def find_best_chain(current_chain, chars, max_lookahead, ch_score):

    # The first char has to be popped because it processed that char.
    global current_lookahead
    if not current_lookahead == 0:
        chars = chars[1:]

    # If there is only 1 char left we've arrived at the end of a chain.
    if len(chars) == 1 or current_lookahead == max_lookahead:

        # Add the last char to the amino chain.
        current_chain.chain_list.append(Amino(chars[0], 0, current_chain.chain_list[-1].get_fold_coordinates()))

        # Calculate the matrix (needed for the score.) and the score
        matrix, xy_offset = get_matrix_efficient(current_chain.chain_list)
        score = get_score_efficient(current_chain.chain_list, matrix, xy_offset, ch_score)

        global best_score
        global best_chain

        # IF this score is the best score, save this score + chain as a global.
        if score < best_score:
            best_score = score
            best_chain = copy.deepcopy(current_chain.chain_list)

        # Abort that chain if it isnt the best score. remove amino we just added
        del current_chain.chain_list[-1]
        return None

    # Get legal moves on the position of that amino
    legal_moves = get_legal_moves_nomirror(current_chain.chain_list[-1].get_fold_coordinates(), current_chain)

    # If no legals move left, abort the chain. The protein got "stuck"
    if not legal_moves:
        return None

    # Go recursively through all legal moves and its child legal moves etc.
        for move in legal_moves:

            # Find best chain needs a new updated chain, but the old chain also needs to be remembered.
            last_amino = current_chain.chain_list[-1]

            # Append the next amino and increase current lookahead
            current_lookahead += 1
            current_chain.chain_list.append(Amino(chars[0], move, last_amino.get_fold_coordinates()))

            find_best_chain(current_chain, chars, max_lookahead, ch_score)

            # After the algo the lookahead should return to last value and the amino we just added should be removed again.
            current_lookahead -= 1
            del current_chain.chain_list[-1]
Beispiel #2
def find_best_chain(current_chain, chars, ch_score):

    # The first char has to be popped because it processes that char in the last loop
    # Note: popping the first loop is also valid because the first char is build before loading the fold_selector.
    chars = chars[1:]

    # If there is only 1 char left we've arrived at the end of a chain.
    if len(chars) == 1:

        # Add the last char to the amino chain.
        current_chain.chain_list.append(Amino(chars[0], 0, current_chain.chain_list[-1].get_fold_coordinates()))

        # Calculate the matrix (needed for the score.) and the score
        matrix, xy_offset = get_matrix_efficient(current_chain.chain_list)
        score = get_score_efficient(current_chain.chain_list, matrix, xy_offset, ch_score)

        global best_score
        global best_chain

        # IF this score is the best score, save this score + chain as a global.
        if score < best_score:
            print("New best score: " + str(score))
            best_score = score
            best_chain = copy.deepcopy(current_chain.chain_list)

        # Abort that chain if it isnt the best score.
        del current_chain.chain_list[-1]
        return None

    # Get legal moves on the position of that amino
    legal_moves = get_legal_moves_nomirror(current_chain.chain_list[-1].get_fold_coordinates(), current_chain)

    # If no legals move left, abort the chain. The protein got "stuck"
    if not legal_moves:
        return None

    # Go recursively through all legal moves and its child legal moves etc.
        for move in legal_moves:

            # Find best chain needs a new updated chain, but the old chain also needs to be remembered.
            last_amino = current_chain.chain_list[-1]
            current_chain.chain_list.append(Amino(chars[0], move, last_amino.get_fold_coordinates()))
            find_best_chain(current_chain, chars, ch_score)

            del current_chain.chain_list[-1]
Beispiel #3
def depth_search(protein, ch_score):
    char_counter = 1

    # Skips the first char the index.
    while protein.char_counter < len(protein.amino_string):

        char = protein.amino_string[protein.char_counter]
        # Get the location the last amino folded to.
        # Note: an index of -1 gets the last object in a list.
        amino_xy = protein.chain.chain_list[-1].get_fold_coordinates()

        # Last amino always has fold of 0.
        if protein.char_counter + 1 == len(protein.amino_string):
            fold = 0

        # Determine which fold to pick
            illegal_folds = None
            ideal_chain = fold_selector(amino_xy, char, protein.chain, illegal_folds, protein.amino_string, ch_score)

        # Ideal chain is already found, replace chain with ideal chain and break loop.
        if ideal_chain:
            protein.matrix, protein.chain.chain_list = get_matrix(best_chain)

        # Adds amino to the protein chain.
        protein.chain.chain_list.append(Amino(char, fold, amino_xy))
        char_counter += 1
def depth_search_lookahead(protein, ch_score, max_lookahead):
    global best_chain
    global best_score
    chars = protein.amino_string
    chain_length_goal = len(chars)

