, capsize=0, linestyle='None', zorder=2)
    if isspec:
	sa_spec_bar =[-1]+2, sa_spec_means, width ,color='m', alpha=0.4, zorder=1, linewidth=0)
	sa_spec_err = errorbar(pos_ids[-1]+2+(width*1/2), sa_spec_means, yerr=sa_spec_std, ecolor='0.55', elinewidth=elinewidth, capsize=0, linestyle='None', zorder=2)
	su_spec_bar =[-1]+2+width, su_spec_means, width ,color='g', alpha=0.4, zorder=1, linewidth=0)
	su_spec_err = errorbar(pos_ids[-1]+2+(width*3/2), su_spec_means, yerr=su_spec_std, ecolor='0.55', elinewidth=elinewidth, capsize=0, linestyle='None', zorder=2)
    if isspec:
	ids=ids+['TOTAL  '] # blank space at the end so that it doesn't overlap with the x-axis
    pos_ids = np.arange(len(ids))
    ax.set_xlim(0, pos_ids.max())
    ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mathsf{\overline{RT}}$ [s]')
    ax.set_xlabel('Participant ID')
    ax.set_xticks(pos_ids + width)
    for tick in ax.axes.get_xticklines():
    axis.Axis.zoom(ax.xaxis, -0.5)
    legend((sa_t_bar,su_t_bar),('Target flanking attracive face','Target flanking unattractive face'), bbox_to_anchor=(0.92, 0.2), shadow=False, frameon=False, prop=FontProperties(size=str(11*fontscale)))
    print meanscont[meanscont['subblock']=='uas+sau']['RTdiff'].mean()-meanscont[meanscont['subblock']=='aus+sua']['RTdiff'].mean()
    return meanscont
Beispiel #16
def coni(source=False, make_tight=True, print_title = True, elinewidth=2, fontscale=1, isspec = False):
    config = get_config_file(localpath=path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))+'/')
    if not source:
	    source = config.get('Source', 'source')
    data_path = config.get('Addresses', source)
    reaction_times = config.get('Addresses', 'reaction_times')
    data_path = path.expanduser(data_path)
    rt_path = data_path + reaction_times
    files = [lefile for lefile in listdir(rt_path) if lefile.endswith('.csv')]
    ids = [t.split('_',2)[0]+'_'+t.split('_',2)[1] for t in files]
    ids = np.unique(ids)
    conts = pd.DataFrame([])
    for i in id_list:
	ratings = open_csv(rt_path+i+'_p')
	ratings = pd.DataFrame(ratings[1:], columns=ratings[0], dtype=float)
	ratings = ratings.groupby('picture').mean()    
	sorted_scores = sorted(ratings['score'])
	score_top, score_bottom = sorted_scores[-20], sorted_scores	[19]

	cont = open_csv(rt_path+i+'_wm')
	cont = pd.DataFrame(cont[1:], columns=cont[0])
	cont['rateL'] = cont['rateL'].astype(np.float64)
	cont['RTL'] = cont['RTL'].astype(np.float64)
	cont['orderL'] = cont['orderL'].astype(np.float64)
	cont['rateR'] = cont['rateR'].astype(np.float64)
	cont['RTR'] = cont['RTR'].astype(np.float64)
	cont['orderR'] = cont['orderR'].astype(np.float64)
	cont['RT'] = cont['RT'].astype(np.float64)
	cont['session'] = cont['session'].astype(np.float64)
	cont = cont[cont['RT'] >=0]
	cont.ix[cont['isstimleft'] == 'False', 'isstimleft'] = False
	cont.ix[cont['isstimleft'] == 'True', 'isstimleft'] = True
	cont['ID'] = i	
	cont1 = cont[(cont['isstimleft'] == False) & (cont['keypress'] == 'right')]
	cont2 = cont[(cont['isstimleft'] == True) & (cont['keypress'] == 'left')]
	cont = pd.concat([cont1,cont2])
