def drawopt(text, x, y, func=0): """draw text tto the screen at (x, y). return class_.MyRect of rectangle.""" fontobj = pg.font.Font(os.path.join('data', 'Michael`s Font.ttf'), 32) textsurf = fontobj.render(text, True, WHITE) textrect = textsurf.get_rect() = (x, y) SURFACE.blit(textsurf, textrect) return class_.MyRect(textrect), textsurf, func
def draw_text( text, size=32, cen_of_txt=(WIN_X // 2, WIN_Y // 2), colour=(COLOURS['black'], COLOURS['white']), ) -> tuple: """ function for drawing text on SURFACE, returns a tuple containing the rect of the surface, and the surface itself. """ FontObj = pg.font.Font('data\\Michael`s Font.ttf', size) FontSurf = FontObj.render(text, True, *colour) Rect = FontSurf.get_rect() = cen_of_txt SURFACE.blit(FontSurf, Rect) return class_.MyRect(Rect, colour=COLOURS['white']), FontSurf
def draw_box(size, colour, pos, alpha=None, image=None) -> tuple: """ return a square rectangle, surface pair uses MyRect """ print(pos) new_surf = pg.surface.Surface(size) new_surf.fill(colour) if alpha is not None: new_surf.set_alpha(alpha) SURFACE.blit(new_surf, pos) if image is not None: SURFACE.blit(image, pos) return class_.MyRect( new_surf.get_rect(topleft=pos), colour=colour), new_surf
def choose_game_mode() -> int: """ choose which option the player wants return 1 if player chooses new game return 2 if player chooses load game return 3 if player chooses load a backup. """ print('choose_game_mode called') SURFACE.fill(COLOURS['white']) # I realize now that Ishould have used a function for the three sections below, but whatever. LabelPlay = pg.font.Font('data\\Michael`s Font.ttf', 32) PlaySurf=LabelPlay.render('New Game', True, COLOURS['black'], \ COLOURS['white']) PlayRect = class_.MyRect(PlaySurf.get_rect()) = ((WIN_X // 2), (WIN_Y // 2) - 50) SURFACE.blit(PlaySurf, PlayRect) ################################################################# LabelLoad = pg.font.Font('data\\Michael`s Font.ttf', 32) LoadSurf=LabelLoad.render('Load Game', True, COLOURS['black'], \ COLOURS['white']) LoadRect = class_.MyRect(LoadSurf.get_rect()) = (WIN_X // 2, WIN_Y // 2) SURFACE.blit(LoadSurf, LoadRect) ################################################################# LabelLoadEarlier = pg.font.Font('data\\Michael`s Font.ttf', 32) LESurf=LabelLoadEarlier.render('Load Earlier Save', True, COLOURS['black'], \ COLOURS['white']) LERect = class_.MyRect(LESurf.get_rect()) = (WIN_X // 2, WIN_Y // 2 + 50) SURFACE.blit(LESurf, LERect) while True: for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: terminate() elif event.type == MOUSEMOTION: x, y = event.pos for (rect, surf) in ((PlayRect, PlaySurf), (LoadRect, LoadSurf), (LERect, LESurf)): rect.handle(event, SURFACE, surf) elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: x, y = event.pos if PlayRect.collidepoint(x, y): print("PlayRect Clicked") return 0 #these return value, and end loop elif LoadRect.collidepoint(x, y): print("LoadRect Called") return 1 elif LERect.collidepoint(x, y): print("LERect called") return 2 pg.display.update()
def get_characters() -> list: """ starts a new game, and lets the player choose their characters. returns a list of the characters the player has chosen. """ SURFACE.fill(COLOURS['white']) draw_text( 'Choose your players:', cen_of_txt=(WIN_X // 2, WIN_Y // 2 - 200)) texts = {} pairs = [] num = -250 # this is the starting point for the images to appear # puts all the characters in a line with their caption beneath for string in database.ALL_CLASSES: string = string.lower() texts[string] = draw_text( string, size=20, cen_of_txt=(WIN_X // 2 + num, WIN_Y // 2 + 200)) pic = PICS['characters'][string] SURFACE.blit(pic, (texts[string][0].x + 20, texts[string][0].y + 30)) pairs.append((string, class_.MyRect(pic.get_rect()))) num += 100 del num, string box_list = [] # this loop puts 4 boxes to show which characters the user has chosen for i in range(WIN_X // 4, WIN_X // 4 * 3, 100): box_list.append((draw_box( (25, 25), COLOURS['gray'], (i, WIN_Y // 2), alpha=200), (i, WIN_Y // 2))[0][0]) del i print('pairs: ', *pairs, sep='\n') char_list = [] clicked = 0 boxes_with_pictures = [] box_num_pairs = { 1: box_list[0], 2: box_list[1], 3: box_list[2], 4: box_list[3], } for key in box_num_pairs: print('key: ', key, ' box: ', box_num_pairs[key], sep='') while True: for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: terminate() elif event.type == MOUSEMOTION: for key in texts: M = texts[key] M[0].handle(event, SURFACE, M[1]) # this branch controls when a selection box is # selected, which one to underline. elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # if mouse is clicked x, y = event.pos for key, rect in zip(box_num_pairs.keys(), box_num_pairs.values()): print(rect is box_num_pairs[key]) if rect.collidepoint(x, y): # if click is in 'rect' if not rect.underlined: # only do this is 'rect' is underlined rect.underline(SURFACE) if clicked == key: box_num_pairs[clicked].remove_underline(SURFACE) clicked = 0 elif clicked == 0: clicked = key else: box_num_pairs[clicked].remove_underline(SURFACE) clicked = key for rect_key, rect in zip(box_num_pairs.keys(), box_num_pairs.values()): for character_name, rect_surf_pair in zip( texts.keys(), texts.values()): if rect_surf_pair[0].collidepoint(x, y): print('garpenchank') try: box_num_pairs[clicked].draw_inside( PICS['characters'][character_name], SURFACE) boxes_with_pictures.append(clicked) except (class_.SMRError, KeyError) as error: print(error) break elif clicked in boxes_with_pictures: print('gud') box_num_pairs[clicked].remove_pic(SURFACE) char_list = [ box.PicInside for box in box_num_pairs.values() ] pg.display.update() if not None in char_list[:2]: print('howdy') char_list = [box.PicInside for box in box_num_pairs.values()] if not None in char_list: return char_list