Beispiel #1
    def get(self, token, example='btc'):
        ctx = CKObject(max_time=MAX_PAY_TIME)
        if token == 'example':
            cct = example.upper()
            ctx.cct = cct
            ctx.payable = Decimal('0.1612')
            ctx.payable_cct = cct
            ctx.amount_cct = 'USD'
            ctx.amount = Decimal('100.00')
            ctx.show_fiat = True
            ctx.label = 'Doggy Dash Crypto Cash'
            ctx.pubkey = 'n1EeygjWd6WSWxMyUx8Y6RBts3Mo8aZr3S'
            ctx.time_left = 10 * 60
            ctx.is_paid = False
            # find in DB
            inv = MyInvoice.get_by_token(token)

            if not inv:
                ctx.token = token
                template = JINJA_ENV.get_template('missing.html')

            cct = inv.payable_cct
            ctx.label = ctx.label or ''
            ctx.time_left = inv.get_time_left()

            d = get_ck_detail(inv.ck_refnum)
            print "details = %r" % d

            # Has it been paid?? Limitations here:
            # - should handle amounts less that desired total, for wallets that sometimes
            #   round down by a few satoshis.
            # - check # of confirmations are suitable for risk preferences
            ctx.is_paid = d.is_completed or (d.amount_so_far.decimal >=

            assert ctx.pubkey == d.coin.address

        if ctx.show_fiat:
            ctx.exchange_rates = [
                ('1 %s' % cct, '$612 USD'),
                ('%s %s' % (ctx.amount, cct), '$612 USD'),

        # a small dictionary of values we need to connect to pubnub
        ctx.pubnub_auth = get_pubnub_auth()

        ctx.bitcoin_link = ('bitcoin:%s?' % ctx.pubkey) + urlencode(
            dict(amount=ctx.amount, message=ctx.label[0:40]))

        template = JINJA_ENV.get_template('invoice.html')
    def get(self, token, example='btc'):
        ctx = CKObject(max_time = MAX_PAY_TIME)
        if token == 'example':
            cct = example.upper()
            ctx.cct = cct
            ctx.payable = Decimal('0.1612')
            ctx.payable_cct = cct
            ctx.amount_cct = 'USD'
            ctx.amount = Decimal('100.00')
            ctx.show_fiat = True
            ctx.label = 'Doggy Dash Crypto Cash'
            ctx.pubkey = 'n1EeygjWd6WSWxMyUx8Y6RBts3Mo8aZr3S'
            ctx.time_left = 10*60
            ctx.is_paid = False
            # find in DB
            inv = MyInvoice.get_by_token(token)

            if not inv:
                ctx.token = token
                template = JINJA_ENV.get_template('missing.html')

            cct = inv.payable_cct
            ctx.label = ctx.label or ''
            ctx.time_left = inv.get_time_left()

            d = get_ck_detail(inv.ck_refnum)
            print "details = %r" % d

            # Has it been paid?? Limitations here:
            # - should handle amounts less that desired total, for wallets that sometimes
            #   round down by a few satoshis.
            # - check # of confirmations are suitable for risk preferences
            ctx.is_paid = d.is_completed or (d.amount_so_far.decimal >= ctx.payable)

            assert ctx.pubkey == d.coin.address
        if ctx.show_fiat: 
            ctx.exchange_rates = [
                ('1 %s' % cct, '$612 USD'), 
                ('%s %s' % (ctx.amount, cct), '$612 USD'), 

        # a small dictionary of values we need to connect to pubnub
        ctx.pubnub_auth = get_pubnub_auth()

        ctx.bitcoin_link = ('bitcoin:%s?' % ctx.pubkey) + urlencode(dict(
                            amount = ctx.amount, message = ctx.label[0:40]))
        template = JINJA_ENV.get_template('invoice.html')