Beispiel #1
def formatter_for_field(field, name=''):
    '''Get a proper formatter for a zope.schema.Field instance.
    assert isinstance(field, zope.schema.Field)

    # Build adaptee vector

    adaptee = build_adaptee(field, expand_collection=True)

    # Lookup

    candidates = ['format']
    if name:
        candidates.insert(0, 'format:%s' % (name))

    formatter = None
    while adaptee:
        for candidate in candidates:
            formatter = adapter_registry.queryMultiAdapter(
                adaptee, IFormatter, candidate)
            if formatter:
        if formatter:
        # Fallback to a more general version of this adaptee

    if formatter:
        formatter.requested_name = name
    return formatter
def formatter_for_field(field, name=''):
    '''Get a proper formatter for a zope.schema.Field instance.
    assert isinstance(field, zope.schema.Field)
    # Build adaptee vector
    adaptee = build_adaptee(field, expand_collection=True)

    # Lookup
    candidates = ['format']
    if name:
        candidates.insert(0, 'format:%s' % (name))
    formatter = None
    while adaptee:
        for candidate in candidates: 
            formatter = adapter_registry.queryMultiAdapter(
                adaptee, IFormatter, candidate)
            if formatter:
        if formatter:
        # Fallback to a more general version of this adaptee    

    if formatter:
        formatter.requested_name = name
    return formatter
Beispiel #3
def widget_for_field(qualified_action, field, errors={}):
    '''Find and instantiate a widget to adapt a field to a widget interface.
    The given field should be a bound instance of zope.schema.Field.

    # Build a list with candidate names

    q = qualified_action
    if isinstance(q, basestring):
        q = QualAction.from_string(q)
    candidates = list(reversed(q.parents() + [q]))

    # Build adaptee vector

    adaptee = build_adaptee(field, expand_collection=True)

    # Lookup registry

    widget = None
    while len(adaptee):
        for candidate in candidates:
            name = candidate.to_string()
            widget = adapter_registry.queryMultiAdapter(
                adaptee, IFieldWidget, name)
            logger.debug('Trying to adapt [%s] to widget for action %s: %r',
                         ', '.join([type(x).__name__ for x in adaptee]), name,
                         widget if widget else None)
            if widget:
        if widget:
        # Fall back to a more general version of this adaptee

    if widget:
        widget.context = LookupContext(requested=q, provided=candidate)
        widget.errors = errors
        raise WidgetNotFound(qualified_action, field)

    # Found

    assert zope.interface.verify.verifyObject(IFieldWidget, widget)
    return widget
def widget_for_field(qualified_action, field, errors={}):
    '''Find and instantiate a widget to adapt a field to a widget interface.
    The given field should be a bound instance of zope.schema.Field.
    # Build a list with candidate names
    q = qualified_action
    if isinstance(q, basestring):
        q = QualAction.from_string(q)
    candidates = list(reversed(q.parents() + [q]))

    # Build adaptee vector
    adaptee = build_adaptee(field, expand_collection=True)

    # Lookup registry
    widget = None
    while len(adaptee):
        for candidate in candidates:
            name = candidate.to_string()
            widget = adapter_registry.queryMultiAdapter(adaptee, IFieldWidget, name)
            logger.debug('Trying to adapt [%s] to widget for action %s: %r',
                ', '.join([type(x).__name__ for x in adaptee]), name, 
                widget if widget else None)
            if widget:
        if widget:
        # Fall back to a more general version of this adaptee    
    if widget:
        widget.context = LookupContext(requested=q, provided=candidate)
        widget.errors = errors
        raise WidgetNotFound(qualified_action, field)
    # Found
    assert zope.interface.verify.verifyObject(IFieldWidget, widget)
    return widget