def __init__(self, element, _pen_x, _pen_y, rX, rY, xRotation, largeArc, sweep, _end_x, _end_y ):
     3 coordinate systems
       circular coordinates - in this coordinate system, the elipse is circular and unrotated
       elements coordinates - circular coordinates * elipse transformation (x*rX and y*Ry, then rotate to generate the elipse)
       global coordinates - elements coordinates * upper element transformations
     assert not ( _pen_x == _end_x and _pen_y == _end_y )
     assert rX <> 0
     assert rY <> 0
     self._pen_x = _pen_x
     self._pen_y = _pen_y
     self._end_x = _end_x
     self._end_y = _end_y
     self.scaling = element.scaling2() #scaling between element and global coordinates
     self.rX = rX #in elements coordinates
     self.rY = rY #in elements coordinates
     self.xRotation = xRotation
     self.largeArc = largeArc
     self.sweep = sweep
     #finding center in circular coordinates 
     # X = T_ellipse dot Y
     # where T_ellipse = [[c -s],[s, c]] dot [[ rX 0],[0 rY]], X is element coordinates, and Y is circular coordinates
     ##import FreeCAD
     ##FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage( 'Xrotation %f\n' % (self.xRotation))
     c = cos( xRotation*pi/180)
     s = sin( xRotation*pi/180)
     T_ellipse = dot( array([[c,-s] ,[s,c]]), array([[ rX, 0], [0, rY] ]))
     self.T_ellipse = T_ellipse
     #FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage( 'T %s\n' % (T))
     x1,y1 = numpy.linalg.solve(T_ellipse, [_pen_x, _pen_y])
     x2,y2 = numpy.linalg.solve(T_ellipse, [_end_x, _end_y])
     c_x_Y, c_y_Y = findCircularArcCentrePoint( 1, x1, y1, x2, y2, largeArc==1, sweep==1 )
     self.center_circular = array([c_x_Y, c_y_Y])
     #now determining dtheta in circular coordinates
     #a,b = 1,1
     c = ( ( x2-x1 )**2 + ( y2-y1 )**2 ) ** 0.5
     dtheta = arccos2( ( 1 + 1 - c**2 ) / ( 2 ) ) #cos rule
     if not dtheta >= 0:
         raise SvgParseError, "dtheta not >=  0, dtheta %e. locals %s" % (dtheta, locals())
     if largeArc:
         dtheta = 2*pi - dtheta
     if not sweep: # If sweep-flag is '1', then the arc will be drawn in a "positive-angle" direction
         dtheta = -dtheta
     self.dtheta = dtheta
     self.theta_start =  atan2( y1 - c_y_Y, x1 - c_x_Y)
     self.T_element, self.c_element = element.Transforms()
     #print(self.valueAt(0), element.applyTransforms(_pen_x, _pen_y))
     #print(self.valueAt(1), element.applyTransforms(_end_x, _end_y))
     self.startPoint = self.valueAt(0)
     self.endPoint = self.valueAt(1) = self.applyTransforms( self.center_circular )
     self.circular = rX == rY
     if self.circular:
         self.r = rX
 def t_of_position( self, pos ):
     pos_element = numpy.linalg.solve( self.T_element, pos - self.c_element )
     A = numpy.linalg.solve(self.T_ellipse, pos_element)
     B = self.center_circular
     C = B + array([cos(self.theta_start), sin(self.theta_start)])
     AB = (A - B) / norm(A-B)
     BC = C - B
     theta = arccos2(dot(AB,BC))
     D = array([ A[0] - B[0], A[1] - B[1], 0.0 ])
     E = array([ A[0] - C[0], A[1] - C[1], 0.0 ])
     F = cross(D,E)
     if F[2] < 0:
         theta = -theta
     #print(theta, self.dtheta, theta / self.dtheta )
     return theta / self.dtheta
Beispiel #3
 def t_of_position(self, pos):
     pos_element = numpy.linalg.solve(self.T_element, pos - self.c_element)
     A = numpy.linalg.solve(self.T_ellipse, pos_element)
     B = self.center_circular
     C = B + array([cos(self.theta_start), sin(self.theta_start)])
     AB = (A - B) / norm(A - B)
     BC = C - B
     theta = arccos2(dot(AB, BC))
     D = array([A[0] - B[0], A[1] - B[1], 0.0])
     E = array([A[0] - C[0], A[1] - C[1], 0.0])
     F = cross(D, E)
     if F[2] < 0:
         theta = -theta
     #print(theta, self.dtheta, theta / self.dtheta )
     return theta / self.dtheta
Beispiel #4
 def __init__(self, element, _pen_x, _pen_y, rX, rY, xRotation, largeArc,
              sweep, _end_x, _end_y):
     3 coordinate systems
       circular coordinates - in this coordinate system, the elipse is circular and unrotated
       elements coordinates - circular coordinates * elipse transformation (x*rX and y*Ry, then rotate to generate the elipse)
       global coordinates - elements coordinates * upper element transformations
     assert not (_pen_x == _end_x and _pen_y == _end_y)
     assert rX <> 0
     assert rY <> 0
     self._pen_x = _pen_x
     self._pen_y = _pen_y
     self._end_x = _end_x
     self._end_y = _end_y
     self.scaling = element.scaling2(
     )  #scaling between element and global coordinates
     self.rX = rX  #in elements coordinates
     self.rY = rY  #in elements coordinates
     self.xRotation = xRotation
     self.largeArc = largeArc
     self.sweep = sweep
     #finding center in circular coordinates
     # X = T_ellipse dot Y
     # where T_ellipse = [[c -s],[s, c]] dot [[ rX 0],[0 rY]], X is element coordinates, and Y is circular coordinates
     ##import FreeCAD
     ##FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage( 'Xrotation %f\n' % (self.xRotation))
     c = cos(xRotation * pi / 180)
     s = sin(xRotation * pi / 180)
     T_ellipse = dot(array([[c, -s], [s, c]]), array([[rX, 0], [0, rY]]))
     self.T_ellipse = T_ellipse
     #FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage( 'T %s\n' % (T))
     x1, y1 = numpy.linalg.solve(T_ellipse, [_pen_x, _pen_y])
     x2, y2 = numpy.linalg.solve(T_ellipse, [_end_x, _end_y])
     c_x_Y, c_y_Y = findCircularArcCentrePoint(1, x1, y1, x2, y2,
                                               largeArc == 1, sweep == 1)
     self.center_circular = array([c_x_Y, c_y_Y])
     #now determining dtheta in circular coordinates
     #a,b = 1,1
     c = ((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2)**0.5
     dtheta = arccos2((1 + 1 - c**2) / (2))  #cos rule
     if not dtheta >= 0:
         raise SvgParseError, "dtheta not >=  0, dtheta %e. locals %s" % (
             dtheta, locals())
     if largeArc:
         dtheta = 2 * pi - dtheta
     if not sweep:  # If sweep-flag is '1', then the arc will be drawn in a "positive-angle" direction
         dtheta = -dtheta
     self.dtheta = dtheta
     self.theta_start = arctan2(y1 - c_y_Y, x1 - c_x_Y)
     self.T_element, self.c_element = element.Transforms()
     #print(self.valueAt(0), element.applyTransforms(_pen_x, _pen_y))
     #print(self.valueAt(1), element.applyTransforms(_end_x, _end_y))
     self.startPoint = self.valueAt(0)
     self.endPoint = self.valueAt(1) = self.applyTransforms(self.center_circular)
     self.circular = rX == rY
     if self.circular:
         self.r = rX