Beispiel #1
def parse_c_map(ws):

    row = 1

    # open all .txt files in the current directory
    for filename in glob.glob('*.txt'):

        config = CiscoConfParse(filename, factory=True, syntax='ios')
        hostname = config.find_objects_dna(r'Hostname')[0].hostname
        ios_ver = config.find_lines('IOS')[0][len('!! IOS XR Configuration '):]
        print('... %s (IOS XR %s)' % (hostname, ios_ver))

        for be in config.find_objects_w_child(r'^interface.+Bundle[^.]+$',
                                              'service-policy output'):
            for parent in be.re_search_children('service-policy'):
                parent_policy = parent.text[len(' service-policy output '):]
                p_map = config.find_all_children(r'^policy-map ' +
                                                 parent_policy + '$')
                child_policy = [i for i in p_map if 'service-policy' in i
                                ][0][len('  service-policy '):]
                for c_policy in config.find_objects('policy-map ' +
                                                    child_policy + '$'):
                    for c_map in c_policy.re_search_children('class'):
                        # write the hostname in column A
                        ws.write(row, 0, hostname)
                        # write the IOS XR version in column B
                        ws.write(row, 1, ios_ver)
                        # write child policy in column C
                        ws.write(row, 2, child_policy)
                        # write class maps in column D
                        ws.write(row, 3, c_map.text[len(' class '):])
                        for police_rate in c_map.re_search_children('police'):
                            # write police rate in column E
                            ws.write(row, 4, police_rate.text.strip())
                        if 'vlan' in c_map.text.lower(
                        ) or 'default' in c_map.text:
                            ws.write(row, 5, 'Ok')
                            ws.write(row, 5, 'Incorrect class map.')
                        row += 1

    print('... Completed %s class maps.' % row)

    # set the autofilter
    ws.autofilter(0, 0, row, 5)
Beispiel #2
# Script to find what interfaces have an "ip helper-address"
# Uses ciscoconfparse library, make sure its installed
#Importing the necessary modules.
import os
from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse
for filename in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
    parse = CiscoConfParse(filename, factory=True, syntax='ios')
    obj_list = parse.find_objects_dna(r'Hostname')
    inf_w_help = parse.find_parents_w_child(parentspec=r"^interface",
                                            childspec=r"ip helper-address")
    hostn = obj_list[0].hostname
    print hostn
    for interface in inf_w_help:
        print interface

    print("Write results to file...")
    newconfig = CiscoConfParse([])
    for interface in inf_w_help:
        newconfig.append_line('ip helper-address')
    newconfig.save_as(hostn + '_newconfig.txt')
Beispiel #3
def parse_ingress(ws):

    row = 1

    # open all .txt files in the current directory
    for filename in glob.glob('*.txt'):

        config = CiscoConfParse(filename, factory=True, syntax='ios')
        hostname = config.find_objects_dna(r'Hostname')[0].hostname
        ios_ver = config.find_lines('IOS')[0][len('!! IOS XR Configuration '):]
        print('... %s (IOS XR %s)' % (hostname, ios_ver))

        for ports in config.find_objects_w_child('^interface.+l2transport',
                                                 'service-policy input'):

            # write the hostname in column A
            ws.write(row, 0, hostname)
            # write the IOS XR version in column B
            ws.write(row, 1, ios_ver)
            # write the ingress port in column C
            port = ports.text[len('interface '):-len(' l2transport')]
            ws.write(row, 2, port)

            for line in ports.re_search_children(r'^ description '):
                description = line.text[len('description '):]
                ws.write(row, 3, description)

            for maps in ports.re_search_children('service-policy'):

                # write the ingress policy map in column D
                policy_map = maps.text[len(' service-policy input '):]
                ws.write(row, 4, policy_map)
                policy_maps = config.find_all_children(policy_map)
                policy_rate = [i for i in policy_maps
                               if 'police rate' in i][0].strip()
                cos = [i for i in policy_maps if 'set cos' in i][0].strip()
                ws.write(row, 5, policy_rate)
                # write the COS setting in column F
                ws.write(row, 6, cos)