    # The first char amino is build in the proteine class
    chars = chars [1:]

    # Skips the first char the index.
    while True:

        char = chars[0]
        # Get the location the last amino folded to.
        # Note: an index of -1 gets the last object in a list.
        amino_xy = protein.chain.chain_list[-1].get_fold_coordinates()

        # Last amino always has fold of 0.
        if protein.char_counter + 1 == len(protein.amino_string):
            fold = 0

        # Determine which fold to pick. Ideal chain is returned as true if the full chain is already processed.
        # If ideal_chain is false, the next ideal fold is given.
            ideal_chain, fold = fold_selector(protein.chain, chars, max_lookahead, chain_length_goal, ch_score)

        # Ideal chain is already found, replace chain with ideal chain and break loop.
        if ideal_chain:

            protein.matrix, protein.chain.chain_list = get_matrix(best_chain)

        # Adds amino to the protein chain.
        protein.chain.chain_list.append(Amino(char, fold, amino_xy))

        print("Char " + str(len(protein.chain.chain_list)) +"/" + str(len(protein.amino_string)) + ". Beste score: " + str(best_score), file=sys.stdout)

        # Pop the first char from the string. That one has been processed now
        chars = chars[1:]

        # Reset the best score and best chain
        best_score = 1
        best_chain = []

    # Update matrix and protein of the chain. Offset happens now.
    protein.matrix, protein.chain.chain_list = get_matrix(protein.chain.chain_list)
    best_score = 1
    best_chain = []
Beispiel #5
    def __init__(self, amino_string, mode):

        if mode in ["2d", "2D"]:
            self.mode_3d = False

        elif mode in ["3d", "3D"]:
            self.mode_3d = True

            raise Exception("Dimension mode not valid")

        # The list which contains the ordered and connected aminos.
        self.chain = Chain([])

        # The string of the protein, make it case insensitive
        self.amino_string = amino_string.upper()

        # Check if amino string contains chars other than H, C and P
        illegal_chars = list(string.ascii_uppercase)

        for char in self.amino_string:
            if char in illegal_chars:
                raise Exception("Amino string contains illegal chars")

        # Adds the first amino to the chain, direction is hard-coded as "up".
        if self.mode_3d == True:
            self.chain.chain_list.append(Amino(self.amino_string[0], 2, [0,0,0]))
            self.chain.chain_list.append(Amino(self.amino_string[0], 2, [0,0]))

        # Used to store the FINISHED matrix.
        self.matrix = []

        # Some functions use this to determine the char that is being "calculated"
        self.char_counter = 1
Beispiel #6
    def initializeProtein(self):
        Initializes the protein by placing it in a straight line parallel to the

        self.aminoList = []
        self.occupied = []

        for id in range(self.proteinLength):
            self.aminoList.append(Amino(id, self.proteinString[id]))
            thisCoordinate = [0] * int(self.plane[0])
            thisCoordinate[1] = id
            self.aminoList[id].coordinate = thisCoordinate
def depth_search_iterative(protein, ch_score):
    char_counter = 1

    # Build a matrix with dimensions of 2 * length of the protein +1
    matrix_dimensions = 2 * len(protein.amino_string) + 1
    for i in range(matrix_dimensions + 1):
        row = []
        for j in range(matrix_dimensions + 1):
            row.append(" ")

    # Center the first amino's coordinates in the matrix and add it to the matrix.
    protein.chain.chain_list[0].coordinates = [
        len(protein.amino_string) + 1,
        len(protein.amino_string) + 1
    protein.chain.matrix[len(protein.amino_string) +
                         1][len(protein.amino_string) +
                            1] = protein.chain.chain_list[0]

    # Skips the first char the index.
    while protein.char_counter < len(protein.amino_string):

        char = protein.amino_string[protein.char_counter]
        # Get the location the last amino folded to.
        # Note: an index of -1 gets the last object in a list.
        amino_xy = protein.chain.chain_list[-1].get_fold_coordinates()

        # Last amino always has fold of 0.
        if protein.char_counter + 1 == len(protein.amino_string):
            fold = 0

        # Determine which fold to pick
            illegal_folds = None
            ideal_chain = fold_selector(amino_xy, char, protein.chain,
                                        illegal_folds, protein.amino_string,

        # Ideal chain is already found, replace chain with ideal chain and break loop.
        if ideal_chain:

            protein.matrix, protein.chain.chain_list = get_matrix(best_chain)

        # Adds amino to the protein chain.
        protein.chain.chain_list.append(Amino(char, fold, amino_xy))
        char_counter += 1
Beispiel #8
def build_straight_protein(protein):
    mode_3d = protein.mode_3d

    if mode_3d:
        protein.chain.chain_list[0].coordinates = [0, 0, 0]

        protein.chain.chain_list[0].coordinates = [0, 0]

    for index, char in enumerate(protein.amino_string):
        if index == 0:

        new_amino = Amino(
            char, 2,
            protein.chain.chain_list[index - 1].get_fold_coordinates())

    protein.matrix, protein.chain.chain_list = get_matrix(
Beispiel #9
def constructive(proteinString):
    This function creates the protein, places the first two amino acids and
    starts the placing of the rest of the amino acids.

