Beispiel #1
def setrun(claw_pkg='geoclaw'):
    Define the parameters used for running Clawpack.

        claw_pkg expected to be "geoclaw" for this setrun.

        rundata - object of class ClawRunData 

    from clawpack.clawutil import clawdata

    assert claw_pkg.lower() == 'geoclaw',  "Expected claw_pkg = 'geoclaw'"

    num_dim = 2
    rundata = clawdata.ClawRunData(claw_pkg, num_dim)
    # Standard Clawpack parameters to be written to
    #   (or to for AMR)

    clawdata = rundata.clawdata  # initialized when rundata instantiated

    # Set single grid parameters first.
    # See below for AMR parameters.

    # ---------------
    # Spatial domain:
    # ---------------

    # Number of space dimensions:
    clawdata.num_dim = num_dim

    # Lower and upper edge of computational domain:
    clawdata.lower[0] = -1.0
    clawdata.upper[0] = 2.0

    clawdata.lower[1] = -1.0
    clawdata.upper[1] = 2.0

    # Number of grid cells: Coarsest grid
    clawdata.num_cells[0] = 100 * 3
    clawdata.num_cells[1] = 100 * 3

    # ---------------
    # Size of system:
    # ---------------

    # Number of equations in the system:
    clawdata.num_eqn = 6

    # Number of auxiliary variables in the aux array (initialized in setaux)
    clawdata.num_aux = 10
    # Index of aux array corresponding to capacity function, if there is one:
    clawdata.capa_index = 0
    # -------------
    # Initial time:
    # -------------

    clawdata.t0 = 0.0
    # -------------
    # Output times:

    # Specify at what times the results should be written to fort.q files.
    # Note that the time integration stops after the final output time.
    # The solution at initial time t0 is always written in addition.

    clawdata.outstyle = 1
    # Number of hours to simulate
    num_hours = 40
    # Output interval per hour, 1 = every hour, 0.5 = every half hour, etc...
    step = 0.25
    if clawdata.outstyle==1:
        clawdata.nout = 80
        # if wave_family < 4 and wave_family > 1:
        clawdata.tfinal = 1.0
        # else:
            # clawdata.tfinal = 0.1

    elif clawdata.outstyle == 2:
        # Specify a list of output times.
        t_start = 0.71100e5
        dt = 0.4046e2
        # clawdata.tout = [0.0,3.0,3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4,3.5,3.6,3.7,3.8,3.9,4.0]
        # clawdata.tout = [x*60**2 for x in clawdata.tout]
        clawdata.tout = []
        for i in xrange(100):
        clawdata.nout = len(clawdata.tout)
    elif clawdata.outstyle == 3:
        # Output every iout timesteps with a total of ntot time steps:
        iout = 1
        ntot = 80
        clawdata.iout = [iout, ntot]

    # ---------------------------------------------------
    # Verbosity of messages to screen during integration:  
    # ---------------------------------------------------

    # The current t, dt, and cfl will be printed every time step
    # at AMR levels <= verbosity.  Set verbosity = 0 for no printing.
    #   (E.g. verbosity == 2 means print only on levels 1 and 2.)
    clawdata.verbosity = 2

    # --------------
    # Time stepping:
    # --------------

    # if dt_variable==1: variable time steps used based on cfl_desired,
    # if dt_variable==0: fixed time steps dt = dt_initial will always be used.
    clawdata.dt_variable = 1
    # Initial time step for variable dt.  
    # If dt_variable==0 then dt=dt_initial for all steps:
    # clawdata.dt_initial = 0.64e2
    clawdata.dt_initial = 0.575e-03
    # Max time step to be allowed if variable dt used:
    clawdata.dt_max = 1e+99
    # Desired Courant number if variable dt used, and max to allow without 
    # retaking step with a smaller dt:
    clawdata.cfl_desired = 0.8
    clawdata.cfl_max = 0.9
    # clawdata.cfl_desired = 0.4
    # clawdata.cfl_max = 0.5
    # Maximum number of time steps to allow between output times:
    clawdata.max_steps = 5000


    # ------------------
    # Method to be used:
    # ------------------

    # Order of accuracy:  1 => Godunov,  2 => Lax-Wendroff plus limiters
    clawdata.order = 2
    # Transverse order for 2d or 3d (not used in 1d):
    clawdata.order_trans = 2
    # Number of waves in the Riemann solution:
    clawdata.mwaves = 6
    # List of limiters to use for each wave family:  
    # Required:  len(mthlim) == mwaves
    clawdata.mthlim = [3,3,3,3,3,3]
    # Source terms splitting:
    #   src_split == 0  => no source term (src routine never called)
    #   src_split == 1  => Godunov (1st order) splitting used, 
    #   src_split == 2  => Strang (2nd order) splitting used,  not recommended.
    clawdata.src_split = 1
    # --------------------
    # Boundary conditions:
    # --------------------

    # Number of ghost cells (usually 2)
    clawdata.mbc = 2
    # Choice of BCs at xlower and xupper:
    #   0 => user specified (must modify bcN.f to use this option)
    #   1 => extrapolation (non-reflecting outflow)
    #   2 => periodic (must specify this at both boundaries)
    #   3 => solid wall for systems where q(2) is normal velocity
    clawdata.mthbc_xlower = 1
    clawdata.mthbc_xupper = 1
    clawdata.mthbc_ylower = 1
    clawdata.mthbc_yupper = 1

