def to_table(command, eq_list, keyword_list, prop_dct=None): CONFIG = utils.load_yaml(utils.AUCTION_CONFIG) special_cols = ['thread', 'link', 'date' ] # these have to be added last for formatting reasons # special formatting def format_stats(c): c.max_width = CONFIG[command]['stat_col_width'] return c def format_price(c): = [str(int_to_price(x)) for x in] return c format_rules = dict(stats=format_stats, price=format_price) # get cols col_names = misc.get_col_names( keyword_list=keyword_list, default_cols=CONFIG[command]['default_cols'], key_map=CONFIG['key_map']) cols = misc.get_cols(data=eq_list, special_cols=special_cols, col_names=col_names, format_rules=format_rules, CONFIG=CONFIG) # add date col if 'date' in col_names: data = [] for x in eq_list: x['date'] = epoch_to_date(x['time']) tmp = utils.render(CONFIG['date_template'], x) data.append(tmp) cols.append(Column(data=data, header=CONFIG['equip_headers']['date'])) # add link col if 'link' in col_names: cols.append( Column(data=[x['link'] for x in eq_list], header=CONFIG['equip_headers']['link'], is_link=True)) # add thread col if 'thread' in col_names: cols.append( Column(data=[x['thread'] for x in eq_list], header=CONFIG['equip_headers']['thread'], is_link=True)) # add attrs if requested ret = Table(cols) if prop_dct: for x in prop_dct: ret.__dict__[x] = prop_dct[x] return ret
def __init__(self, name, columns, pk): ncols = [] for col in columns: if col != pk: ncols.append(Column(col, BIGNAME)) else: pkcol = Column(col, BIGNAME) = 1 ncols[0:0] = [pkcol] Table.__init__(self, name, ncols)
class Difficulty(Base): __tablename__ = tb_difficulty id = Column(Integer, Sequence(difficulty_id), primary_key=True) code = Column("code", String(10), nullable=False) description = Column("description", Text) sport_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("" % (tb_sport))) sport = relationship("Sport") # self representation def __repr__(self): return "<Difficulty (id = '%s', code='%s', sport='%s', description='%s')>" % (, self.code,, self.description) # Query for all and return as panda @classmethod def queryAll(self): return pd.read_sql_table(tb_difficulty, Engine, index_col="id") # new Difficulty @classmethod def new(): print() newD = Difficulty() # Ask for SportID newD.sport_id = selectSport() # Ask for difficulty code newD.code = input("Enter Difficulty Code: ") # Ask for description newD.description = input("Enter Description: ") # Print what was entered horizontalSeperator() print("New Sport:\n%s" % ( # Ask if User wants to save new sport saveNewInput("sport", newD) # Query for all and return as panda @classmethod def select(sport, self): # Query from postgreSQL dificulties = pd.read_sql_table(tb_difficulty, Engine, index_col="id") # Panda comperision difficultyBool = difficulty["sport_id"] == sport difficulty = difficulty[difficultyBool] #print dificulties for Sport print(tabulate(difficulty, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql")) #Ask for intput selection = input("Select difficulty: ") selection = int(selection) return selection
class RouteRun(Base): __tablename__ = tb_routes id = Column(Integer, Sequence(route_id), primary_key=True) name = Column("name", String(50), nullable=False) location = Column("location", String(30), nullable=False) distance = Column("distance", Float, nullable=False) # self representation def __repr__(self): return "New Route for Running:\n%s\n%s\n%.2f" % (, newR.location, newR.distance) # Query for all and return as panda @classmethod def queryAll(self): return readTableFromDB(tb_routes) # new Route for running @classmethod def new(self): print() newR = RouteRun() # Ask for Name of Route = input("Enter Name of Route: ") # Ask for Location newR.location = input("Enter Location: ") # Ask for distance of Route & convert distance to Float newR.distance = convertStringToFloat( input("Enter Distance of Route in km: ")) # Print what was entered horizontalSeperator() print("New Route for Running:\n%s\n%s\n%.2f" % (, newR.location, newR.distance)) # Ask if User wants to save new route saveNewInput("Route for Running", newR) # selecting a Sport from the list in postgreSQL @classmethod def select(self): routes = readTableFromDB(tb_routes) print(tabulate(routes, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql")) while True: selection = input("Select Route: ") selection = int(selection) if selection in sports: break else: invalidInput() return selection