    proteinString -- a string that contains the amino acids of the protein

    protein = Protein(proteinString, "2D")

    # Place first and second amino acid to prevent rotational symmetry
    for i in range(2):
        protein.aminoList.append(Amino(i, protein.proteinString[i]))
        protein.aminoList[i].coordinate = [0, i]
        protein.occupied.append([0, i])

    # This starts the recursive function createFolded
    createFolded(protein, 2)

    print("Protein", proteinString, "has an optimal stability of",
def find_best_chain(current_chain, chars, ch_score, current_score):

    global best_score

    # The first char has to be popped because it processes that char in the last loop
    # Note: popping the first loop is also valid because the first char is build before loading the fold_selector.
    chars = chars[1:]

    # If there is only 1 char left we've arrived at the end of a chain.
    if len(chars) == 1:

        # Add the last char to the amino chain AND the recusrive chain matrix
        last_amino = current_chain.chain_list[-1]
        new_amino_x, new_amino_y = last_amino.get_fold_coordinates()
        new_amino = Amino(chars[0], 0, [new_amino_x, new_amino_y])
        current_chain.matrix[new_amino_y][new_amino_x] = new_amino

        # Get the new score by building on the last score
        new_score = get_score_iterative(current_chain.chain_list,
                                        current_chain.matrix, current_score)

        # Calculate the matrix (needed for the score.) and the score
        score = new_score

        global best_score
        global best_chain

        # IF this score is the best score, save this score + chain as a global.
        if score < best_score:
            print("New best score: " + str(score))
            best_score = score
            best_chain = copy.deepcopy(current_chain.chain_list)

        # Abort that chain if it isnt the best score. also remove it from the matrix
        current_chain.matrix[new_amino_y][new_amino_x] = " "
        del current_chain.chain_list[-1]
        return None

    # Get legal moves on the position of that amino
    legal_moves = get_legal_moves_nomirror(
        current_chain.chain_list[-1].get_fold_coordinates(), current_chain)

    # If no legals move left, abort the chain. The protein got "stuck"
    if not legal_moves:
        return None

    # Go recursively through all legal moves and its child legal moves etc.
        for move in legal_moves:

            # Find best chain needs a new updated chain, but the old chain also needs to be remembered.
            last_amino = current_chain.chain_list[-1]
            new_amino_x, new_amino_y = last_amino.get_fold_coordinates()
            new_amino = Amino(chars[0], move, [new_amino_x, new_amino_y])

            # Also add that amino to the matrix, and update the mirror starus
            current_chain.matrix[new_amino_y][new_amino_x] = new_amino

            # Calculate new score
            new_score = get_score_iterative(current_chain.chain_list,

            find_best_chain(current_chain, chars, ch_score, new_score)

            # Reverse the matrix and mirror status
            current_chain.matrix[new_amino_y][new_amino_x] = " "

            del current_chain.chain_list[-1]
Beispiel #11
def branch_and_bound_random(protein, ch_score, best_score_import, p1, p2):
    global best_score
    global p_below_average
    global p_above_average
    p_below_average = p1
    p_above_average = p2

    # Check if unsupported 3d mode.

    # You could import a score to start at (if you know the score to be at least that amount).
    best_score = best_score_import

    char_counter = 1

    mode_3d = protein.mode_3d

    # Build up the partial energy list for every depth in the chain.
    global partial_energies
    for char in protein.amino_string:
        partial_energies.append([0, 0, 0])

    if mode_3d:
        # Build a matrix with dimensions of 2 * length of the protein + 1.
        matrix_dimensions = 2 * len(protein.amino_string) + 1

        for k in range(matrix_dimensions + 1):
            layer = []
            for i in range(matrix_dimensions + 1):
                row = []
                for j in range(matrix_dimensions + 1):
                    row.append(" ")
        protein.chain.chain_list[0].coordinates = [
            len(protein.amino_string) + 1,
            len(protein.amino_string) + 1,
            len(protein.amino_string) + 1
        protein.chain.matrix[len(protein.amino_string) +
                             1][len(protein.amino_string) +
                                1][len(protein.amino_string) +
                                   1] = protein.chain.chain_list[0]

    # 2D
        # Build a matrix with dimensions of 2 * length of the protein +1.
        matrix_dimensions = 2 * len(protein.amino_string) + 1
        for i in range(matrix_dimensions + 1):
            row = []
            for j in range(matrix_dimensions + 1):
                row.append(" ")