    # ---------------
    # AMR parameters:
    # ---------------

    # max number of refinement levels:
    mxnest = 1

    clawdata.mxnest = -mxnest   # negative ==> anisotropic refinement in x,y,t

    # List of refinement ratios at each level (length at least mxnest+1)
    clawdata.inratx = [2,2,2,2,2]
    clawdata.inraty = [2,2,2,2,2]
    clawdata.inratt = [2,2,2,2,2]
    # clawdata.inratt = [1,1,1]

    # Specify type of each aux variable in clawdata.auxtype.
    # This must be a list of length maux, each element of which is one of:
    #   'center',  'capacity', 'xleft', or 'yleft'  (see documentation).
    # These aux entries correspond to 
    # bathymetry, capacity, grid mapping, 

    clawdata.auxtype = ['center','capacity','yleft','center','center','center',

    clawdata.tol = -1.0     # negative ==> don't use Richardson estimator
    clawdata.tolsp = 0.5    # used in default flag2refine subroutine
                            # (Not used in geoclaw!)

    clawdata.cutoff = 0.7   # efficiency cutoff for grid generation
    clawdata.kcheck = 2     # how often to regrid (every kcheck steps)
    clawdata.ibuff  = 2     # width of buffer zone around flagged points

    # More AMR parameters can be set -- see the defaults in pyclaw/

    return rundata
Beispiel #2
def setrun(claw_pkg='geoclaw'):

    Define the parameters used for running Clawpack.

        claw_pkg expected to be "geoclaw" for this setrun.

        rundata - object of class ClawRunData


    from clawpack.clawutil import clawdata

    assert claw_pkg.lower() == 'geoclaw',  "Expected claw_pkg = 'geoclaw'"

    num_dim = 2
    rundata = clawdata.ClawRunData(claw_pkg, num_dim)

    # Problem-specific parameters to be written to

    #probdata = rundata.new_UserData(name='probdata',fname='')

    # Standard Clawpack parameters to be written to
    #   (or to for AMR)

    clawdata = rundata.clawdata  # initialized when rundata instantiated

    # Set single grid parameters first.
    # See below for AMR parameters.

    # ---------------
    # Spatial domain:
    # ---------------

    # Number of space dimensions:
    clawdata.num_dim = num_dim

    # Lower and upper edge of computational domain:
    clawdata.lower[0] = -99.0
    clawdata.upper[0] = -50.0

    clawdata.lower[1] = 8.0
    clawdata.upper[1] = 32.0

    # Number of grid cells:
    degree_factor = 4 # (0.25º,0.25º) ~ (25237.5 m, 27693.2 m) resolution
    clawdata.num_cells[0] = int(clawdata.upper[0] - clawdata.lower[0]) * degree_factor
    clawdata.num_cells[1] = int(clawdata.upper[1] - clawdata.lower[1]) * degree_factor

    # ---------------
    # Size of system:
    # ---------------

    # Number of equations in the system:
    clawdata.num_eqn = 3

    # Number of auxiliary variables in the aux array (initialized in setaux)
    clawdata.num_aux = 4 + 3 + 2

    # Index of aux array corresponding to capacity function, if there is one:
    clawdata.capa_index = 2

    # -------------
    # Initial time:
    # -------------

    # Katrina 2005082412 20260800.000000000
    clawdata.t0 = days2seconds(katrina_landfall.days - 4) + katrina_landfall.seconds
    # clawdata.t0 = days2seconds(date2days('2005082412'))
    # clawdata.t0 = days2seconds(237.0)

    # -------------
    # Output times:

    # Specify at what times the results should be written to fort.q files.
    # Note that the time integration stops after the final output time.
    # The solution at initial time t0 is always written in addition.

    clawdata.output_style = 1

    if clawdata.output_style==1:
        # Output nout frames at equally spaced times up to tfinal:
        #                 day     s/hour  hours/day
        # Katrina 2005083012
        clawdata.tfinal = days2seconds(katrina_landfall.days + 2) + katrina_landfall.seconds

        # Output files per day requested
        recurrence = 24
        clawdata.num_output_times = int((clawdata.tfinal - clawdata.t0) 
                                            * recurrence / (60**2 * 24))

        clawdata.output_t0 = True  # output at initial (or restart) time?
    elif clawdata.output_style == 2:
        # Specify a list of output times.
        clawdata.output_times = [0.5, 1.0]

    elif clawdata.output_style == 3:
        # Output every iout timesteps with a total of ntot time steps:
        clawdata.output_step_interval = 1
        clawdata.total_steps = 1
        clawdata.output_t0 = True

    # ---------------------------------------------------
    # Verbosity of messages to screen during integration:
    # ---------------------------------------------------

    # The current t, dt, and cfl will be printed every time step
    # at AMR levels <= verbosity.  Set verbosity = 0 for no printing.
    #   (E.g. verbosity == 2 means print only on levels 1 and 2.)
    clawdata.verbosity = 1

    # --------------
    # Time stepping:
    # --------------

    # if dt_variable==1: variable time steps used based on cfl_desired,
    # if dt_variable==0: fixed time steps dt = dt_initial will always be used.
    clawdata.dt_variable = True