def get_summary_table(lst, CONFIG, name_key="name", price_key="price"): # inits groups = CONFIG['summary_groups'] header_dict = CONFIG['summary_headers'] # tallies values, counts = {}, {} for x in groups: values[x] = 0 counts[x] = 0 unknown = [0, 0] for x in lst: matched = False for y in groups: for z in groups[y]: if contains(to_search=x[name_key], to_find=z): counts[y] += 1 values[y] += int(x[price_key]) matched = True break if not matched: unknown[0] += 1 unknown[1] += int(x[price_key]) # sum tallies total_count = sum(counts.values()) total_value = int_to_price(sum(values.values())) # convert to lists vals = [int_to_price(values[x]) for x in groups] cnts = [counts[x] for x in groups] if unknown[0]: vals.append(int_to_price(unknown[1])) cnts.append(unknown[0]) groups[header_dict['unknown']] = [] return Pprint.Table([ Column(data=groups, header=header_dict['category'], trailer=header_dict['total']), Column(data=cnts, header=header_dict['total_count'], trailer=total_count), Column(data=vals, header=header_dict['total_credits'], trailer=total_value), ])
class Sport(Base): __tablename__ = tb_sport id = Column(Integer, Sequence(sport_id), primary_key=True) name = Column("Sport", String(30), nullable=False) # self representation def __repr__(self): return "New Sport:\n%s" % ( # new Sport @classmethod def new(self): print() newSport = Sport() # Ask for Name of Sport = input("Enter Name of Sport: ") # Print what was entered horizontalSeperator() print("New Sport:\n%s" % ( # Ask if User wants to save new sport saveNewInput("sport", newSport) # Query for all and return as panda @classmethod def queryAll(self): return readTableFromDB(tb_sport) # selecting a Sport from the list in postgreSQL @classmethod def select(self): print(tabulate(sports, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql")) while True: selection = input("Select Sport: ") selection = int(selection) if selection in sports: break else: invalidInput() return selection # selecting a Sport from the list in postgreSQL @classmethod def selectName(self, ID): selection = readTableFromDB(tb_sport) selection = selection.iloc[ID - 1] selection = selection['Sport'] return selection
def _get_equip_cols(percentiles, CONFIG): # categorize max_len = max(len(str(percentiles[x])) for x in percentiles) cats = {c: [] for c in CONFIG['table_categories']} for stat in percentiles: abbrv = CONFIG['abbreviations'][stat] if stat in CONFIG[ 'abbreviations'] else stat # add stat to cat if mentioned in that cat, else "other" for c in CONFIG['table_categories']: if any(contains(stat, x) for x in CONFIG['table_categories'][c]): cats[c].append((str(percentiles[stat]), abbrv)) break else: cats['other'].append((str(percentiles[stat]), abbrv)) # convert entries to strings for c in cats: if not cats[c]: continue max_len = max(len(x[0]) for x in cats[c]) cats[c] = [f"{x[0].rjust(max_len)}% {x[1]}" for x in cats[c]] # get table columns tmp = [] for x, y in CONFIG['table_headers'].items(): if cats[x]: tmp.append(dict(data=cats[x], header=y)) # ensure cols same length max_len = max(len(x['data']) for x in tmp) for x in tmp: x['data'] += [""] * (max_len - len(x['data'])) cols = [Column(**x) for x in tmp] return cols
class Country(Base): __tablename__ = tb_country id = Column(Integer, Sequence(country_id), primary_key=True) name = Column("name", String(80), nullable=False) code = Column("code", String(5), nullable=False) # self representation def __repr__(self): return "<Country (id = '%s', name='%s', countrycode='%s')>" % (,, self.code) # Query for all and return as panda @classmethod def queryAll(self): return readTableFromDB(tb_country)
def AutoId(name): column = Column(name, NUM) c = column.constraint = 1 c.unique = 1 = 1 c.null = 0 return column
