area = battlefield.begin_journey2(area, players_army) if area == battlefield.area2a: area = battlefield.begin_journey2(area, players_army) if area == battlefield.area3: break area = battlefield.begin_journey3(area, players_army) rounds = the_game.rounds next_move = [False, battlefield.area3] while not the_game.end and players_army.race == "Robots": next_move = the_game.battle_start(rounds, players_army, enemies_army) if next_move == [False, battlefield.area2b]: area = battlefield.area2b if next_move == True: the_game.end = next_move break while area == battlefield.area1 or area == battlefield.area1a or area == battlefield.area2 or area == battlefield.area2a or next_move[ 1] == battlefield.area2b or area == battlefield.area_end: if area == battlefield.area1: area = battlefield.begin_journey(area, players_army) if area == battlefield.area1a: area = battlefield.begin_journey(area, players_army) if area == battlefield.area2: area = battlefield.begin_journey2(area, players_army) if area == battlefield.area2a: area = battlefield.begin_journey2(area, players_army) if area == battlefield.area2b: area = battlefield.begin_journey2(area, players_army)
index = 0 if enemies == [] and won == False: message_display("Press '8' to Advance", 28, (width / 2, height / 2)) ### ADDITIONAL SCORING THINGS for enemy in enemies: if enemy.pos["y"] <= 10 and enemy.pos["y"] >= -10 and game.level > 0: game.add_score(5) if enemy.pos["y"] <= height + 10 and enemy.pos[ "y"] >= height - 10 and game.level > 0: game.add_score(5) #### LOSING if < 5: game.end(max) if game.level == -1: message_display("GAME OVER", 115, (width / 2, 400)) message_display("Press 'p' To Play Again", 28, (width / 2, 500)) message_display(f"Score: {game.score}", 115, (width / 2, 200)) for enemy in enemies: count = 0 for i in range(0, 100): max_img = pygame.transform.scale(max_img, (count + 100, 125)) count -= 1 if game.level > 0 and enemies == [] and new_friends: index = 0 position_counterx = 0