def test_eval_order(self):
     c = Circuit(2)
     f = AdditionGate("F")
     g = AdditionGate("G")
     h = ScalarMultGate(2, "H")
     c.add_gate(h, ["INPUT1"])
     c.add_gate(f, ["H","INPUT0"])
     c.add_gate(g, ["F", "H"], True)
     self.assertEqual(c.eval_order(), ['H', 'F', 'G', 'OUTPUT'])
 def test_evaluation(self):
     c = Circuit(2)
     f = AdditionGate("F")
     g = AdditionGate("G")
     h = ScalarMultGate(2, "H")
     c.add_gate(h, ["INPUT1"])
     c.add_gate(f, ["H","INPUT0"])
     c.add_gate(g, ["F", "H"], True)
     input0, input1 = 1, 100
     result = c.evaluate((input0, input1))
     h_res = input1 * 2
     f_res = h_res + input0
     g_res = h_res + f_res
     self.assertEqual(result, g_res)
Beispiel #3
if __name__ == '__main__':
    N = input('Enter the number of items in the search space: ')
    n = int(np.ceil(np.log2(N)) + 1)
    M = input('Enter the number of search targets: ')
    targets = []
    for i in range(M):
        target = raw_input('Target %d in binary: ' % (i + 1))
    num_iter = input('Number of iterations: ')

    initial_state = tensor(plus, n)
    circuit = Circuit(n, initial_state)
    # Apply the Z gate to the ancilla bit to make it |-> for phase kickback
    # Multiply by root 2 to renormalize without considering the ancilla qubit
    state = np.sqrt(2) * circuit.add_gate(Z, [

    # Switch to interactive mode
    # Plot the initial probability amplitudes and angle
    amps_fig = plt.figure(0)
    amps = amps_fig.add_subplot(111) / 2) + 0.1, abs(state[::2])**2)
    angles_fig = plt.figure(1)
    angles = angles_fig.add_subplot(111, polar=True)
    theta = np.arccos(np.sqrt((2.0**(n - 1) - M) / (2**(n - 1))))
    angles.plot([theta, theta], [0, 1], 'g-', linewidth=2)
Beispiel #4
if __name__ == "__main__":
    N = input("Enter the number of items in the search space: ")
    n = int(np.ceil(np.log2(N)) + 1)
    M = input("Enter the number of search targets: ")
    targets = []
    for i in range(M):
        target = raw_input("Target %d in binary: " % (i + 1))
    num_iter = input("Number of iterations: ")

    initial_state = tensor(plus, n)
    circuit = Circuit(n, initial_state)
    # Apply the Z gate to the ancilla bit to make it |-> for phase kickback
    # Multiply by root 2 to renormalize without considering the ancilla qubit
    state = np.sqrt(2) * circuit.add_gate(Z, [n])

    # Switch to interactive mode
    # Plot the initial probability amplitudes and angle
    amps_fig = plt.figure(0)
    amps = amps_fig.add_subplot(111) / 2) + 0.1, abs(state[::2]) ** 2)
    angles_fig = plt.figure(1)
    angles = angles_fig.add_subplot(111, polar=True)
    theta = np.arccos(np.sqrt((2.0 ** (n - 1) - M) / (2 ** (n - 1))))
    angles.plot([theta, theta], [0, 1], "g-", linewidth=2)
    raw_input("Press any key to continue...")
Beispiel #5
def qub_xz(params): return (np.pi/2, np.pi/2, -np.pi/2)
# rotate qubit from Z to Y
def qub_zy(params): return (np.pi/2, 0, np.pi/2)
# rotate qubit from Y to Z
def qub_yz(params): return (np.pi/2, 0, -np.pi/2)
# SNAP equivalent of exp(i theta ZZ)
def snap_zz(params):
    theta = params[0]
    return [theta, -theta]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = Circuit([("qubit", "p", 2),
                 ("cavity", "b", 2)])

    # arbitrary one-qubit rotations
    c.add_gate("displacement", n_params=1, fn=cav_xrot)
    c.add_gate("displacement", n_params=1, fn=cav_yrot)
    c.add_gate("displacement", n_params=1, fn=cav_xrot)

    # XX rotation
    c.add_gate("rotation", n_params=0, fn=qub_xz)
    c.add_gate("displacement", n_params=0, fn=cav_xz)
    c.add_gate("snap", n_params=1, fn=snap_zz)
    c.add_gate("rotation", n_params=0, fn=qub_zx)
    c.add_gate("displacement", n_params=0, fn=cav_zx)

    # YY rotation
    c.add_gate("rotation", n_params=0, fn=qub_yz)
    c.add_gate("displacement", n_params=0, fn=cav_yz)
    c.add_gate("snap", n_params=1, fn=snap_zz)