class TrackRun(Base): __tablename__ = tb_tracksrun id = Column(Integer, Sequence(trackrun_id), primary_key=True) date_duration = Column('date_duration', DateTime, nullable=False) route_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("" % (tb_routes))) route = relationship("RouteRun") # self representation def __repr__(self): return "<Running Track (id = '%s', date_duration='%s', pace='%s', speed='%s')>" % (, self.date_duration, self.pace(), self.speed()) # Query for all and return as panda @classmethod def queryAll(self): return readTableFromDB(tb_tracksrun) # Calculate pace def pace(self): distance = float(self.route.distance) # Return pace in min/km return round( (self.date_duration.hour * 60 + self.date_duration.minute + self.date_duration.second / 60) / distance, 3) # Calculate speed def speed(self): # Return Speed in km/h return round(60 / self.pace(), 2) @classmethod def new(self): newT = TrackRun() # Ask for Date newT.date_duration = enterDateDuration() # Ask for route newT.route_id = # Print what was entered horizontalSeperator() print("New Track for Running:\n%s" % (, newT.date_duration, newT.route_id)) # Ask if User wants to save new running track saveNewInput("Track for Running", newT)
class MountainType(Base): __tablename__ = tb_mtype id = Column(Integer, Sequence(mtype_id), primary_key=True) name = Column("name", String(50), nullable=False) # self representation def __repr__(self): return "<Mountain Type (id = '%s', name='%s')>" % (, # new Mountain Type @classmethod def new(self): print() newType = MountainType() # Ask for Name of Route = input("Enter Type of Mountain: ") # Print what was entered horizontalSeperator() print("New Mountain Type:\n%s" % ( # Ask if User wants to save new Monutain Type saveNewInput("mountain type", newType) # Query for all and return as panda @classmethod def queryAll(self): return readTableFromDB(tb_mtype) # selecting a Sport from the list in postgreSQL @classmethod def select(self): mtype = readTableFromDB(tb_mtype) print(tabulate(routes_in, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql")) while True: selection = input("Select Mountain Type: ") selection = int(selection) if selection in mtype: break else: invalidInput() return selection
def to_table(command, lst, keyword_list, prop_dct=None): CONFIG = utils.load_yaml(utils.ITEM_CONFIG) special_cols = ['date' ] # these have to be added last for formatting reasons # special formatting def format_stats(c): c.max_width = CONFIG[command]['stat_col_width'] return c def format_price(c): = [str(int_to_price(x)) for x in] return c def format_quant(c): = [f"{int(x):,}" for x in c.orig_data] return c format_rules = dict(stats=format_stats, price=format_price, unit_price=format_price, quantity=format_quant) # get cols col_names = misc.get_col_names( default_cols=CONFIG[command]['default_cols'], key_map=CONFIG['key_map'], keyword_list=keyword_list) cols = misc.get_cols(data=lst, special_cols=special_cols, col_names=col_names, format_rules=format_rules, CONFIG=CONFIG) # add date col if 'date' in col_names: data = [] for x in lst: x['date'] = epoch_to_date(x['time']) tmp = utils.render(CONFIG['date_template'], x) data.append(tmp) cols.append(Column(data=data, header=CONFIG['equip_headers']['date'])) # add attrs if requested ret = Table(cols) if prop_dct: for x in prop_dct: ret.__dict__[x] = prop_dct[x] # return return ret
class Mountain(Base): __tablename__ = tb_mountains id = Column(Integer, Sequence(mountain_id), primary_key=True) name = Column("name", String(80), nullable=False) mrange = Column("mountainrange", String(50)) elevation = Column("elevation", Integer, nullable=False) mtype_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("" % (tb_mtype))) mtype = relationship("MountainType") country_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("" % (tb_country))) country = relationship("Country") # self representation def __repr__(self): return "<Mountains (id = '%s', name='%s', country='%s', mountainrange='%s', elevation='%s', mountaintype='%s')>" % (,,, self.mrange, self.elevation, # Query for all and return as panda @classmethod def queryAll(self): countries = readTableFromDB(tb_country) mountains = readTableFromDB(tb_mountains) mtype = readTableFromDB(tb_mtype) mountains["mname"] = mountains["country"] = countries.code.to_dict()) return mountains # new Mountain @classmethod def new(self): print() newM = Mountain() # Ask for Name of Route = input("Enter Name of Summit: ") # Ask for Location newM.countrycode = input("Enter Countrycode: ") # Ask for distance of Route newM.mrange = input("Enter Mountainrange: ") # Ask for distance of Route newM.elevation = input("Enter Elevation: ") # Ask for distance of Route newM.mtype = input("Enter Mountaintype (Pass, Mountain, Vulcan): ") # Print what was entered horizontalSeperator() print("New Mountain:\n%s" % ( saveNewInput("mountain", newM)
