Beispiel #1
  def testMapServiceStatusToDict(self):
    """Test mapping a manager.SERVICE_STATUS to a dict."""
    def _func():

    hcstatus = manager.HEALTHCHECK_STATUS('test', False, 'desc', [_func])
    hcexpect = {'name': 'test', 'health': False, 'description': 'desc',
                'actions': ['_func']}
    status = manager.SERVICE_STATUS('test-service', False, [hcstatus])
    expect = {'service': 'test-service', 'health': False,
              'healthchecks': [hcexpect]}
    self.assertEquals(expect, manager.MapServiceStatusToDict(status))
    def RepairService(self, service, healthcheck, action, args, kwargs):
        """Execute the repair action on the specified service.

      service: The service that the specified action will be applied to.
      healthcheck: The particular healthcheck we are repairing.
      action: The action to be applied.
      args: A list of the positional arguments for the given repair action.
      kwargs: A dictionary of keyword arguments for the given repair action.
        # The mobmonitor's RPC library encodes arguments as strings when
        # making a remote call to the monitor. The checkfile manager expects
        # lists and dicts for the arugments, so we convert them here.
        args = json.loads(args.replace('\'', '"'))
        kwargs = json.loads(kwargs.replace('\'', '"'))

        status = self.checkfile_manager.RepairService(service, healthcheck,
                                                      action, args, kwargs)
        return json.dumps(manager.MapServiceStatusToDict(status))
    def GetStatus(self, service=None):
        """Return the health status of the specified service.

      service: The service whose health status is being queried. If service
        is None, return the health status of all monitored services.

      A list of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains the keys:
        service: The name of the service.
        health: A boolean describing the overall service health.
        healthchecks: A list of unhealthy or quasi-healthy health checks.
        service_statuses = self.checkfile_manager.GetStatus(service)
        if not isinstance(service_statuses, list):
            service_statuses = [service_statuses]

        result = [
            for status in service_statuses
        return json.dumps(result)