def _statuspage_send_email_on_error(subject, content, incident_id=None): page_id = flask.current_app.config.get('STATUSPAGE_PAGE_ID') address = flask.current_app.config.get('STATUSPAGE_NOTIFY_ON_ERROR') if not address or not page_id: log.error( 'STATUSPAGE_NOTIFY_ON_ERROR and/or STATUSPAGE_PAGE_ID not defined in app config.' ) return link = { 'href': f'{page_id}', 'text': 'Visit statuspage', } if incident_id: link = { 'href': f'{page_id}/incidents/{incident_id}', 'text': 'Visit statuspage incident', }{ 'address': address, 'subject': subject, 'content': content, 'link': link, })
def _notify_status_change(trees_changes, tags=[]): if current_app.config.get('PULSE_TREESTATUS_ENABLE'): routing_key_pattern = 'tree/{0}/status_change' exchange = current_app.config.get('PULSE_TREESTATUS_EXCHANGE') for tree_change in trees_changes: tree, status_from, status_to = tree_change payload = {'status_from': status_from, 'status_to': status_to, 'tree': tree.to_dict(), 'tags': tags} routing_key = routing_key_pattern.format(tree.tree) 'Sending pulse to {} for tree: {}'.format( exchange, tree.tree, )) try: current_app.pulse.publish(exchange, routing_key, payload) except Exception as e: import traceback msg = 'Can\'t send notification to pulse.' trace = traceback.format_exc() log.error('{0}\nException:{1}\nTraceback: {2}'.format(msg, e, trace)) # noqa
def _statuspage_create_incident( headers, component_id, tree, status_from, status_to, ): page_id = flask.current_app.config.get('STATUSPAGE_PAGE_ID') if not page_id: log.error('STATUSPAGE_PAGE_ID not defined in app config.') return data = _statuspage_data( False, component_id, tree, status_from, status_to, ) log.debug( f'Create statuspage incident for tree `{tree.tree}` under page `{page_id}`', data=data) response = f'{STATUSPAGE_URL}/pages/{page_id}/incidents', headers=headers, json=data, ) try: response.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: log.exception(e) _statuspage_send_email_on_error( subject=f'[treestatus] Error when creating statuspage incident', content=STATUSPAGE_ERROR_ON_CREATE.format(tree=tree.tree), )
def get_queue_group_state(task_group_id): # TODO # the python taskcluster package doesn't actually support the limit or # continuationToken query strings, so we can't get a subset or more than # 1000 tasks taskgroup = TC_QUEUE.listTaskGroup(task_group_id) try: states = Counter(task['status']['state'] for task in taskgroup['tasks']) except KeyError: log.error('Could not parse task states from task graph') return 'exception' # Example: # Counter({'completed': 689, 'unscheduled': 161, 'pending': 41, 'running': 19}) if states['exception'] > 0 or states['failed'] > 0: # failed, exception > 0 return 'failed' elif list(states.keys()) == ['completed']: # Only 'completed' states return 'completed' else: # unscheduled, running, pending > 0 return 'running'
def hg_run(cmd): """ Run a mercurial command without an hglib instance Useful for initial custom clones Redirects stdout & stderr to python's logger """ def _log_process(output, name): # Read and display every line out = if out is None: return text = filter(None, out.decode("utf-8").splitlines()) for line in text:"{}: {}".format(name, line)) # Start process main_cmd = cmd[0] proc = hglib.util.popen([hglib.HGPATH] + cmd) # Set process outputs as non blocking for output in (proc.stdout, proc.stderr): fcntl.fcntl(output.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFL, fcntl.fcntl(output, fcntl.F_GETFL) | os.O_NONBLOCK) while proc.poll() is None: _log_process(proc.stdout, main_cmd) _log_process(proc.stderr, "{} (err)".format(main_cmd)) time.sleep(2) out, err = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: log.error("Mercurial {} failure".format(main_cmd), out=out, err=err) raise hglib.error.CommandError(cmd, proc.returncode, out, err) return out
def _notify_status_change(trees_changes, tags=[]): if flask.current_app.config.get('PULSE_TREESTATUS_ENABLE'): routing_key_pattern = 'tree/{0}/status_change' exchange = flask.current_app.config.get('PULSE_TREESTATUS_EXCHANGE') for tree_change in trees_changes: tree, status_from, status_to = tree_change payload = {'status_from': status_from, 'status_to': status_to, 'tree': tree.to_dict(), 'tags': tags} routing_key = routing_key_pattern.format(tree.tree) 'Sending pulse to {} for tree: {}'.format( exchange, tree.tree, )) try: flask.current_app.pulse.publish(exchange, routing_key, payload) except Exception as e: import traceback msg = 'Can\'t send notification to pulse.' trace = traceback.format_exc() log.error('{0}\nException:{1}\nTraceback: {2}'.format(msg, e, trace)) # noqa