    # Initial time step for variable dt.
    # If dt_variable==0 then dt=dt_initial for all steps:
    clawdata.dt_initial = 0.016

    # Max time step to be allowed if variable dt used:
    clawdata.dt_max = 1e+99

    # Desired Courant number if variable dt used, and max to allow without
    # retaking step with a smaller dt:
    clawdata.cfl_desired = 0.75
    clawdata.cfl_max = 1.0

    # Maximum number of time steps to allow between output times:
    clawdata.steps_max = 5000

    # ------------------
    # Method to be used:
    # ------------------

    # Order of accuracy:  1 => Godunov,  2 => Lax-Wendroff plus limiters
    clawdata.order = 2
    # Use dimensional splitting? (not yet available for AMR)
    clawdata.dimensional_split = 'unsplit'
    # For unsplit method, transverse_waves can be 
    #  0 or 'none'      ==> donor cell (only normal solver used)
    #  1 or 'increment' ==> corner transport of waves
    #  2 or 'all'       ==> corner transport of 2nd order corrections too
    clawdata.transverse_waves = 2

    # Number of waves in the Riemann solution:
    clawdata.num_waves = 3
    # List of limiters to use for each wave family:  
    # Required:  len(limiter) == num_waves
    # Some options:
    #   0 or 'none'     ==> no limiter (Lax-Wendroff)
    #   1 or 'minmod'   ==> minmod
    #   2 or 'superbee' ==> superbee
    #   3 or 'mc'       ==> MC limiter
    #   4 or 'vanleer'  ==> van Leer
    clawdata.limiter = ['mc', 'mc', 'mc']

    clawdata.use_fwaves = True    # True ==> use f-wave version of algorithms
    # Source terms splitting:
    #   src_split == 0 or 'none'    ==> no source term (src routine never called)
    #   src_split == 1 or 'godunov' ==> Godunov (1st order) splitting used, 
    #   src_split == 2 or 'strang'  ==> Strang (2nd order) splitting used,  not recommended.
    clawdata.source_split = 'godunov'
    # clawdata.source_split = 'strang'

    # --------------------
    # Boundary conditions:
    # --------------------

    # Number of ghost cells (usually 2)
    clawdata.num_ghost = 2

    # Choice of BCs at xlower and xupper:
    #   0 => user specified (must modify bcN.f to use this option)
    #   1 => extrapolation (non-reflecting outflow)
    #   2 => periodic (must specify this at both boundaries)
    #   3 => solid wall for systems where q(2) is normal velocity

    clawdata.bc_lower[0] = 'extrap'
    clawdata.bc_upper[0] = 'extrap'

    clawdata.bc_lower[1] = 'extrap'
    clawdata.bc_upper[1] = 'extrap'

    # ---------------
    # AMR parameters:
    # ---------------

    # max number of refinement levels:
    clawdata.amr_levels_max = 1

    # List of refinement ratios at each level (length at least mxnest-1)
    clawdata.refinement_ratios_x = [2,2,3,4,4,4]
    clawdata.refinement_ratios_y = [2,2,3,4,4,4]
    clawdata.refinement_ratios_t = [2,2,3,4,4,4]

    # Specify type of each aux variable in clawdata.auxtype.
    # This must be a list of length maux, each element of which is one of:
    #   'center',  'capacity', 'xleft', or 'yleft'  (see documentation).

    clawdata.aux_type = ['center','capacity','yleft','center','center','center',
                         'center', 'center', 'center']

    # Flag using refinement routine flag2refine rather than richardson error
    clawdata.flag_richardson = False    # use Richardson?
    clawdata.flag2refine = True

    # steps to take on each level L between regriddings of level L+1:
    clawdata.regrid_interval = 3

    # width of buffer zone around flagged points:
    # (typically the same as regrid_interval so waves don't escape):
    clawdata.regrid_buffer_width  = 2

    # clustering alg. cutoff for (# flagged pts) / (total # of cells refined)
    # (closer to 1.0 => more small grids may be needed to cover flagged cells)
    clawdata.clustering_cutoff = 0.700000

    # print info about each regridding up to this level:
    clawdata.verbosity_regrid = 0  

    # Specify when checkpoint files should be created that can be
    # used to restart a computation.

    clawdata.checkpt_style = 0

    if clawdata.checkpt_style == 0:
        # Do not checkpoint at all

    elif clawdata.checkpt_style == 1:
        # Checkpoint only at tfinal.

    elif clawdata.checkpt_style == 2:
        # Specify a list of checkpoint times.  
        clawdata.checkpt_times = [0.1,0.15]

    elif clawdata.checkpt_style == 3:
        # Checkpoint every checkpt_interval timesteps (on Level 1)
        # and at the final time.
        clawdata.checkpt_interval = 5

    #  ----- For developers ----- 
    # Toggle debugging print statements:
    clawdata.dprint = False      # print domain flags
    clawdata.eprint = False      # print err est flags
    clawdata.edebug = False      # even more err est flags
    clawdata.gprint = False      # grid bisection/clustering
    clawdata.nprint = False      # proper nesting output
    clawdata.pprint = False      # proj. of tagged points
    clawdata.rprint = False      # print regridding summary
    clawdata.sprint = False      # space/memory output
    clawdata.tprint = False      # time step reporting each level
    clawdata.uprint = False      # update/upbnd reporting
    # More AMR parameters can be set -- see the defaults in pyclaw/
    # == values ==
    regions = rundata.regiondata.regions
    # to specify regions of refinement append lines of the form
    #  [minlevel,maxlevel,t1,t2,x1,x2,y1,y2]

