def main(options, scomm, rank, size, debug, debugMsg):
    # initialize the CASEROOT environment dictionary
    cesmEnv = dict()

    # CASEROOT is given on the command line as required option --caseroot
    caseroot = options.caseroot[0]

    # get the XML variables loaded into a hash
    env_file_list = ['env_postprocess.xml']
    cesmEnv = cesmEnvLib.readXML(caseroot, env_file_list)

    # initialize the specifiers list to contain the list of specifier classes
    specifiers = list()

    # loading the specifiers from the env_timeseries.xml  only needs to run on the master task (rank=0)
    if rank == 0:
        tseries_input_rootdir = cesmEnv['TIMESERIES_INPUT_ROOTDIR']
        tseries_output_rootdir = cesmEnv['TIMESERIES_OUTPUT_ROOTDIR']
        case = cesmEnv['CASE']
        completechunk = cesmEnv['TIMESERIES_COMPLETECHUNK']
        if completechunk.upper() in ['T', 'TRUE']:
            completechunk = 1
            completechunk = 0
        specifiers, log = readArchiveXML(caseroot, tseries_input_rootdir,
                                         tseries_output_rootdir, case,
                                         options.standalone, completechunk,
                                         debug, debugMsg)

    # specifiers is a list of pyreshaper specification objects ready to pass to the reshaper
    specifiers = scomm.partition(specifiers,
    if rank == 0:
        debugMsg("# of Specifiers: " + str(len(specifiers)),

    if len(specifiers) > 0:
        # setup subcommunicators to do streams and chunks in parallel
        # everyone participates except for root
        inter_comm, lsubcomms = divide_comm(scomm, len(specifiers))
        color = inter_comm.get_color()
        lsize = inter_comm.get_size()
        lrank = inter_comm.get_rank()

        GWORK_TAG = 10  # global comm mpi tag
        LWORK_TAG = 20  # local comm mpi tag
        # global root - hands out specifiers to work on.  When complete, it must tell each subcomm all work is done.
        if (rank == 0):
            for i in range(0, len(specifiers)):  # hand out all specifiers
                scomm.ration(data=i, tag=GWORK_TAG)
            for i in range(0,
                           lsubcomms):  # complete, signal this to all subcomms
                scomm.ration(data=-99, tag=GWORK_TAG)

        # subcomm root - performs the same tasks as other subcomm ranks, but also gets the specifier to work on and sends
        # this information to all ranks within subcomm
        elif (lrank == 0):
            i = -999
            while i != -99:
                i = scomm.ration(tag=GWORK_TAG)  # recv from global
                for x in range(1, lsize):
                    inter_comm.ration(i, LWORK_TAG)  # send to local ranks
                if i != -99:
                    # create the PyReshaper object - uncomment when multiple specifiers is allowed
                    reshpr = reshaper.create_reshaper(specifiers[i],
                    # Run the conversion (slice-to-series) process

        # all subcomm ranks - recv the specifier to work on and call the reshaper
            i = -999
            while i != -99:
                i = inter_comm.ration(tag=LWORK_TAG)  # recv from local root
                if i != -99:
                    # create the PyReshaper object - uncomment when multiple specifiers is allowed
                    reshpr = reshaper.create_reshaper(specifiers[i],
                    # Run the conversion (slice-to-series) process

    if rank == 0:
        # Update system log with the dates that were just converted
        debugMsg('before chunking.write_log', header=True, verbosity=1)
        chunking.write_log('{0}/logs/ts_status.log'.format(caseroot), log)
        debugMsg('after chunking.write_log', header=True, verbosity=1)


    return 0
def main(options, scomm, rank, size, debug, debugMsg):
    # initialize the CASEROOT environment dictionary
    cesmEnv = dict()

    # CASEROOT is given on the command line as required option --caseroot
    caseroot = options.caseroot[0]

    # get the XML variables loaded into a hash
    env_file_list = ['env_postprocess.xml']
    cesmEnv = cesmEnvLib.readXML(caseroot, env_file_list);

    # initialize the specifiers list to contain the list of specifier classes
    specifiers = list()

    tseries_input_rootdir = cesmEnv['TIMESERIES_INPUT_ROOTDIR'] 
    tseries_output_rootdir = cesmEnv['TIMESERIES_OUTPUT_ROOTDIR'] 
    case = cesmEnv['CASE']
    completechunk = cesmEnv['TIMESERIES_COMPLETECHUNK']
    generate_all = cesmEnv['TIMESERIES_GENERATE_ALL']
    if completechunk.upper() in ['T','TRUE']:
        completechunk = 1
        completechunk = 0
    specifiers,log = readArchiveXML(caseroot, tseries_input_rootdir, tseries_output_rootdir, 
                                    case, options.standalone, completechunk, generate_all,
                                    debug, debugMsg, scomm, rank, size)

    # specifiers is a list of pyreshaper specification objects ready to pass to the reshaper
    if rank == 0:
        debugMsg("# of Specifiers: "+str(len(specifiers)), header=True, verbosity=1)

    if len(specifiers) > 0:
        # setup subcommunicators to do streams and chunks in parallel
        # everyone participates except for root
        inter_comm, lsubcomms = divide_comm(scomm, len(specifiers))
        color = inter_comm.get_color()
        lsize = inter_comm.get_size()
        lrank = inter_comm.get_rank()

        GWORK_TAG = 10 # global comm mpi tag
        LWORK_TAG = 20 # local comm mpi tag
        # global root - hands out specifiers to work on.  When complete, it must tell each subcomm all work is done.
        if (rank == 0):
            for i in range(0,len(specifiers)): # hand out all specifiers
                scomm.ration(data=i, tag=GWORK_TAG)
            for i in range(0,lsubcomms): # complete, signal this to all subcomms
                scomm.ration(data=-99, tag=GWORK_TAG)

        # subcomm root - performs the same tasks as other subcomm ranks, but also gets the specifier to work on and sends
        # this information to all ranks within subcomm
        elif (lrank == 0):
            i = -999
            while i != -99:
                i = scomm.ration(tag=GWORK_TAG) # recv from global
                for x in range(1,lsize):
                    inter_comm.ration(i, LWORK_TAG) # send to local ranks  
                if i != -99:
                    # create the PyReshaper object - uncomment when multiple specifiers is allowed
                    reshpr = reshaper.create_reshaper(specifiers[i], serial=False, verbosity=debug, simplecomm=inter_comm)
                    # Run the conversion (slice-to-series) process 

        # all subcomm ranks - recv the specifier to work on and call the reshaper
            i = -999
            while i != -99:
                i = inter_comm.ration(tag=LWORK_TAG) # recv from local root    
                if i != -99:
                    # create the PyReshaper object - uncomment when multiple specifiers is allowed
                    reshpr = reshaper.create_reshaper(specifiers[i], serial=False, verbosity=debug, simplecomm=inter_comm)
                    # Run the conversion (slice-to-series) process 

    if rank == 0:
        # Update system log with the dates that were just converted 
        debugMsg('before chunking.write_log', header=True, verbosity=1)
        chunking.write_log('{0}/logs/ts_status.log'.format(caseroot), log)
        debugMsg('after chunking.write_log', header=True, verbosity=1)


    return 0