Beispiel #1
    def calcScore(self, article):
        when an article is passed this function calculates its overall score, by
        adding content score + feed score + feed update frequency(should be
        caluculated by taking the deviation from the mean update friquency.)

        # Get the Article title and content in plain text.
        text = purify.cleanText(article.description)

        titleText = purify.cleanText(article.title)

        #Calculate the Score for the texual content of the article
        (textTopic, textScore) = classifier.classifyArticleText(self.topic.title, text)
        textTopic = textTopic.replace("_", " ")
#        print "text : %s, %s" % (textTopic, textScore)

        #Calculate the Score for the title of the article.
        (titleTopic,titleScore) = classifier.classifyArticleTitle(self.topic.title, titleText)
        titleTopic = titleTopic.replace("_", " ")

#        print "Title : %s, %s" % (titleTopic,titleScore)

        #Now set the textual scores to minus values if the article "notTopic"
        if textTopic ==self.topic.title:
            textScore = textScore * 10000
            textScore = textScore * (-100)

        if titleTopic ==self.topic.title+"Title":
            titleScore = titleScore * 10000
            titleScore = titleScore * (-100)

        #Get the Score for the feed from the db
        scoreFeed = ScoreFeed.query.filter_by(feed = article.feed, topic = self.topic).first()
        feedScore = scoreFeed.score * 100

        #updateFrequencyScore - score based on the feeds update frequncy.
        #less frequently updated content would get fairly better scores.

        # Set weights to be given for the calculated individual scores.
        #TODO: Give an option for the user to set the weights of these scores from GUI.

        textScoreWeight = TEXT_SCORE_WEIGHT
        titleScoreWeight = TITLE_SCORE_WEIGHT
        feedScoreWeight = FEED_SCORE_WEIGHT
#        updateFrequencyWeight = UPDATE_FREQUENCY_WEIGHT

        finalScore = ( ( textScoreWeight * textScore ) +
                        ( titleScoreWeight * titleScore ) +
                        ( feedScoreWeight * feedScore ) )

#                        ( updateFrequencyWeight * updateFrequencyScore ) )

        return finalScore
Beispiel #2
    def calcScore(self, article):
        when an article is passed this function calculates its overall score, by
        adding content score + feed score + feed update frequency(should be
        caluculated by taking the deviation from the mean update friquency.)

        # Get the Article title and content in plain text.
        text = purify.cleanText(article.description)

        titleText = purify.cleanText(article.title)

        #Calculate the Score for the texual content of the article
        (textTopic, textScore) = classifier.classifyArticleText(self.topic.title, text)

#        print "text : %s, %s" % (textTopic, textScore)

        #Calculate the Score for the title of the article.
        (titleTopic,titleScore) = classifier.classifyArticleTitle(self.topic.title, titleText)
#        print "Title : %s, %s" % (titleTopic,titleScore)

        #Now set the textual scores to minus values if the article "notTopic"
        if textTopic ==self.topic.title:
            textScore = textScore * 10000
            textScore = textScore * (-100)

        if titleTopic ==self.topic.title+"Title":
            titleScore = titleScore * 10000
            titleScore = titleScore * (-100)

        #Get the Score for the feed from the db
        feedScore = article.feed.numVotes * 200

        #updateFrequencyScore - score based on the feeds update frequncy.
        #less frequently updated content would get fairly better scores.

        # Set weights to be given for the calculated individual scores.
        #TODO: Give an option for the user to set the weights of these scores from GUI.

        textScoreWeight = 0.55
        titleScoreWeight = 0.35
        feedScoreWeight = 0.1
#        updateFrequencyWeight = 0.1

        finalScore = ( ( textScoreWeight * textScore ) +
                        ( titleScoreWeight * titleScore ) +
                        ( feedScoreWeight * feedScore ) )

#                        ( updateFrequencyWeight * updateFrequencyScore ) )

        return finalScore