Beispiel #1
def makePrioCorrectionsAds():
    Optimize the PostJobPrio* entries for HTCondor matchmaking.

    This will sort jobs within the schedd along the following criteria (higher is better):
    1) Workflow ID (lower is better).
    2) Step in workflow (later is better)
    3) # of sites in whitelist (lower is better).
    4) Estimated job runtime (lower is better).
    5) Estimated job disk requirements (lower is better).
    anAd = classad.ClassAd()
    anAd["GridResource"] = "condor localhost localhost"
    anAd["TargetUniverse"] = 5
    anAd["Name"] = "Prio Corrections"
    anAd["Requirements"] = classad.ExprTree(
        "(target.HasPrioCorrection isnt true)")
    anAd["set_HasPrioCorrection"] = True
    anAd["set_HasBeenRouted"] = False
    # -1 * Number of sites in workflow.
    anAd["copy_PostJobPrio1"] = "WMAgent_PostJobPrio1"
    # -1 * Workflow ID (newer workflows have higher numbers)
    anAd["copy_PostJobPrio2"] = "WMAgent_PostJobPrio2"
    anAd["eval_set_JR_PostJobPrio1"] = classad.ExprTree(
        "WMAgent_PostJobPrio2*100*1000 + size(WMAgent_SubTaskName)*100 + WMAgent_PostJobPrio1"
    anAd["eval_set_JR_PostJobPrio2"] = classad.ExprTree(
        "-MaxWallTimeMins - RequestDisk/1000000")
    anAd["set_PostJobPrio1"] = classad.Attribute("JR_PostJobPrio1")
    anAd["set_PostJobPrio2"] = classad.Attribute("JR_PostJobPrio2")
    print anAd
Beispiel #2
 def test_operator(self):
     expr = classad.Literal(1) + 2
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(expr, classad.ExprTree))
     self.assertTrue(expr.sameAs(classad.ExprTree('1 + 2')))
     expr = classad.Literal(1) & 2
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(expr, classad.ExprTree))
     self.assertEquals(expr.eval(), 0)
     self.assertTrue(expr.sameAs(classad.ExprTree('1 & 2')))
     expr = classad.Attribute("foo").is_(classad.Value.Undefined)
     ad = classad.ClassAd("[foo = 1]")
     expr = classad.Attribute("foo").isnt_(classad.Value.Undefined)
     expr = classad.Literal(1).and_(classad.Literal(2))
     self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, bool, expr)
Beispiel #3
 def test_flatten(self):
     expr = classad.Attribute("foo") == classad.Attribute("bar")
     ad = classad.ClassAd({"bar": 1})
     self.assertTrue(ad.flatten(expr).sameAs(classad.ExprTree('foo == 1')))
Beispiel #4
 def test_subscript(self):
     ad = classad.ClassAd({'foo': [0, 1, 2, 3]})
     expr = classad.Attribute("foo")._get(2)
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(expr, classad.ExprTree))
     self.assertEquals(expr.eval(), classad.Value.Undefined)
     self.assertEquals(expr.eval(ad), 2)
def test_flatten(ad):
    ad["bar"] = 1
    expr = classad.Attribute("foo") == classad.Attribute("bar")

    assert ad.flatten(expr).sameAs(classad.ExprTree("foo == 1"))
def test_subscript(ad):
    ad["foo"] = [0, 1, 2, 3]
    expr = classad.Attribute("foo")._get(2)

    assert expr.eval(ad) == 2
    assert expr.eval(ad) == classad.Value.Undefined

    "expr, expected",
        (classad.Literal(1) + 2, 3),
        (classad.Literal(1) + classad.Literal(2), 3),
        (classad.Literal(1) - 2, -1),
        (classad.Literal(1) * 2, 2),
        (classad.Literal(2) / 2, 1),
        (classad.Literal(1) & 2, 0),
        (classad.Literal(1) | 2, 3),
        (classad.Literal(1).and_(2), True),
        (classad.Literal(1).and_(classad.Literal(2)), True),
        (classad.Attribute("foo").is_(classad.Value.Undefined), True),
def test_operators_produce_exprtrees_and_eval_as_expected(expr, expected):
    assert isinstance(expr, classad.ExprTree)
    assert expr.eval() == expected

def test_subscript(ad):
    ad["foo"] = [0, 1, 2, 3]
    expr = classad.Attribute("foo")._get(2)

    assert expr.eval(ad) == 2

def test_function():