Beispiel #1
def main(args):
    if len(args) < 1:
        sys.stderr.write("Error - one required argument: <data directory>\n")

    working_dir = args[0]

    #    print("Reading data...")
    Y, X = ctk_io.read_multitask_liblinear(
        working_dir)  # ('data_testing/multitask_assertion/train_and_test')
    stopper = nn_models.get_early_stopper()

    num_examples, dimension = X.shape
    num_y_examples, num_labels = Y.shape
    assert num_examples == num_y_examples

    #print("Data has %d examples and dimension %d" % (num_examples, dimension) )
    #print("Output has %d dimensions" % (num_labels) )

    X = np.reshape(X, (num_examples, 11, dimension / 11))

    Y_adj, indices = ctk_io.flatten_outputs(Y)

    #print("After reshaping the data has shape %s" % (str(X.shape)))

    for label_ind in range(0, Y.shape[1]):

        num_outputs = indices[label_ind + 1] - indices[label_ind]
        model = nn_models.get_cnn_model(X.shape, num_outputs)

        #print("For label ind %d, grabbing indices from %d to %d" % (label_ind, int(indices[label_ind]), int(indices[label_ind+1])))

        train_y = Y_adj[:, int(indices[label_ind]):int(indices[label_ind + 1])]

        #if(train_y.shape[-1] == 1):
        #    print("Number of values=1 is %d" % (train_y.sum()))

        #print("Shape of y is %s, shape of X is %s, max value in y is %f and min is %f" % (str(train_y.shape), str(X.shape), train_y.max(), train_y.min()) ),


        json_string = model.to_json()
        open(os.path.join(working_dir, 'model_%d.json' % label_ind),
                                        'model_%d.h5' % label_ind),

        #print("This model has %d layers and layer 3 has %d weights" % (len(model.layers), len(model.layers[3].get_weights()) ) )
        #print("The weight of the first layer at index 50 is %f" % model.layers[3].get_weights()[50])

def main(args):
    if len(args) < 1:
        sys.stderr.write("Error - one required argument: <data directory>\n")

    working_dir = args[0]
#    print("Reading data...")
    Y, X = ctk_io.read_multitask_liblinear(working_dir) # ('data_testing/multitask_assertion/train_and_test') 
    stopper = nn_models.get_early_stopper()
    num_examples, dimension = X.shape
    num_y_examples, num_labels = Y.shape
    assert num_examples == num_y_examples
    #print("Data has %d examples and dimension %d" % (num_examples, dimension) )
    #print("Output has %d dimensions" % (num_labels) )

    X = np.reshape(X, (num_examples, 11, dimension / 11))
    Y_adj, indices = ctk_io.flatten_outputs(Y)

    #print("After reshaping the data has shape %s" % (str(X.shape)))
    for label_ind in range(0, Y.shape[1]):
        num_outputs = indices[label_ind+1] - indices[label_ind]
        model = nn_models.get_cnn_model(X.shape, num_outputs)

        #print("For label ind %d, grabbing indices from %d to %d" % (label_ind, int(indices[label_ind]), int(indices[label_ind+1])))
        train_y = Y_adj[:, int(indices[label_ind]):int(indices[label_ind+1])]

        #if(train_y.shape[-1] == 1):
        #    print("Number of values=1 is %d" % (train_y.sum()))

        #print("Shape of y is %s, shape of X is %s, max value in y is %f and min is %f" % (str(train_y.shape), str(X.shape), train_y.max(), train_y.min()) )
       , train_y,
        json_string = model.to_json()
        open(os.path.join(working_dir, 'model_%d.json' % label_ind), 'w').write(json_string)
        model.save_weights(os.path.join(working_dir, 'model_%d.h5' % label_ind), overwrite=True)
        #print("This model has %d layers and layer 3 has %d weights" % (len(model.layers), len(model.layers[3].get_weights()) ) )
        #print("The weight of the first layer at index 50 is %f" % model.layers[3].get_weights()[50])
def main(args):
    working_dir = args[0]
    print("Reading data...")
    Y, X = ctk_io.read_multitask_liblinear(working_dir)  # get_data()

    num_examples, dimension = X.shape
    num_y_examples, num_labels = Y.shape
    assert num_examples == num_y_examples

    print("Data has %d examples and dimension %d" % (num_examples, dimension))
    print("Output has %d dimensions" % (num_labels))