                # determine the circuit type based on the policy names
                if 'aovl' in policy_map.lower():
                    circuit_type = 'Adva Overlay'
                elif ('test' in policy_map.lower()) or ('mef'
                                                        in policy_map.lower()):
                    circuit_type = 'Test'
                elif ('nid' in policy_map.lower()) or ('dcn'
                                                       in policy_map.lower()):
                    circuit_type = 'DCN'
                    circuit_type = 'Customer'

                # write the circuit type in column G
                ws.write(row, 7, circuit_type)

                if circuit_type == 'Test':
                    if 'cos 4' in cos:
                        ws.write(row, 8, 'Ok')
                            row, 8, 'Matched keyword test and/ or MEF.'
                            'Please confirm if this is a test policy and delete. '
                            'If not, change/ add set cos 4.')

                elif circuit_type == 'Adva Overlay':
                    if 'cos 6' in cos:
                        ws.write(row, 8, 'Ok')
                        ws.write(row, 8, 'Change to set cos 6.')

                elif circuit_type == 'DCN':
                    if ('cos 4' in cos) or ('cos 7' in cos):
                        ws.write(row, 8, 'Ok')
                        ws.write(row, 8, 'DCN circuit - change set to cos 7.')

                elif circuit_type == 'Customer':
                    if 'cos 4' in cos:
                        ws.write(row, 8, 'Ok')
                        ws.write(row, 8, 'Change/ add set cos 4.')

                cos = ''
                row += 1

    print('... Completed %s ingress policies.' % row)

    # set the autofilter
    ws.autofilter(0, 0, row, 8)
Beispiel #4
def parse_egress(ws):

    row = 1

    # open all .txt files in the current directory
    for filename in glob.glob('*.txt'):

        config = CiscoConfParse(filename, factory=True, syntax='ios')
        hostname = config.find_objects_dna(r'Hostname')[0].hostname
        ios_ver = config.find_lines('IOS')[0][len('!! IOS XR Configuration '):]
        print('... %s (IOS XR %s)' % (hostname, ios_ver))

        # for be in config.find_objects_w_child(r'^interface.+Bundle[^.]+$', 'service-policy output'):
        for be in config.find_objects(r'^interface.+Bundle[^.]+$'):

            # write the hostname in column A
            ws.write(row, 0, hostname)
            # write the IOS XR version in column B
            ws.write(row, 1, ios_ver)
            # write the BE port in column C
            be_port = be.text[len('interface '):]
            ws.write(row, 2, be_port)

            # write the description in column D
            for line in be.re_search_children(r'^ description '):
                description = line.text[len('description '):]
                ws.write(row, 3, description)

            # pre-fill remarks for be ports without parent policies
            ws.write(row, 6, 'Missing parent and/ or child policy.')

            for parent in be.re_search_children('service-policy'):

                # write the parent policy in column E
                parent_policy = parent.text[len(' service-policy output '):]
                parent_policy1 = parent.text[len(' service-policy input '):]
                ws.write(row, 4, parent.text.strip())

                # write the child policy in column F
                    p_map = config.find_all_children(r'^policy-map ' +
                                                     parent_policy + '$')
                    child_policy = [i for i in p_map if 'service-policy' in i
                                    ][0][len('  service-policy '):]
                    ws.write(row, 5, child_policy)
                except Exception:
                    p_map = config.find_all_children(r'^policy-map ' +
                                                     parent_policy1 + '$')
                    child_policy = [i for i in p_map if 'service-policy' in i
                                    ][0][len('  service-policy '):]
                    ws.write(row, 5, child_policy)

                if 'input' in parent.text:
                        row, 6,
                        'Policy incorrectly applied on ingress instead of egress.'
                elif be_port[len('Bundle-Ether'):] == parent_policy[len('policy_port_BE'):] \
                        and parent_policy[len('policy_port_BE'):] == child_policy[len('policy_BVID_BE'):]:
                    ws.write(row, 6, 'Ok')
                    ws.write(row, 6, 'Incorrect parent and/ or child policy.')

            row += 1

    print('... Completed %s egress policies.' % row)

    # set the autofilter
    ws.autofilter(0, 0, row, 6)