Beispiel #1
def get_package_contacts(pkg_id):
    Returns contact information for the dataset with the given id.

    :param pkg_id: the id of the package whose contact information to get
    :return: a list of contact information dicts
    :rtype: list of dicts

    contacts_regex = '^(contact)_(\d+)_(.+)$'

    query = select(['id', 'key', 'value', 'state']).where(
            model.PackageExtra.package_id == pkg_id,
            model.PackageExtra.state == 'active'

    extras = Session.execute(query)
    extras = model_dictize.extras_list_dictize(extras, {'model': PackageExtra})

    contacts_by_index = {}
    for extra in extras:
        key = extra['key']
        value = extra['value']

        match = re.match(contacts_regex, key)
        if match:
            index =
            type =

            contact = contacts_by_index.get(index, {})
            contact[u'index'] = index
            contact[type] = value

            if type == 'email':
                contact[u'id'] = extra['id']

            contacts_by_index[index] = contact

    contacts = [ c for c in contacts_by_index.values() ]
    return sorted(contacts, key=lambda c: int(c['index']))
Beispiel #2
def get_package_id_by_data_pids(data_dict):
    Try if the provided data PIDs match exactly one dataset.

    :param data_dict:
    :return: Package id or None if not found.
    data_pids = get_pids_by_type('data', data_dict)

    if len(data_pids) == 0:
        return None

    pid_list = [pid.get('id') for pid in data_pids]

    # Get package ID's with matching PIDS
    query = Session.query(model.PackageExtra.package_id.distinct()).\
    pkg_ids = query.all()

    if len(pkg_ids) != 1:
        return None              # Nothing to do if we get many or zero datasets

    # Get extras with the received package ID's
    query = select(['key', 'value', 'state']).where(

    extras = Session.execute(query)

    # Dictize the results
    extras = model_dictize.extras_list_dictize(extras, {'model': PackageExtra})

    # Check that matching PIDS are type 'data'.
    for extra in extras:
        key = extra['key'].split('_')   # eg. ('pids', '0', 'id')

        if key[2] == 'id' and extra['value'] in pid_list:
            type_key = '_'.join(key[:2] + ['type'])

            if not filter(lambda x: x['key'] == type_key and x['value'] == 'data', extras):
                return None      # Found a hit with wrong type of PID

    return pkg_ids[0]    # No problems found, so use this
def package_dictize_with_revisions(pkg, context):
    Given a Package object, returns an equivalent dictionary.

    Normally this is the most recent version, but you can provide revision_id
    or revision_date in the context and it will filter to an earlier time.

    May raise NotFound if:
    * the specified revision_id doesn't exist
    * the specified revision_date was before the package was created
    model = context['model']
        # CKAN<=2.8
        revision_model = model
    except AttributeError:
        # CKAN>2.8
        revision_model = RevisionTableMappings.instance()

    is_latest_revision = not(context.get(u'revision_id') or
    execute = _execute if is_latest_revision else _execute_with_revision
    # package
    if is_latest_revision:
        if isinstance(pkg, revision_model.PackageRevision):
            pkg = model.Package.get(
        result = pkg
        package_rev = revision_model.package_revision_table
        q = select([package_rev]).where( ==
        result = execute(q, package_rev, context).first()
    if not result:
        raise logic.NotFound
    result_dict = d.table_dictize(result, context)
    # strip whitespace from title
    if result_dict.get(u'title'):
        result_dict['title'] = result_dict['title'].strip()

    # resources
    if is_latest_revision:
        res = model.resource_table
        res = revision_model.resource_revision_table
    # metadata_modified was added after the revisioning was removed so
    # it does not exist on the resource_revision table.
    mm_col = res._columns.get(u'metadata_modified')
    if mm_col is not None:
    q = select([res]).where(res.c.package_id ==
    result = execute(q, res, context)
    result_dict["resources"] = resource_list_dictize(result, context)
    result_dict['num_resources'] = len(result_dict.get(u'resources', []))