        # Center the first amino's coordinates in the matrix and add it to the matrix.
        protein.chain.chain_list[0].coordinates = [
            len(protein.amino_string) + 1,
            len(protein.amino_string) + 1
        protein.chain.matrix[len(protein.amino_string) +
                             1][len(protein.amino_string) +
                                1] = protein.chain.chain_list[0]

    # Perform all functions to add corrent spots.
    new_score, spots_to_add, spots_to_remove, spots_to_add_C, spots_to_remove_C = get_score_iterative_and_spots(
        protein.chain, protein.chain.matrix, 0)
    protein.chain.add_fold_spots(spots_to_add, "H")
    protein.chain.remove_fold_spots(spots_to_remove, "H")
    protein.chain.add_fold_spots(spots_to_add_C, "C")
    protein.chain.remove_fold_spots(spots_to_remove_C, "C")

    # Skips the first char the index.
    while protein.char_counter < len(protein.amino_string):

        char = protein.amino_string[protein.char_counter]
        # Get the location the last amino folded to.
        # Note: an index of -1 gets the last object in a list.
        amino_xy = protein.chain.chain_list[-1].get_fold_coordinates()

        # Last amino always has fold of 0.
        if protein.char_counter + 1 == len(protein.amino_string):
            fold = 0

        # Determine which fold to pick.
            illegal_folds = None
            ideal_chain = fold_selector(amino_xy, char, protein.chain,
                                        illegal_folds, protein.amino_string,

        # Ideal chain is already found, replace chain with ideal chain and break loop.
        if ideal_chain:
            protein.matrix, protein.chain.chain_list = get_matrix(best_chain)

        # Adds amino to the protein chain.
        protein.chain.chain_list.append(Amino(char, fold, amino_xy))

        char_counter += 1
Beispiel #12
def find_best_chain(current_chain, chars, ch_score, current_score):

    global best_score

    # The first char has to be popped because it processes that char in the last loop.
    # Note: popping the first loop is also valid because the first char is build before loading the fold_selector.
    chars = chars[1:]

    mode_3d = is_chain_3d(current_chain.chain_list)

    # If there is only 1 char left we've arrived at the end of a chain.
    if len(chars) == 1:
        # Add the last char to the amino chain AND the recusrive chain matrix
        last_amino = current_chain.chain_list[-1]
        coordinates = last_amino.get_fold_coordinates()
        new_amino = Amino(chars[0], 0, coordinates)

        if mode_3d:
                coordinates[0]] = new_amino
            current_chain.matrix[coordinates[1]][coordinates[0]] = new_amino

        new_score = get_score_iterative(current_chain.chain_list,
                                        current_chain.matrix, current_score)

        # Calculate the matrix (needed for the score.) and the score.
        score = new_score

        global best_chain

        # IF this score is the best score, save this score + chain as a global.
        if score < best_score:
            print("New best score: " + str(score))
            best_score = score
            best_chain = copy.deepcopy(current_chain.chain_list)

        # Abort that chain if it isnt the best score. also remove it from the matrix.
        if mode_3d:
                coordinates[0]] = " "
            current_chain.matrix[coordinates[1]][coordinates[0]] = " "

        del current_chain.chain_list[-1]
        return None

    # Get legal moves on the position of that amino.
    legal_moves = get_legal_moves_nomirror(
        current_chain.chain_list[-1].get_fold_coordinates(), current_chain)

    # If no legals move left, abort the chain. The protein got "stuck".
    if not legal_moves:
        return None

    # Go recursively through all legal moves and its child legal moves etc.
        for move in legal_moves:

            # Find best chain needs a new updated chain, but the old chain also needs to be remembered.
            last_amino = current_chain.chain_list[-1]
            coordinates = last_amino.get_fold_coordinates()
            new_amino = Amino(chars[0], move, coordinates)

            skip_function = False

            # Also add that amino to the matrix, and update the mirror status.
            if mode_3d:
                    coordinates[0]] = new_amino
                    coordinates[0]] = new_amino


            # Calculate new score and and/remove the correct fold spots.
            new_score, spots_to_add, spots_to_remove, spots_to_add_C, spots_to_remove_C = get_score_iterative_and_spots(
                current_chain, current_chain.matrix, current_score)

            # Remove the spots that are now filled by aminos.
            current_chain.remove_fold_spots(spots_to_remove, "H")
            current_chain.remove_fold_spots(spots_to_remove_C, "C")

            # Change odd/even.
            current_chain.odd = not current_chain.odd

            # Add the spots that were newly created.
            current_chain.add_fold_spots(spots_to_add, "H")
            current_chain.add_fold_spots(spots_to_add_C, "C")

            # Calculate max extra score and prune spots that are too far away.
            extra_score_possible, removed_even, removed_odd, removed_even_C, removed_odd_C = current_chain.get_max_possible_extra_score(
            max_possible = new_score + extra_score_possible