    # == values ==
    gauges = rundata.gaugedata.gauges
    # for gauges append lines of the form  [gaugeno, x, y, t1, t2]
    gauges.append([1, -89.5, 29.6,  rundata.clawdata.t0, rundata.clawdata.tfinal])

    # GeoClaw specific parameters:

    rundata = setgeo(rundata)   # Defined below

    return rundata
Beispiel #3
def setrun(claw_pkg='geoclaw'):
    Define the parameters used for running Clawpack.

        claw_pkg expected to be "geoclaw" for this setrun.

        rundata - object of class ClawRunData


    assert claw_pkg.lower() == 'geoclaw', "Expected claw_pkg = 'geoclaw'"

    ndim = 2
    rundata = data.ClawRunData(claw_pkg, ndim)

    # Problem-specific parameters to be written to

    #probdata = rundata.new_UserData(name='probdata',fname='')

    # Standard Clawpack parameters to be written to
    #   (or to for AMR)

    clawdata = rundata.clawdata  # initialized when rundata instantiated

    # Set single grid parameters first.
    # See below for AMR parameters.

    # ---------------
    # Spatial domain:
    # ---------------

    # Number of space dimensions:
    clawdata.num_dim = ndim

    # Lower and upper edge of computational domain:
    clawdata.lower[0] = -90.0
    clawdata.upper[0] = -85.0

    clawdata.lower[1] = 20.0
    clawdata.upper[1] = 25.0

    # Number of grid cells:
    clawdata.num_cells[0] = 64
    clawdata.num_cells[1] = 64
    # ---------------
    # Size of system:
    # ---------------

    # Number of equations in the system:
    clawdata.num_eqn = 3

    # Number of auxiliary variables in the aux array (initialized in setaux)
    clawdata.num_aux = 4 + 3 + 2

    # Index of aux array corresponding to capacity function, if there is one:
    clawdata.capa_index = 2

    # -------------
    # Initial time:
    # -------------

    clawdata.t0 = days2seconds(tracy_landfall.days -
                               RAMP_UP_TIME) + tracy_landfall.seconds

    # Restart from checkpoint file of a previous run?
    # Note: If restarting, you must also change the Makefile to set:
    #    RESTART = True
    # If restarting, t0 above should be from original run, and the
    # restart_file 'fort.chkNNNNN' specified below should be in
    # the OUTDIR indicated in Makefile.

    clawdata.restart = False  # True to restart from prior results
    clawdata.restart_file = 'fort.chk00006'  # File to use for restart data

    # -------------
    # Output times:

    # Specify at what times the results should be written to fort.q files.
    # Note that the time integration stops after the final output time.
    # The solution at initial time t0 is always written in addition.

    clawdata.output_style = 1

    if clawdata.output_style == 1:
        # Output nout frames at equally spaced times up to tfinal:
        # clawdata.tfinal = days2seconds(date2days('2008091400'))
        clawdata.tfinal = days2seconds(tracy_landfall.days +
                                       2) + tracy_landfall.seconds
        recurrence = 24
        clawdata.num_output_times = int(
            (clawdata.tfinal - clawdata.t0) * recurrence / (60**2 * 24))

        clawdata.output_t0 = True  # output at initial (or restart) time?

    elif clawdata.output_style == 2:
        # Specify a list of output times.
        clawdata.output_times = [0.5, 1.0]

    elif clawdata.output_style == 3:
        # Output every iout timesteps with a total of ntot time steps:
        clawdata.output_step_interval = 1
        clawdata.total_steps = 1
        clawdata.output_t0 = True

    clawdata.output_format = 'ascii'  # 'ascii' or 'netcdf'

    clawdata.output_q_components = 'all'  # could be list such as [True,True]
    clawdata.output_aux_components = 'None'  # could be list
    clawdata.output_aux_onlyonce = True  # output aux arrays only at t0

    # ---------------------------------------------------
    # Verbosity of messages to screen during integration:
    # ---------------------------------------------------

    # The current t, dt, and cfl will be printed every time step
    # at AMR levels <= verbosity.  Set verbosity = 0 for no printing.
    #   (E.g. verbosity == 2 means print only on levels 1 and 2.)
    clawdata.verbosity = 2

    # --------------
    # Time stepping:
    # --------------

    # if dt_variable==1: variable time steps used based on cfl_desired,
    # if dt_variable==0: fixed time steps dt = dt_initial will always be used.
    clawdata.dt_variable = True

    # Initial time step for variable dt.
    # If dt_variable==0 then dt=dt_initial for all steps:
    clawdata.dt_initial = 0.016

    # Max time step to be allowed if variable dt used:
    clawdata.dt_max = 1e+99

    # Desired Courant number if variable dt used, and max to allow without
    # retaking step with a smaller dt:
    clawdata.cfl_desired = 0.75
    clawdata.cfl_max = 1.0
    # clawdata.cfl_desired = 0.25
    # clawdata.cfl_max = 0.5