    # tags
    tag = model.tag_table
    if is_latest_revision:
        pkg_tag = model.package_tag_table
        pkg_tag = revision_model.package_tag_revision_table
    q = select([tag, pkg_tag.c.state],
               from_obj=pkg_tag.join(tag, == pkg_tag.c.tag_id)
               ).where(pkg_tag.c.package_id ==
    result = execute(q, pkg_tag, context)
    result_dict["tags"] = d.obj_list_dictize(result, context,
                                             lambda x: x["name"])
    result_dict['num_tags'] = len(result_dict.get(u'tags', []))

    # Add display_names to tags. At first a tag's display_name is just the
    # same as its name, but the display_name might get changed later (e.g.
    # translated into another language by the multilingual extension).
    for tag in result_dict['tags']:
        assert u'display_name' not in tag
        tag['display_name'] = tag['name']

    # extras
    if is_latest_revision:
        extra = model.package_extra_table
        extra = revision_model.extra_revision_table
    q = select([extra]).where(extra.c.package_id ==
    result = execute(q, extra, context)
    result_dict["extras"] = extras_list_dictize(result, context)

    # groups
    if is_latest_revision:
        member = model.member_table
        member = revision_model.member_revision_table
    group = model.group_table
    q = select([group, member.c.capacity],
               from_obj=member.join(group, == member.c.group_id)
               ).where(member.c.table_id ==\
                .where(member.c.state == u'active') \
                .where(group.c.is_organization == False)  # noqa
    result = execute(q, member, context)
    context['with_capacity'] = False
    # no package counts as cannot fetch from search index at the same
    # time as indexing to it.
    # tags, extras and sub-groups are not included for speed
    result_dict["groups"] = group_list_dictize(result, context,

    # owning organization
    if is_latest_revision:
        group = model.group_table
        group = revision_model.group_revision_table
    q = select([group]
               ).where( == result_dict['owner_org']) \
                .where(group.c.state == u'active')
    result = execute(q, group, context)
    organizations = d.obj_list_dictize(result, context)
    if organizations:
        result_dict["organization"] = organizations[0]
        result_dict["organization"] = None

    # relations
    if is_latest_revision:
        rel = model.package_relationship_table
        rel = revision_model \
    q = select([rel]).where(rel.c.subject_package_id ==
    result = execute(q, rel, context)
    result_dict["relationships_as_subject"] = \
        d.obj_list_dictize(result, context)
    q = select([rel]).where(rel.c.object_package_id ==
    result = execute(q, rel, context)
    result_dict["relationships_as_object"] = \
        d.obj_list_dictize(result, context)

    # Extra properties from the domain object
    # We need an actual Package object for this, not a PackageRevision
    # if isinstance(pkg, model.PackageRevision):
    #     pkg = model.Package.get(

    # isopen
    result_dict['isopen'] = pkg.isopen if isinstance(pkg.isopen, bool) \
        else pkg.isopen()

    # type
    # if null assign the default value to make searching easier
    result_dict['type'] = pkg.type or u'dataset'

    # license
    if pkg.license and pkg.license.url:
        result_dict['license_url'] = pkg.license.url
        result_dict['license_title'] = pkg.license.title.split(u'::')[-1]
    elif pkg.license:
        result_dict['license_title'] = pkg.license.title
        result_dict['license_title'] = pkg.license_id

    # creation and modification date
    if is_latest_revision:
        result_dict['metadata_modified'] = pkg.metadata_modified.isoformat()
    # (If not is_latest_revision, don't use pkg which is the latest version.
    # Instead, use the dates already in result_dict that came from the dictized
    # PackageRevision)
    result_dict['metadata_created'] = pkg.metadata_created.isoformat()

    return result_dict
def package_dictize_with_revisions(pkg, context):
    Given a Package object, returns an equivalent dictionary.

    Normally this is the most recent version, but you can provide revision_id
    or revision_date in the context and it will filter to an earlier time.