            # Of a new best score cant be reached, abandon chain.
            if max_possible >= best_score:

                skip_function = True

            global partial_energies
            current_depth = len(current_chain.chain_list)

            # If it is the new best score for that depth.
            if new_score <= partial_energies[current_depth][0]:
                if new_score < partial_energies[current_depth][0]:
                    partial_energies[current_depth][0] = new_score

                partial_energies[current_depth][1] = calculate_average(
                    partial_energies[current_depth][2], new_score)
                partial_energies[current_depth][2] += 1

            # The score is below average (so better) for that depth.
            elif new_score <= partial_energies[current_depth][1]:
                global p_below_average
                random_number = random.uniform(0, 1)

                if random_number > p_below_average:
                    skip_function = True

                    partial_energies[current_depth][1] = calculate_average(
                        partial_energies[current_depth][2], new_score)
                    partial_energies[current_depth][2] += 1

            # The score is above average (so worse) for that depth.
                global p_above_average
                random_number = random.uniform(0, 1)

                if random_number > p_above_average:
                    skip_function = True

                    partial_energies[current_depth][1] = calculate_average(
                        partial_energies[current_depth][2], new_score)
                    partial_energies[current_depth][2] += 1

            if not skip_function:
                # The actual recursive function.
                find_best_chain(current_chain, chars, ch_score, new_score)

            # Undo all the changed to the spots that were made before calling the recursive function.
            current_chain.add_back_even(removed_even, "H")
            current_chain.add_back_odd(removed_odd, "H")
            current_chain.add_back_even(removed_even_C, "C")
            current_chain.add_back_odd(removed_odd_C, "C")
            current_chain.remove_fold_spots(spots_to_add, "H")
            current_chain.remove_fold_spots(spots_to_add_C, "C")

            # Change odd/even back.
            current_chain.odd = not current_chain.odd

            # Reverse the fold spots.
            current_chain.add_fold_spots(spots_to_remove, "H")
            current_chain.add_fold_spots(spots_to_remove_C, "C")

            # Reverse the matrix and mirror status.
            if mode_3d:
                current_chain.matrix[coordinates[1]][coordinates[0]] = " "

            # Undo the added amino.
            del current_chain.chain_list[-1]
def branch_and_bound_lookahead(protein, ch_score, best_score_import, max_lookahead):
    global best_score
    global best_chain
    best_score = best_score_import

    mode_3d = is_chain_3d(chain)

    if mode_3d:
        matrix_dimensions = 2 * len(protein.amino_string) + 1
        for k in range(matrix_dimensions + 1):
            layer = []
            for i in range(matrix_dimensions + 1):
                row = []
                for j in range(matrix_dimensions + 1):
                    row.append(" ")

        protein.chain.chain_list[0].coordinates = [len(protein.amino_string) + 1 , len(protein.amino_string) + 1, len(protein.amino_string) + 1]
        protein.chain.matrix[len(protein.amino_string) + 1][len(protein.amino_string) + 1][len(protein.amino_string) + 1] = protein.chain.chain_list[0]

        # Build a matrix with dimensions of 2 * length of the protein +1
        matrix_dimensions = 2 * len(protein.amino_string) + 1
        for i in range(matrix_dimensions + 1):
            row = []
            for j in range(matrix_dimensions + 1):
                row.append(" ")
        # Center the first amino's coordinates in the matrix and add it to the matrix.
        protein.chain.chain_list[0].coordinates = [len(protein.amino_string) + 1 , len(protein.amino_string) + 1]
        protein.chain.matrix[len(protein.amino_string) + 1][len(protein.amino_string) + 1] = protein.chain.chain_list[0]

    new_score, spots_to_add, spots_to_remove, spots_to_add_C, spots_to_remove_C = get_score_iterative_and_spots(protein.chain, protein.chain.matrix, 0)

    protein.chain.add_fold_spots(spots_to_add, "H")
    protein.chain.add_fold_spots(spots_to_add_C, "C")
    current_score = 0
    # Skips the first char the index.
    while protein.char_counter < len(protein.amino_string):


        # print(str(self.char_counter))
        char = protein.amino_string[protein.char_counter]
        # Get the location the last amino folded to.
        # Note: an index of -1 gets the last object in a list.
        amino_xy = protein.chain.chain_list[-1].get_fold_coordinates()

        # Last amino always has fold of 0.
        if protein.char_counter + 1 == len(protein.amino_string):
            fold = 0

        # Determine which fold to pick
            ideal_chain, fold = fold_selector(amino_xy, char, protein.chain, protein.amino_string[protein.char_counter - 1:], ch_score, max_lookahead, current_score)