    # Maximum number of time steps to allow between output times:
    clawdata.steps_max = 5000

    # ------------------
    # Method to be used:
    # ------------------

    # Order of accuracy:  1 => Godunov,  2 => Lax-Wendroff plus limiters
    clawdata.order = 2

    # Use dimensional splitting? (not yet available for AMR)
    clawdata.dimensional_split = 'unsplit'

    # For unsplit method, transverse_waves can be
    #  0 or 'none'      ==> donor cell (only normal solver used)
    #  1 or 'increment' ==> corner transport of waves
    #  2 or 'all'       ==> corner transport of 2nd order corrections too
    clawdata.transverse_waves = 2

    # Number of waves in the Riemann solution:
    clawdata.num_waves = 3

    # List of limiters to use for each wave family:
    # Required:  len(limiter) == num_waves
    # Some options:
    #   0 or 'none'     ==> no limiter (Lax-Wendroff)
    #   1 or 'minmod'   ==> minmod
    #   2 or 'superbee' ==> superbee
    #   3 or 'mc'       ==> MC limiter
    #   4 or 'vanleer'  ==> van Leer
    clawdata.limiter = ['mc', 'mc', 'mc']

    clawdata.use_fwaves = True  # True ==> use f-wave version of algorithms

    # Source terms splitting:
    #   src_split == 0 or 'none'    ==> no source term (src routine never called)
    #   src_split == 1 or 'godunov' ==> Godunov (1st order) splitting used,
    #   src_split == 2 or 'strang'  ==> Strang (2nd order) splitting used,  not recommended.
    clawdata.source_split = 'godunov'
    # clawdata.source_split = 'strang'

    # --------------------
    # Boundary conditions:
    # --------------------

    # Number of ghost cells (usually 2)
    clawdata.num_ghost = 2

    # Choice of BCs at xlower and xupper:
    #   0 => user specified (must modify bcN.f to use this option)
    #   1 => extrapolation (non-reflecting outflow)
    #   2 => periodic (must specify this at both boundaries)
    #   3 => solid wall for systems where q(2) is normal velocity

    clawdata.bc_lower[0] = 'wall'
    clawdata.bc_upper[0] = 'wall'

    clawdata.bc_lower[1] = 'wall'
    clawdata.bc_upper[1] = 'wall'

    # Specify when checkpoint files should be created that can be
    # used to restart a computation.

    clawdata.checkpt_style = 0

    if clawdata.checkpt_style == 0:
        # Do not checkpoint at all

    elif clawdata.checkpt_style == 1:
        # Checkpoint only at tfinal.

    elif clawdata.checkpt_style == 2:
        # Specify a list of checkpoint times.
        clawdata.checkpt_times = [0.1, 0.15]

    elif clawdata.checkpt_style == 3:
        # Checkpoint every checkpt_interval timesteps (on Level 1)
        # and at the final time.
        clawdata.checkpt_interval = 5

    # ---------------
    # AMR parameters:
    # ---------------
    amrdata = rundata.amrdata

    # max number of refinement levels:
    amrdata.amr_levels_max = 5

    # List of refinement ratios at each level (length at least mxnest-1)
    # Run 2 2 4 8 16 to see approximate resolutions
    amrdata.refinement_ratios_x = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
    amrdata.refinement_ratios_y = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
    amrdata.refinement_ratios_t = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2]

    # Specify type of each aux variable in amrdata.auxtype.
    # This must be a list of length maux, each element of which is one of:
    #   'center',  'capacity', 'xleft', or 'yleft'  (see documentation).

    amrdata.aux_type = [
        'center', 'capacity', 'center', 'center', 'center', 'center', 'center',
        'center', 'center'

    # Flag using refinement routine flag2refine rather than richardson error
    amrdata.flag_richardson = False  # use Richardson?
    amrdata.flag2refine = True

    # steps to take on each level L between regriddings of level L+1:
    amrdata.regrid_interval = 3

    # width of buffer zone around flagged points:
    # (typically the same as regrid_interval so waves don't escape):
    amrdata.regrid_buffer_width = 2

    # clustering alg. cutoff for (# flagged pts) / (total # of cells refined)
    # (closer to 1.0 => more small grids may be needed to cover flagged cells)
    amrdata.clustering_cutoff = 0.700000

    # print info about each regridding up to this level:
    amrdata.verbosity_regrid = 0

    #  ----- For developers -----
    # Toggle debugging print statements:
    amrdata.dprint = False  # print domain flags
    amrdata.eprint = False  # print err est flags
    amrdata.edebug = False  # even more err est flags
    amrdata.gprint = False  # grid bisection/clustering
    amrdata.nprint = False  # proper nesting output
    amrdata.pprint = False  # proj. of tagged points
    amrdata.rprint = False  # print regridding summary
    amrdata.sprint = False  # space/memory output
    amrdata.tprint = False  # time step reporting each level
    amrdata.uprint = False  # update/upbnd reporting