    Y_adj, indices = ctk_io.flatten_outputs(Y)

    print("%d labels mapped to %d outputs based on category numbers" % (Y.shape[1], Y_adj.shape[1]))

    label_scores = []

    for label_ind in range(0, Y.shape[1]):

        num_outputs = indices[label_ind + 1] - indices[label_ind]
        #        model = models.get_mlp_model(dimension, num_outputs)

        print("Starting to train for label %d with %d outputs" % (label_ind, num_outputs))

        folds = sk.cross_validation.KFold(num_examples, n_folds=num_folds)

        scores = []
        total_tp = 0
        total_fp = 0
        total_fn = 0
        fold_ind = 0
        total_score = 0

        for train_indices, test_indices in folds:
            print("Starting fold %d" % fold_ind)

            train_x = X[train_indices]
            train_y = Y_adj[train_indices, int(indices[label_ind]) : int(indices[label_ind + 1])]
            test_x = X[test_indices]
            test_y = Y_adj[test_indices, int(indices[label_ind]) : int(indices[label_ind + 1])]

            model = nn_models.get_mlp_model(dimension, num_outputs)

  , train_y, nb_epoch=nb_epoch, batch_size=batch_size)

            ### This was to test model reading/writing and it works fine.
            #             temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            #             json_string = model.to_json()
            #             open(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'model_%d.json' % label_ind), 'w').write(json_string)
            #             model.save_weights(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'model_%d.h5' % label_ind), overwrite=True)
            #             model = None
            #             model = model_from_json(open(os.path.join(temp_dir, "model_%d.json" % label_ind)).read())
            #             model.load_weights(os.path.join(temp_dir, "model_%d.h5" % label_ind))

            if num_outputs == 1:
                labels = test_y
                predictions = model.predict_classes(test_x, batch_size=batch_size)
                #                labels = np.reshape(test_y, (len(test_y),1))
                ## count up true positive occurrences where prediction = label = 1 aka prediction + label == 2
                tp = len(np.where((predictions + labels) == 2)[0])
                total_tp += tp

                ## false positives: prediction - label = 1
                fp = len(np.where((predictions - labels) == 1)[0])
                total_fp += fp

                ## false negatives: label - prediction = 1
                fn = len(np.where((labels - predictions) == 1)[0])
                total_fn += fn

                print("tp=%d, fp=%d, fn=%d" % (tp, fp, fn))
                recall = tp / float(tp + fn) if tp > 0 else 0
                precision = tp / float(tp + fp) if tp > 0 else 1
                f1 = get_f(recall, precision)
                print("P=%f, R=%f, F1=%f" % (precision, recall, f1))
                score = model.evaluate(test_x, test_y, batch_size=batch_size)
                print("score=%s" % (score))
                total_score += score[1]

            #        score = model.evaluate(test_x, test_y, show_accuracy=True, batch_size=batch_size)
            #        print("Scores for fold %d:" % fold_ind)
            #        print("test score: ", score[0])
            #        print("test accuracy: " , score[1])
            fold_ind += 1

        if num_outputs == 1:
            recall = total_tp / float(total_tp + total_fn)
            precision = total_tp / float(total_tp + total_fp)
            f1 = get_f(recall, precision)
            print("Overall total: P=%f, R=%f, F=%f" % (recall, precision, f1))
            total_score /= num_folds
            print("Overall accuracy = %f" % (total_score))

    for ind, val in enumerate(label_scores):
        print("%s of label %d is %f" % ("Fscore" if num_outputs == 2 else "Accuracy", ind, val))
def get_data():
    # data = load_svmlight_file("polarity.liblinear")
    # return data[0][:, 1:].toarray(), data[1]-1
    return ctk_io.read_multitask_liblinear("data_testing/multitask_assertion/train_and_test")
Beispiel #5
def main(args):
    working_dir = args[0]
    print("Reading data...")
    Y, X = ctk_io.read_multitask_liblinear(working_dir)  # get_data()

    num_examples, dimension = X.shape
    num_y_examples, num_labels = Y.shape
    assert num_examples == num_y_examples

    print("Data has %d examples and dimension %d" % (num_examples, dimension))
    print("Output has %d dimensions" % (num_labels))