        # Ideal chain is already found, replace chain with ideal chain and break loop.
        if ideal_chain:
            for amino in best_chain:

            protein.matrix, protein.chain.chain_list = get_matrix(best_chain)

        new_amino = Amino(char, fold, amino_xy)
        # Adds amino to the protein chain.

        if mode_3d:
            protein.chain.matrix[amino_xy[0]][amino_xy[1]][amino_xy[2]] = new_amino
            # Also add that amino to the matrix, and update the mirror starus
            protein.chain.matrix[amino_xy[0]][amino_xy[1]] = new_amino
        # Calculate new score and and/remove the correct fold spots
        new_score, spots_to_add, spots_to_remove, spots_to_add_C, spots_to_remove_C = get_score_iterative_and_spots(protein.chain, protein.chain.matrix, current_score)
        current_score = new_score
        # Remove the spots that are now filled by aminos.
        protein.chain.remove_fold_spots(spots_to_remove, "H")
        protein.chain.remove_fold_spots(spots_to_remove_C, "C")

        # Change odd/even
        protein.chain.odd = not protein.chain.odd
        # Add the spots that were newly created.
        if protein.chain.chain_list[-1].atype == "H":
        if protein.chain.chain_list[-1].atype == "C":

        protein.chain.add_fold_spots(spots_to_add, "H")
        protein.chain.add_fold_spots(spots_to_add_C, "C")

        protein.char_counter += 1

        for amino in protein.chain.chain_list:
            print(amino, end='')

        best_chain = []
        best_score = 1
        current_lookahead = 0

    protein.matrix, protein.chain.chain_list = get_matrix(protein.chain.chain_list)
def breadth_search(protein, ch_score):

    # Check if unsupported 3d mode.

    # Get chain WITH first amino already in it.
    start_chain = protein.chain
    # Create queue and put the first amino in it
    queue = Queue(maxsize = 0)

    # Finished queues. Is this smart?
    finished_chains = []

    # Go trough the queue.
    while not queue.empty():
        # Get the first chain from the queue.
        chain_actual = queue.get()

        # Get the index from the length of the chain.
        index = len(chain_actual.chain_list)

        # Last amino always has fold of 0.
        if  index + 1 == len(protein.amino_string):

            fold = 0
            atype = protein.amino_string[index]
            coordinates = chain_actual.chain_list[-1].get_fold_coordinates()
            new_amino = Amino(atype, fold, coordinates)

            # Save the chain to the finished chain list.

        # Determine fold and make new chain for every possibility.
            legal_moves = get_legal_moves(chain_actual.chain_list[-1].get_fold_coordinates(), chain_actual.chain_list)

            # if there are no legal moves chain ends here.
            if legal_moves:
                # Go trough the legal moves and make a new_chain for every move, then put them in the queue.
                for move in legal_moves:

                    atype = protein.amino_string[index]
                    coordinates = chain_actual.chain_list[-1].get_fold_coordinates()
                    # Make a new amino and add it to the a new chain with deepcopy.
                    amino = Amino(atype, move, coordinates)
                    new_chain = copy.deepcopy(chain_actual)
                    # Put the new chain in the queue.

    # The best score and corresponding chain that has been found.
    best_score = 1
    best_chains = []

    # Goes over all finished chains to find the one with the best score.
    for chain in finished_chains:

        matrix, xy_offset = get_matrix_efficient(chain.chain_list)
        score = get_score_efficient(chain.chain_list, matrix, xy_offset, ch_score)

        # If the score is better than the best score, replace best_chains.
        # if score is equal add chain to best_chains.
        if score < best_score:
            best_score = score
            best_chains = []
            print("New best score: " + str(score))
        elif score == best_score:

    protein.matrix, protein.chain.chain_list = get_matrix(best_chains[0].chain_list)
Beispiel #15
def beam_search(protein, ch_score):

    # Check if unsupported 3d mode.

    # Get chain WITH first amino already in it.
    start_chain = protein.chain
    # Create queue and put the first amino in it.
    queue = Queue(maxsize=0)

    # Finished queues. Is this smart?
    finished_chains = []

    # Keeps track of scores in 1 layer.
    scores = []

    # Go trough the queue.
    while not queue.empty():
        # Get the first chain from the queue.
        chain_actual = queue.get()

        # Get the index from the length of the chain.
        index = len(chain_actual.chain_list)

        # get the globals
        global global_index
        global avg_scores

        # check for level change level change by comparing global index with actual index
        if index == global_index + 1:
            # change global index to new level
            global_index = index

            # update global avg score and reset scores
            sum_scores = sum(scores) / len(scores)
            avg_scores = sum_scores
            scores = []

        # Remove chain from queue if score is worse than cutoff score.
        chain_score = chain_actual.score
        if chain_score > avg_scores:

        # Last amino always has fold of 0.
        if index + 1 == len(protein.amino_string):

            fold = 0
            atype = protein.amino_string[index]
            coordinates = chain_actual.chain_list[-1].get_fold_coordinates()

            new_amino = Amino(atype, fold, coordinates)


        # Determine fold and make new chain for every possibility.
            legal_moves = get_legal_moves(

            # If there are no legal moves chain ends here.
            if legal_moves:
                # Go trough the legal moves and make a new_chain for every move, then put them in the queue.
                for move in legal_moves:
                    atype = protein.amino_string[index]
                    coordinates = chain_actual.chain_list[

                    # Make a new amino and add it to the a new chain with deepcopy.
                    amino = Amino(atype, move, coordinates)
                    new_chain = copy.deepcopy(chain_actual)

                    # Put the new chain in the queue, set chain's score variable to its score, and add score to this layer's score list.

                    matrix, offset = get_matrix_efficient(new_chain.chain_list)
                    score = get_score_efficient(new_chain.chain_list, matrix,
                                                offset, 1)
                    new_chain.score = score

                    # add score to the list which tracks all scores in this level

    # The best score and corresponding chain that has been found.
    best_score = 1
    best_chains = []

    # Goes over all finished chains to find the one with the best score.
    for chain in finished_chains:
        protein1 = Protein(protein.amino_string, "2d")
        protein1.matrix, protein1.chain = get_matrix(

        matrix, xy_offset = get_matrix_efficient(chain.chain_list)
        score = get_score_efficient(chain.chain_list, matrix, xy_offset,

        # If the score is better than the best score, replace best_chains.
        # If score is equal add chain to best_chains.
        if score < best_score:
            best_score = score
            best_chains = []
            print("New best score: " + str(score))
        elif score == best_score:

    protein.matrix, protein.chain.chain_list = get_matrix(
Beispiel #16
def createFolded(protein, idToMove):
    This function recursively places amino acids. To create all
    possible ways to fold a protein.

    Mirror images are prevented by using the fact that when the sum of the
    x-coordinates is zero and the next amino acid has three possible options,
    two of those options will be mirror images, so one of those will be removed.

    If the protein is not folded at least twice consecutively in the same
    direction, there will be no amino acids laying next to each other. This will
    result in the sum of the x- and y-coordinates to be two times the protein
    length - and therefore the stability will not to be checked.

    protein -- object of class Protein
    idToMove -- positive integer, id of the amino acid that will be moved

    # Stop this function if idToMove exceeds the length of the protein
    if idToMove > (protein.proteinLength - 1):

    del protein.aminoList[idToMove:]
    del protein.occupied[idToMove:]

    # Get the coordinate of the previous amino acid
    prevCo = protein.aminoList[(idToMove - 1)].coordinate

    # Get the unoccupied surrounding amino acids of the previous coordinates
    possibleCos = protein.getSurroundCo(prevCo, occupied=False)

    protein.aminoList.append(Amino(idToMove, protein.proteinString[idToMove]))

    xTotal = sum([xCo[0] for xCo in protein.occupied])

    if xTotal == 0 and len(possibleCos) == 3:
        # Remove the last coordinate to prevent mirror images

    for possibleCo in possibleCos:
        protein.aminoList[idToMove].coordinate = possibleCo

            protein.occupied[idToMove] = possibleCo

        xTotal = abs(sum([xCo[0] for xCo in protein.occupied]))
        yTotal = abs(sum([yCo[1] for yCo in protein.occupied]))
        total =  xTotal + yTotal

        # Check if all the amino acids have been placed
        if (idToMove == (protein.proteinLength - 1) and
            total != protein.proteinLength * 2):

            if protein.stability < optStability[0]:
                optStability[0] = protein.stability

        # Place the next amino acid
        createFolded(protein, (idToMove + 1))
def find_best_chain(current_chain, chars, ch_score, current_score, max_lookahead):

    global best_score
    global current_lookahead

    # The first char has to be popped because it processes that char in the last loop
    # Note: popping the first loop is also valid because the first char is build before loading the fold_selector.
    chars = chars[1:]

    mode_3d = is_chain_3d(current_chain)
    # If there is only 1 char left we've arrived at the end of a chain.
    if len(chars) == 1 or current_lookahead == max_lookahead:
        # Add the last char to the amino chain AND the recusrive chain matrix
        last_amino = current_chain.chain_list[-1]
        coordinates = last_amino.get_fold_coordinates()
        new_amino = Amino(chars[0], 0, coordinates)
        if mode_3d:
            current_chain.matrix[coordinates[2]][coordinates[1]][coordinates[0]] = new_amino
            current_chain.matrix[coordinates[1]][coordinates[0]] = new_amino
        new_score = get_score_iterative(current_chain.chain_list, current_chain.matrix, current_score)