    May raise NotFound if:
    * the specified revision_id doesn't exist
    * the specified revision_date was before the package was created
    model = context['model']
    is_latest_revision = not(context.get(u'revision_id') or
    execute = _execute if is_latest_revision else _execute_with_revision
    # package
    if is_latest_revision:
        if isinstance(pkg, revision_model.PackageRevision):
            pkg = model.Package.get(
        result = pkg
        package_rev = revision_model.package_revision_table
        q = select([package_rev]).where( ==
        result = execute(q, package_rev, context).first()
    if not result:
        raise logic.NotFound
    result_dict = d.table_dictize(result, context)
    # strip whitespace from title
    if result_dict.get(u'title'):
        result_dict['title'] = result_dict['title'].strip()

    # resources
    if is_latest_revision:
        res = model.resource_table
        res = revision_model.resource_revision_table
    q = select([res]).where(res.c.package_id ==
    result = execute(q, res, context)
    result_dict["resources"] = resource_list_dictize(result, context)
    result_dict['num_resources'] = len(result_dict.get(u'resources', []))

    # tags
    tag = model.tag_table
    if is_latest_revision:
        pkg_tag = model.package_tag_table
        pkg_tag = revision_model.package_tag_revision_table
    q = select([tag, pkg_tag.c.state],
               from_obj=pkg_tag.join(tag, == pkg_tag.c.tag_id)
               ).where(pkg_tag.c.package_id ==
    result = execute(q, pkg_tag, context)
    result_dict["tags"] = d.obj_list_dictize(result, context,
                                             lambda x: x["name"])
    result_dict['num_tags'] = len(result_dict.get(u'tags', []))

    # Add display_names to tags. At first a tag's display_name is just the
    # same as its name, but the display_name might get changed later (e.g.
    # translated into another language by the multilingual extension).
    for tag in result_dict['tags']:
        assert u'display_name' not in tag
        tag['display_name'] = tag['name']

    # extras
    if is_latest_revision:
        extra = model.package_extra_table
        extra = revision_model.extra_revision_table
    q = select([extra]).where(extra.c.package_id ==
    result = execute(q, extra, context)
    result_dict["extras"] = extras_list_dictize(result, context)

    # groups
    if is_latest_revision:
        member = model.member_table
        member = revision_model.member_revision_table
    group = model.group_table
    q = select([group, member.c.capacity],
               from_obj=member.join(group, == member.c.group_id)
               ).where(member.c.table_id ==\
                .where(member.c.state == u'active') \
                .where(group.c.is_organization == False)  # noqa
    result = execute(q, member, context)
    context['with_capacity'] = False
    # no package counts as cannot fetch from search index at the same
    # time as indexing to it.
    # tags, extras and sub-groups are not included for speed
    result_dict["groups"] = group_list_dictize(result, context,

    # owning organization
    if is_latest_revision:
        group = model.group_table
        group = revision_model.group_revision_table
    q = select([group]
               ).where( == result_dict['owner_org']) \
                .where(group.c.state == u'active')
    result = execute(q, group, context)
    organizations = d.obj_list_dictize(result, context)
    if organizations:
        result_dict["organization"] = organizations[0]
        result_dict["organization"] = None

    # relations
    if is_latest_revision:
        rel = model.package_relationship_table
        rel = revision_model \
    q = select([rel]).where(rel.c.subject_package_id ==
    result = execute(q, rel, context)
    result_dict["relationships_as_subject"] = \
        d.obj_list_dictize(result, context)
    q = select([rel]).where(rel.c.object_package_id ==
    result = execute(q, rel, context)
    result_dict["relationships_as_object"] = \
        d.obj_list_dictize(result, context)

    # Extra properties from the domain object
    # We need an actual Package object for this, not a PackageRevision
    # if isinstance(pkg, model.PackageRevision):
    #     pkg = model.Package.get(

    # isopen
    result_dict['isopen'] = pkg.isopen if isinstance(pkg.isopen, bool) \
        else pkg.isopen()

    # type
    # if null assign the default value to make searching easier
    result_dict['type'] = pkg.type or u'dataset'

    # license
    if pkg.license and pkg.license.url:
        result_dict['license_url'] = pkg.license.url
        result_dict['license_title'] = pkg.license.title.split(u'::')[-1]
    elif pkg.license:
        result_dict['license_title'] = pkg.license.title
        result_dict['license_title'] = pkg.license_id

    # creation and modification date
    if is_latest_revision:
        result_dict['metadata_modified'] = pkg.metadata_modified.isoformat()
    # (If not is_latest_revision, don't use pkg which is the latest version.
    # Instead, use the dates already in result_dict that came from the dictized
    # PackageRevision)
    result_dict['metadata_created'] = pkg.metadata_created.isoformat()

    return result_dict