    Y_adj, indices = ctk_io.flatten_outputs(Y)

    print("%d labels mapped to %d outputs based on category numbers" %
          (Y.shape[1], Y_adj.shape[1]))

    label_scores = []

    for label_ind in range(0, Y.shape[1]):

        num_outputs = indices[label_ind + 1] - indices[label_ind]
        #        model = models.get_mlp_model(dimension, num_outputs)

        print("Starting to train for label %d with %d outputs" %
              (label_ind, num_outputs))

        folds = sk.cross_validation.KFold(num_examples, n_folds=num_folds)

        scores = []
        total_tp = 0
        total_fp = 0
        total_fn = 0
        fold_ind = 0
        total_score = 0

        for train_indices, test_indices in folds:
            print("Starting fold %d" % fold_ind)

            train_x = X[train_indices]
            train_y = Y_adj[train_indices,
                            int(indices[label_ind]):int(indices[label_ind +
            test_x = X[test_indices]
            test_y = Y_adj[test_indices,
                           int(indices[label_ind]):int(indices[label_ind + 1])]

            model = nn_models.get_mlp_model(dimension, num_outputs)


            ### This was to test model reading/writing and it works fine.
            #             temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            #             json_string = model.to_json()
            #             open(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'model_%d.json' % label_ind), 'w').write(json_string)
            #             model.save_weights(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'model_%d.h5' % label_ind), overwrite=True)
            #             model = None
            #             model = model_from_json(open(os.path.join(temp_dir, "model_%d.json" % label_ind)).read())
            #             model.load_weights(os.path.join(temp_dir, "model_%d.h5" % label_ind))

            if num_outputs == 1:
                labels = test_y
                predictions = model.predict_classes(test_x,
                #                labels = np.reshape(test_y, (len(test_y),1))
                ## count up true positive occurrences where prediction = label = 1 aka prediction + label == 2
                tp = len(np.where((predictions + labels) == 2)[0])
                total_tp += tp

                ## false positives: prediction - label = 1
                fp = len(np.where((predictions - labels) == 1)[0])
                total_fp += fp

                ## false negatives: label - prediction = 1
                fn = len(np.where((labels - predictions) == 1)[0])
                total_fn += fn

                print("tp=%d, fp=%d, fn=%d" % (tp, fp, fn))
                recall = tp / float(tp + fn) if tp > 0 else 0
                precision = tp / float(tp + fp) if tp > 0 else 1
                f1 = get_f(recall, precision)
                print("P=%f, R=%f, F1=%f" % (precision, recall, f1))
                score = model.evaluate(test_x, test_y, batch_size=batch_size)
                print("score=%s" % (score))
                total_score += score[1]

    #        score = model.evaluate(test_x, test_y, show_accuracy=True, batch_size=batch_size)
    #        print("Scores for fold %d:" % fold_ind)
    #        print("test score: ", score[0])
    #        print("test accuracy: " , score[1])
            fold_ind += 1

        if num_outputs == 1:
            recall = total_tp / float(total_tp + total_fn)
            precision = total_tp / float(total_tp + total_fp)
            f1 = get_f(recall, precision)
            print("Overall total: P=%f, R=%f, F=%f" % (recall, precision, f1))
            total_score /= num_folds
            print("Overall accuracy = %f" % (total_score))

    for ind, val in enumerate(label_scores):
        print("%s of label %d is %f" %
              ("Fscore" if num_outputs == 2 else "Accuracy", ind, val))
Beispiel #6
def get_data():
    #data = load_svmlight_file("polarity.liblinear")
    #return data[0][:, 1:].toarray(), data[1]-1
    return ctk_io.read_multitask_liblinear(