	cont['block'] = ''
	cont.ix[(cont['rateL'] >= score_top) & (cont['rateR'] >= score_top), 'block'] = 'aa'
	cont.ix[(cont['rateL'] >= score_top) & (cont['rateR'] <= score_bottom), 'block'] = 'au'
	cont.ix[(cont['rateL'] <= score_bottom) & (cont['rateR'] >= score_top), 'block'] = 'ua'
	cont.ix[(cont['rateL'] <= score_bottom) & (cont['rateR'] <= score_bottom), 'block'] = 'uu'
	conts = pd.concat([conts, cont], ignore_index=True)
	#cat1 = cont[cont['block']=='aa']
	#cat2 = cont[cont['block']=='uu']
	#print ttest_ind(cat1['RT'], cat2['RT'])
    ids = sorted(list(set(conts.set_index('ID').index)))
    pos_ids = np.arange(len(ids))
    meanscont = conts.groupby(['ID','block']).mean()
    meanscont = meanscont.reset_index()
    aa_means = conts[(conts['block'] == 'aa')].groupby('ID')['RT'].mean()
    aa_std = conts[(conts['block'] == 'aa')].groupby('ID')['RT'].aggregate(sem)
    aa_t_means = meanscont[(meanscont['block'] == 'aa')]['RT'].mean()
    aa_t_std = sem(meanscont[(meanscont['block'] == 'aa')]['RT'])
    uu_means = conts[(conts['block'] == 'uu')].groupby('ID')['RT'].mean()
    uu_std = conts[(conts['block'] == 'uu')].groupby('ID')['RT'].aggregate(sem)
    uu_t_means = meanscont[(meanscont['block'] == 'uu')]['RT'].mean()
    uu_t_std = sem(meanscont[(meanscont['block'] == 'uu')]['RT'])
    fig = figure(figsize=(pos_ids.max()*3, 4), dpi=300, facecolor='#eeeeee', tight_layout=make_tight)
    matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 12*fontscale})
    width = 0.3
    ax.yaxis.grid(True, linestyle='-', which='major', color='#dddddd',alpha=0.5, zorder=1)
    aa_bar =, aa_means, width ,color='g', alpha=0.4, zorder=1, linewidth=0)
    aa_err = errorbar(pos_ids+(width/2), aa_means, yerr=aa_std, ecolor='0.55', elinewidth=elinewidth, capsize=0, linestyle='None', zorder=2)
    aa_t_bar =[-1]+1, aa_t_means, width ,color='g', alpha=0.8, zorder=1, linewidth=0)
    aa_err = errorbar(pos_ids[-1]+1+(width/2), aa_t_means, yerr=aa_t_std, ecolor='0.1', elinewidth=elinewidth, capsize=0, linestyle='None', zorder=2)
    uu_bar =, uu_means, width ,color='m', alpha=0.4, zorder=1, linewidth=0)
    uu_err = errorbar(pos_ids+(width*3/2), uu_means, yerr=uu_std, ecolor='0.55', elinewidth=elinewidth, capsize=0, linestyle='None', zorder=2)
    uu_t_bar =[-1]+1+width, uu_t_means, width ,color='m', alpha=0.8, zorder=1, linewidth=0)
    uu_err = errorbar(pos_ids[-1]+1+(width*3/2), uu_t_means, yerr=uu_t_std, ecolor='0.1', elinewidth=elinewidth, capsize=0, linestyle='None', zorder=2)
    ids=ids+['TOTAL  '] # blank space at the end so that it doesn't overlap with the x-axis
    pos_ids = np.arange(len(ids))
    ax.set_xlim(0, pos_ids.max())
    ax.set_ylim(0, 1.1)
    ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mathsf{\overline{RT}}$ [s]')
    ax.set_xlabel('Participant ID')
    ax.set_xticks(pos_ids + width)
    for tick in ax.axes.get_xticklines():
    axis.Axis.zoom(ax.xaxis, -0.5)
    legend((aa_t_bar,uu_t_bar),('Only attractive faces','Only unattractive faces'), bbox_to_anchor=(0.92, 1), shadow=False, frameon=False, prop=FontProperties(size=str(11*fontscale)))
    return meanscont