def run_from_args(args): img = nibabel.load(args.coord) coord = img.get_data() white = dti = nibabel.load(args.dyad).get_data() gdti = (coord * dti[..., None]).sum(-2) if args.mask is None: surf_mask = np.ones(white.nvertices, dtype='bool') else: surf_mask = nibabel.load(args.mask).darrays[0].data != 0 idx_vertex = None if args.idx_vertex is None else nibabel.load(args.idx_vertex).get_data() if idx_vertex.ndim == 4: idx_vertex = idx_vertex[..., 0] distance = None if args.distance is None else nibabel.load(args.distance).get_data() tofit = model(abs(gdti[..., 0]), white, img.affine, surf_mask, min_dist=args.min_dist, smooth_weight=args.weight, watson=args.watson, idx_vertex=idx_vertex, dist=distance) res = pymc3.find_MAP(model=tofit, fmin=optimize.fmin_cg) if args.radial_index is not None: model_ri = tofit.fastfn(tofit.model_ri_3d)(res) obs_ri = tofit.fastfn(tofit.observed_ri_3d)(res) nibabel.Nifti1Image(np.stack([model_ri, obs_ri], -1), img.affine).to_filename(args.radial_index) bm = cifti.BrainModel.from_surface(np.where(surf_mask)[0], surf_mask.size, white.anatomy.cifti) mat = np.stack([res['d0'], res['log_sigma'], np.exp(res['log_sigma'])]) cifti.write(args.output, mat, (cifti.Scalar.from_names(['offset', 'log_width', 'width']), bm))
def savemap(name, data, brain_mask, axes, directory="figures"): if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) file_path = f"{directory}/{name}.dtseries.nii" # noinspection PyTypeChecker if not isinstance(axes, collections.Iterable): axes = (axes, ) cifti.write(file_path, data, axes + (brain_mask,)) return os.getcwd() + os.sep + file_path
def map_regions_pc_cole(): no_color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0) tpt = tpt_cole img, (lbl, brain) = regions = lbl.label.item() for h in [HierarchyName.EXTENDED_PERIPHERY_CORE, HierarchyName.RESTRICTED_PERIPHERY_CORE]: hierarchy = tpt.net_hierarchy(h) cp_out = {} img_out = np.zeros(img.shape) found_regions = {} for index, (name, c) in regions.items(): if index == 0 or index > 360: cp_out[index] = name, no_color continue net, lh = name.split("_") net_parts = net.split("-") net, rgn = ("".join(net_parts[:2]), net_parts[2]) if len(net_parts) == 3 else net_parts is_p = net in hierarchy["P"] is_c = net in (hierarchy["RC"] if "RC" in hierarchy else hierarchy["EC"]) if rgn not in found_regions: new_index = len(found_regions) + 1 found_regions[rgn] = new_index if is_p: color = PC_colors_tuple[0] elif is_c: color = PC_colors_tuple[1] else: color = no_color print(f"{net} without color in {lbl}") cp_out[new_index] = rgn, color else: new_index = found_regions[rgn] img_out[img == index] = new_index # noinspection PyTypeChecker cifti.write(f"figures/cole.{lbl}.dlabel.nii", img_out, (cifti.Label([cp_out]), brain)) os.system(f"wb_command -cifti-separate figures/cole.{lbl}.dlabel.nii COLUMN " f"-label CORTEX_LEFT figures/cole.{lbl}.L.label.gii " f"-label CORTEX_RIGHT figures/cole.{lbl}.R.label.gii") os.system(f"wb_command -label-to-border " f"{get_full_path(AssetCategory.HCP1200, '')} " f"figures/cole.{lbl}.L.label.gii figures/cole.{lbl}.L.border") os.system(f"wb_command -label-to-border " f"{get_full_path(AssetCategory.HCP1200, '')} " f"figures/cole.{lbl}.R.label.gii figures/cole.{lbl}.R.border")