        # Calculate the matrix (needed for the score.) and the score
        score = new_score

        global best_chain

        # IF this score is the best score, save this score + chain as a global.
        if score < best_score:
            print("New best score: " + str(score))
            best_score = score
            best_chain = copy.deepcopy(current_chain.chain_list)
            for amino in current_chain.chain_list:
                print(amino, end='')

        # Abort that chain if it isnt the best score. also remove it from the matrix
        if mode_3d:
            current_chain.matrix[coordinates[2]][coordinates[1]][coordinates[0]] = " "
            current_chain.matrix[coordinates[1]][coordinates[0]] = " "
        del current_chain.chain_list[-1]
        return None

    # Get legal moves on the position of that amino
    legal_moves = get_legal_moves_nomirror(current_chain.chain_list[-1].get_fold_coordinates(), current_chain)

    # If no legals move left, abort the chain. The protein got "stuck"
    if not legal_moves:
        return None

    # Go recursively through all legal moves and its child legal moves etc.
        for move in legal_moves:
            # for amino in current_chain.chain_list:
            #     print(amino, end="")
            # print()
            # print(str(current_chain.available_bonds_even_H), str(current_chain.available_bonds_odd_H))
            # Find best chain needs a new updated chain, but the old chain also needs to be remembered.
            last_amino = current_chain.chain_list[-1]
            coordinates = last_amino.get_fold_coordinates()
            new_amino = Amino(chars[0], move, coordinates)

            current_lookahead += 1


            # Also add that amino to the matrix, and update the mirror starus
            if mode_3d:
                current_chain.matrix[coordinates[2]][coordinates[1]][coordinates[0]] = new_amino
                current_chain.matrix[coordinates[1]][coordinates[0]] = new_amino

            # Calculate new score and and/remove the correct fold spots
            new_score, spots_to_add, spots_to_remove, spots_to_add_C, spots_to_remove_C = get_score_iterative_and_spots(current_chain, current_chain.matrix, current_score)

            # Remove the spots that are now filled by aminos.
                current_chain.remove_fold_spots(spots_to_remove, "H")

                for amino in current_chain.chain_list:
                    print(amino, end="")

                raise Exception()
            current_chain.remove_fold_spots(spots_to_remove_C, "C")

            # Change odd/even
            current_chain.odd = not current_chain.odd
            # Add the spots that were newly created.
            current_chain.add_fold_spots(spots_to_add, "H")
            current_chain.add_fold_spots(spots_to_add_C, "C")


            # Calculate max extra score and prune spots that are too far away.
            extra_score_possible, removed_even, removed_odd, removed_even_C, removed_odd_C = current_chain.get_max_possible_extra_score(chars[1:])
            max_possible = new_score + extra_score_possible
            # Of a new best score cant be reached, abandon chain.
            if max_possible >= best_score:

                # Undo all the changes that were made to the spots.
                current_chain.add_back_even(removed_even, "H")
                current_chain.add_back_odd(removed_odd, "H")
                current_chain.add_back_even(removed_even_C, "C")
                current_chain.add_back_odd(removed_odd_C, "C")
                current_chain.remove_fold_spots(spots_to_add, "H")
                current_chain.remove_fold_spots(spots_to_add_C, "C")

                # Change odd/even back
                current_chain.odd = not current_chain.odd

                # Reverse the fold spots
                current_chain.add_fold_spots(spots_to_remove, "H")
                current_chain.add_fold_spots(spots_to_remove_C, "C")

                # Reverse the matrix and mirror status
                if mode_3d:
                    current_chain.matrix[coordinates[1]][coordinates[0]] = " "

                # Remove the last amino
                del current_chain.chain_list[-1]

            # print(str(new_score) + " + " + str(extra_score_possible) + " = " + str(max_possible))
            # print("max possible score: " + str(extra_score_possible + new_score))
            # print(str(removed_even), str(removed_odd))
            # print(new_score)
            # print()

            # The actual recursive function
            find_best_chain(current_chain, chars, ch_score, new_score, max_lookahead)

            # Undo all the changed to the spots that were made before calling the recursive function.
            current_chain.add_back_even(removed_even, "H")
            current_chain.add_back_odd(removed_odd, "H")
            current_chain.add_back_even(removed_even_C, "C")
            current_chain.add_back_odd(removed_odd_C, "C")
            current_chain.remove_fold_spots(spots_to_add, "H")
            current_chain.remove_fold_spots(spots_to_add_C, "C")
            # Change odd/even back
            current_chain.odd = not current_chain.odd

            # Reverse the fold spots
            current_chain.add_fold_spots(spots_to_remove, "H")
            current_chain.add_fold_spots(spots_to_remove_C, "C")
            # Reverse the matrix and mirror status
            if mode_3d:
                current_chain.matrix[coordinates[1]][coordinates[0]] = " "
            current_lookahead -= 1
            del current_chain.chain_list[-1]