Beispiel #1

# Prepare the environment
cpp_files = []
extra_compile_args = []
extra_link_args = []

if cmd in ("build", "bdist_wheel", "build_ext", "install"):
    with TaskContext("Prepare the environment") as log:
        # Check whether the environment is sane...
        if not (islinux() or ismacos() or iswindows()):
            log.warn("Unknown platform=%s os=%s" % (sys.platform,

        # Compiler
        os.environ["CC"] = os.environ["CXX"] = get_compiler()

        if ismacos() and not os.environ.get("MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"):
            os.environ["MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] = "10.13"

        # Force to build for a 64-bit platform only
        os.environ["ARCHFLAGS"] = "-m64"

        for n in [
                "CC", "CXX", "LDFLAGS", "ARCHFLAGS", "LLVM_CONFIG",
Beispiel #2

# Prepare the environment
cpp_files = []
extra_compile_args = []
extra_link_args = []

if cmd in ("build", "bdist_wheel", "build_ext", "install"):
    with TaskContext("Prepare the environment") as log:
        # Check whether the environment is sane...
        if not (islinux() or ismacos() or iswindows()):
            log.warn("Unknown platform=%s os=%s" % (sys.platform,

        # Compiler
        os.environ["CC"] = os.environ["CXX"] = get_compiler()

        # Linker
        # On linux we need to pass proper flag to clang linker which
        # is not used for some reason at linux
        if islinux() and os.environ.get("DTCOVERAGE"):
            os.environ["LDSHARED"] = os.environ["CC"]

        if ismacos() and not os.environ.get("MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"):
            os.environ["MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] = "10.13"

        # Force to build for a 64-bit platform only