def save_to_dtseries(filename, brain_model, mat): ''' saves a dtseries.nii file given the data matrix and the brain model. The series axis is generated so as to fit the size of the matrix (every row is a time point). :param filename: the file to save :param brain_model: a Cifti.Axis.BrainModel object :param mat: the data matrix :return: ''' if len(np.shape(mat)) == 2: assert mat.shape[1] == np.size(brain_model.arr) elif len(np.shape(mat)) == 1: mat = np.reshape(mat, [1, np.size(brain_model.arr)]) series = cifti.Series(start=0, step=1, size=mat.shape[0]) if not filename.endswith(".dtseries.nii"): filename += ".dtseries.nii" gb.curr_cifti_filenames.append(filename) cifti.write(filename, mat, (series, brain_model)) return filename
def save_brainimg(imgpath, data, header): """ Save brain image identified by its suffix suffix now support Nifti: .nii.gz freesurfer: .mgz, .mgh cifti: .dscalar.nii, .dlabel.nii, .dtseries.nii Parameters: ------------ imgpath: brain image path to be saved data: brain image data matrix header: brain image header Returns: -------- """ imgname = os.path.basename(imgpath) imgsuffix = imgname.split('.')[1:] imgsuffix = '.'.join(imgsuffix) if imgsuffix == 'nii.gz': data = np.transpose(data, (1, 2, 3, 0)) outimg = nib.Nifti1Image(data, None, header), imgpath) elif imgsuffix == 'mgz' or imgsuffix == 'mgh': data = np.transpose(data, (1, 2, 3, 0)) outimg = nib.MGHImage(data, None, header), imgpath) elif imgsuffix == 'dscalar.nii' or imgsuffix == 'dlabel.nii' or imgsuffix == 'dtseries.nii': data = data[..., 0, 0] map_name = [''] * data.shape[0] bm_full = header[1] cifti.write(imgpath, data, (cifti.Scalar.from_names(map_names), bm_full)) else: raise Exception( 'Not support this format of brain image data, please contact with author to update this function.' )
def map_nets_sh2007(): tpt = tpt_sh img, (lbl, brain) = regions = lbl.label.item() net_out = {} img_out = np.zeros(img.shape) nets = tpt.net_order palette = tpt.net_colors for index, (name, c) in regions.items(): if index == 0: net_out[index] = name, c continue network = name.split("_")[2] net_index = nets.index(network) + 1 if net_index not in net_out: net_out[net_index] = network, palette[net_index - 1] + [1, ] img_out[img == index] = net_index # noinspection PyTypeChecker cifti.write(f"figures/sh7nets.dlabel.nii", img_out, (cifti.Label([net_out]), brain))
def map_regions_pc_sh2007(): tpt = tpt_sh img, (lbl, brain) = regions = lbl.label.item() hierarch = tpt.net_hierarchy(HierarchyName.PERIPHERY_CORE) cp_out = {} img_out = np.zeros(img.shape) found_regions = {} for index, (name, c) in regions.items(): if index == 0: cp_out[index] = name, c continue parts = name.split("_") lr, network, rgn, num = parts[1], parts[2], parts[-2], parts[-1] cp = 0 if network in hierarch["P"] else 1 if rgn not in found_regions: new_index = len(found_regions) + 1 found_regions[rgn] = new_index cp_out[new_index] = rgn, PC_colors_tuple[cp] else: new_index = found_regions[rgn] img_out[img == index] = new_index # noinspection PyTypeChecker cifti.write(f"figures/sh7cp.dlabel.nii", img_out, (cifti.Label([cp_out]), brain)) os.system(f"wb_command -cifti-separate figures/sh7cp.dlabel.nii COLUMN " f"-label CORTEX_LEFT figures/sh7cp.L.label.gii " f"-label CORTEX_RIGHT figures/sh7cp.R.label.gii") os.system(f"wb_command -label-to-border " f"{get_full_path(AssetCategory.HCP1200, '')} " f"figures/sh7cp.L.label.gii figures/sh7cp.L.border") os.system(f"wb_command -label-to-border " f"{get_full_path(AssetCategory.HCP1200, '')} " f"figures/sh7cp.R.label.gii figures/sh7cp.R.border")