    # More AMR parameters can be set -- see the defaults in pyclaw/

    # == values ==
    gauges = rundata.gaugedata.gauges
    # for gauges append lines of the form  [gaugeno, x, y, t1, t2]
    N_gauges = 21
    for i in xrange(0, N_gauges):
        x = clawdata.lower[
            0] + 4.55  # This is right where the shelf turns into beach, 100 meter of water
        y = clawdata.lower[1] + 5.0 / (N_gauges + 1) * (
            i + 1)  # Start 25 km inside domain
        gauges.append([i, x, y, 0.0, 1e10])
        print "Gauge %s: (%s,%s)" % (i, x, y)

    # GeoClaw specific parameters:

    rundata = setgeo(rundata)  # Defined below

    return rundata
Beispiel #4
def setrun(claw_pkg='geoclaw'):
    Define the parameters used for running Clawpack.

        claw_pkg expected to be "geoclaw" for this setrun.

        rundata - object of class ClawRunData


    from clawpack.clawutil import clawdata

    assert claw_pkg.lower() == 'geoclaw', "Expected claw_pkg = 'geoclaw'"

    num_dim = 2
    rundata = clawdata.ClawRunData(claw_pkg, num_dim)

    # Problem-specific parameters to be written to

    #probdata = rundata.new_UserData(name='probdata',fname='')

    # Standard Clawpack parameters to be written to
    #   (or to for AMR)
    clawdata = rundata.clawdata  # initialized when rundata instantiated

    # Set single grid parameters first.
    # See below for AMR parameters.

    # ---------------
    # Spatial domain:
    # ---------------

    # Number of space dimensions:
    clawdata.num_dim = num_dim

    # Lower and upper edge of computational domain:
    clawdata.lower[0] = -99.0  # west longitude
    clawdata.upper[0] = -70.0  # east longitude

    clawdata.lower[1] = 8.0  # south latitude
    clawdata.upper[1] = 32.0  # north latitude

    # Number of grid cells:
    degree_factor = 4  # (0.25º,0.25º) ~ (25237.5 m, 27693.2 m) resolution
    clawdata.num_cells[0] = int(clawdata.upper[0] -
                                clawdata.lower[0]) * degree_factor
    clawdata.num_cells[1] = int(clawdata.upper[1] -
                                clawdata.lower[1]) * degree_factor

    # ---------------
    # Size of system:
    # ---------------

    # Number of equations in the system:
    clawdata.num_eqn = 3

    # Number of auxiliary variables in the aux array (initialized in setaux)
    clawdata.num_aux = 4 + 3 + 2

    # Index of aux array corresponding to capacity function, if there is one:
    clawdata.capa_index = 2

    # -------------
    # Initial time:
    # -------------
    clawdata.t0 = days2seconds(ike_landfall.days - 3) + ike_landfall.seconds
    # clawdata.t0 = days2seconds(ike_landfall.days - 1) + ike_landfall.seconds

    # Restart from checkpoint file of a previous run?
    # Note: If restarting, you must also change the Makefile to set:
    #    RESTART = True
    # If restarting, t0 above should be from original run, and the
    # restart_file 'fort.chkNNNNN' specified below should be in
    # the OUTDIR indicated in Makefile.

    clawdata.restart = False  # True to restart from prior results
    clawdata.restart_file = 'fort.chk00006'  # File to use for restart data

    # -------------
    # Output times:

    # Specify at what times the results should be written to fort.q files.
    # Note that the time integration stops after the final output time.
    # The solution at initial time t0 is always written in addition.

    clawdata.output_style = 1

    if clawdata.output_style == 1:
        # Output nout frames at equally spaced times up to tfinal:
        # clawdata.tfinal = days2seconds(date2days('2008091400'))
        clawdata.tfinal = days2seconds(ike_landfall.days +
                                       1) + ike_landfall.seconds
        recurrence = 24
        clawdata.num_output_times = int(
            (clawdata.tfinal - clawdata.t0) * recurrence / (60**2 * 24))

        clawdata.output_t0 = True  # output at initial (or restart) time?

    elif clawdata.output_style == 2:
        # Specify a list of output times.
        clawdata.output_times = [0.5, 1.0]

    elif clawdata.output_style == 3:
        # Output every iout timesteps with a total of ntot time steps:
        clawdata.output_step_interval = 1
        clawdata.total_steps = 1
        clawdata.output_t0 = True

    clawdata.output_format == 'ascii'  # 'ascii' or 'netcdf'

    clawdata.output_q_components = 'all'  # could be list such as [True,True]
    clawdata.output_aux_components = 'None'  # could be list
    clawdata.output_aux_onlyonce = True  # output aux arrays only at t0

    # ---------------------------------------------------
    # Verbosity of messages to screen during integration:
    # ---------------------------------------------------

    # The current t, dt, and cfl will be printed every time step
    # at AMR levels <= verbosity.  Set verbosity = 0 for no printing.
    #   (E.g. verbosity == 2 means print only on levels 1 and 2.)
    clawdata.verbosity = 1

    # --------------
    # Time stepping:
    # --------------

    # if dt_variable==1: variable time steps used based on cfl_desired,
    # if dt_variable==0: fixed time steps dt = dt_initial will always be used.
    clawdata.dt_variable = True

    # Initial time step for variable dt.
    # If dt_variable==0 then dt=dt_initial for all steps:
    clawdata.dt_initial = 0.016