def get_cols(data, special_cols, col_names, CONFIG, format_rules=None): # inits if format_rules is None: format_rules= {} header_dict= CONFIG['equip_headers'] # @TODO: handle key-errors # create columns cols= [] for x in col_names: if x in special_cols: continue # these are handled later # create col d= [eq[x] for eq in data] c= Column(data=d, header=header_dict[x]) # special formatting if x in format_rules: c= format_rules[x](c) cols.append(c) return cols
class Weight(Base): __tablename__ = tb_weight id = Column(Integer, Sequence(weight_id), primary_key=True) date = Column("date", Date, nullable=False) weight = Column("weight", Float, nullable=False) # in kg neck = Column("neck", Float, nullable=False) # in cm waist = Column("waist", Float) # in cm hip = Column("hip", Float) # in cm user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("" % (tb_users))) user = relationship("User", back_populates="weights") # self representation def __repr__(self): return "<Weight (username='******', date='%s', weight='%s', avgBodyfat='%.1f')>" % (,, self.weight, self.bodyfat()) # Query for all and return as panda @classmethod def queryAll(self): # create empty Dataframe d = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ "date", "weight", "waist", "neck", "hip", "bf", "male", "height", "user_id" ]) users = pd.DataFrame() # Append postgreSQL Table d = d.append(readTableFromDB(tb_weight), sort=False) users = users.append(readTableFromDB(tb_users), sort=False) # extract user height, male d["male"] = d["height"] = # iterate through DataFrame for index, row in d.iterrows(): bodyf = bodyfat(row['waist'], row['neck'], row['hip'], row['height'], row['male'])[index, "bf"] = bodyf return d
def Pk(name, type): column = Column(name, type) = 1 return column
def Oid(name): return Column(name, OID)
def DateTime(name): dt = Column(name, DATETIME) dt.constraint.default = 'now()' return dt
def Bigname(name): return Column(name, BIGNAME)
class User(Base): __tablename__ = tb_users id = Column(Integer, Sequence(user_id), primary_key=True) name = Column("name", String(50), nullable=False) birthday = Column("birthday", Date, nullable=False) male = Column("male", Boolean, nullable=False) height = Column("height", Integer, nullable=False) # in cm weights = relationship("Weight", back_populates="user") # self representation def __repr__(self): return "New User:\nName: %s\nBirthday: %s\nMale: %s\nHeight: %s" % (, self.birthday, self.male, self.height) # Query for all and return as panda @classmethod def queryAll(self): return readTableFromDB(tb_users, Engine, parse_dates="birthday") # Add new user @classmethod def new(self): print() newU = User() # Ask for Name of User = input("Enter Name of User: "******"Birthday of user %s: " % ( newU.birthday = enterDate() # Ask for male or female while True: i = input("Is the user female or male? (f/m): ") if i == "f" or i == "F": newU.male = False break elif i == "m" or i == "M": newU.male = True break else: print("Invalid Input! Try again!") # Ask for heigt of user newU.height = int( input("Enter height of user %s (in cm): " % ( # Print what was entered horizontalSeperator() print("New User:\nName: %s\nBirthday: %s\nMale: %s\nHeight: %s cm" % (, newU.birthday, newU.male, newU.height)) # Ask to save or delete saveNewInput("User", newU) pass # selecting a User from the list in postgreSQL @classmethod def select(self): users = readTableFromDB(tb_users, Engine, parse_dates="birthday") print(tabulate(users, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql")) while True: selection = int(input("Select User: "******"Enter weight (in kg): ")) # Ask for neck circumference newW.neck = convertStringToFloat( input("Enter neck circumference (in cm): ")) # Ask for waist circumference newW.waist = convertStringToFloat( input("Enter waist circumference (in cm): ")) # Ask for hip circumference ## Check if user is male or female if self.male == False: newW.hip = convertStringToFloat( input("Enter hip circumference (in cm): ")) else: newW.hip = 0 # Print what was entered horizontalSeperator() if self.male == True: print( "New Measurements:\nuserID: %s\nDate: %s\nWeight: %.1f kg\nneck: %.1f cm\nwaist: %.1f cm" % (newW.user_id,, newW.weight, newW.neck, newW.waist)) else: print( "New Measurements:\nUserID: %s\nDate: %s\nWeight: %.1f kg\nNeck: %.1f cm\nWaist: %.1f cm\nHip: %.1f cm" % (newW.user_id,, newW.weight, newW.neck, newW.waist, newW.hip)) # Ask to save or delete while True: i = input("Do you want to save the new measurements (Y/N)? ") if i == "J" or i == "j" or i == "y" or i == "Y": self.weights.append(newW) moveToDatabase(self) break elif i == "n" or i == "N": break else: print("Invalid Input! Try again!") pass pass