def map_nets_cole(): tpt = tpt_cole img, (lbl, brain) = regions = lbl.label.item() net_out = {} img_out = np.zeros(img.shape) nets = tpt.net_order palette = tpt.net_colors for index, (name, c) in regions.items(): if index == 0: net_out[index] = name, c continue network, lh = name.split("_") net_parts = network.split("-") network, rgn = ("".join(net_parts[:2]), net_parts[2]) if len(net_parts) == 3 else net_parts net_index = nets.index(network) + 1 if net_index not in net_out: net_out[net_index] = network, palette[net_index - 1] + [1, ] img_out[img == index] = net_index # noinspection PyTypeChecker cifti.write(f"figures/colenets.dlabel.nii", img_out, (cifti.Label([net_out]), brain))
dd = dd - np.mean(dd,axis=0) next = (dd * normproj).A hypsource[hemi] = next zscore(hypsource[hemi],chunks_attr=None) finalproj[hemi] = normproj t2 = time.time() print('Hyperalignment for %s hemisphere took %s minutes' % (hemi, ((t2-t1)/60.))) # Apply projections to other tasks: # tasks = ['rfMRI_REST2','tfMRI_WM','tfMRI_GAMBLING','tfMRI_LANGUAGE','tfMRI_MOTOR','tfMRI_RELATIONAL','tfMRI_SOCIAL'] tasks = ['tfMRI_RELATIONAL'] for task in tasks: for ses in ['LR','RL']: if task == 'rfMRI_REST2': cname = '%s/%s/%s_%s/%s_%s_10k_Atlas_MSMAll_clean_24nuisance.reg_lin.trend_filt_sm6' % (tempdir,sub,task,ses,task,ses) else: cname = '%s/%s/%s_%s/%s_%s_Atlas_MSMAll_10k_anat_cortex' % (tempdir,sub,task,ses,task,ses) tmpimg'%s.dtseries.nii' % cname) tmpwrite = tmpimg[0].copy() nvols = tmpimg[0].shape[0] for hemi in ['L','R']: nverts = len(ind[hemi]) blank = np.zeros([nvols,nverts]) img = tmpimg[0][:,ind[hemi]] img = img[:,maskimg[hemi]] himg1 =[hemi]) blank[:,maskimg[hemi]] = himg1 tmpwrite[:,ind[hemi]] = blank cifti.write('%s/%s/%s_%s/%s_%s_Atlas_MSMAll_10k_R1LRRL_hyp.dtseries.nii' % (tempdir,sub,task,ses,task,ses),tmpwrite,tmpimg[1])
hypsource[hemi] = next zscore(hypsource[hemi], chunks_attr=None) finalproj[hemi] = normproj t2 = time.time() print('Hyperalignment for %s hemisphere took %s minutes' % (hemi, ((t2 - t1) / 60.))) # Apply projections to other tasks: tasks = [ 'rfMRI_REST2', 'tfMRI_WM', 'tfMRI_GAMBLING', 'tfMRI_LANGUAGE', 'tfMRI_MOTOR', 'tfMRI_RELATIONAL', 'tfMRI_SOCIAL' ] for task in tasks: for ses in ['LR', 'RL']: cname = '%s/%s/%s_%s/%s_%s_10k_Atlas_MSMAll_clean_24nuisance.reg_lin.trend_filt_sm6' % ( tempdir, sub, task, ses, task, ses) tmpimg ='%s.dtseries.nii' % cname) tmpwrite = tmpimg[0].copy() nvols = tmpimg[0].shape[0] for hemi in ['L', 'R']: nverts = len(ind[hemi]) blank = np.zeros([nvols, nverts]) img = tmpimg[0][:, ind[hemi]] img = img[:, maskimg[hemi]] himg1 =[hemi]) blank[:, maskimg[hemi]] = himg1 tmpwrite[:, ind[hemi]] = blank cifti.write( '%s/%s/%s_%s/%s_%s_10k_Atlas_MSMAll_clean_24nuisance.reg_lin.trend_filt_sm6_R1LRRL_hyp.dtseries.nii' % (tempdir, sub, task, ses, task, ses), tmpwrite, tmpimg[1])