    # Max time step to be allowed if variable dt used:
    clawdata.dt_max = 1e+99

    # Desired Courant number if variable dt used, and max to allow without
    # retaking step with a smaller dt:
    clawdata.cfl_desired = 0.75
    clawdata.cfl_max = 1.0
    # clawdata.cfl_desired = 0.25
    # clawdata.cfl_max = 0.5

    # Maximum number of time steps to allow between output times:
    clawdata.steps_max = 5000

    # ------------------
    # Method to be used:
    # ------------------

    # Order of accuracy:  1 => Godunov,  2 => Lax-Wendroff plus limiters
    clawdata.order = 1

    # Use dimensional splitting? (not yet available for AMR)
    clawdata.dimensional_split = 'unsplit'

    # For unsplit method, transverse_waves can be
    #  0 or 'none'      ==> donor cell (only normal solver used)
    #  1 or 'increment' ==> corner transport of waves
    #  2 or 'all'       ==> corner transport of 2nd order corrections too
    clawdata.transverse_waves = 1

    # Number of waves in the Riemann solution:
    clawdata.num_waves = 3

    # List of limiters to use for each wave family:
    # Required:  len(limiter) == num_waves
    # Some options:
    #   0 or 'none'     ==> no limiter (Lax-Wendroff)
    #   1 or 'minmod'   ==> minmod
    #   2 or 'superbee' ==> superbee
    #   3 or 'mc'       ==> MC limiter
    #   4 or 'vanleer'  ==> van Leer
    clawdata.limiter = ['mc', 'mc', 'mc']

    clawdata.use_fwaves = True  # True ==> use f-wave version of algorithms

    # Source terms splitting:
    #   src_split == 0 or 'none'    ==> no source term (src routine never called)
    #   src_split == 1 or 'godunov' ==> Godunov (1st order) splitting used,
    #   src_split == 2 or 'strang'  ==> Strang (2nd order) splitting used,  not recommended.
    clawdata.source_split = 'godunov'
    # clawdata.source_split = 'strang'

    # --------------------
    # Boundary conditions:
    # --------------------

    # Number of ghost cells (usually 2)
    clawdata.num_ghost = 2

    # Choice of BCs at xlower and xupper:
    #   0 => user specified (must modify bcN.f to use this option)
    #   1 => extrapolation (non-reflecting outflow)
    #   2 => periodic (must specify this at both boundaries)
    #   3 => solid wall for systems where q(2) is normal velocity

    clawdata.bc_lower[0] = 'extrap'
    clawdata.bc_upper[0] = 'extrap'

    clawdata.bc_lower[1] = 'extrap'
    clawdata.bc_upper[1] = 'extrap'

    # Specify when checkpoint files should be created that can be
    # used to restart a computation.

    clawdata.checkpt_style = 0

    if clawdata.checkpt_style == 0:
        # Do not checkpoint at all

    elif clawdata.checkpt_style == 1:
        # Checkpoint only at tfinal.

    elif clawdata.checkpt_style == 2:
        # Specify a list of checkpoint times.
        clawdata.checkpt_times = [0.1, 0.15]

    elif clawdata.checkpt_style == 3:
        # Checkpoint every checkpt_interval timesteps (on Level 1)
        # and at the final time.
        clawdata.checkpt_interval = 5

    # ---------------
    # AMR parameters:
    # ---------------
    amrdata = rundata.amrdata

    # max number of refinement levels:
    amrdata.amr_levels_max = 7

    # List of refinement ratios at each level (length at least mxnest-1)
    amrdata.refinement_ratios_x = [2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4]
    amrdata.refinement_ratios_y = [2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4]
    amrdata.refinement_ratios_t = [2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4]

    # Specify type of each aux variable in amrdata.auxtype.
    # This must be a list of length maux, each element of which is one of:
    #   'center',  'capacity', 'xleft', or 'yleft'  (see documentation).

    amrdata.aux_type = [
        'center', 'capacity', 'yleft', 'center', 'center', 'center', 'center',
        'center', 'center'

    # Flag using refinement routine flag2refine rather than richardson error
    amrdata.flag_richardson = False  # use Richardson?
    amrdata.flag2refine = True

    # steps to take on each level L between regriddings of level L+1:
    amrdata.regrid_interval = 3

    # width of buffer zone around flagged points:
    # (typically the same as regrid_interval so waves don't escape):
    amrdata.regrid_buffer_width = 2

    # clustering alg. cutoff for (# flagged pts) / (total # of cells refined)
    # (closer to 1.0 => more small grids may be needed to cover flagged cells)
    amrdata.clustering_cutoff = 0.700000

    # print info about each regridding up to this level:
    amrdata.verbosity_regrid = 0

    #  ----- For developers -----
    # Toggle debugging print statements:
    amrdata.dprint = False  # print domain flags
    amrdata.eprint = False  # print err est flags
    amrdata.edebug = False  # even more err est flags
    amrdata.gprint = False  # grid bisection/clustering
    amrdata.nprint = False  # proper nesting output
    amrdata.pprint = False  # proj. of tagged points
    amrdata.rprint = False  # print regridding summary
    amrdata.sprint = False  # space/memory output
    amrdata.tprint = False  # time step reporting each level
    amrdata.uprint = False  # update/upbnd reporting