def hg_run(cmd): ''' Run a mercurial command without an hglib instance Useful for initial custom clones Redirects stdout & stderr to python's logger ''' def _log_process(output, name): # Read and display every line out = if out is None: return text = filter(None, out.decode('utf-8').splitlines()) for line in text:'{}: {}'.format(name, line)) # Start process main_cmd = cmd[0] proc = hglib.util.popen([hglib.HGPATH] + cmd) # Set process outputs as non blocking for output in (proc.stdout, proc.stderr): fcntl.fcntl( output.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFL, fcntl.fcntl(output, fcntl.F_GETFL) | os.O_NONBLOCK, ) while proc.poll() is None: _log_process(proc.stdout, main_cmd) _log_process(proc.stderr, '{} (err)'.format(main_cmd)) time.sleep(2) out, err = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: log.error('Mercurial {} failure'.format(main_cmd), out=out, err=err) raise hglib.error.CommandError(cmd, proc.returncode, out, err) return out
def _notify_status_change(trees_changes, tags=[]): if flask.current_app.config.get('STATUSPAGE_ENABLE'): log.debug('Notify statuspage about trees changes.') components = flask.current_app.config.get('STATUSPAGE_COMPONENTS', {}) token = flask.current_app.config.get('STATUSPAGE_TOKEN') if not token: log.error('STATUSPAGE_PAGE_ID not defined in app config.') else: headers = {'Authorization': f'OAuth {token}'} for tree_change in trees_changes: tree, status_from, status_to = tree_change if tree.tree not in components.keys(): continue log.debug(f'Notify statuspage about: {tree.tree}') component_id = components[tree.tree] # create an accident if status_from in ['open', 'approval required' ] and status_to == 'closed': _statuspage_create_incident( headers, component_id, tree, status_from, status_to, ) # close an accident elif status_from == 'closed' and status_to in [ 'open', 'approval required' ]: _statuspage_resolve_incident( headers, component_id, tree, status_from, status_to, ) if flask.current_app.config.get('PULSE_TREESTATUS_ENABLE'): routing_key_pattern = 'tree/{0}/status_change' exchange = flask.current_app.config.get('PULSE_TREESTATUS_EXCHANGE') for tree_change in trees_changes: tree, status_from, status_to = tree_change payload = { 'status_from': status_from, 'status_to': status_to, 'tree': tree.to_dict(), 'tags': tags } routing_key = routing_key_pattern.format(tree.tree)'Sending pulse to {} for tree: {}'.format( exchange, tree.tree, )) try: flask.current_app.pulse.publish(exchange, routing_key, payload) except Exception as e: import traceback msg = 'Can\'t send notification to pulse.' trace = traceback.format_exc() log.error('{0}\nException:{1}\nTraceback: {2}'.format( msg, e, trace)) # noqa
def _statuspage_resolve_incident( headers, component_id, tree, status_from, status_to, ): page_id = flask.current_app.config.get('STATUSPAGE_PAGE_ID') response = requests.get( f'{STATUSPAGE_URL}/pages/{page_id}/incidents/unresolved', headers=headers, ) try: response.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: log.exception(e) _statuspage_send_email_on_error( subject=f'[treestatus] Error when closing statuspage incident', content=STATUSPAGE_ERROR_ON_CLOSE.format(tree=tree.tree), ) return # last incident with meta.treestatus.tree == tree.tree incident_id = None incidents = sorted(response.json(), key=lambda x: x['created_at']) for incident in incidents: if 'id' in incident and \ 'metadata' in incident and \ 'treestatus' in incident['metadata'] and \ 'tree' in incident['metadata']['treestatus'] and \ incident['metadata']['treestatus']['tree'] == tree.tree: incident_id = incident['id'] break if incident_id is None: log.error(f'No incident found when closing tree `{tree.tree}`') _statuspage_send_email_on_error( subject=f'[treestatus] Error when closing statuspage incident', content=STATUSPAGE_ERROR_ON_CLOSE.format(tree=tree.tree), ) return response = requests.patch( f'{STATUSPAGE_URL}/pages/{page_id}/incidents/{incident_id}', headers=headers, json=_statuspage_data( True, component_id, tree, status_from, status_to, ), ) try: response.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: log.exception(e) _statuspage_send_email_on_error( subject=f'[treestatus] Error when closing statuspage incident', content=STATUSPAGE_ERROR_ON_CLOSE.format(tree=tree.tree), incident_id=incident_id, )