def Num(name): return Column(name, NUM)
def Name(name): return Column(name, NAME)
def DefaultNamed(name, default): column = Column(name, NAME) column.constraint.default = default return column
def Text(name): return Column(name, TEXT)
def Bool(name, default=False): column = Column(name, BOOL) column.constraint.default = default column.constraint.null = False return column
class AlpineTrack(Base): __tablename__ = tb_tracksalpine id = Column(Integer, Sequence(trackalpine_id), primary_key=True) date_duration = Column('date_duration', DateTime, nullable=False) conditions = Column("conditions", Text) summit = Column("Including Summit", Boolean, nullable=False) distance = Column("distance", Float, nullable=False) ascend = Column("ascend", Integer, nullable=False) descend = Column("descend", Integer, nullable=False) mountain_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("" % (tb_mountains))) mountain = relationship("Mountain") sport_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("" % (tb_sport))) sport = relationship("Sport") difficulty_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("" % (tb_difficulty))) difficulty = relationship("Difficulty") # self representation def __repr__(self): return "<Mountains (id = '%s', name='%s', country='%s', mountainrange='%s', elevation='%s', mountaintype='%s')>" % (,,, self.mrange, self.elevation, # Query for all and return as panda @classmethod def queryAll(self): return readTableFromDB(tb_tracksalpine) # new AlpineTrack @classmethod def new(self): print() newAT = AlpineTrack() # Ask for Date & Duration newAT.date_duration = enterDateDuration() horizontalSeperator() # Select mountain newAT.mountain_id = selectMountain(Engine) horizontalSeperator() # Enter if Summit was climbed or not while True: i = input("Does this include the summit? (Y/N)? ") if (i == "J" or i == "j" or i == "y" or i == "Y"): # Summit was climbed newAT.summit = True break elif (i == "N" or i == "n"): # Summit was NOT climbed newAT.summit = False break else: horizontalSeperator(string="!") print("%s is an invalid Option. Try again!" % option) # Select Sport and Difficulty newAT.sport_id = selectSport() newAT.difficulty_id = selectDifficulty(sportID) horizontalSeperator() # Enter Conditions & Weather newAT.conditions = input("How were the conditions & weather? ") horizontalSeperator() # Enter Horizontal Distance newAT.distance = convertStringToFloat( input("Enter the horizontal distance in km: ")) # Enter Meters of Ascend newAT.ascend = int(input("Enter vertical meters ascend: ")) # Enter Meters of Descend newAT.descend = int(input("Enter vertical meters descend: ")) # Print what was entered horizontalSeperator() print("New Alpine Tour:\n%s" % ( # Ask if User wants to save new alpine track saveNewInput("Alpine Tour", newAT) def PerformanceSpeed(self): return ((self.ascend + self.descend) / 100 + self.distance) / (self.date_duration.hour + (self.date_duration.minute + (self.date_duration.second) / 60) / 60)
class RelationalTable(Table): def __init__(self, tablename, related_table, primary_column, other_columns): primary_column.set_fk(related_table) Table.__init__(self, tablename, [primary_column] + other_columns) class LogTable(Table): def __init__(self, table): if not issubclass(table.__class__, Table): raise Error, 'need to pass a Table' table = deepcopy(table) #remove constraints from original table's columns for col in table.columns: col.constraint.clear() table.columns += make_default_log_columns() tablename = 'lp_log_' + Table.__init__(self, tablename, table.columns) if __name__ == '__main__': f = AutoId c = Column('fname', NAME) #t = Table() dn = DefaultNamed('foo', 'bar') ai = AutoId('dd') cols = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] pkt = PkBNameNullDefaults