    # More AMR parameters can be set -- see the defaults in pyclaw/

    # == values ==
    regions = rundata.regiondata.regions
    # to specify regions of refinement append lines of the form
    #  [minlevel,maxlevel,t1,t2,x1,x2,y1,y2]
    # Galveston Sub-Domains
        1, 5, rundata.clawdata.t0, rundata.clawdata.tfinal, -95.8666, -93.4,
        28.63333, 30.2
        1, 6, rundata.clawdata.t0, rundata.clawdata.tfinal, -95.3723, -94.5939,
        29.2467, 29.9837

    # Galveston Channel Entrance (galveston_channel)
        1, 7, rundata.clawdata.t0, rundata.clawdata.tfinal, -94.84, -94.70,
        29.30, 29.40
    # Galveston area (galveston)
        1, 7, rundata.clawdata.t0, rundata.clawdata.tfinal,
        -94.922600000000003, -94.825786176806162, 29.352, 29.394523768822882
    # Lower Galveston Bay channel (lower_galveston_bay)
        1, 7, rundata.clawdata.t0, rundata.clawdata.tfinal,
        -94.903199999999998, -94.775835119593594, 29.383199999999999,
    # Middle Galveston Bay Channel (upper_galveston_bay)
        1, 7, rundata.clawdata.t0, rundata.clawdata.tfinal,
        -94.959199999999996, -94.859496211934697, 29.517700000000001,
    # Upper Galveston bay channel (houston_channel_2)
        1, 7, rundata.clawdata.t0, rundata.clawdata.tfinal,
        -95.048400000000001, -94.903076052178108, 29.602699999999999,
    # Lower Houston channel (houston_channel_3)
        1, 7, rundata.clawdata.t0, rundata.clawdata.tfinal,
        -95.094899999999996, -94.892808885060177, 29.6769, 29.832958103058733

    # Upper Houston channel (houston_harbor)
        1, 7, rundata.clawdata.t0, rundata.clawdata.tfinal,
        -95.320999999999998, -95.074527281677078, 29.699999999999999,

    # == values ==
    # for gauges append lines of the form  [gaugeno, x, y, t1, t2]
    # rundata.gaugedata.gauges.append([121, -94.70895, 29.2812, rundata.clawdata.t0, rundata.clawdata.tfinal])
    # rundata.gaugedata.gauges.append([122, -94.38840, 29.4964, rundata.clawdata.t0, rundata.clawdata.tfinal])
    # rundata.gaugedata.gauges.append([123, -94.12530, 29.5846, rundata.clawdata.t0, rundata.clawdata.tfinal])

    # Gauges from Ike AWR paper (2011 Dawson et al)
        [1, -95.04, 29.07, rundata.clawdata.t0, rundata.clawdata.tfinal])
        [2, -94.71, 29.28, rundata.clawdata.t0, rundata.clawdata.tfinal])
        [3, -94.39, 29.49, rundata.clawdata.t0, rundata.clawdata.tfinal])
        [4, -94.13, 29.58, rundata.clawdata.t0, rundata.clawdata.tfinal])
    # rundata.gaugedata.gauges.append([5, -95.00, 29.70, rundata.clawdata.t0, rundata.clawdata.tfinal])
    # rundata.gaugedata.gauges.append([6, -95.14, 29.74, rundata.clawdata.t0, rundata.clawdata.tfinal])
    # rundata.gaugedata.gauges.append([7, -95.08, 29.55, rundata.clawdata.t0, rundata.clawdata.tfinal])
    # rundata.gaugedata.gauges.append([8, -94.75, 29.76, rundata.clawdata.t0, rundata.clawdata.tfinal])
    # rundata.gaugedata.gauges.append([9, -95.27, 29.72, rundata.clawdata.t0, rundata.clawdata.tfinal])
    # rundata.gaugedata.gauges.append([10, -94.51, 29.52, rundata.clawdata.t0, rundata.clawdata.tfinal])

    # Stations from Andrew Kennedy
    # Station R - 82
        ord('R'), -97.1176, 27.6289, rundata.clawdata.t0,
    # Station S - 83
        ord('S'), -96.55036666666666, 28.207733333333334, rundata.clawdata.t0,
    # Station U - 85
        ord('U'), -95.75235, 28.62505, rundata.clawdata.t0,
    # Station V - 86
        ord('V'), -95.31511666666667, 28.8704, rundata.clawdata.t0,
    # Station W: Same as gauge 1
    # rundata.gaugedata.gauges.append([ord('W'),-95.03958333333334, 29.0714, rundata.clawdata.t0, rundata.clawdata.tfinal])
    # Station X: Same as gauge 2 above
    # rundata.gaugedata.gauges.append([ord('X'),-94.70895, 29.281266666666667, rundata.clawdata.t0, rundata.clawdata.tfinal])
    # Station Y: Same as gauge 3 above
    # rundata.gaugedata.gauges.append([ord('Y'),-94.3884, 29.496433333333332, rundata.clawdata.t0, rundata.clawdata.tfinal])
    # Station Z: Same as gauge 4 above
    # rundata.gaugedata.gauges.append([ord('Z'),-94.12533333333333, 29.584683333333334, rundata.clawdata.t0, rundata.clawdata.tfinal])

    # GeoClaw specific parameters:
    rundata = setgeo(rundata)

    return rundata