Beispiel #1
    def preproc_data_id(task):
        if task._data_id is None:
            # We actually don't need to regenerate every time one of these
            # changes, but it makes things safer for now.
            depends = [
                task.enable_augment and task.aug_params,
                input_shape,  # FIXME: really a model spec, but needed here
            # In the future, the only thing that really matters for everything
            # is task.input_shape.

            # Different modes will have different dependencies, and those
            # should be accounted for on a per-mode basis. The same should be
            # done with augmentation.

            # lowres does not have additional dependencies

            # The part-scaleX modes depend on:
            # task.part_overlap and task.part_keepbound

            # aug modes have task.aug_params as a dependency.

            # The groundtruth should also be kept in another further-up
            # directory, and they have a strong dependency on task.classnames.
            task._data_id = hashutil.hash_data(ub.repr2(depends), hashlen=8)
        return task._data_id
Beispiel #2
    def make_augment_scene(task, mode, scene, rng=None):
        Augments data in a scene of a specific "mode"

        mode = 'part-scale1'
        scene = '0000'
        rng = 'determ'

        gtdir = task.datasubdir('gtpart', scene))
        imdir = task.datasubdir('impart', scene))
        assert task.enable_augment

        if rng == 'determ':
            # Make a determenistic seed based on the scene and mode
            seed = int(hashutil.hash_data([scene, mode], alphabet='hex'), 16)
            seed = seed % (2**32 - 1)
            rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)

        auger = augment.SSegAugmentor(rng=rng, ignore_label=task.ignore_label)
        auger.params = task.aug_params

        # rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
        imdir = task.datasubdir('im' + mode, scene)
        gtdir = task.datasubdir('gt' + mode, scene)
        im_fpaths = sorted(glob.glob(join(imdir, '*.png')))
        gt_fpaths = sorted(glob.glob(join(gtdir, '*.png')))

        # Define the output path for the augmentation of this mode
        key = mode + '-aug'
        scene_imout_dpath = task.datasubdir('im' + key, scene)
        scene_gtout_dpath = task.datasubdir('gt' + key, scene)

        # Start fresh. Remove existing files
        ub.delete(scene_gtout_dpath, verbose=False)
        ub.delete(scene_imout_dpath, verbose=False)

        for impath, gtpath in ub.ProgIter(
                list(zip(im_fpaths, gt_fpaths)),
                label='   * augment mode={}'.format(mode)):
            fname_we = splitext(basename(impath))[0]
            im = cv2.imread(impath, flags=cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
            gt = cv2.imread(gtpath, flags=cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
            aug_gen = auger.augment(im, gt)
            for augx, aug_data in enumerate(aug_gen):
                (im_aug, gt_aug) = aug_data[0:2]
                fname = '{}_aug{:0=4d}.png'.format(fname_we, augx)
                cv2.imwrite(join(scene_imout_dpath, fname), im_aug)
                cv2.imwrite(join(scene_gtout_dpath, fname), gt_aug)
        return scene_imout_dpath, scene_gtout_dpath
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, img1_fpaths, img2_fpaths, labels, dim=224):
        super(LabeledPairDataset, self).__init__(dim=dim)
        assert len(img1_fpaths) == len(img2_fpaths)
        assert len(labels) == len(img2_fpaths)
        self.img1_fpaths = list(img1_fpaths)
        self.img2_fpaths = list(img2_fpaths)
        self.labels = list(labels)

        # Hack for input id
        if True:
            depends = [self.img1_fpaths, self.img2_fpaths, self.labels]
            hashid = hashutil.hash_data(depends)[:8]
            self.input_id = '{}-{}'.format(len(self), hashid)

        import utool as ut
        rng = ut.ensure_rng(3432, 'numpy')
        self.rng = rng
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, pblm, pccs, dim=224):
        super(RandomBalancedIBEISSample, self).__init__(dim=dim)
        import utool as ut
        chip_config = {'resize_dim': 'wh', 'dim_size': (self.dim, self.dim)}
        self.pccs = pccs
        all_aids = ut.flatten(pccs)
        all_fpaths = pblm.infr.ibs.depc_annot.get('chips',

        self.aid_to_fpath = dict(zip(all_aids, all_fpaths))

        # self.multitons_pccs = [pcc for pcc in pccs if len(pcc) > 1]
        self.pos_pairs = []

        self.infr = pblm.infr
        # todo each sample should really get a weight depending on num aids in
        # its pcc
        for pcc in pccs:
            if len(pcc) >= 2:
                edges = np.array(
                    list(it.starmap(self.infr.e_, it.combinations(pcc, 2))))
                is_comparable = self.is_comparable(edges)
                pos_edges = edges[is_comparable]
        rng = ut.ensure_rng(563401, 'numpy')
        self.pyrng = ut.ensure_rng(564043, 'python')
        self.rng = rng

        if True:
            depends = [
                sorted(map(sorted, self.pccs)),
            hashid = hashutil.hash_data(depends)[:8]
            self.input_id = '{}-{}'.format(len(self), hashid)
Beispiel #5
    def make_parts(prep, fullres, scale=1, clear=False):
        Slices the fullres images into smaller parts that fit into the network
        but are at the original resolution (or higher).

        >>> from clab.tasks.urban_mapper_3d import *
        >>> task = UrbanMapper3D(root='~/remote/aretha/data/UrbanMapper3D', workdir='~/data/work/urban_mapper')
        >>> task.prepare_fullres_inputs()
        >>> fullres = task.fullres
        >>> datadir = ub.ensuredir((task.workdir, 'data'))
        >>> prep = Preprocessor(datadir)
        >>> scale = 1
        >>> clear = False
        >>> lowres = prep.make_parts(fullres, scale)
        part_config = prep.part_config
        hashid = hashutil.hash_data(ub.repr2(part_config), hashlen=8)
        shapestr = '_'.join(list(map(str, prep.input_shape)))
        mode = 'part-scale{}-{}-{}'.format(scale, shapestr, hashid)

        parts, flag = prep._mode_new_input(mode, fullres, clear=clear)
        if flag:
            return parts

        input_shape = prep.input_shape
        overlap = part_config['overlap']
        keepbound = part_config['keepbound']

        records = list(fullres.iter_records())
        for record in ub.ProgIter(records, label='make ' + mode):
            dump_fname = basename(record['dump_fname'])

            im_shape = np.array(['im']).size[::-1])
            im_shape = tuple(np.floor(im_shape * scale).astype(

            # Consolodate all channels that belong to this record
            in_paths = record.get('aux').copy()
            for k in ['im', 'gt']:
                if k in record:
                    in_paths[k] = record[k]

            # Read the images for this record and resize if necessary
            in_images = {k: imutil.imread(v)
                         for k, v in in_paths.items()}  # 9% of the time
            if scale != 1.0:
                for k in in_images.keys():
                    interp = cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4 if k == 'im' else cv2.INTER_NEAREST
                    in_images[k] = imutil.imscale(in_images[k], scale,

            sl_gen = imutil.image_slices(im_shape, input_shape, overlap,
            for idx, rc_slice in enumerate(sl_gen):
                rsl, csl = rc_slice
                suffix = '_part{:0=4d}_{:0=3d}_{:0=3d}'.format(
                    idx, rsl.start, csl.start)
                fname = ub.augpath(dump_fname, suffix=suffix)

                for k, in_data in in_images.items():
                    out_data = in_data[rc_slice]
                    out_fpath = join(parts.dirs[k], fname)
                    imutil.imwrite(out_fpath, out_data)  # 84% of the time

        return parts